Skincare questions

Any harms to repeating chemical peel and dermarolling? I saw someone recommended doing a medium/deep peel once a year and derma rolling everything 2-3 months for maximum collagen. Is this ok to do for many years?
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Any harms to repeating chemical peel and dermarolling? I saw someone recommended doing a medium/deep peel once a year and derma rolling everything 2-3 months for maximum collagen. Is this ok to do for many years?
Well for a medium/deep peel you should be going to a derm and they'll be able to tell you how often to do it. But in general (from what I know), you can do a medium depth peel more than once a year. Again, with microneedling it depends on the depth and I'd always recommend going to a qualified and reputable professional. But from what I know, there is no detriment to doing it for many years.
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Benignice, in your opinion what is the better vit C product between the Vitamin C E Ferulic acid by Timeless and the TO one you recommend in your guide ? Since you stress the benefit of combining vitamin C with vitamin E and ferulic acid, I guess Timeless is the better option, isn't it ?
I've never tried the Timeless one so couldn't comment on the efficacy of that particular product. Is it good to have vitamin E and ferulic? Yes. But is it essential? No, especially if the formula is well stabilised
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Ok thanks. Just ignore my edit, you gave me the answer I wanted.
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I plan to buy either TO Buffet + Copper Peptides (
or SubQskin ( Here is my routine : AM : Cleasning/AHA + BHA (TO, twice a week)/Vit C (TO)/Moisturizing (Cerave)/Sunscreen (La Roche Posay) - PM : Double cleansing/Niacinamide (TO)/Granactive retinoid (TO)/ Moisturizing (Cerave)/Oil. Where would you fit them ? And to curb skin aging and/or improve skin health, which is the better one in your opinion ?
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I plan to buy either TO Buffet + Copper Peptides (
or SubQskin ( Here is my routine : AM : Cleasning/AHA + BHA (TO, twice a week)/Vit C (TO)/Moisturizing (Cerave)/Sunscreen (La Roche Posay) - PM : Double cleansing/Niacinamide (TO)/Granactive retinoid (TO)/ Moisturizing (Cerave)/Oil. Where would you fit them ? And to curb skin aging and/or improve skin health, which is the better one in your opinion ?
I've never tried the Hylamide product so I couldn't comment but either would likely be a good option. You could either use them in the morning after vitamin C or on an evening after the retinoid (if you're using the emulsion). Also, shift the nicinamide to the morning- get the retinoid directly onto your skin.
By AHA + BHA do you mean the Peeling Solution? If so, don't use that twice a week.
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I have the feeling that my Eucerin UreaRepair mogs the CeraVe moisturizer

will update
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How to fix dark eyelids? I don’t mean just dark undereyes, both my upper and lower eyes are noticeably darker compared to the rest of my skin, and this seems to be common in my ethnicity (Indian). I do have poor orbital support as well.

It might seem minor but it makes such a massive difference when I photoshop it to the same colour as my skin. I haven’t seen any solution online for this either.
Fuck man, you’re curry? I assumed you were black based on your pfp
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Is aloe Vera gel viable as daily moisturizer ?
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Why do some advise using naicinamide before Bha/aha
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I have the feeling that my Eucerin UreaRepair mogs the CeraVe moisturizer

will update
For you, potentially. CeraVe tends to be more widely available and is cheaper though.
Is aloe Vera gel viable as daily moisturizer ?
For some people, maybe. For others it won't be enough. If you find that its enough for you then go for it.
Why do some advise using naicinamide before Bha/aha
I assume to get the niacinamide directly onto the skin? Not sure. Potentially a pH thing maybe?
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Not skincare related but what is your opinion of this forum?
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Not skincare related but what is your opinion of this forum?
I tend to stick almost exclusively to threads about skin/cosmetics/personal care so I can't comment on it as a whole but from what I have seen, I guess interesting would be the most apt term?
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Life goals? Starting your own brand?
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I've never tried the Hylamide product so I couldn't comment but either would likely be a good option. You could either use them in the morning after vitamin C or on an evening after the retinoid (if you're using the emulsion). Also, shift the nicinamide to the morning- get the retinoid directly onto your skin.
By AHA + BHA do you mean the Peeling Solution? If so, don't use that twice a week.

