Simple, definite Healthmaxxing Guide (should serve as a detailed introduction)



May 20, 2024
Being very healthy is obviously the biggest softmaxx imaginable. Everyone in here should be healthmaxxing just due to the sheer proof behind how it makes you look substantially better. everyone here should know that being as lean as possible without starving (ideally 10%) is the biggest softmaxx you can do, as well as pubertymaxxing, having a good diet, sleeping well et cetera. This thread aims to cover as much as i can about being healthy and providing ways to optimise everything to do with your health in , why you should, and what it will do to make you look better + will add articles and studies with further evidence.
basic advices

What makes a healthy person?
Health is simply a measure of how optimal every process in your body is operating at. These are usually measured in category's, the main ones being:
1. Being as lean as possible without starving/killing hormones
2.Optimal hormonal balance
3.Optimal metabolism/digestion
4.High energy levels
5.Good cognitive function
7.Strength, ie having ideal mid tier lifts for your gender/height, gymcels go high tier prettyboymaxxers low tier lifts
8.Good gut health
9.Good oral health

Why should you maximize these? :
Because Lean is law dumbfuck
Good hormones pubertymax for optimal bone growth, as well as optimising weight loss, muscle growth, metabolism, blood sugar etc
Good energy to be able to exercise well
Good cognitive function to moneymaxx
Good gut health to minimize acne/improve everything else via digestion efficiency increasing
Good teeth are extremely attractive
Good flexibility encourages limb and spine growth in puberty
Be strong to mog, strength and being able to do shit foids cant is hot to them

This leaves the question of how to optimise each one, which in reality is quite simple:

80% of being healthy simply comes from your diet
The right diet (optimum daily intake of every nutrient/vitamin you need, as well as getting energy from the right macronutrients) will always result in more energy, better hormonal balance, better metabolism, increased cognitive function, and being able to get the maximum amount of benefits from exercising.
What you eat is simply the biggest factor in how well your body is optimised. Your metabolism is simply the sum of all chemical reactions in your body and is primarily influenced by diet.
Diet is also the biggest factor in quality of life, mental clarity, mood etc and should always be optimised.
Take every study you find about a certain diet with a grain of salt, you need to know your body first.
Its extremely difficult to give specific dieting advice as everyone is extremely different, which is why i wont go super heavy into ideal amounts, set ratios of nutrients etc.

There is no one diet that everyone should follow that will optimise everything or work for everyone. There are thousands of different foods with different properties and every persons body is very unique and responds to different things. This is mainly due to genetics/race, for example, nordics have more slow twitch muscle fibres, blacks have more fast twitch muscle fibres, white people can absorb vitamin D much easier, people from cold countries generally store more fat on their body etc etc.

Research into dieting is very limited and difficult to perform as it would require the test subjects to have the exact same body type, race, reaction to certain foods, hormones, BMR etc which is extremely difficult to believe.
This thread only aims to cover what you need to form your own diet. I will also link studies and articles for everything for IQcels.

This is where you will have to do some of your own research to be able to optimise your diet for what you want to do

: the basic 3 things that everyone needs:
basic info about these

Protein: 4 kcal per gram, however, the body finds digesting proteins more difficult so in reality 15-20% of the calories gained from protein are used for digestion, making it less than carbs. Should get around a gram of protein per lb of LEAN MASS, if your a fat fuck don't eat a g for every lb it wont be great for your kidneys and will be wasting a lot of protein. Used for cell reproduction, growth and repair, muscle growth etc, important for correct bodily function
study on optimal protein intake

Carbohydrates: 4kcal per gram, you should be swapping out simple carbohydrates(simple sugars like chocolate only contain one or two sugar molecules) for complex carbohydrates, for example whole grains and oats. Complex carbohydrates typically contain more vitamins and minerals and are slower to digest, leaving you satiated and keeping your blood sugar in check better.
carb info

Fats: 9kcal per gram. fats are very calorie dense and provide an important function in the body by aiding the absorption and digestion of fat soluble vitamins. Ideally, excess artificial fats such as seed oils, margarine etc should be avoided, fats should mainly be taken in through meat, dairy and nuts as you get protein alongside it and gain most minerals. don't be a lard ass
study on fats

