Situationships > Relationships. It's better to have SITUATIONSHIPS than ONS/LTR



Too high IQ to post here or waste any time anymore
Jan 5, 2025
In our modern age, no matter your looks, it's best for guys to NEVER pass "situationship."

That is, never be solidly locked down as a LTRcuck, ESPECIALLY if you're a guy who's sub 6.

If you are, take what you can get & enjoy it. Make the best of it. But don't settle for one. Ever.

Always expect more. If you aren't getting more fleeting action, don't settle for fixed action.

As guys we aren't happy really if we're locked down. in fact, as HUMANS, we are polygamous.

There's no such thing as a perfect monogamy in the real world -- polygamy always slips in.

So why the fuck would we -- as blackpilled guys especially -- care at all about "committing?"

Like, why? Why at all? It means nothing in most cases. Fleeting action > fixed action any day.

Situationships means on and off, not one-off, but not exactly committed & "serious" either.

It's the best middle-ground, and even many normshits have already adopted this way of life.

Instead of just a "hookup" situationships can be like low-grade relationships, only more "free."

This means you can have some form of a "relationship" -- a bond -- but you're never a cuck.

You're always a wild stallion open to more ass, if that ass is fit. You won't ever just settle.

And girls/women will love you for this more, especially if you are one they already liked initially. This is because she finds you LIMBO -- can get you, but also can't really get you.

NOTHING makes girls/women more uninterested than knowing their boyfriends are undesirable. "He settled for me & can't get no other girls. That's so fucking hot!" JFL.

Why would being stuck with some oofy doofy, ugly, undesirable, LTRcuck beta be sexy?

So the ALLURE and FIRE is always there if you're a guy who never goes beyond situationship. Once "fully committed/settled in" then that "fire" will fade without a doubt.

That is, you NEVER get too attached, nor say you love her, but keep her on the line forever.

You get repeat ass, repeat fun, it's all good for everyone, and you're always off the hook.

What smart man would EVER cross the line of situationship to full on, monogamous cucklationship? In today's age, in 99% of cases, it means you're AGREEING to be cucked.

SHE WILL CHEAT. SHE HAS CHEATED. @AstroSky if your ass is gonna drop in you were cheated on too. You were cucked. It happened. It WILL happen. Might as well go in NOT expecting attachment.
Go in expecting HER to be MORE interested, NOT YOU!

It happens TO ALL MEN. She's NEVER yours forever. It is your turn, but you will never "own" her. You will NEVER be "her only." Wake up & be fucking smart for once, bros.

You can't "own" a woman. You can keep her interested. But no man is uncuckable. NONE.


If not a single man is uncuckable, why would your sub 8 ahh commit then?

Stay smart. Keep it situationship. Situationships mog hookups & commitment.

They keep women around. There's more to them than just sex alone, but optimally.

You are in control. You & everyone benefits if you do it right. Be smart, guys.
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Lord Jeffrey, RealNinja, darodcel and 3 others
Ye until the bitch pulls the “what are we”
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: greywind, Deathninja328, Lord Jeffrey and 6 others
a woman can accuse you of rape out of vengeance and you're in jail getting raped by bubbah
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Lord Jeffrey, overtier1011, sayi and 1 other person
sex is meaningless without love you might as well be incel it's spiritually the same thing.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
  • Ugh..
Reactions: greywind, Lord Jeffrey, moreroidsmoredates and 4 others
a woman can accuse you of rape out of vengeance and you're in jail getting raped by bubbah

That only happens to retarded dudes who can't read women & get themselves in to messed up shit with crazy bitches.

My advice applies to NON-CRAZY women/girls -- the ones that are normal enough to where you can assure this won't happen.
sex is meaningless without love you might as well be incel it's spiritually the same thing.

Who the fuck would want to be incel when they can be juggling women around forever & being desirable?

Plus, the women you'd be in situationships with often do fall for the guys, especially if they liked him initially.

Maybe if that's your case. If so, donate your jawline & femur to me & then go enjoy inceldom, you dumbass.

Plenty of romance, affection, love, lust -- it's all fleeting. Stop pretending in some fantasy "true perfect love" shit.
  • +1
Reactions: Deathninja328
That only happens to retarded dudes who can't read women & get themselves in to messed up shit with crazy bitches.

