Socializing with women is too blackpilling.

Those holes can make all the fun they want, at the end of the day though you can't let them dictate you to act high inhibition . The odds are rigged against us men but the only other choice is to avoid any negative feedback and rot home till you become a bitter old man who rages at younger men.
Yeah this is true.

Idk why I so often get stuck in these extremely negative thoughts and emotions. My brain goes in over-drive with the negativity, essentially destroying itself.

Fucking diseased brain-wiring.
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youre right, speaking of which, why live life at all when we are going to die anyway? the insecure way you type tells me that that you may actually belong to the female gender that you so despise and resent :forcedsmile: also youre from netherlands so youre probably decently tall as well but aspies on this forum convinced you that you need to be picture perfect in order to approach a woman :lul:
read this thread if you want to know more about this deluded rotting chap
  • JFL
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read this thread if you want to know more about this deluded rotting chap
shitty topic
I ghosted her cuz there's no way I can compete with her female privilege; dating life + social life.

She showed me her dating apps and instagram messages and it's filled with men showing interest in her. Huge turn-off, I have no interest in competing with 1000 men for 1 girl.
Low T retard. You aleady had her. The fuck?
Ok and he gets women so whatโ€™s your point?
No he doesnt :lul:

No he doesnt :lul:

1. He got some matches.

2. He gets women IRL. So his looks arenโ€™t holding him back.
1. He got some matches.

2. He gets women IRL. So his looks arenโ€™t holding him back.
Hes better looking than @MoggerGaston but he still looks aspie / creepy
Hes better looking than @MoggerGaston but he still looks aspie / uncanny
And he is also a model who can get Stacies, hence proving that looks get you women.
Hes better looking than @MoggerGaston but he still looks aspie / creepy
you're here long enough to know that looks are to some extent a subjective and trendy matter.
and at the same time they end up with normies every damm time
life is comedy enjoy it tbh its hilarious
This proves my point about how much insecure shit or cope women spout. Muh blackpilled. No, only in actions. Unless completely self-aware of power.

Yeah, for 1 week after the date we talked basically every day.
About the things we were doing, sending selfies, talking about holiday/party plans, etc. How we both want to meet-up again.

Then 2 weeks ago there were big celebrations in the netherlands, celebrating king's day. She asked me what I was doing during these national holidays and I made-up stories of cities I was visiting with friends, party-plans, everything.

Meanwhile in reality I was rotting in my room and going to 2 raves to get drugged out the whole night, all by myself without any friends. Ofcourse there's no way to tell or share this since it's not a chad-tier social-life, and I felt uninterested in continuing the conversation at this point.

I don't want to fraud who I am all the time just to please some whore. Big turn-off.

So I ghosted her, stopped talking to her. She still sent me some long messages, which I didn't respond to, but beyond that it was quiet for 1 week while she was on a holiday.

When she came back from that holiday, she texted me again asking when we are going to see eachother again (last weekend), which I further ignored.

Tbh dating is pointless unless ur chad with big privileged social-life.
Sorry, you fucked yourself over. What was the point of lying instead of being honest about your ordeals? That would have been a deal maker or breaker, an ultimate shit test.
nigga thinks I care about some dumb forum posts

The reason why she is 'throwing herself at me' is because I frauded my life, largely didn't say much about deeper things going on in my life, and I let her mind fill in the blanks. Which in this situation turned out positively (usually girls reject me so clearly the blanks they fill in don't turn out in my favor).

I could meet up with her a few more times but at some point the image in her mind about me is going to fall apart as she realizes I am not the ideal chad she thought I was. At which point she will get cold and/or reject me.

Why would I go through with this shit when I know exactly how this will go?

The only low awareness, socially inept person here is you.
Wouldn't matter if she liked you, might as well go all out and find out. Anything after that, treat it as a bonus but be prepared. You do you, on wether you prefer LTR or slaying.

It's hilarious when I see users here trying to cope with muh just be NT when in reality, whenever I'm around females, it's just blackpill after blackpill after blackpill.