My take on gut health:
I never get any gut problems and barely get ill. I never realised before but it is definitely due to the amount of yogurt i eat that promotes good bacteria growth and acts as a natural probiotic. I make my own homemade yogurt that's sugar free and make sure to eat some every day.
How to make Natural Yogurt:
choosing right bacteria
Use whole milk its the best for you
1.Heat milk. Your goal is to get the milk to reach 180 F so have a digital thermometer. Pour the milk into a pan, above medium heat. Remove from the heat when the milk reaches 180 F.
2.Cool milk. Pour the milk into glass jars, like a mason jar with a lid. Let the milk cool to 115 F. You can either let it sit at room temperature or you can speed up the cooling process with a water bath. Simply fill a large tub, or your sink, with cold water and stand the jars in it. If you’ve heated the milk in a dish that can withstand the switch from hot to cold without cracking, like a dutch oven, you can use ice water. Monitor the milk with the thermometer.
3.Add the bacteria when it cools to 115F. This introduces the initial batch of live cultures that actually make the yogurt.
4.Incubate the yogurt.
5.Cool yogurt. After eight to ten hours, remove the yogurt when it has reached the desired consistency: the longer it incubates the thicker the yogurt. Whey will accumulate on top. This is high in protein drink if you want or whisk the liquid back into the yogurt or gently strain the yogurt through a cheesecloth get rid
6.Refrigerate. Place the jars with the finished yogurt into the refrigerator. They will last for up to two weeks. Make sure to save some yogurt as a starter culture for your next batch.

Vitamins, how much you should be getting, what they do, and what to focus on.
To be honest this thread is already extremely good for explaining what most do.

What you have to keep in mind is that vitamins should be balanced, like everything. Certain vitamins require other ones to work properly and should be balanced such as calcium and vitamin d3. d3 allows calcium to be absorbed.

this study describes the science of each vitamin in detail
The easiest way to get as many recommended minerals/vitamins into your body at the start of the day is to eat a couple whole eggs and oranges. They both contain every vitamin you need per day, just not in enough quantity to cover your DRI
Learn what vitamins are made of, their names and as much information about quantity needed and what exactly it does within your body so that you can optimise what you want. For example, collagenmaxxing by eating foods richer in collagen/foods that encourage collagen production for better skin is ideal.

Research what Phyto vitamins and such do so that you can optimise intake for what you need. (ie currycels shouldn't load up on beta carotene, whites shouldn't be using skin whitening acids etc)

Ideally you should be getting all of your nutrients RDI from whole ingredients and meals that you make yourself, personally i think of this as common sense.
What's healthier : foods that humans evolved eating(meat, naturally occurring fruits), or manufactured and artificial food(seed oils, breads)?

You don't need to get RDI of every vitamin every day, your body will store them. Some days of not eating healthy is not going to be extremely damaging in the long run, however, personally i would avoid it, Why? because:
The more you eat shitty food, the more your brain strengthens the neurones associated with pleasure from the food

Simple sugars don't leave you satiated and make you addicted. "cheat days" only strengthen urges to veer off of eating healthy and eat like shit.
Most people in the population eat like shit. As soon as you begin being conscious of what goes into your body you will have a dramatic increase in energy levels, cognitive function and productivity, giving you an edge over about 75% of people as most have a terrible diet, whether they know it or not.
So obviously don't eat like a fat fuck. Ever. This goes without question.
Most naturally skinny/lean people simply have good eating habits and know when to put the fork down.

Having good skin is a huge softmaxx that should be prioritized ASAP

To do basic skincare the base 3 things you need are:
A simple, non-harsh cleanser
moisturizer for your skin type
Most people who have any skin type that is different from normal would definitely benefit from different and stronger approaches such as active ingredients which i will get to later

however, skincare is not all it seems. most popular products or otc treatments are ineffective or actually harm your skin due to the harsh chemicals you are putting on your face.

Personally, my philosophy is that if I don't know what a chemical does, how it will affect me or what it is made of, i wont put it on my face, i think this is just common sense.

I typically use products with as little chemical fuckery as possible, and incorporate natural things that are clinically proven to be good for your skin, such as honey, aloe Vera and jojoba oil.