My advice applies to NON-CRAZY women/girls -- the ones that are normal enough to where you can assure this won't happen.
assure?how?be a psychic?

just use hookers if you're in usa lol

go slay when geomaxing or in europe where prisons are much better
assure?how?be a psychic?

just use hookers if you're in usa lol

go slay when geomaxing or in europe where prisons are much better

Bro, just clock out of this discussion if you're so retarded you don't understand nuances or basic principles put forth here.

I'm talking of women here & how to handle sex & relationships, whereas your autistic ass brings up rape & prison, like WTF?

JFL. How fucking dumb are you? I'm gonna add you to the list, as you're so fucking retarded it's not worth talking to you.

And no, I'm not "blocking you. I mean I'm not adding you to that list. But you're clearly so fucking off here, quit while you're ahead.
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  • +1
Reactions: flatcheck213
Bro, just clock out of this discussion if you're so retarded you don't understand nuances or basic principles put forth here.

JFL. How fucking dumb are you? I'm gonna add you to the list, as you're so fucking retarded it's not worth talking to you.
with the #metoo movement and laws it's a big risk

women that would be fine with situationships for some time have no morals anyway and they don't mind crying rape to get back at you,it happened to a friend of mine in an old grouphome I met in a situationship with a white girl(he was black)and he did jail time
  • Ugh..
Reactions: TalesFromTheSlums
with the #metoo movement and laws it's a big risk

women that would be fine with situationships for some time have no morals anyway and they don't mind crying rape to get back at you,it happened to a friend of mine in an old grouphome I met in a situationship with a white girl(he was black)and he did jail time

Bro, you're so retarded you don't even know how to use a period, or a comma, or write properly.

I don't think anything you have to say here is of any use to people with an IQ over 85, so whatever. LOL
Bro, you're so retarded you don't even know how to use a period, or a comma, or write properly.

I don't think anything you have to say here is of any use to people with an IQ over 85, so whatever. LOL
No it is.You're foolishly advising young men to deal with narcissistic immoral women who could land them in jail.

geomaxing is the only option.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: TalesFromTheSlums
Cope. Also dnr u sound like an abused dog. Stop tagging me
  • Ugh..
Reactions: TalesFromTheSlums
sex is meaningless without love you might as well be incel it's spiritually the same thing.
Let the werido who's got something to prove keep yapping. Don't reply to this incel. We both know how our hearts are. We experienced it all. They will learn one day. For now they must learn the hard way. Its just youngcel cope. They think they got it all figured out meanwhile all they are showing is they have developed avoidant attachment style. Once you become an avoidant there's no helping you. Gotta learn the hardway.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: TalesFromTheSlums
Cope. Also dnr u sound like an abused dog. Stop tagging me

I tagged you THIS ONE TIME because I know your stupid coping ahh will comment on my threads anyways.

You are obsessed with my posts because it bothers you when someone else isn't a LTRcuck like yourself.

Anyways, keep coping. You are holding on to your last copes as evidently provable.

Now let's not continue this argument -- we don't want you to have another heart attack & get cheated on again, do we?
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deathninja328 and AstroSky
Im Indian. I hate myself. I hate anyone who mogs me. I'm subhuman. I believe due to my subhumanity I am intelligent but in reality it's just from being an abused dog that I must invest heavily in protection mechanisms to avoid being rejected and be the underdog. I'm an avoidant and I truly don't love myself.

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  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: PostivityCore and TalesFromTheSlums
sex is meaningless without love you might as well be incel it's spiritually the same thing.
What does love mean to you here?
Sex is sex... Love is your own concoction of hormones. People here are more blue pilled than average red piller lol. Wtf.
  • +1
Reactions: LancasteR
Love is beautiful, i just had a dream that i experienced love and it was beautiful. better than any wet dream. just like i was fulfilled. i didnt want more and more and more. i had everything i needed and was content.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: TalesFromTheSlums
In our modern age, no matter your looks, it's best for guys to NEVER pass "situationship."

That is, never be solidly locked down as a LTRcuck, ESPECIALLY if you're a guy who's sub 6.