After making some research, since 8% Matrixyl 3000 (palmitoyl tripeptide-1 and palmitoyl tetrapeptide-7) and 2% Matrixyl synthe'6 (palmitoyl tripeptide-38) alone have decent research behind their collagen production inducing effects, I will go for TO Matrixyl 10 % ( that has the exact required concentrations. Tell me if you think I may be wrong to prefer it over the two others I had initially considered, but I'm always afraid of wasting money for not scientifically backed enough/not concentrated enough actives (6 % Matrixyl 3000 in the Buffet instead of the 8 % scientifically required for example).
So now we would have this.
AM : Cleansing/AHA + BHA (TO, how many times a week ideally, once ?)/Niacinamide/Vit C (TO)/Matrixyl (TO)/Moisturizing (Cerave)/Sunscreen (La Roche Posay) - PM : Double cleansing/Granactive retinoid (TO)/ Moisturizing (Cerave)/Oil
I have two questions : according to the rule of application of actives of thinnest formula to thickest, shouldn't Matrixyl serum come before Vit C cream ?
Do applying Matrixyl/Niacinamide twice and once a day have equivalent long term results ?
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Life goals? Starting your own brand?
Fuck no. Too much paperwork.
Career goals would probably be to bounce around a bit to some of the giants in terms of brands and see what I can do there in terms of making some new interesting stuff (since the huge brands are the ones with the R&D budgets for that kind of shit). For now though, just continuing to make product that makes it out onto the shelf is pretty great.
After making some research, since 8% Matrixyl 3000 (palmitoyl tripeptide-1 and palmitoyl tetrapeptide-7) and 2% Matrixyl synthe'6 (palmitoyl tripeptide-38) alone have decent research behind their collagen production inducing effects, I will go for TO Matrixyl 10 % ( that has the exact required concentrations. Tell me if you think I may be wrong to prefer it over the two others I had initially considered, but I'm always afraid of wasting money for not scientifically backed enough/not concentrated enough actives (6 % Matrixyl 3000 in the Buffet instead of the 8 % scientifically required for example).
So now we would have this.
AM : Cleansing/AHA + BHA (TO, how many times a week ideally, once ?)/Niacinamide/Vit C (TO)/Matrixyl (TO)/Moisturizing (Cerave)/Sunscreen (La Roche Posay) - PM : Double cleansing/Granactive retinoid (TO)/ Moisturizing (Cerave)/Oil
I have two questions : according to the rule of application of actives of thinnest formula to thickest, shouldn't Matrixyl serum come before Vit C cream ?
Do applying Matrixyl/Niacinamide twice and once a day have equivalent long term results ?
The 6% vs 8% really isn't going to make a massive world of difference. Just choose whichever one you'd rather.
It depends which Vitamin C you're using. Thinnest to thickest is a pretty good general rule of thumb but its just that, a general rule.
I'm not sure what that second question is asking- niacinamide and Matrixyl aren't comparable.
Fuck no. Too much paperwork.
Career goals would probably be to bounce around a bit to some of the giants in terms of brands and see what I can do there in terms of making some new interesting stuff (since the huge brands are the ones with the R&D budgets for that kind of shit). For now though, just continuing to make product that makes it out onto the shelf is pretty great.

The 6% vs 8% really isn't going to make a massive world of difference. Just choose whichever one you'd rather.
It depends which Vitamin C you're using. Thinnest to thickest is a pretty good general rule of thumb but its just that, a general rule.
I'm not sure what that second question is asking- niacinamide and Matrixyl aren't comparable.