Acne is incredibly severe and widespread today due to the sheer shittiness of diet and hygiene products, it was so rare hundreds of years ago(based whole ingredient potato consumers) that people who developed any sort of acne were labelled as evil witches and Satanists. This belief would not have been propagated if almost every adolescent developed acne, and they had 0 skincare whatsoever. Youthful skin was typically more common, however I don't have a source for this so believe if you want, i simply believe in a common sense/semi natural approach to softmaxxing.
Here is a study showing that using shitty products can be incredibly shitty for you skincels:
study showing shitty products kill ur hormones
What should you use if normal products are untrustworthy?
It is well known that derivatives of vitamins A B and C are very useful to the consistent maintenance of skin and skin cell turnover. Active ingredients such as Retinol, Tretinoin, Niacinamide etc. Many people with any somewhat different skin type to normal should definitely be using something that contains an active ingredient. If softer ones do not work, aim to get more harsh active ingredients.
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article about increasing skin cell turnover
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Collagen is the biggest contributor to clear, smooth skin
Collagen is a natural substance that is found in animals and skin, extremely high amounts of collagen will always result in extremely healthy skin. Collagen is naturally found in meats and animal products.

Personally, i would recommend collagen supplementation as i can see the difference in my face when i use it, however its not always necessary if you use tret or ret it should be fine to be honest. i dont use retinoids and have decent skin but in future i will begin using tret.

if you cant fix it and youve actually tried a decent amount of things properly, see a dermatologist
what i mean by doing it properly
don't rub plastic shit into your face and tea tree oil JFL
Oral health should be prioritized. Shitty teeth can ruin a GL face
One thing to remember is that dentists only fix your teeth, not your face.
Do not under any circumstance allow your dentist to push back your maxilla with braces JFL
If you have a bite problem, braces can be effective for bringing mandible back for underbite or forward for overbite, however make sure you know every detail and do not fall for a looksmin that dentists will sell you.
You can try to thumbpull/zygo pull to fix your fucked facial structure but there's no official scientific backing for this, if you don't see results best bet is to consult with an ortho.
Chew slowly. eat whole ingredient foods. drink coffee/tea/energy drinks with a straw as they are staining. some foods naturally clean your teeth like apples.
Add bicarbonate of soda to your toothpaste as it is much better at improving the outside colouring of your enamel.
Use this teeth whitening guide if your teeth are yellow, works good
pneumos teeth whitening guide

Good Sleep is an incredibly easy and decent looksmaxx
holy shit do i even need to explain why?
1 IG 4 1024x1024 2519710082

better development, growth, pubertymaxxing, hgh production, mental clarity, cognitive function

Sleep at the same time every night
Sleep on your back, without a pillow for posture(ancient people had far better skulls and didnt have soft comfy pillows)
Get an absolute minimum of 8 hours of sleep per night, studies show that a lack of sleep builds up and fucks up your mental, so why wouldn't it build up and fuck your development too?
Take melatonin for best sleep ever its great would recommend
Don't look at any blue light before sleeping, fucks hormone production
Look outside and get natural light when you wake up
Drink coffee/take stimulants at least an hour after you wake up
Somewhat cold shower after waking up allows your sleep routine to stabilize

Being strong and lean and flexible is incredibly easy to do with the right training regimen
Building a training regimen that suits you is quite simple, most will literally be completely content with a basic simple regimen as to be honest you'll put on a decent amount of mass as long as you just go hard in the gym, keep it consistent and train equally on both sides.
Great threads for training:
gymcel guide to go into
leanmaxxing guide
Jeff nippard is great if your actually interested in the science of gymcelling, personally i just train hard and gradually increase weight/volume when i notice it getting easier. fairly simple and I'm content with physique.

For your shitty posture:
To put it simply, just sleep correctly and wear a back brace every now and then and you will eventually grow accustomed to sitting upright. Worked for me, also helps grow taller.