If you are, take what you can get & enjoy it. Make the best of it. But don't settle for one. Ever.

Always expect more. If you aren't getting more fleeting action, don't settle for fixed action.

As guys we aren't happy really if we're locked down. in fact, as HUMANS, we are polygamous.

There's no such thing as a perfect monogamy in the real world -- polygamy always slips in.

So why the fuck would we -- as blackpilled guys especially -- care at all about "committing?"

Like, why? Why at all? It means nothing in most cases. Fleeting action > fixed action any day.

Situationships means on and off, not one-off, but not exactly committed & "serious" either.

It's the best middle-ground, and even many normshits have already adopted this way of life.

Instead of just a "hookup" situationships can be like low-grade relationships, only more "free."

This means you can have some form of a "relationship" -- a bond -- but you're never a cuck.

You're always a wild stallion open to more ass, if that ass is fit. You won't ever just settle.

And girls/women will love you for this more, especially if you are one they already liked initially. This is because she finds you LIMBO -- can get you, but also can't really get you.

NOTHING makes girls/women more uninterested than knowing their boyfriends are undesirable. "He settled for me & can't get no other girls. That's so fucking hot!" JFL.

Why would being stuck with some oofy doofy, ugly, undesirable, LTRcuck beta be sexy?

So the ALLURE and FIRE is always there if you're a guy who never goes beyond situationship. Once "fully committed/settled in" then that "fire" will fade without a doubt.

That is, you NEVER get too attached, nor say you love her, but keep her on the line forever.

You get repeat ass, repeat fun, it's all good for everyone, and you're always off the hook.

What smart man would EVER cross the line of situationship to full on, monogamous cucklationship? In today's age, in 99% of cases, it means you're AGREEING to be cucked.

SHE WILL CHEAT. SHE HAS CHEATED. @AstroSky if your ass is gonna drop in you were cheated on too. You were cucked. It happened. It WILL happen. Might as well go in NOT expecting attachment.
Go in expecting HER to be MORE interested, NOT YOU!

It happens TO ALL MEN. She's NEVER yours forever. It is your turn, but you will never "own" her. You will NEVER be "her only." Wake up & be fucking smart for once, bros.

You can't "own" a woman. You can keep her interested. But no man is uncuckable. NONE.


If not a single man is uncuckable, why would your sub 8 ahh commit then?

Stay smart. Keep it situationship. Situationships mog hookups & commitment.

They keep women around. There's more to them than just sex alone, but optimally.

You are in control. You & everyone benefits if you do it right. Be smart, guys.
I have cheated 4 times, and been cheated on once in my first relationship, I have been in 4 relationships and like 20+ situationships, what is my k/d ratio?
  • JFL
Reactions: Deathninja328, darodcel and TalesFromTheSlums
Situationship is for cucks. Niggas who get into situationships get cheated on lmao. Women just get into those so they can get all the benefits of a relationship from the situationship cuck, while she is looking for the next best option at the same time
Situationship is for cucks. Niggas who get into situationships get cheated on lmao. Women just get into those so they can get all the benefits of a relationship from the situationship cuck, while she is looking for the next best option at the same time

Right ... Because we all know "relationships" are so set in stone in 2025.

LMAO. Keep believing a "relationship" is so special, confined, specific or solid; whatever helps you cope.

You basically just described polygamy retard. "You are a cuck if in a situationship because other people."

You don't think other people/cheating never enters the mix of a "relationship," stupid? Only situationships?

Why would you want a one-only "relationship" anyways -- so narrowly focused -- if you can get cheated on either way?

Thanks for proving my point & keeping the discussion going for more copers to see.

If you think you won't or can't be cheated on because "it's a real relationship" cope then go ahead.

I'm not the one deluding myself in to thinking it is somehow magically superior because you're putting all of your eggs in one basket.

When that basket fucking breaks, it's far more painful than if you had them eggs spread around more.

And every basket can fucking break, so I'm never solely depending on one forever.
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Ye until the bitch pulls the “what are we”
I have too much trauma from this now.

Anytime I hear something like this, i get ptsd from a situationship I had a few months back
  • Ugh..
Reactions: TalesFromTheSlums

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