I use TO Vitamin C Suspension 23 % ( So I apply my serum after this ?
Sorry if I'm not always clear, English is not my mother tongue. My question is, does applying Matrixyl once a day lead to equivalent long term results as applying it twice a day. Same question for niacinamide.
I use TO Vitamin C Suspension 23 % ( So I apply my serum after this ?
Sorry if I'm not always clear, English is not my mother tongue. My question is, does applying Matrixyl once a day lead to equivalent long term results as applying it twice a day. Same question for niacinamide.
With that particular vitamin C I would lean toward using the vitamin C second due to the fact that its in a squalane whereas the peptides are in an aqueous base.
No worries, I was just confused.
I'm not sure to be completely honest with you- I've not (AFAIK) seen any hard evidence comparing usage. I tend to use niacinamide twice a day, but thats mostly because I'm wanting to see the results asap.
Okay, thanks Benignice. One last thing : how many times a week should I apply ideally the peeling solution ?

Edit : It was 6% total concentration of the Matrixyls mentioned above. So 6 % vs 10 % : I will stick to their Matrixyl 10%.
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Fuck man, you’re curry? I assumed you were black based on your pfp
First Law of
Assume one is curry unless proven otherwise. At least I’m not Dravidian pheno otherwise it would’ve been rope long ago tbh.
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Can u give an opion @benignice ?
is there too much stuff in this skin care? and can I use 10% AHA after shaving if I use retin a in the evening?

Monday to Friday:

CeraVe cleanser
Vit C serum home made (vit c powder+water)
CeraVe mosturizer
Sunscreen LaRochePosay 50spf

CeraVe cleanser
Retin a 0,5
CeraVe mosturizer

Saturdays(AM as the other days) i alternate this two:

1th Saturday PM: Derminator 2 session + infadolan after

2nd Saturday PM: The ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% then Cleanse and mosturize

Sunscreen (if i go outside)

I sometimes during the week use 10% AHA lactic acid after shaving cause it help me for ungrown hairs.
For now seems to work for me. I have yet to try it with the ordinary AHA + BHA on saturday
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Can u give an opion @benignice ?
is there too much stuff in this skin care?
That depends on your skin. Some people can take more than that, some people can't.
and can I use 10% AHA after shaving if I use retin a in the evening?
Don't use a 10% AHA daily. Other than that, again, it depends on your skin- some people can take it, others can't.
And please, wash your face every day.
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hello,just letting you know that skincare routine(which you helped) helped me a lot
lately for moisturizer ive been using bepanthol face cream and holy fuck i feel my face so fresh every morning.thoughts on it from you?
also a pharmacian dude i know told me that niacinamide wouldnt help get rid of my redness in face that much is he based or just retarded?or he propably is afraid of mixing niacinamide with my vit c serum(which i saw you said that its not the case)

edit:Guys if you do your own research and then check @benignice google doc guide you can see that he is based and he knows what he is talking about
before 1month i talked to a dermatologist and he said that face products like cleanser or moisturizer dont even help,there are retards who are doctors out there lol
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hello,just letting you know that skincare routine(which you helped) helped me a lot
lately for moisturizer ive been using bepanthol face cream and holy fuck i feel my face so fresh every morning.thoughts on it from you?
also a pharmacian dude i know told me that niacinamide wouldnt help get rid of my redness in face that much is he based or just retarded?or he propably is afraid of mixing niacinamide with my vit c serum(which i saw you said that its not the case)