Ive made this thread to compile Information so that i can access it again easily and because most people on this site seem to get too hyperfixated on retarded cope before actually being softmaxxed to a decent level, eyelid pulling may improve your eye area, but it really wont do shit if your a fatass with acne as no ones going to look at your eyes.
lmk if theres any specific info i should add that fits the thread
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80% of being healthy simply comes from your diet
if you have the perfect diet and do no exercise, you won't be healthy

food is 20% exercise is 80%

being healthy is more about not doing bad things rather than doing good things, e.g. not smoking, doing drugs, drinking alcohol, etc
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  • JFL
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Being very healthy is obviously the biggest softmaxx imaginable. Everyone in here should be healthmaxxing just due to the sheer proof behind how it makes you look substantially better. everyone here should know that being as lean as possible without starving (ideally 10%) is the biggest softmaxx you can do, as well as pubertymaxxing, having a good diet, sleeping well et cetera. This thread aims to cover as much as i can about being healthy and providing ways to optimise everything to do with your health in , why you should, and what it will do to make you look better + will add articles and studies with further evidence.
basic advices

What makes a healthy person?
Health is simply a measure of how optimal every process in your body is operating at. These are usually measured in category's, the main ones being:
1. Being as lean as possible without starving/killing hormones
2.Optimal hormonal balance
3.Optimal metabolism/digestion
4.High energy levels
5.Good cognitive function
7.Strength, ie having ideal mid tier lifts for your gender/height, gymcels go high tier prettyboymaxxers low tier lifts
8.Good gut health
9.Good oral health

Why should you maximize these? :
Because Lean is law dumbfuck
Good hormones pubertymax for optimal bone growth, as well as optimising weight loss, muscle growth, metabolism, blood sugar etc
Good energy to be able to exercise well
Good cognitive function to moneymaxx
Good gut health to minimize acne/improve everything else via digestion efficiency increasing
Good teeth are extremely attractive
Good flexibility encourages limb and spine growth in puberty
Be strong to mog, strength and being able to do shit foids cant is hot to them

This leaves the question of how to optimise each one, which in reality is quite simple:

80% of being healthy simply comes from your diet
The right diet (optimum daily intake of every nutrient/vitamin you need, as well as getting energy from the right macronutrients) will always result in more energy, better hormonal balance, better metabolism, increased cognitive function, and being able to get the maximum amount of benefits from exercising.
What you eat is simply the biggest factor in how well your body is optimised. Your metabolism is simply the sum of all chemical reactions in your body and is primarily influenced by diet.
Diet is also the biggest factor in quality of life, mental clarity, mood etc and should always be optimised.
Take every study you find about a certain diet with a grain of salt, you need to know your body first.
Its extremely difficult to give specific dieting advice as everyone is extremely different, which is why i wont go super heavy into ideal amounts, set ratios of nutrients etc.

There is no one diet that everyone should follow that will optimise everything or work for everyone. There are thousands of different foods with different properties and every persons body is very unique and responds to different things. This is mainly due to genetics/race, for example, nordics have more slow twitch muscle fibres, blacks have more fast twitch muscle fibres, white people can absorb vitamin D much easier, people from cold countries generally store more fat on their body etc etc.

Research into dieting is very limited and difficult to perform as it would require the test subjects to have the exact same body type, race, reaction to certain foods, hormones, BMR etc which is extremely difficult to believe.
This thread only aims to cover what you need to form your own diet. I will also link studies and articles for everything for IQcels.

This is where you will have to do some of your own research to be able to optimise your diet for what you want to do

: the basic 3 things that everyone needs:
basic info about these

Protein: 4 kcal per gram, however, the body finds digesting proteins more difficult so in reality 15-20% of the calories gained from protein are used for digestion, making it less than carbs. Should get around a gram of protein per lb of LEAN MASS, if your a fat fuck don't eat a g for every lb it wont be great for your kidneys and will be wasting a lot of protein. Used for cell reproduction, growth and repair, muscle growth etc, important for correct bodily function
study on optimal protein intake

Carbohydrates: 4kcal per gram, you should be swapping out simple carbohydrates(simple sugars like chocolate only contain one or two sugar molecules) for complex carbohydrates, for example whole grains and oats. Complex carbohydrates typically contain more vitamins and minerals and are slower to digest, leaving you satiated and keeping your blood sugar in check better.
carb info

Fats: 9kcal per gram. fats are very calorie dense and provide an important function in the body by aiding the absorption and digestion of fat soluble vitamins. Ideally, excess artificial fats such as seed oils, margarine etc should be avoided, fats should mainly be taken in through meat, dairy and nuts as you get protein alongside it and gain most minerals. don't be a lard ass
study on fats

