

Feb 4, 2022
Hello, this is my first ever guide so please ignore the shitty format, I try to cover a majority of pre-established softmaxxes which a lot of users on this forum already know of, I’m gonna mention my own experience with these and only going to mention certain stuff I done myself which I found helpful for me, and some stuff I intend to do in the near future to even enhance my facial aesthetics.

1) Hair: having a dead straight “1” hair type sets limitations and doesn’t give you as many opportunities to style your hair compared to someone with hair on the more wavier side of the hair type spectrum, having a “2B” hair type is most ideal as it is more manageable and looks better when styling, if you were to try a side part hairstyle with the “1” hair type, it wouldn’t look as good as someone trying the same hairstyle but with the “2A-3A” hair type


If you were to observe your hair type with the picture shown above, it won’t give an accurate explanation for to hair but the basic idea of it, there are many ways to increase how wavy/curly your hair is and here are a few things i did:

- Shampoo less and avoid using any Shampoo with sulphates (gets rid of moisture in the hair), Preferably buy a Shampoo specialised curls and do the same for Conditioners as well

- Use a diffuser when styling your hair alongside Curling cream/foam

- Use argan oil the night before shampoo days (which should only be a couple times a week)

- Avoid towel drying your hair and try use a T-shirt instead, don’t vigorously rub your head after the shower with the T-shirt and only scrunch your hair with it, apply your products and let your hair air dry

- Don’t use narrow toothed combs, use wide toothed combs only

I should probably add that you can’t change your hair type from the straightest on the spectrum to the most curliest part of the spectrum, you can only change it by the hair type above your current, for example “2A” to “2B”, if your hair is “1” then you can only make your hair look more textured rather than wavy

2) Skin: Personally I’ve never had any problems with my skin except when I’m shaving and get razor bumps, I managed to avoid this problem by using a foil shaver after shaving and use a aftershave balm as well, but I know a lot of people on this forum suffer from either really bad acne or a really shit skin complexion, I’m not gonna complicate my skin care routine because it’s very simplistic and probably won’t work for certain people, what I do is:

- Wake up and rinse my face with warm water

- Apply Shaving cream and use my razor to shave, then rinse my face again and pat dry my face with my face cloth then use a foil shaver

- After this I go into the shower and try not to touch my face before washing my body (not that deep but I feel better doing this)

- After my shower, wash my face with a CeraVe hydrating facial cleanser, then I pat my face dry again with my face cloth

- I apply an extremely small amount of moisturiser and then sunscreen (I use my baby brothers one it doesn’t really matter for me)

I know it’s quite basic but it works for me and I don’t see myself changing it in the future by adding in random serums and retinol to the routine, one thing I should add though is my extremely bad dark circles, I’ve suffered from them for years and I just started using the Super Facialist Vitamin C cream underneath them, I’ll update to see if it works but this is what it looks like:


3) Grooming: I’ve made another post about this a few days ago about how it’s the easiest softmaxxing you can do, because it is, so many people on this forum assume the most slightest inconvenience about themselves and immediately resort to some random surgery that costs 10k+, then complain afterwards when they botch themselves, they don’t realise the smallest most marginal gain in appearance can improve and enhance their facial aesthetics, this is the stuff I try to do once every week or two:

- Get a haircut from a SALON, not a barbershop, I don’t get skin fade because my paki ears are huge so I let my sides and back grow out near the same length of my hair on top, thankfully my hair is quite wavy and close to curly so growing my hair out doesn’t look that bad, but I improve so much when my hairdresser shaves off any random hairs at the back of my hair growing and layers my hair, bare in mind he uses no clippers, an extra tip - don’t be afraid to be really specific with your barber/hairstylist , it’s their job so make it as complicated as you can to get the hair you want, and also ask them what hairstyle would suit your face instead of deciding it yourself

- Go back to the salon and get your eyebrows shaped up, this sounds gay as fuck and it kind of is but the fact that people use makeup to ascend on this forum makes me feel better about doing this, I ask the person doing my eyebrows to clean up my eyebrows and never make them thin (obviously), he usually threads them but whenever I wanna do it myself I just use tweezers at home, isn’t really that hard as the guy that does my eyebrows already sets a faint guideline so I don’t fuck it up myself

- Wax your face, as mentioned earlier, i have hairy paki genetics where my cheekbones, forehead and nose grow hair, to get rid of this I wax the upper region of my face, I don’t use the wax which you have to warm up, I usually just buy normal face wax strips and then use after wax lotion afterwards, it helps a lot and really amplifies my facial structure somehow which is really good as well