edit:Guys if you do your own research and then check @benignice google doc guide you can see that he is based and he knows what he is talking about
before 1month i talked to a dermatologist and he said that face products like cleanser or moisturizer dont even help,there are retards who are doctors out there lol
Good, I'm glad its working out for you.
I've never used it, but from what I can see from the ingredients list it seems like a fine, basic moisturiser. It doesn't seem to be groundbreaking by any means but if it works for you, then go for it.
It depends what kind of redness is the issue- if its general redness then niacinamide won't do much for that- if its red marks left after breakouts then niacinamide (or even azelaic acid) can help.
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Good, I'm glad its working out for you.
I've never used it, but from what I can see from the ingredients list it seems like a fine, basic moisturiser. It doesn't seem to be groundbreaking by any means but if it works for you, then go for it.
It depends what kind of redness is the issue- if its general redness then niacinamide won't do much for that- if its red marks left after breakouts then niacinamide (or even azelaic acid) can help.
its a general redness in my cheeks,and it might get stronger the hotter the weather gets so except a face tan anything else that could work?
(i know some redness in cheeks show health but i look like a kid tbh)
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can i use Self Tanning Towelettes when on retin-a?
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its a general redness in my cheeks,and it might get stronger the hotter the weather gets so except a face tan anything else that could work?
(i know some redness in cheeks show health but i look like a kid tbh)
Anything that is going to irritate your skin is likely to make it worse (so acids, vitamin C, highly fragranced products etc) but that doesn't have to mean that you can't use them, just go for more gentle formulas.
Good things to look out for are anything to improve/maintain your skin barrier, "calming" products, ceramides, sunscreen. Off the top of my head, the Dr Jart+ Cicapair and La Roche Posay Rosaliac lines are geared specifically towards redness.
If it really bothers you, potentially look into a BB cream or something similar.
can i use Self Tanning Towelettes when on retin-a?
Yes, but by nature self tan products can be quite drying so just be aware of that.
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Probably a stupid question, i have a red light lamp for collagen, if i apply SPF 50 before using it would it make it less efective?
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Probably a stupid question, i have a red light lamp for collagen, if i apply SPF 50 before using it would it make it less efective?
Red light really isn't my area- but I'd assume not due to the different wavelength.
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Created a new thread so I didn't hijack @cyberjap threads with questions (sorry man)

Since there seemed to be a few in the past week or so, if you have any skincare questions throw them in here and I'll do what I can to answer- you know the drill by now.
when can I expect hormonal puberty acne to go away?
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tretinoin: 0.05% gel vs cream which one is better?
also rate skincare routine:

Neutrogena gentle cleanser with salicylic acid
Differin oil-absorbing moisturizer with SPF 30

Neutrogena gentle cleanser with salicylic acid
Retin-a 0.05% cream

I also exfoliate twice a week with Neutrogena oil free daily scrub
I also take hella supplements such as zinc, magnesium, vitamin A, MSM, Hydraulic acid, collagen, ect.

I spend around 1 hr daily in the sun.
I don't like doing too much to skin since i've heard that less is better.
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tretinoin: 0.05% gel vs cream which one is better?
Depends on your skin. The cream will be more emollient but the gel will be easier to spread.
also rate skincare routine:
Not sure which cleanser or scrub you mean- Neutrogena have a number which fit those descriptions.
It depends on your skin- if you're happy with it then keep it as it is. If it were me, I'd say swap the scrub out for an AHA, use a separate SPF since you're almost certainly not applying enough to get the sun protection advertised, and potentially switch the cleanser depending on which one it is.
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Depends on your skin. The cream will be more emollient but the gel will be easier to spread.

Not sure which cleanser or scrub you mean- Neutrogena have a number which fit those descriptions.
It depends on your skin- if you're happy with it then keep it as it is. If it were me, I'd say swap the scrub out for an AHA, use a separate SPF since you're almost certainly not applying enough to get the sun protection advertised, and potentially switch the cleanser depending on which one it is.
this is my cleanser and exfoliant
6802830 nocolor 0
NTG 70501028209 30034003 Oil Free Acne Wash Daily Scrub 42oz 00000

i also have the la roshe posay moisturizer for sensitive skin but stopped using it after i heard it can clog pores.

I have combination, acne skin. So any product recommendation for acne and combination skin is appreciated.
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this is my cleanser and exfoliant
View attachment 350537View attachment 350538
i also have the la roshe posay moisturizer for sensitive skin but stopped using it after i heard it can clog pores.