My take on gut health:
I never get any gut problems and barely get ill. I never realised before but it is definitely due to the amount of yogurt i eat that promotes good bacteria growth and acts as a natural probiotic. I make my own homemade yogurt that's sugar free and make sure to eat some every day.
How to make Natural Yogurt:
choosing right bacteria
Use whole milk its the best for you
1.Heat milk. Your goal is to get the milk to reach 180 F so have a digital thermometer. Pour the milk into a pan, above medium heat. Remove from the heat when the milk reaches 180 F.
2.Cool milk. Pour the milk into glass jars, like a mason jar with a lid. Let the milk cool to 115 F. You can either let it sit at room temperature or you can speed up the cooling process with a water bath. Simply fill a large tub, or your sink, with cold water and stand the jars in it. If you’ve heated the milk in a dish that can withstand the switch from hot to cold without cracking, like a dutch oven, you can use ice water. Monitor the milk with the thermometer.
3.Add the bacteria when it cools to 115F. This introduces the initial batch of live cultures that actually make the yogurt.
4.Incubate the yogurt.
5.Cool yogurt. After eight to ten hours, remove the yogurt when it has reached the desired consistency: the longer it incubates the thicker the yogurt. Whey will accumulate on top. This is high in protein drink if you want or whisk the liquid back into the yogurt or gently strain the yogurt through a cheesecloth get rid
6.Refrigerate. Place the jars with the finished yogurt into the refrigerator. They will last for up to two weeks. Make sure to save some yogurt as a starter culture for your next batch.

Vitamins, how much you should be getting, what they do, and what to focus on.
To be honest this thread is already extremely good for explaining what most do.

What you have to keep in mind is that vitamins should be balanced, like everything. Certain vitamins require other ones to work properly and should be balanced such as calcium and vitamin d3. d3 allows calcium to be absorbed.

this study describes the science of each vitamin in detail
The easiest way to get as many recommended minerals/vitamins into your body at the start of the day is to eat a couple whole eggs and oranges. They both contain every vitamin you need per day, just not in enough quantity to cover your DRI
Learn what vitamins are made of, their names and as much information about quantity needed and what exactly it does within your body so that you can optimise what you want. For example, collagenmaxxing by eating foods richer in collagen/foods that encourage collagen production for better skin is ideal.

Research what Phyto vitamins and such do so that you can optimise intake for what you need. (ie currycels shouldn't load up on beta carotene, whites shouldn't be using skin whitening acids etc)

Ideally you should be getting all of your nutrients RDI from whole ingredients and meals that you make yourself, personally i think of this as common sense.
What's healthier : foods that humans evolved eating(meat, naturally occurring fruits), or manufactured and artificial food(seed oils, breads)?

You don't need to get RDI of every vitamin every day, your body will store them. Some days of not eating healthy is not going to be extremely damaging in the long run, however, personally i would avoid it, Why? because:
The more you eat shitty food, the more your brain strengthens the neurones associated with pleasure from the food

Simple sugars don't leave you satiated and make you addicted. "cheat days" only strengthen urges to veer off of eating healthy and eat like shit.
Most people in the population eat like shit. As soon as you begin being conscious of what goes into your body you will have a dramatic increase in energy levels, cognitive function and productivity, giving you an edge over about 75% of people as most have a terrible diet, whether they know it or not.
So obviously don't eat like a fat fuck. Ever. This goes without question.
Most naturally skinny/lean people simply have good eating habits and know when to put the fork down.

Having good skin is a huge softmaxx that should be prioritized ASAP

To do basic skincare the base 3 things you need are:
A simple, non-harsh cleanser
moisturizer for your skin type
Most people who have any skin type that is different from normal would definitely benefit from different and stronger approaches such as active ingredients which i will get to later

however, skincare is not all it seems. most popular products or otc treatments are ineffective or actually harm your skin due to the harsh chemicals you are putting on your face.

Personally, my philosophy is that if I don't know what a chemical does, how it will affect me or what it is made of, i wont put it on my face, i think this is just common sense.

