solution to not caring anymore?

i used to be the smartest in class, always at the top of my class in grades, and i excelled in everything i did but now in college i cant bring myself to study, i procrastinate and its like i dont care about life anymore, dont care about my goals i just wanna rot in bed all day.
Ask yourself, am I content with where I am heading
Ask yourself, am I content with where I am heading
well no, i know im not happy but it feels like im watching my life go by, like im a spectator and cant do anything
well no, i know im not happy but it feels like im watching my life go by, like im a spectator and cant do anything
All it takes is taking the first step, then you will be back in no time
Accept the fact that nothing matters and your existence is meaningless, I'm sure you haven't accepted this
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Accept the fact that nothing matters and your existence is meaningless, I'm sure you haven't accepted this
yeah i have yet to accept this but im getting there
yeah i have yet to accept this but im getting there
You live a pathetic meaningless 80 years then you're forgotten, nobody will remember you or care about you. No one even does now even if you become famous and rich you live on a tiny ball in a massive universe and 1000 years later no one will care about you.
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You live a pathetic meaningless 80 years then you're forgotten, nobody will remember you or care about you. No one even does now even if you become famous and rich you live on a tiny ball in a massive universe and 1000 years later no one will care about you.
well i know that fact, the only thing keeping me from letting go is wanting to make my parents proud, i dont want to let them down
well i know that fact, the only thing keeping me from letting go is wanting to make my parents proud, i dont want to let them down
So? The only reason they care about you is because your mom gave birth to you. They were forced to love you because society tells parents to love kids.
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i used to be the smartest in class, always at the top of my class in grades, and i excelled in everything i did but now in college i cant bring myself to study, i procrastinate and its like i dont care about life anymore, dont care about my goals i just wanna rot in bed all day.
the trick is to be in a chill zone where you're ok with everything both bad and good, and from that point you'll unironically feel better and in turn want to do better in life because you won't have such cucked constant pressure over yourself. You'll get the hang of it bhai
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i used to be the smartest in class, always at the top of my class in grades, and i excelled in everything i did but now in college i cant bring myself to study, i procrastinate and its like i dont care about life anymore, dont care about my goals i just wanna rot in bed all day.
Be a 5'10", 2/10 brown truecel like me.
the trick is to be in a chill zone where you're ok with everything both bad and good, and from that point you'll unironically feel better and in turn want to do better in life because you won't have such cucked constant pressure over yourself. You'll get the hang of it bhai
i hope so bro
Stop trying to control everything and just let go
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how would i start tho
Watch your mindspace/mindset/feelings you're having when you're ruminating and being anxious about something. Really get aware of the feeling and then repeat a mantra, ex. "I am what I think." You are cucking yourself big time if you think your constant anxiety isn't directly shaping your physical life.

You force yourself to think positively and chill. All of that anxiety is trickery your brain is trying to pull.

research law of assumption gray
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how would i start tho
You have to understand if you are in a good mindset your life will improve. Realizing that, like really realizing it, is where the point of change happens.
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Watch your mindspace/mindset/feelings you're having when you're ruminating and being anxious about something. Really get aware of the feeling and then repeat a mantra, ex. "I am what I think." You are cucking yourself big time if you think your constant anxiety isn't directly shaping your physical life.

You force yourself to think positively and chill. All of that anxiety is trickery your brain is trying to pull.

research law of assumption gray
will take ur advice definitely

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