Snake is deleting

We might meet this summer. I'll prove he's a larping chad :feelsyay:
Sometimes I wonder what crimes I committed in my past life to deserve to be born in this subhuman gook body. Maybe i was a 6'5 blue-eyed blonde-haired, broad-shouldered Germanic gigachad, but made a dumb decision by joining the Nazi army and killed innocent people, and now it's my punishment to suffer as an incel.
  • JFL
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Sometimes I wonder what crimes I committed in my past life to deserve to be born in this subhuman gook body. Maybe i was a 6'5 blue-eyed blonde-haired, broad-shouldered Germanic gigachad, but made a dumb decision by joining the Nazi army and killed innocent people, and now it's my punishment to suffer as an incel.
4121548 RDT 20240108 1359494481806052607496896
  • JFL
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Man, this forum is so retarded. Truecels like snake here larp as chads and actual chads like @Michael Myers larp as khhv truecels.
Tales. I’m a truecel. :feelscry:
I would feel bad for him but since he hated the glorious Slavs I have no respect for him
Well, Slavs mistreated his people so you can’t blame him.
  • Hmm...
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  • JFL
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We might meet this summer. I'll prove he's a larping chad :feelsyay:
Im really not LARPing, these false accusations are literally crazy. Ask @Nebula he can confirm I’m an untermensch.
  • JFL
Reactions: i_love_roosters
Well, Slavs mistreated his people so you can’t blame him.
Mongols mistreated Slavic people, Slavs defended themselves and they were left with no other option than expand towards the Pacific Ocean because the mongols unceasingly attacked them. So well their people did get mistreated but in consequence of their behaviour.
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Mongols mistreated Slavic people, Slavs defended themselves and they were left with no other option than expand towards the Pacific Ocean because the mongols unceasingly attacked them. So well their people did get mistreated but in consequence of their behaviour.
Maybe you have a point. Central Asia used to be populated by Indo-Europeans before the Mongols and Turkic peoples displaced them. The Slavic people were just trying to restore the homeland of the Indo-Europeans.
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Mongols mistreated Slavic people, Slavs defended themselves and they were left with no other option than expand towards the Pacific Ocean because the mongols unceasingly attacked them. So well their people did get mistreated but in consequence of their behaviour.
Kolovrat symbol
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Im really not LARPing, these false accusations are literally crazy. Ask @Nebula he can confirm I’m an untermensch.
Doesn't Netherlands have brothels? Why don't you hire some Dutch stacy escort?
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Doesn't Netherlands have brothels? Why don't you hire some Dutch stacy escort?
Yes, there’s brothels. There’s also street prostitutes. I’ve been to a few places. Dutch women generally don’t work as escorts. Mostly Eastern Europeans and some Latin American women do. The only time I saw a Dutch escort was at a massage salon, she had a big ass but she was MTB. Dutch HTBs and higher don’t work as escorts and even the MTB was rare. I have to say that German escorts were the best out of the places I visited in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. I’ve never actually had sex with any of them because I’ll wait until 30. If I haven’t gotten a partner by then, which seems like it will be the case, then I’ll just have my dick sucked because I’m only interested in that. But then again, there’s the STDs that can be spread even orally. Truecels like me just can’t win. :feelscry:
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  • So Sad
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This is like the worst type of pheno you can have here, they are fucking ugly and always dirty
Mirin rep-to-post ratio boom due to putting Prince of Poland as your avi
  • JFL
Reactions: Debetro and mrriceguyreturn
This is like the worst type of pheno you can have here, they are fucking ugly and always dirty
Depends what kind of Tajik. Some are basically brown but some are lighter. Afghan Tajiks tend to be either I’ve noticed. Not sure about those from Tajikistan.