I typically use products with as little chemical fuckery as possible, and incorporate natural things that are clinically proven to be good for your skin, such as honey, aloe Vera and jojoba oil.

Acne is incredibly severe and widespread today due to the sheer shittiness of diet and hygiene products, it was so rare hundreds of years ago(based whole ingredient potato consumers) that people who developed any sort of acne were labelled as evil witches and Satanists. This belief would not have been propagated if almost every adolescent developed acne, and they had 0 skincare whatsoever. Youthful skin was typically more common, however I don't have a source for this so believe if you want, i simply believe in a common sense/semi natural approach to softmaxxing.
Here is a study showing that using shitty products can be incredibly shitty for you skincels:
study showing shitty products kill ur hormones
What should you use if normal products are untrustworthy?
It is well known that derivatives of vitamins A B and C are very useful to the consistent maintenance of skin and skin cell turnover. Active ingredients such as Retinol, Tretinoin, Niacinamide etc. Many people with any somewhat different skin type to normal should definitely be using something that contains an active ingredient. If softer ones do not work, aim to get more harsh active ingredients.
View attachment 2963351article about increasing skin cell turnover
View attachment 2963360Collagen is the biggest contributor to clear, smooth skin
Collagen is a natural substance that is found in animals and skin, extremely high amounts of collagen will always result in extremely healthy skin. Collagen is naturally found in meats and animal products.

Personally, i would recommend collagen supplementation as i can see the difference in my face when i use it, however its not always necessary if you use tret or ret it should be fine to be honest. i dont use retinoids and have decent skin but in future i will begin using tret.

if you cant fix it and youve actually tried a decent amount of things properly, see a dermatologist
what i mean by doing it properly
don't rub plastic shit into your face and tea tree oil JFL
Oral health should be prioritized. Shitty teeth can ruin a GL face
One thing to remember is that dentists only fix your teeth, not your face.
Do not under any circumstance allow your dentist to push back your maxilla with braces JFL
If you have a bite problem, braces can be effective for bringing mandible back for underbite or forward for overbite, however make sure you know every detail and do not fall for a looksmin that dentists will sell you.
You can try to thumbpull/zygo pull to fix your fucked facial structure but there's no official scientific backing for this, if you don't see results best bet is to consult with an ortho.
Chew slowly. eat whole ingredient foods. drink coffee/tea/energy drinks with a straw as they are staining. some foods naturally clean your teeth like apples.
Add bicarbonate of soda to your toothpaste as it is much better at improving the outside colouring of your enamel.
Use this teeth whitening guide if your teeth are yellow, works good
pneumos teeth whitening guide

Good Sleep is an incredibly easy and decent looksmaxx
holy shit do i even need to explain why?View attachment 2963397
better development, growth, pubertymaxxing, hgh production, mental clarity, cognitive function

Sleep at the same time every night
Sleep on your back, without a pillow for posture(ancient people had far better skulls and didnt have soft comfy pillows)
Get an absolute minimum of 8 hours of sleep per night, studies show that a lack of sleep builds up and fucks up your mental, so why wouldn't it build up and fuck your development too?
Take melatonin for best sleep ever its great would recommend
Don't look at any blue light before sleeping, fucks hormone production
Look outside and get natural light when you wake up
Drink coffee/take stimulants at least an hour after you wake up
Somewhat cold shower after waking up allows your sleep routine to stabilize

Being strong and lean and flexible is incredibly easy to do with the right training regimen
Building a training regimen that suits you is quite simple, most will literally be completely content with a basic simple regimen as to be honest you'll put on a decent amount of mass as long as you just go hard in the gym, keep it consistent and train equally on both sides.
Great threads for training:
gymcel guide to go into
leanmaxxing guide
Jeff nippard is great if your actually interested in the science of gymcelling, personally i just train hard and gradually increase weight/volume when i notice it getting easier. fairly simple and I'm content with physique.

For your shitty posture:
To put it simply, just sleep correctly and wear a back brace every now and then and you will eventually grow accustomed to sitting upright. Worked for me, also helps grow taller.

