Skull Size Does NOT Matter.

Im not arguing that skull size does not matter. Im saying that skull size extremists are retarded. Height and face is more important than skull size. Just don't have death tier head size like me. 21.6 and bellow is probably death tier. Its also my head size. 21.6 is the average head size at 5'6 and 5'5.
Im in toronto canada. and do spot plenty of examples. more than outside the city.
canada is very progressive maybe girls have transcended but where i live only height or extremely good face can save a skullcel depends on how small your skull is. most small skulled people i see are very ugly anw or have some obvious deformity, small skull is a sign something went wrong in your development

i doubt most canadian ppl have death tier skulls because of better genetics and nutrition growing up
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Im not arguing that skull size does not matter. Im saying that skull size extremists are retarded. Height and face is more important than skull size. Just don't have death tier head size like me. 21.6 and bellow is probably death tier. Its also my head size. 21.6 is the average head size at 5'6 and 5'5.
whats your skull circumference and height

are you talking about circumferences with the 21.6? 22.5-23inches is average circumfence among young people probably 23
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canada is very progressive maybe girls have transcended but where i live only height or extremely good face can save a skullcel depends on how small your skull is. most small skulled people i see are very ugly anw or have some obvious deformity, small skull is a sign something went wrong in your development

i doubt most canadian ppl have death tier skulls because of better genetics and nutrition growing up
Your def right about what u say. All the cases of skull cells passing are when they are taller. I have seen only 1 example where he was short and the girl was so horrendously ugly…
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whats your skull circumference and height

are you talking about circumferences with the 21.6? 22.5-23inches is average circumfence among young people probably 23
Average circumfeance for a male is 22.6. Yes mine is 21.6 death tier. Based on my skullmax plan I think I can get to overall skull size of 22.6.
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Your defenetly right about what u say. All the cases of skull cells passing are when they are taller. I have seen only 1 example where he was short and the girl was so horrendously ugly…
yeah there is no way youre not a truecel as a manlet and skullcel. i see short people regularly with gigantic heads and hot gfs.

i have a very small skull of 21.4 inches and im 6ft looks bad weird, i have to always play the skinny pretty boy role
  • So Sad
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yeah there is no way youre not a truecel as a manlet and skullcel. i see short people regularly with gigantic heads and hot gfs.

i have a very small skull of 21.4 inches and im 6ft looks bad weird, i have to always play the skinny pretty boy role
DAM that’s bad. You must look ridiculous at 6ft with that head. Do you also have a small face or do you compensate with face size? As I have written in other posts a small face with good cranium works, and a small cranium with a big face works.
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Average circumfeance for a male is 22.6. Yes mine is 21.6 death tier. Based on my skullmax plan I think I can get to overall skull size of 22.6.
ye it looks weird especially when i look at myself from a long distance in the mirror. doesnt help that i have naturally high bidel toid as well. why didnt my skull grow a bit more jfl. when im close to people i look good because my face looks good luckily and i have a tall skull shape despite it being small. but as you can imagine its narrow compared to the average skull. i cant remember my skull height from chin to hairline i will measure again

i would be undispited chadlite with a 23 inches skull. people have rated me from htn to chadlite now and i had no problems with girls

but my pheno cant fuck some older hot girls that go to clubs and stuff. because im also skinny af. its brutal i see skullmoggers ogres eveywhere
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ye it looks weird especially when i look at myself from a long distance in the mirror. doesnt help that i have naturally high bidel toid as well. why didnt my skull grow a bit more jfl. when im close to people i look good because my face looks good luckily and i have a tall skull shape despite it being small. but as you can imagine its narrow compared to the average skull. i cant remember my skull height from chin to hairline i will measure again

i would be undispited chadlite with a 23 inches skull. people have rated me from htn to chadlite now and i had no problems with girls

