Social circlemaxxing

sergeant blackpill

sergeant blackpill

Certified Lookism PhD & Licensed SlutHater
Dec 17, 2020
My social life has been more or less completely dead for the last 3 years, i used to have a close friends but he never calls or texts anymore, he didn't even invite me to his birthday party this year.

A lot of it is my own fault because i unwittingly cut people out of my life when i was younger and i never really opened up to anyone and always hid behind a facade.

I feel like the loneliness is warping my psyche and i'm getting more and more dark-triad maxxed from it and my ability to empathize is diminishing and i'm super unmotivated all the time and i have this crazy mixed bag of rage, frustration, grandiosity and self loathing colliding inside of me.

This turned out more like a vent than i first planned but the bottomline is: what can i do to social circlemaxx? I just need a social venue and i know i could be spinning plates.
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Reactions: ChestBrah, 5'8manlet, WadlowMaxxing and 5 others
Just call your old friends or text them and hangout again.
Just call your old friends or text them and hangout again.
I tried to self-invitemaxx a couple of months ago but i could tell i wasn't very welcome.
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Reactions: amorfati, WadlowMaxxing, Hightwolf and 2 others
Just call your old friends or text them and hangout again.
He can't lol. Chances are if he was the one who cut them out of his life then they will be unforgiving in inviting him back into their social circle as he just ignored them all of a sudden, which is a rude move
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This is literally me too, I have 0 social circle IRL but I tell myself I'm too ugly to have friends to cope
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Reactions: amorfati and sergeant blackpill
Same bois
Litterally a loner
But thats aight it will get better:feelswah:
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Reactions: 5'8manlet and sergeant blackpill
That's sad man. Was in the same boat. Lost some friends duo study maxing and work maxing. After like 4 years I just called them and whatsapped them and we hang out again.
My social life has been more or less completely dead for the last 3 years, i used to have a close friends but he never calls or texts anymore, he didn't even invite me to his birthday party this year.

A lot of it is my own fault because i unwittingly cut people out of my life when i was younger and i never really opened up to anyone and always hid behind a facade.

I feel like the loneliness is warping my psyche and i'm getting more and more dark-triad maxxed from it and my ability to empathize is diminishing and i'm super unmotivated all the time and i have this crazy mixed bag of rage, frustration, grandiosity and self loathing colliding inside of me.

This turned out more like a vent than i first planned but the bottomline is: what can i do to social circlemaxx? I just need a social venue and i know i could be spinning plates.

What do you do? Are you on uni, do you work?
What do you do? Are you on uni, do you work?
I'm a NEET but i've been drifting in and out of employment for brief periods. I worked in phone sales a couple of months ago but i quit because my boss was a legit unbearable psychopath. I currently work as a volonteer one day/week.
Isn’t the point of this forum for people who are friendless?
I'm a NEET but i've been drifting in and out of employment for brief periods. I worked in phone sales a couple of months ago but i quit because my boss was a legit unbearable psychopath. I currently work as a volonteer one day/week.

"Just talk to volunteers bro" But seriously, you can chit chat with them, ask them to meet up, sure, they could say "no, thanks" but it doesn't hurt to take a chance
"Just talk to volunteers bro" But seriously, you can chit chat with them, ask them to meet up, sure, they could say "no, thanks" but it doesn't hurt to take a chance
There was one girl who i exchanged contact info with, but she isn't replying to my messages.
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Find a group, a gathering of people with similar interests if you will, study what they're into and incorporate it.
If they're into Punk culture, mohawkmaxxx...

Then it's just a matter of introducing yourself and passing a few vibe checks then you're in.
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Reactions: Need2Ascend and WadlowMaxxing
Hope you ascend man
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