

Jan 20, 2025
Here's a quick guide of first, the prerequisites to slay even semi-frequently (in the West), as well as tips on HOW to slay. I'm going to try to be as honest as possible and avoid ragebaiting ethnics/jews/manlets even though I usually do this because it's hilarious. A lot of these advice are context-dependent (country, social setting such as a college town vs big city), but I am going to focus on slaying in a college town in the US, as that's the most "generic" setting.

1. Prerequisites

- NT Race, you should ideally be White, Lightskin, Black, Latino or Mixed. Increasingly nowadays, you can also be Northeast Asian on the West Coast (SoCal for instance) or New England (big liberal diverse cities like Boston). Northeast Asians are also acceptable in places in the West where they're considered "exotic" due to their rarity, these countries are often also exposed to Korean/Japanese/Chinese media, making being Northeast Asian "NT" (Ex: Scandinavia, Ireland, Scotland, Austria, Italy, Spain, France).

- At Least Average Height (For Whites), this would be a TRUE 5'10/178cm (barefoot afternoon height) in most places in the US as well as South Europe. For North/Western Europe, you want to be at least a TRUE 5'11.5/182cm (barefoot afternoon height)

- NT Haircut, which means a mullet or fratty flow in the US/Australia, or the "chav" haircut (French Crop/Broccoli Cut) in the UK, or a middle part/lax flow in Germany/Scandinavia. For blacks, this could mean dreadlocks or cornrows.

- NT Skin/Clothes/Facial Expressions, you should have acne-free skin that isn't pale (in a basement gamer way, not a high-class pale way) or greasy, as well as NT clothes (depends heavily on country) as well as facial expressions. Learn how to smile (not too much gum exposure, wrinkle eyes and eyebrows right) and how to move your eyebrows to convey different emotions. The way your lips move when you talk should also be NT.

- NT Voice, your voice should be relatively deep and NT to the local dialect (fratccent in the US, Recieved Pronunciation in the UK, hockey accent in Canada, etc). Also learn how to control pitch, tonality and convey sarcasm, seriousness, confusion and sexual tension with your words and tone/pitch effectively.

- Social Proof, you need to have a friend group at the bar/club you're in at the MINIMUM, going alone is a non-NT dealbreaker. If you know the bartenders and bouncers and can dap them up or make small talk, even better for social proof. Same with seeing random fellow NT white moggers (tall HTN+) and dapping them up, this is all social proof.

- Low HTN+ Face, for a one-night stand and drunk slays, your face doesn't have to be great. Drunk foids in the dark can't see well and their judgement is impaired.

- Be Naturally Extroverted or Use Drugs, stuff like Adderall/Cocaine/Alcohol all helps. This will loosen up your body language and facial expressions to seem more NT.

- Decent to Good Body, you can be anything between a starvemaxxed twink to an athletic lean physique to a blocky bodybuilder physique. Each one has appeal to different races of girls. Starvemaxxed twink = maximum appeal for NT white girls and asian girls, athletic lean = mixed appeal to white girls, latinas and black girls, bodybuilder physique for maximum appeal to black and latina girls. Just don't be fat is law.

2. General Guidelines (no I'm not going to give a step by step detailed tutorial on how to get pussy for you incels)
- Always keep your confidence up, as soon as you start feeling insecure or down, your chances for slaying the rest of the night goes to near 0. Tons of girls have big egos, boyfriends, "situationships" where they're technically single but madly in love with a tall chadlite+ that they can't get commitment from, etc. Other girls are just flat out racist and will not date or hook up with outside a certain race (southern/rich white girls only hooking up with white guys, hood/liberal black girls only hooking up with black guys, slavic girls only going for slavic guys, asian girls only going for asian/white guys, etc).

- Don't expect girls to approach you, even in slutty environments such as college bars on holidays (halloweekend, homecoming, frat/sorority events, freshers week, rush week, etc) or spring break/clubbing destinations (Miami, Puerto Rico, Cancun, Ibiza, Mykonos, Mallorca). However, they will approach you occasionally or if they're super hammered or if you're VERY good looking (chances are you're not on this forum if you are), or if they have a fetish for your race/height.

- Always look NT. Don't go on your phone often and if you do, only go on NT apps such as Instagram, Snapchat or iMessage. The last thing you want is to go on and have stacy passing behind you see you on this unholy site. A trick is to sip your drink slowly so you always have something to do with your hands, otherwise it's easy to look awkward with empty hands. Also, you don't need to dance, but bop your head or frat flick (both NT moves). You can also talk to random people or your friend group, that's NT too.

- Catcalling girls on the streets (when you're walking to/from the bars) isn't a terrible move, you can generally pull it off if you're at least tall white HTN+. Lots of attractive NT slayers I know do this and they get away with it because they're NT and attractive. Nobody will give you shit for it or react negatively if you're tall white HTN+. Don't go as far as groping them though.

- WHILE SOBER, come up with a mental plan to escalate from any makeouts to sex. For example, mentally map out a Makeout -> Buy Drinks -> Flirt Further -> Dance/Grind -> Ask To Go Outside -> Get Uber Back to your place/dorm/hostel. This will make it MUCH easier to actually act on potential slays and escalate when you get hammered.

- Even if this might hurt your ego, only approach girls that you have a realistic shot with. If you're a 5'6 beaner, don't approach 5'11 aryan stacy. Same if you're 5'7 asian twink, don't approach the latina with tattoos who's ex is a 6'6 black football player. At this point in life, you should have an idea of the races/phenos most attracted to you. You can tell what the type of guys they're into by how they dress (sorority-like, alt, etc).

- Look for girls who look approachable (dancing provocatively, clearly hammered, dressed sluttily, touching guys, giving you looks), don't go for the girls with a resting bitch face with her arms crossed and on her phone on Snapchat/Messages. Should be obvious but some of you are non-NT autists.

- Go to the smoke break area and ask girls for lighters, instant NT conversation starter and approach method. Plus, this is a quiet and less crowded place for an actual conversation where you can hopefully leverage your NTness into an advantage, rather than pure looks. Also the lighting here is brighter, making face/PSL more important and height/frame decisively less so as opposed to a dark and blurry dance floor.
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BUMP. high iq threadd, take advantage of it incels

All I can say is that I lived in a former French colony town called Pondicherry and there was a Hindu-ish tourist spiritual building called Auroville. All these men and women from Europe, US and China and Korea would visit there. And I constantly had foreign women staring at me like I'm sort of work of art.

Yes I'm HTN and used to be a child model.

If I lost weight I could be a model again I guess.
to make sure youre not gonna rape them

I don't really care about your insults because I can see my level of attractiveness when I look at my reflection in the mirror. And I can compare them with the average White guy and I mog them. So whatever. Your pathetic words can't affect my reality.

You go ahead and live your pathetic life while I live my life to the fullest.
I don't really care about your insults because I can see my level of attractiveness when I look at my reflection in the mirror. And I can compare them with the average White guy and I mog them. So whatever. Your pathetic words can't affect my reality.

You go ahead and live your pathetic life while I live my life to the fullest.
"i mog the average white guy saar"

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