but my pheno cant fuck some older hot girls that go to clubs and stuff. because im also skinny af. its brutal i see skullmoggers ogres eveywhere
I don’t know what your skull looks like but perhaps you could skullmax if your skull shape allows for it. The simple dumb way is to just go get cranial implants and facial implants. This would give you that width you require. But it may also screw with your asthetic… again it depends on your current skull… if you are not at risk of going ogre you could do HGH + k2 for a solid 1-1.5cm width gain.
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I don’t know what your skull looks like but perhaps you could skullmax if your skull shape allows for it. The simple dumb way is to just go get cranial implants and facial implants. This would give you that width you require. But it may also screw with your asthetic… again it depends on your current skull… if you are not at risk of going ogre you could do HGH + k2 for a solid 1-1.5cm width gain.
nah i cant skullmax and i think nobody rly can the surgical way. unless your face - splacnocranium is already big and what lowers your circumference is small neurocranium (back side of skull) or your temporals. this is very rare. my eye spacing just barely looks fine, if i added any weidth it would destroy my es ratio
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nah i cant skullmax and i think nobody rly can the surgical way. unless your face - splacnocranium is already big and what lowers your circumference is small neurocranium (back side of skull) or your temporals. this is very rare. my eye spacing just barely looks fine, if i added any weidth it would destroy my es ratio
Yes it’s true that who is eligible for surgical skullmax is a small group. I happen to be lucky in that my skull shape is a good fit for it. Other than my ES ratio/ IPD being sub-optimal already. But I have some potential solutions to that lined up.

It’s hard to really comment on your state bc I don’t know what u look like. But idk I’m an optimist and never think it’s truly over. I think if you investigated your options u could find a solution to your skull
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ye it looks weird especially when i look at myself from a long distance in the mirror. doesnt help that i have naturally high bidel toid as well. why didnt my skull grow a bit more jfl. when im close to people i look good because my face looks good luckily and i have a tall skull shape despite it being small. but as you can imagine its narrow compared to the average skull. i cant remember my skull height from chin to hairline i will measure again

i would be undispited chadlite with a 23 inches skull. people have rated me from htn to chadlite now and i had no problems with girls

but my pheno cant fuck some older hot girls that go to clubs and stuff. because im also skinny af. its brutal i see skullmoggers ogres eveywhere
23 inch is normal
Yes it’s true that who is eligible for surgical skullmax is a small group. I happen to be lucky in that my skull shape is a good fit for it. Other than my ES ratio/ IPD being sub-optimal already. But I have some potential solutions to that lined up.

It’s hard to really comment on your state bc I don’t know what u look like. But idk I’m an optimist and never think it’s truly over. I think if you investigated your options u could find a solution to your skull
i can show you my face if youd like. i trust you

im not really that bothered by it i like my looks. but its my worst feature. im not here because i cant get girls
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Don’t get how niggas unironically think “skull and wrists” matter for attracting women atleast. It’s all hair, jaw, eyes, height, and frame
Don’t get how niggas unironically think “skull and wrists” matter for attracting women atleast. It’s all hair, jaw, eyes, height, and frame
Hair eyes nose lips is all in face
Don’t get how niggas unironically think “skull and wrists” matter for attracting women atleast. It’s all hair, jaw, eyes, height, and frame
Let’s not oversimplify lol.
In my mind if anyone ever brings up fucking skull size they’re 100% confirmed incel

Most autistic shit ever
I have a big skull btw before “muhh cope”
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Let’s not oversimplify lol.
Absolutely let’s oversimplify.

It’s extremely simple
Recipe for being good looking: EITHER good eyes or good jaw, don’t have a death tier failo like a horse face or cyclops ipd
Don’t be a turbomanlet
Boom, done, life on easy mode guaranteed (i promise)

Any attempts to complicate beyond that is pure incel retardation and cope
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Don’t be a turbomanlet
As long as this is in there then sure. But a skull size smaller than the average woman’s is manlet
As long as this is in there then sure. But a skull size smaller than the average woman’s is manlet
Then your issue is with someone being a manlet
Not someone having a small skull.

It’s like going on and on about how “you should never ever wear hats.” but your actual issue is with a guy being bald.
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sounds like you dont know what its like.
Sounds like you want to pin your problems on something you only vaguely care about, instead of pinning it on your soul (your face is your soul) because it’s a lot easier to swallow that way.
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Sounds like you want to pin your problems on something you only vaguely care about, instead of pinning it on your soul (your face is your soul) because it’s a lot easier to swallow that way.
Sorry but you sound non-white, and have no idea what its like for the most important and HUMAN part of your body, to be the smallest.
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Sorry but you sound non-white, and have no idea what its like for the most important and HUMAN part of your body, to be the smallest.
no idea what my race has to do with anything but I'll just go ahead and destroy whatever nonsense copes you're trying to form before they form:

if you have no success with women, if you had my skull size you'd still have 0 success with women.
if you were good looking you'd never have thought about skull size a day in your life until some incel tried to bring it up to you as some important thing. the second a guy starts talking about fucking SKULL SIZE is the second he's fallen so deep into some incel rabbit hole that he'll probably never get out again
if you were good looking you'd never have thought about skull size a day in your life until some incel tried to bring it up to you as some important thing. the second a guy starts talking about fucking SKULL SIZE is the second he's fallen so deep into some incel rabbit hole that he'll probably never get out again
Okay, I'm surprised your white given how you are writing. I was wrong. does not matter though.