4) Bonesmashing: now this topic is extremely controversial but I’m gonna talk about it anyways, the only idiots that don’t believe this works are the fat worthless cunts that delude themselves and tell everyone that they’re gonna surgery max when they become a millionaire, anyways I was quite inconsistent with bonesmashing and didn’t really do it under favourable conditions (never used D3 or K2), which is not good but I still achieved results somehow, I did it on my cheekbones and used Akil’s bonesmashing video to help me, it took me a month to see the tiniest gain (bare in mind I already had good cheekbones before I just wanted to see if anything happened, if you don’t already have zygos bonesmashing your cheekbones won’t work), so it ended up being quite a success, I used a hammer and hit it on my zygos extremely fast and extremely hard for around a minute every monring, evening and night, I’m going to buy a bunch of supplements for bonesmashing in a couple days when I get more clients and start doing it again on my gonions, chin (to make it look square), and browridge

5) Eye Area: I think this needed a completely separate guide because my biggest failo will always be my eye area, before I found out about looksmaxxing, my eyebrows were no where to be seen, and my eyes looked sickly, the first thing I changed was my eyebrows and eyelashes, my eyelashes were already pretty long but I decided to apply castor oil combined with rosemary oil onto it as well, and both my eyebrows and eyelashes grew alhamdulillah, I also applied the Syoss Eyebrow kit to make my eyebrows appear more darker:


Doing these improved my eye area a lot but not the anatomical aspect of it, I still need to fix my upper eyelid exposure, to do this I’ll be icehooding, bonesmashing and eyelid pulling and hoping it reduces the exposure a little bit, and also the easiest looksmax ever, aegyo sal

6) Posture: This one speaks for itself, if you have shit posture, it not only makes you look more shorter than you already are (made me look short even though i was tall my entire life), but also has a negative impact on your face as well (this is for mewers idk a lot about it i’ll be real), before I improved my posture I told everyone I was 6’1 (and i genuinely was) but everyone always corrected me and told me I was 5’11, after improving posture, girls would ask me my height and before I would even say it they’d say “6’3?, 6’4?”, bare in mind i’m 6’2 at the moment, a few weeks back I went to a luxury gym with my rich friend and I met one of my favourite male models Azim Osmani and he told me that I’d have a good chance in the modelling agency because I had great posture and stood quite similar to him when it came to height, I searched up his modelling portfolio again later that day and saw that he was 6’2 1/2, DO NOT sleep on good posture boys

7) Body Aesthetics: Now I grew up extremely skinny due to my lanky build and the fact that I was a short distance runner and occasionally played football, when I realised I needed a change I signed up to the gym and wasted my newbie gains opportunity, I added on some definitions but I was still skinny because of my shitty diet, recently I decided to start calisthenics and threw myself into the more intermediate/advanced workouts instead of beginner, I watched myself complete an advanced callisthenics workout, hit failure on each exercise, be able to do 10 clean straight dips and a bunch of other milestones in less than a month, something I was never able to do at gym, personally for me callisthenics is the best training type (because it is), but if weightlifting works for you, then go for it

For diet, I’ve started hitting 4000 calories and have gained 4-5kg this month (which is insane) and I don’t think i’ve gained any body fat either (which is also insane)

A few things I did to grow my arms was do nuclei overload, my recovery is quite fast so I wanted to see if I could grow my most lacking body part, I did 2 exercises for biceps and triceps every night till failure and I have been seeing great progress which isn’t growing

8) Fashion/Style: Going to try not to write a lot for this one because it’s quite simple and an easy looksmax, I’ve had quite an experience with fashion, I’ve grown up in london so i’ve fallen into the “roadman drip” era a long time ago, and also the “paki mother dressing you” era even longer ago (which consisted of wearing sandals without socks and camo pyjama shorts), these are some of the things I wear now and do to improve my style

- Go thrifting and buy vintage clothes, it doesn’t make you poor to thrift

- Wear cargos and parachute pants, jeans are also good but not bright coloured ones and not jet black ones, wear dark blue or light blue loose jeans (NEVER TIGHT), also avoid any prints and patterns on it, and also no ripped jeans

- If you’re from london the puffer jackets are normalised and can be pulled off but don’t buy monclizzy or NVLTY jackets, they look like trash bags, wear either trapstar (not irongate, hyperdrive are better) or any other underrated brands