Ive made this thread to compile Information so that i can access it again easily and because most people on this site seem to get too hyperfixated on retarded cope before actually being softmaxxed to a decent level, eyelid pulling may improve your eye area, but it really wont do shit if your a fatass with acne as no ones going to look at your eyes.
lmk if theres any specific info i should add that fits the thread
Mostly water but I find one or two original things in here. Also good formatting
wats tea tree oil r u saying its bad or what
Water thread shit recycled info jfl collagen wont give u clear skin so will skincare
Health is cope genetics is law
  • +1
  • JFL
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Water thread shit recycled info jfl collagen wont give u clear skin so will skincare
the whole point was to compile info into one thread jfl meant to be an introduction that has shit if u wanna learn more
wats tea tree oil r u saying its bad or what
yeah it gives u bitch tits
Mostly water but I find one or two original things in here. Also good formatting
i have other original things i do but this thread wasnt really about that its meant to serve as a semi detailed introduction
if you have the perfect diet and do no exercise, you won't be healthy

food is 20% exercise is 80%

being healthy is more about not doing bad things rather than doing good things, e.g. not smoking, doing drugs, drinking alcohol, etc
no shit if you do no exercise you wont be healthy. i told people to train in the thread. food is 80% as if you don't eat the right food(incredibly easy today) you wont gain any benefits from doing exercise. if you dont eat according to exercise fuck all will happen. being healthy is having an optimised body and if you just exercise alot yet eat terrible food you wont have good homeostasis, digestion, metabolism, little muscle growth etc.
actually a very good guide

Take melatonin for best sleep ever its great would recommend

don't take melatonin i heard its bad for your body + there are studies for it

magnesium glycinate is best i think for better sleep

it has "calming properties that will help you feel calm, fall asleep, and stay asleep for a good night's rest. New research suggests it has additional cognitive health benefits beyond relaxation."

idk where are you from i saw this one is good but if you cant get it just get some normal magnesium glycinate
no shit if you do no exercise you wont be healthy. i told people to train in the thread. food is 80% as if you don't eat the right food(incredibly easy today) you wont gain any benefits from doing exercise. if you dont eat according to exercise fuck all will happen. being healthy is having an optimised body and if you just exercise alot yet eat terrible food you wont have good homeostasis, digestion, metabolism, little muscle growth etc.
so it isnt 80% then
the whole point was to compile info into one thread jfl meant to be an introduction that has shit if u wanna learn more

yeah it gives u bitch tits

i have other original things i do but this thread wasnt really about that its meant to serve as a semi detailed introduction

no shit if you do no exercise you wont be healthy. i told people to train in the thread. food is 80% as if you don't eat the right food(incredibly easy today) you wont gain any benefits from doing exercise. if you dont eat according to exercise fuck all will happen. being healthy is having an optimised body and if you just exercise alot yet eat terrible food you wont have good homeostasis, digestion, metabolism, little muscle growth etc.
don't listen to the haters man, I really like ur thread
so it isnt 80% then
yeah it is. good diet is the basis for healthy homeostasis+endocrine system+metabolism ie all ur bodily processes jfl. you cant get benefits from exercise if you have a horrible diet
Mostly water but it is compiled into one place very helpful for new users

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dnr literally just eat raw meat, never exercise and sleep until you dont feel tired anymore
and get a gf for mental health but its easier said than done
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if you have the perfect diet and do no exercise, you won't be healthy

food is 20% exercise is 80%

being healthy is more about not doing bad things rather than doing good things, e.g. not smoking, doing drugs, drinking alcohol, etc
oh yeah exercise the thing that stresses out your body very bad. (I'm assuming you mean gym)
dnr literally just eat raw meat, never exercise and sleep until you dont feel tired anymore
and get a gf for mental health but its easier said than done
Yes. anyone reading this check out aajonus vonderplanitz, sv3rige/goatis (psycho but old shit will help you learn) and the natural human diet YouTube channel. it will change how you look at bacteria and health.
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Good advices.

He may covered these already but i would my 2 cents:

Make sure you get enough protein, something around 1.5 grams per kg bw (based on your lean bw).

Make sure you have regular bowel movements, your poop ideally should not be stinky. Dont overwhelm you digestive system. Otherwise it may mess your digestion and inflammation in your gut. You should always feel light in your gut area. Ideally one bowel movement between each meal. Only eat when you really need it.
Eat carbs only when your glycogen stores are empty or close to empty.