I'm sure we agree height does matter. And by the way i cared about skull size way before I was on looksmax. It ruined my confidence. Every time I see myself in pictures just destroys me. And like with height when your small people treat you differently. This is especially true with skull size.

Why not ask @wollet2 he has a skull size a tad smaller than mine yet is notably good-looking (I saw pics). He says he does not have problems with women, however, I question (and he suggests) he cannot get any woman he wants and is limited in his personality.

Again, im sure we agree looks impact personality, well what about size? I think anyone with a brain would agree relative size impacts your personality (how outgoing you are, how confident you are etc).
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Okay, I'm surprised your white given how you are writing. I was wrong. does not matter though.

I'm sure we agree height does matter. And by the way i cared about skull size way before I was on looksmax. It ruined my confidence. Every time I see myself in pictures just destroys me. And like with height when your small people treat you differently. This is especially true with skull size.

Why not ask @wollet2 he has a skull size a tad smaller than mine yet is notably good-looking (I saw pics). He says he does not have problems with women, however, I question (and he suggests) he cannot get any woman he wants and is limited in his personality.

Again, im sure we agree looks impact personality, well what about size? I think anyone with a brain would agree relative size impacts your personality (how outgoing you are, how confident you are etc).
I'm writing like any other white american, no clue what you're seeing lmao

everything that anyone does in the world revolves around getting women
even when people do things that they claim aren't about getting women, those things are about getting women
your worth is defined only by how easy it is for you to get women. And no it's not frame that does that, it's not even height that does that, it's BEING GOOD LOOKING that does that. Things like height and frame help, for sure. And having TERRIBLE height and frame will hinder even good looking men, yes, but only to an extent. You can figure this out for yourself by asking the questions, "How many tall incels do I know?" and, "How many good looking incels do I know?" I'm sure you've even met some fuckin peanut head chad who slayed bitches left and right leaving your cope momentarily destroyed. If you haven't yet, I'm sure you will eventually.

confidence does not exist. literally every living being is insecure about SOMETHING. (even retarded shit, like skull size for example)
Whether you're perceived as confident or not is based entirely around how good looking you are. If you're good looking, anywhere near average height in whichever country you're in, and not autistic.. then life is extreme easy mode. All this bar raising nonsense and extra little nothing "required" features or fantasy failoes are created solely by narcy incels who absolutely refuse to accept that they are ugly.
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You can figure this out for yourself by asking the questions, "How many tall incels do I know?" and, "How many good looking incels do I know?"
This is a good point. interesting indeed im not sure I have a good response. But as you mention:
having TERRIBLE height and frame will hinder even good looking men
And indeed this is simply my point. What we define a terrible skull size is hard to say, but it does exist. I personally think if your below 21.6 that is considered terrible (I choose this number because the average female skull size appears to be a little higher (21.7)).

I feel like your being too myopic or perhaps you are interpreting what I say to be myopic. All I am saying is that having a notably small skull is a big flaw. If I could choose between having a perfectly developed skull but it is 21.6 vs having an ugly deformed face like my current but have a large skull (23.5 lets say), I would choose the looks over skull size...

Now I think its undeniable that the perfect human (chad) would have large everything, and be good looking.
This is a good point. interesting indeed im not sure I have a good response. But as you mention:

And indeed this is simply my point. What we define a terrible skull size is hard to say, but it does exist. I personally think if your below 21.6 that is considered terrible (I choose this number because the average female skull size appears to be a little higher (21.7)).

I feel like your being too myopic or perhaps you are interpreting what I say to be myopic. All I am saying is that having a notably small skull is a big flaw. If I could choose between having a perfectly developed skull but it is 21.6 vs having an ugly deformed face like my current but have a large skull (23.5 lets say), I would choose the looks over skull size...