I have combination, acne skin. So any product recommendation for acne and combination skin is appreciated.
The cleanser looks pretty good, I'm not really a fan of any physical exfoliant for the face though honestly.
Which La Roche Posay moisturiser? I assume you mean the Toleraine range but there are a few different formulas within that. Either way, I've never known them do clog pores.
Again, if you're happy with the routine then stick with it as it is but if it were me in the situation I'd:
- Swap to a gentle cleanser that isn't exfoliating and use a separate salicylic product that then isn't being washed off the skin.
- Use a separate SPF
- Introduce some niacinamide and vitamin C somewhere
- Swap the physical exfoliant to an AHA.
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The cleanser looks pretty good, I'm not really a fan of any physical exfoliant for the face though honestly.
Which La Roche Posay moisturiser? I assume you mean the Toleraine range but there are a few different formulas within that. Either way, I've never known them do clog pores.
Again, if you're happy with the routine then stick with it as it is but if it were me in the situation I'd:
- Swap to a gentle cleanser that isn't exfoliating and use a separate salicylic product that then isn't being washed off the skin.
- Use a separate SPF
- Introduce some niacinamide and vitamin C somewhere
- Swap the physical exfoliant to an AHA.
is this a good source of AHA, vitamin c and niacinamide?
Vitamin C Serum Plus 2% Retinol, 3.5% Niacinamide, 5% Hyaluronic Acid, 2% Salicylic Acid, 10% MSM, 20% Vitamin C - Skin Clearing Serum - Anti-Aging Skin Repair, Supercharged Face Serum (
Amazon product ASIN B01BT02Q88
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There is no AHA in there, there is BHA (or salicylic acid). But I absolutely wouldn't trust this for a couple of reasons.
1. They are advertising that there is hyaluronic acid in there when there isn't. They are claiming that Cassia Angustifolia Seed Polysaccharide is a "botanical" hyaluronic. Its not.
2. There is no way that thats a 2% retinol.
3. The first ingredient is "Organic Herbal Infusion". Fuck knows what that means.
4. Don't buy your skincare from amazon- there is absolutely no restrictions on there.
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I use a very simple regimen for my acne-prone skin. I have kept in under control with the following routine:

CeraVe Moisturiser
Neutrogena non-comedogenic sunscreen

CeraVe Facial Cleanser
Epiduo (0.1% adapalene, 2.5% benzoyl peroxide)
Wait 30 min
CeraVe Moisturiser
Vaseline (for the lips)

*Once in a blue moon, I will use a clay mask to cleanse the pores...

Anyway, I have recently moved to a location with much harder water. My skin was already really dry from the acne medication but now it is much worse. I tried to take all the necessary precautions (i.e. using a minimal amount of facial cleanser, using lukewarm water, cutting short my shower lengths) but my skin peels badly when it comes into contact with any water. On a bad day, it will even start crusting...

Considering my facial moisture balance is so fucked I have now only started washing my face with a cleanser every other day. I have also started applying the acne medication on the days I choose not to wash my face. My skin seems to retain a much better moisture balance and healthy complexion from choosing to limit my contact with tap water. For reference, I get an eczema-like reaction to the chlorine from swimming pools so I think even the trace amounts found in hard water might be having a negative impact on my skin...

I have the following questions in relation to the above:

i) How effective are shower head filters for ameliorating the hardness of purified water? I can pick up a cheap one from Amazon but will it make a significant difference? I know there are distillation systems to tackle the problem directly but unfortunately, my living circumstances mean I cannot get it installed.

ii) I have seen from your previous history that you are not a big advocate of any topicals with Benzoyl Peroxide. Would it be better for me to switch from Epiduo to Retin - A or pure adapalene considering I have mild-moderate acne? The cream has worked but I was wondering if I could maintain lesion-free skin going with a pure retinoid. Which of these topicals do you think I could maintain the clearest skin from while minimising any compromise in skin moisture:
0.1% adapalene
0.3% adapalene
Epiduo (Benzoyl Peroxide + 0.1% adapalene)
0.05% Retin - A?

iii) Is it not hygienic to wash the face every other day? When washing every other day in conjunction with the Epiduo it doesn't seem to affect the number of acne lesions I get. I workout intensively 3-4 x a week so I wash 1hr after every session...

iv) Are there any other products you would recommend for someone with crazy skin sensitivity like me? I want to incorporate Vit-C serum in my regimen but in my particular case, it seems like less is better...