- If you’re looking for more vintage jackets then buy carrhart jackets, they’re amazing

- Try to wear dark clothing, don’t wear t shirts if you’re arms are skinny or extremely fat, wear sweatshirts (baggy ones preferably, not tight fit)

- If you’re trying to look more smart then wear muscle fit polo shirts, chino trousers and even turtle necks if you have a skinny neck (may be hard to pull off)

- Don’t wear basic nike trainers, buy jordan’s or even blazers if that’s your style

9) Some honourable mentions:

- Removing body hair to reveal definition
- Whitening teeth
- Exfoliating lips to make them more plump and look more healthy
- Wearing oud (arabic cologne basically, best stuff i’ve ever smelt and never leave the house without wearing it)

Thank you for reading
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your 6ft 1 and Pakistani? Awhat ethnicity?
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i’m not from bangladesh, pakistanis have good height genetics
I have seen tall pakis here but they tend to be jatt, the dude in your pfp is also 6 ft + and he is jatt
shit format
  • JFL
Reactions: efidescontinuado
me or the weirdos that pay annual salaries for surgeries that descend them rather than ascend them?
Yeah these people are so weird for getting surgeries while having deformities and being made fun of their whole lives, kys op for real
  • +1
Reactions: zura and poopoohead
Yeah these people are so weird for getting surgeries while having deformities and being made fun of their whole lives, kys op for real
they need to kys, imagine being born with bad genetics, could never be me
6) Posture: This one speaks for itself, if you have shit posture, it not only makes you look more shorter than you already are (made me look short even though i was tall my entire life), but also has a negative impact on your face as well (this is for mewers idk a lot about it i’ll be real), before I improved my posture I told everyone I was 6’1 (and i genuinely was) but everyone always corrected me and told me I was 5’11, after improving posture, girls would ask me my height and before I would even say it they’d say “6’3?, 6’4?”, bare in mind i’m 6’2 at the moment, a few weeks back I went to a luxury gym with my rich friend and I met one of my favourite male models Azim Osmani and he told me that I’d have a good chance in the modelling agency because I had great posture and stood quite similar to him when it came to height, I searched up his modelling portfolio again later that day and saw that he was 6’2 1/2, DO NOT sleep on good posture boys
no posture for my subhuman 5'5" height
yeah I need to moneymaxx
doing that rn, selling expired fraud methods to money hungry rich london boys who wanna act bad as we speak
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Cannot read as I'm a nigger.
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Reactions: curbyourlookism
you dont have good genetics low tier normie paki lmfao
im not the one who needs 20 different sugeries so i can be secure enough to go up to a woman and talk to her, honestly kys
  • JFL
Reactions: poopoohead
mirin' the effort
  • +1
Reactions: Schönling, poopoohead, 5'7 zoomer and 1 other person
good post, 50 views and only 4 reacts with abundance of dnrds highlights state of this forum, why even share good knowledge or make guides anymore
  • +1
Reactions: Tallooksmaxxer, Deleted member 8771, Schönling and 1 other person
good post, 50 views and only 4 reacts with abundance of dnrds highlights state of this forum, why even share good knowledge or make guides anymore
thats why the offtopic section is more popular than the looksmaxxing one lol
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 15854 and coisbhai
good post, 50 views and only 4 reacts with abundance of dnrds highlights state of this forum, why even share good knowledge or make guides anymore
thanks brother and couldn’t agree more
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 15854
common knowledge but nevertheless good thread (y)
  • +1
Reactions: coisbhai
i am not being silly brother i am sharing my knowledge and experience
You are talking shit about surgeries on a looksmax blackpilled forum bhai 😅😅
good thread, except for the cargo & parachute pants part
  • +1
Reactions: coisbhai
nice thread op
  • +1
Reactions: coisbhai
good thread, except for the cargo & parachute pants part
i pull them off pretty well and honestly i need them because of my long legs, depends on your style though
You are talking shit about surgeries on a looksmax blackpilled forum bhai 😅😅
sorry bhai but i was insinuating that people people resort to surgeries for minor inconveniences which could probably be fixed by some softmax
@coispet opinion on cutting your hair by yourself ? Barbers where I live should be put in prison
@coispet opinion on cutting your hair by yourself ? Barbers where I live should be put in prison
do not recommend unless you learnt how to in covid time, have you tried going to a female salon? they are very good with men’s hair
sorry bhai but i was insinuating that people people resort to surgeries for minor inconveniences which could probably be fixed by some softmax
Never heard of any guy doing it

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