Now I think its undeniable that the perfect human (chad) would have large everything, and be good looking.
Think about it like this, this is what will happen if a chad has a small skull: girls will make some light jokes to him about it, and then go home with him and suck his dick

here's what will happen if a chad has a horse face: he's not a chad anymore
here's what will happen if a chad has a cyclops tier ipd: he's not a chad anymore
here's what will happen if a chad has a leafy/whoville chin: he's for damned sure not a chad anymore

Or alternatively, here's what will happen if an incel with a small skull magically increases his skull size: he's still an incel. Nothing happened from it.

flaws are not created equal, there are flaws worth worrying about and flaws NOT worth worrying about. It's your job to learn which column all of your flaws belong to. The reason I say it's important to oversimplify is because pretty much any flaw you can think of, a guy who has both a good lower third and a good eye area is going to be good looking while having said flaw. That's something worth thinking about. Skull size is not something girls EVER think about, height IS something girls think about, this is why they're not created equal. You ever seen that Simpsons episode where Milhouse thinks Lisa dumped him because his calves weren't big enough, because "calves are the hardest place to add mass?" That is EXACTLY what you're doing with skull size.
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Or alternatively, here's what will happen if an incel with a small skull magically increases his skull size: he's still an incel. Nothing happened from it.
And if 2 chads stand in front of 100 girls. These girls then have the option to choose only 1, and each chad can be chosen as many times (unlimited supply). Now They are identical in every way, EXCEPT one has a skull smaller than the average female, and the other has a skull larger than the average male. What will happen? Obviously the large skulled one will win. Whats this indicative of? Well, the fact that your face is not EVERYTHING. I'm not saying its not a huge factor or the single biggest (it obviously is) im just saying that attractiveness is the result of multiple variables.
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big skull is a LOOKSMIN unless your body is also proportionally bigger. look at justin bieber, he's like 5'8 or something but his small head makes him look much taller in pictures
  • Hmm...
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Okay, I'm surprised your white given how you are writing. I was wrong. does not matter though.

I'm sure we agree height does matter. And by the way i cared about skull size way before I was on looksmax. It ruined my confidence. Every time I see myself in pictures just destroys me. And like with height when your small people treat you differently. This is especially true with skull size.

Why not ask @wollet2 he has a skull size a tad smaller than mine yet is notably good-looking (I saw pics). He says he does not have problems with women, however, I question (and he suggests) he cannot get any woman he wants and is limited in his personality.

Again, im sure we agree looks impact personality, well what about size? I think anyone with a brain would agree relative size impacts your personality (how outgoing you are, how confident you are etc).
sup. prolly misunderstood sth, i meant that my type (weight, skull size, features) is not good for this type of women and late 20s nightlife hot women generally not that i cant get any women i want, i like other girls too. im not trying to get with any women now
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Think about it like this, this is what will happen if a chad has a small skull: girls will make some light jokes to him about it, and then go home with him and suck his dick

here's what will happen if a chad has a horse face: he's not a chad anymore
here's what will happen if a chad has a cyclops tier ipd: he's not a chad anymore
here's what will happen if a chad has a leafy/whoville chin: he's for damned sure not a chad anymore

Or alternatively, here's what will happen if an incel with a small skull magically increases his skull size: he's still an incel. Nothing happened from it.

flaws are not created equal, there are flaws worth worrying about and flaws NOT worth worrying about. It's your job to learn which column all of your flaws belong to. The reason I say it's important to oversimplify is because pretty much any flaw you can think of, a guy who has both a good lower third and a good eye area is going to be good looking while having said flaw. That's something worth thinking about. Skull size is not something girls EVER think about, height IS something girls think about, this is why they're not created equal. You ever seen that Simpsons episode where Milhouse thinks Lisa dumped him because his calves weren't big enough, because "calves are the hardest place to add mass?" That is EXACTLY what you're doing with skull size.
there are no chads with small skull
lmao. looksmaxxing for male gaze is pretty much the same thing.
my theory is that lonely losers who were bullied and had problems with inferiority complex are the ones obsessed with the male gaze. why would you prefer getting respect from men than getting attraction from women?:p
Thinking women care about skull size is as dumb as women thinking we care about how they polish their nails.


first pic with Tim shows how skull size perception is made up of cranium and face. indian dude has a big'ish face but smaller cranium. second pic is interesting also
I find longer hair on the sides helps smaller cranium
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I find longer hair on the sides helps smaller cranium
Depends on the kind of head. Such a style would not suit me I dont think. Either way, im not going to cope. If I can get 5mm worth of bone mass added to the entire skull or close to it from k2 megadose then I can attain 22-22.8 inch skull (ascending small skull). Plus I get some nice zygo gains. Also in my case cranial implants would benefit me.

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