Sorry for all the questions. My case seems like a complex one and I'm not sure how to reach the optimal balance for my skin. Would greatly appreciate if you took the time to answer these... thanks.
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There is no AHA in there, there is BHA (or salicylic acid). But I absolutely wouldn't trust this for a couple of reasons.
1. They are advertising that there is hyaluronic acid in there when there isn't. They are claiming that Cassia Angustifolia Seed Polysaccharide is a "botanical" hyaluronic. Its not.
2. There is no way that thats a 2% retinol.
3. The first ingredient is "Organic Herbal Infusion". Fuck knows what that means.
4. Don't buy your skincare from amazon- there is absolutely no restrictions on there.

Thank you for the response!
what are some niacinamide, vitamin C and AHA products you recommend for combination, acne skin like mine?
I also take 2000mg of B5 a day to help with my hormonal acne.
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I use a very simple regimen for my acne-prone skin. I have kept in under control with the following routine:

CeraVe Moisturiser
Neutrogena non-comedogenic sunscreen

CeraVe Facial Cleanser
Epiduo (0.1% adapalene, 2.5% benzoyl peroxide)
Wait 30 min
CeraVe Moisturiser
Vaseline (for the lips)

*Once in a blue moon, I will use a clay mask to cleanse the pores...

Anyway, I have recently moved to a location with much harder water. My skin was already really dry from the acne medication but now it is much worse. I tried to take all the necessary precautions (i.e. using a minimal amount of facial cleanser, using lukewarm water, cutting short my shower lengths) but my skin peels badly when it comes into contact with any water. On a bad day, it will even start crusting...

Considering my facial moisture balance is so fucked I have now only started washing my face with a cleanser every other day. I have also started applying the acne medication on the days I choose not to wash my face. My skin seems to retain a much better moisture balance and healthy complexion from choosing to limit my contact with tap water. For reference, I get an eczema-like reaction to the chlorine from swimming pools so I think even the trace amounts found in hard water might be having a negative impact on my skin...

I have the following questions in relation to the above:

i) How effective are shower head filters for ameliorating the hardness of purified water? I can pick up a cheap one from Amazon but will it make a significant difference? I know there are distillation systems to tackle the problem directly but unfortunately, my living circumstances mean I cannot get it installed.

ii) I have seen from your previous history that you are not a big advocate of any topicals with Benzoyl Peroxide. Would it be better for me to switch from Epiduo to Retin - A or pure adapalene considering I have mild-moderate acne? The cream has worked but I was wondering if I could maintain lesion-free skin going with a pure retinoid. Which of these topicals do you think I could maintain the clearest skin from while minimising any compromise in skin moisture:
0.1% adapalene
0.3% adapalene
Epiduo (Benzoyl Peroxide + 0.1% adapalene)
0.05% Retin - A?

iii) Is it not hygienic to wash the face every other day? When washing every other day in conjunction with the Epiduo it doesn't seem to affect the number of acne lesions I get. I workout intensively 3-4 x a week so I wash 1hr after every session...

iv) Are there any other products you would recommend for someone with crazy skin sensitivity like me? I want to incorporate Vit-C serum in my regimen but in my particular case, it seems like less is better...

Sorry for all the questions. My case seems like a complex one and I'm not sure how to reach the optimal balance for my skin. Would greatly appreciate if you took the time to answer these... thanks.
Oh boy, okay firstly if you are able, disregard everything I'm about to say and go see a doctor.
Contact dermatitis from hard water is absolutely a thing and having grown up with eczema in an area with some of the hardest water in the country- its a fucking pain in the arse. It's not necessarily the chlorine in the water though- the higher concentration of dissolved minerals or even just the pH could be the issue.

i) They absolutely do help. Obviously I can't say to what extent it may help you specifically, but it is known to help the problem.

ii) My resistance to recommend benzoyl peroxide mostly stems from the fact that its classed as a drug over here and can't be used in cosmetic formulations so it feels too close to medical advice for my liking.
However, that being said, benzoyl peroxide is absolutely an irritant to the skin and if your moisture barrier is fucked to the extent that it sounds like it is, I wouldn't recommend it.
If you're really wanting to stick with a retinoid while all of this is going on (although honestly I'd say to stop for now), I'd go down to just a 0.1% adapalene- and just spot treat if you can.

iii) I'm not a huge fan of only washing every other day- even when I'm having an eczema flare up I'll try to use a low(ish) pH cleanser once daily (often one that doesn't need water). But if its working for you, then go for it.

iv) Is the CeraVe moisturiser feeling like its enough for your skin? And how is the cleanser feeling?
Yes, you're right with the vitamin C- the aim of the game here is to not piss your skin off until your moisture barrier is back to where it needs to be.