A male classmate of mine would be deemed NT by most people; he has an active social life, goes to parties, festivals etc. and always posts about it too. He also has a girlfriend, is sociable, very talkative etc. But whenever he's not around, my female classmates always roast him.

Mocking his appearance, saying his girlfriend is fat and ugly, mocking him for not being lean too despite him going to the gym etc.
It's the same girls talk shit and turn the other cheek when he's not there but befriend him when he is? It's a fine line between the shit they say as being blackpill or deluded cope, unless they are superior in that sense lookswise mind you. Then all the stars have aligned.

Although lately, I've been trying to reinforce the whole it's not what they say it's what they do logic. Because it's easy to forget that women can cope too in their own way.

Brutal especially when they make fun of guys who are in their league/ better looking
It's a meme. Laughable and pathetic. At least we know when it's us, or I want to believe so. It's both simps and incels that have made it this way.

Adults with normal childhoods have a healthy sense of self-esteem, wants, desires, self-love.

All of that is completely 0 for adults coming from abusive childhoods.

I don't have a life, I am just living.

Overall everyone are you all forgetting women's ill-logic, or are you just not that experienced with them? To me that says a lot about your real lack of opposite-sex experience without saying it.
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Sorry, you fucked yourself over. What was the point of lying instead of being honest about your ordeals? That would have been a deal maker or breaker, an ultimate shit test.
The point is that lying helps you get the results that you want. While speaking the truth gives you a competitive disadvantage compared to men that don't.

I am not a chad, I don't have many options. So I try to get every advantage I can.

Wouldn't matter if she liked you, might as well go all out and find out. Anything after that, treat it as a bonus but be prepared. You do you, on wether you prefer LTR or slaying.
Makes logical sense, unlike my own actions/thoughts.
I guess it's just more fucked up brain-wiring resulting from my own parent's failed abusive marriage.

I think what I truly want is social/romantic validation for who I really am: feeling valued, desirable, powerfull, attractive.
But when I have to conform to an image of who I want to be, any gained validation from that doesn't nearly have as much power, since I know it's for the 'frauded me'.

I guess the real lesson though is that feeling valued, desirable, powerfull, attractive comes from within in the end, not from the outside. All the outside world, the environment, does is trigger you to think about yourself in a certain way.

And in the case of depression, BDD, any other mental illness, those thoughts don't reflect reality anymore and are of no real use.
Same with the ideas you develop of yourself when you have an abusive childhood, shit parents, were bullied, etc.

For most of us, the idea we have of ourself doesn't reflect reality. But instead is a result of a mix of impactfull moments in the past and how well/poorly you dealt with them.
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The point is that lying helps you get the results that you want. While speaking the truth gives you a competitive disadvantage compared to men that don't.

I am not a chad, I don't have many options. So I try to get every advantage I can.

Makes logical sense, unlike my own actions/thoughts.
I guess it's just more fucked up brain-wiring resulting from my own parent's failed abusive marriage.

I think what I truly want is social/romantic validation for who I really am: feeling valued, desirable, powerfull, attractive.
But when I have to conform to an image of who I want to be, any gained validation from that doesn't nearly have as much power, since I know it's for the 'frauded me'.

I guess the real lesson though is that feeling valued, desirable, powerfull, attractive comes from within in the end, not from the outside. All the outside world, the environment, does is trigger you to think about yourself in a certain way.

And in the case of depression, BDD, any other mental illness, those thoughts don't reflect reality anymore and are of no real use.
Same with the ideas you develop of yourself when you have an abusive childhood, shit parents, were bullied, etc.

For most of us, the idea we have of ourself doesn't reflect reality. But instead is a result of a mix of impactfull moments in the past and how well/poorly you dealt with them.

The only sentence I understood was about what you want and I believe you are so close.
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  • JFL
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This was the last good date in my life tbh. Nothing ever since and no opportunities. (Except the drug raver girl half a year ago)


You can't escape your destiny.

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