Mirin rep-to-post ratio boom due to putting Prince of Poland as your avi
Pink haired Cameron Hill is the best avi for reps, I get 0’s on my threads quite often. Will change it sooner or later
  • +1
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Yes, there’s brothels. There’s also street prostitutes. I’ve been to a few places. Dutch women generally don’t work as escorts. Mostly Eastern Europeans and some Latin American women do. The only time I saw a Dutch escort was at a massage salon, she had a big ass but she was MTB. Dutch HTBs and higher don’t work as escorts and even the MTB was rare. I have to say that German escorts were the best out of the places I visited in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. I’ve never actually had sex with any of them because I’ll wait until 30. If I haven’t gotten a partner by then, which seems like it will be the case, then I’ll just have my dick sucked because I’m only interested in that. But then again, there’s the STDs that can be spread even orally. Truecels like me just can’t win. :feelscry:
I can relate. We do have escorts here in Kazakhstan, but not brothels. I have money to hire but the reason i don't do it because i'm afraid that escorts will be disgusted. That's why i'm kpopmaxxing, at least they won't think of me as ugly and reject me.
  • JFL
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  • Hmm...
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Below average in subhuman cental :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Tbf people from here look way better than chinese/koreans on average, chinese/koreans are always brown and have really bad eyes(extremely bulging and monolids)
  • Hmm...
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Tbh snake is below average tho
Hahahahahahahahhhahahahhahahhaahhaha My Niche Is long Hair, or correctly saying I'm Just growing it. Year Ago I had Long Hair upto my Shoulders and Stacylites and Stacies stared at me every time I walk. Plus dated High HTB-Stacylite, she's Nordic Blonde nearly my height, I'm 6'1.5, she was probably almost 6 feet. She was so obsessed with my Hair, she really had a thing to Guys with Long Hair. However still other women hated it, So this is probably a Nichemaxxing. I just strated grwoing it again
  • JFL
Reactions: jisko32, Debetro, i_love_roosters and 1 other person
Hahahahahahahahhhahahahhahahhaahhaha My Niche Is long Hair, or correctly saying I'm Just growing it. Year Ago I had Long Hair upto my Shoulders and Stacylites and Stacies stared at me every time I walk. Plus dated High HTB-Stacylite, she's Nordic Blonde nearly my height, I'm 6'1.5, she was probably almost 6 feet. She was so obsessed with my Hair, she really had a thing to Guys with Long Hair. However still other women hated it, So this is probably a Nichemaxxing. I just strated grwoing it again
Idk what was wrong with that guy, he was so annoying tho
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  • JFL
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Are you Russian
I think my great great grandmother was, she has a picture somewhere stored with a quite important Tsarist times figure. In theory my maternal side would have been very rich but because of the fall of the Empire and some other things she did not inherit all the resources and properties. Sad.
  • +1
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Tbf people from here look way better than chinese/koreans on average, chinese/koreans are always brown and have really bad eyes(extremely bulging and monolids)
No intention for offense in anything i said btw :feelsyay:
  • +1
Reactions: mrriceguyreturn
I can relate. We do have escorts here in Kazakhstan, but not brothels. I have money to hire but the reason i don't do it because i'm afraid that escorts will be disgusted. That's why i'm kpopmaxxing, at least they won't think of me as ugly and reject me.
They won’t send you away, they want money. But I remember I was with a then-friend and my brother (yes, lol) at a prozzie street and they were talking to one of the street prozzies and suddenly my “friend” then dragged me into the convo and said “what about my friend? He’s a tourist, give him a discount.” She said “no, I want you (points at friend) or you (points at brother).” :feelscry: And you assholes say I’m a fakecel or a LARPing chad when I’m truly a khhv truecel. :feelsbadman:
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  • So Sad
Reactions: mrriceguyreturn and i_love_roosters
I think my great great grandmother was, she has a picture somewhere stored with a quite important Tsarist times figure. In theory my maternal side would have been very rich but because of the fall of the Empire and some other things she did not inherit all the resources and properties. Sad.
Where are you from
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Idk what was wrong with that guy, he was so annoying tho
Literally everything. He has extremely unfortunate cards in every department, I don't think many people can truly grasp how over it really is for him.