Thank you for the response!
what are some niacinamide, vitamin C and AHA products you recommend for combination, acne skin like mine?
I also take 2000mg of B5 a day to help with my hormonal acne.
There are some product recommendations in here.
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What are your thoughts on pimple patches for the odd spot and which brand would you recommend?
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What are your thoughts on pimple patches for the odd spot and which brand would you recommend?
I bloody love them to be honest with you.
If you're just looking at hydrocolloid options then I'll often just buy whatever is cheap on yesstyle or amazon since there isn't a ton of difference. If its a brand I'm not familiar with I'll look for ones that say "thin" or "invisible" because they often stick a little better but my favourite brand is CosRx. A tip with these is also to cut the patch in half (whilst it is still stuck to the backing) because they're often a little big- don't do this with the microneedle versions though.
As for microneedle patches my favourites are from A'Pieu and ZitSticka.
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I bloody love them to be honest with you.
If you're just looking at hydrocolloid options then I'll often just buy whatever is cheap on yesstyle or amazon since there isn't a ton of difference. If its a brand I'm not familiar with I'll look for ones that say "thin" or "invisible" because they often stick a little better but my favourite brand is CosRx. A tip with these is also to cut the patch in half (whilst it is still stuck to the backing) because they're often a little big- don't do this with the microneedle versions though.
As for microneedle patches my favourites are from A'Pieu and ZitSticka.
Great, thanks for the response.
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It's been over 2 months since I've started to use retin a.

I honestly no longer follow any schedule, I use it when I feel like it every 2 3 or 4 days...
No irritation so far but my skin still looks dry compared to when I don't use it.

I don't know if I'm seeing any improvement either lol I don't think I do...

@benignice what's the maximum number of times per day that I can apply moisturizer and a humectant? What's the limit your skin could absorb?
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It's been over 2 months since I've started to use retin a.

I honestly no longer follow any schedule, I use it when I feel like it every 2 3 or 4 days...
No irritation so far but my skin still looks dry compared to when I don't use it.

I don't know if I'm seeing any improvement either lol I don't think I do...

@benignice what's the maximum number of times per day that I can apply moisturizer and a humectant? What's the limit your skin could absorb?
You'll see more improvement if you're consistent. Think of it like excercise.
And that is totally dependent on the individual. While we've been stuck inside my (already very dry) skin has become really fucking dry so on top of my regular routine I'm using a hydrating spray with a light amount of moisturiser on top an additional two or three times (sometimes four).
If you're going to do it though the above method is what I'd recommend. Quick spray with hydrating mist, small amount of moisturiser on top.
Oh also, if you're applying a lot oh hyaluronic acid, be aware that it pills up very easily when you use too much.
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You'll see more improvement if you're consistent. Think of it like excercise.
And that is totally dependent on the individual. While we've been stuck inside my (already very dry) skin has become really fucking dry so on top of my regular routine I'm using a hydrating spray with a light amount of moisturiser on top an additional two or three times (sometimes four).
If you're going to do it though the above method is what I'd recommend. Quick spray with hydrating mist, small amount of moisturiser on top.
Oh also, if you're applying a lot oh hyaluronic acid, be aware that it pills up very easily when you use too much.
Staying in doors dries your skin or I'm mistaken with the interpretation of your message?

I currently cannot access to any new product so i guess I'll try to apply more moisturizer and that's it.

It's not that I'm inconsistent because I want to but I wouldn't like to have my face like when I started jfl. I'll go for every 3 days although it's been almost 3 months so idk...
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Staying in doors dries your skin or I'm mistaken with the interpretation of your message?
Our houses tend to be significantly less humid than outdoors- especially when you add in heating and air conditioning.
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