Bloated face comes from a bloated gut.
For your shitty posture:
To put it simply, just sleep correctly and wear a back brace every now and then and you will eventually grow accustomed to sitting upright. Worked for me, also helps grow taller.
Fr do this bhais, don’t end up like a Quasimodo cel
Oral health should be prioritized. Shitty teeth can ruin a GL face
One thing to remember is that dentists only fix your teeth, not your face.
Do not under any circumstance allow your dentist to push back your maxilla with braces JFL
If you have a bite problem, braces can be effective for bringing mandible back for underbite or forward for overbite, however make sure you know every detail and do not fall for a looksmin that dentists will sell you.
You can try to thumbpull/zygo pull to fix your fucked facial structure but there's no official scientific backing for this, if you don't see results best bet is to consult with an ortho.
Chew slowly. eat whole ingredient foods. drink coffee/tea/energy drinks with a straw as they are staining. some foods naturally clean your teeth like apples.
Add bicarbonate of soda to your toothpaste as it is much better at improving the outside colouring of your enamel.
Use this teeth whitening guide if your teeth are yellow, works good
pneumos teeth whitening guide
how can i fix my crossbite then? im scared of getting my maxilla pushed back
how can i fix my crossbite then? im scared of getting my maxilla pushed back
consult your dentist find out exactly how many mm it will be pushed back. if your mandible is fucked dont get braces, if your maxilla is fucked it is worth getting it even for symmetry even if it is slightly pushed back. ask what the smallest amount that it could be pushed bsck with to achieve a solutiob
jim twik videos in youtube are recommended guides for healthmaxxing
Eat carbs only when your glycogen stores are empty or close to empty.

Bloated face comes from a bloated gut.
How do i know if my glycogen stores are empty?
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My take on gut health:
I never get any gut problems and barely get ill. I never realised before but it is definitely due to the amount of yogurt i eat that promotes good bacteria growth and acts as a natural probiotic. I make my own homemade yogurt that's sugar free and make sure to eat some every day.
How to make Natural Yogurt:
choosing right bacteria
Use whole milk its the best for you
1.Heat milk. Your goal is to get the milk to reach 180 F so have a digital thermometer. Pour the milk into a pan, above medium heat. Remove from the heat when the milk reaches 180 F.
2.Cool milk. Pour the milk into glass jars, like a mason jar with a lid. Let the milk cool to 115 F. You can either let it sit at room temperature or you can speed up the cooling process with a water bath. Simply fill a large tub, or your sink, with cold water and stand the jars in it. If you’ve heated the milk in a dish that can withstand the switch from hot to cold without cracking, like a dutch oven, you can use ice water. Monitor the milk with the thermometer.
3.Add the bacteria when it cools to 115F. This introduces the initial batch of live cultures that actually make the yogurt.
4.Incubate the yogurt.
5.Cool yogurt. After eight to ten hours, remove the yogurt when it has reached the desired consistency: the longer it incubates the thicker the yogurt. Whey will accumulate on top. This is high in protein drink if you want or whisk the liquid back into the yogurt or gently strain the yogurt through a cheesecloth get rid
6.Refrigerate. Place the jars with the finished yogurt into the refrigerator. They will last for up to two weeks. Make sure to save some yogurt as a starter culture for your next batch.
I use apple cider vinegar, and a plant based diet, and my gut feels very nice. I'm in my late 30's and still very lean with lots of muscle mass and strength. I never took testosterone but my level is 932 when I checked earlier this year.
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I use apple cider vinegar, and a plant based diet, and my gut feels very nice. I'm in my late 30's and still very lean with lots of muscle mass and strength. I never took testosterone but my level is 932 when I checked earlier this year.
do you mind direct messaging me photos of what you look like? i find it very hard to believe you have that much testosterone and lean mass with a plant based diet. im open to change my mind about diet in general
How do i know if my glycogen stores are empty?
you have to do a bit experiment , after that you can feel it. for example after a hard workout you crave sweet and you feel really your body needs it. the more physically active you are the more carbs you need. muscles consume fat at rest and sugar when they are working. try to have different carb amounts in different days and see how your body feels. watch some bodybuilders carb cycling videos to understand it better.

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