In DMs he ranted how he ascended his subhuman jaw via "endochondral ossification", first ranted at me with "Hahaha you probably dont even know what that is", even if it was possible at his age to modify bones via that, he was of course just coping as that mechanism of bone ossification doesn't even take place in the viscerocranium.
I'd advise him to LDAR / choose the quick way out
  • JFL
Reactions: ambi, i_love_roosters and mrriceguyreturn
No intention for offense in anything i said btw :feelsyay:
Tbh all dalits who joined from Kazakhstan look disappointing, I would be a better example of an average bloke from here
Last edited:
  • +1
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They won’t send you away, they want money
All escorts in Bulgaria have a no gypsies and fat people policy. I'm neither and I'll never go. I'm just saying. It's funny cuz most escorts are gypsy themselves :feelskek:
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Where are you from
From what I know most of my roots are from the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. Maybe some balkan or a little bit of Caucasus. And there's the possibility of me having Jew fucking blood because of my grandfather. But that's a very small possibility, it's just that there's rumours that he is adopted, if he is not then I'm pure.
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Literally everything. He has extremely unfortunate cards in every department, I don't think many people can truly grasp how over it really is for him.
In DMs he ranted how he ascended his subhuman jaw via "endochondral ossification", first ranted at me with "Hahaha you probably dont even know what that is", even if it was possible at his age to modify bones via that, he was of course just coping as that mechanism of bone ossification doesn't even take place in the viscerocranium.
I'd advise him to LDAR / choose the quick way out
Bpr wrote a whole essay on how pathetic he was in his dms jfl :feelskek:
  • JFL
Reactions: Magnum Opus
And you assholes say I’m a fakecel or a LARPing chad when I’m truly a khhv truecel.
It was a joke lol. I mean some people on this forum just started spreading rumors that you're a chad who larps as an incel. You remember Innervoid? He would make threads about being a truecel but he was exposed of being a HTN(i don't know, i just heard it).
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To add to the grievance he’s also treacherous, since he pathetically begged me like a dog to help him and gave me permission to post his face, only to later have me get banned for a couple of days when i posted it as an illustration to explain my point, and he seems to be on the lower end of the IQ curve as well, while having delusions of grandeur. He claimed he was going to figure out a way to enlarge his maxilla and showed me ridiculous pseudo-science he had been using to cope, i tried to talk him out of it but i was unsuccessful.

Still can't wrap my head around how a doofus who refuses accept he has a literal Quasimodo tier deformity decides to venture into YouTube making content about LOOKS, it's just crazy to me.
In his state most people are either bluepilled or they just rope, but I guess in his case the cope was powerful enough to overcome common sense and make him try to ignore his deformity and live the life he wanted despite the blackpill shit he likes to spread telling him to stay in his line 💀

Anyway he got put in his place by the blackpill he liked to preach to others and ignore for himself. If he had been a chad denying the maxilla is law theory nobody would've been able to humiliate him and bring him down, despite being totally wrong. I guess this is a textbook blackpill example
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In his state most people are either bluepilled or they just rope, but I guess in his case the cope was powerful enough to overcome common sense
This hits the nail on the head. Our fella Snake has 99.9% suicide mental-failsafe genetics, his brain is able to overcome each soulcrushing revelation of his subhuman genetics in every other department and just continues to keep the meat sack alive
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  • JFL
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Tbh all dalits who joined from Kazakhstan look disappointing, I would be a better example of an average bloke from here
Bro no shit, he made me hate y'all. He was spamming me 24/7 with schizo IYI shit. I thought the whole place was like him :feelskek:
All escorts in Bulgaria have a no gypsies and fat people policy. I'm neither and I'll never go. I'm just saying. It's funny cuz most escorts are gypsy themselves :feelskek:
Yeah I was a MENA escort online and she said no MENA men please. :feelshaha: But Bulgarian escorts would send me away too but I am not even going to escorts if I’m in EE.
  • JFL
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Bro no shit, he made me hate y'all. He was spamming me 24/7 with schizo IYI shit. I thought the whole place was like him :feelskek:
I just sugarcoated him and agreed w whatever he says
  • JFL
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