SOMA 2 month progress



Mar 10, 2023
Been wearing my SOMA for 2 months now, averaging about 8-9 hours per 24, have tightened it twice and it’s gotten looser each time which means palate width expansion. First photo in black shirt is before, grey shirt is after.

I have overbite and I believe SFS.
I’m 16.

I need other peoples opinions on this, but IMO my mandible looks slightly more forward and maxilla too. This is my complete resting jaw, no muscles contracted just natural bite. I perma jut when out, and mew while I’m on my own.
Weighing 83kg in both photos by the way.
SOMA is meant to take up to 5 years for full cosmetic change. Be honest.


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SOMA appliance is a holistic scam that has no chance of causing change in your skeletal structure and could potentially cause lasting damage to your alveolar process

Cease "treatment" as soon as possible
Not the same thing, I have the type 1 SOMA appliance from Wholistic Dentistry. only available in australia.
ALF, AGGA, Biobloc, SOMA, Vivos DNA, Homeoblock

Different names for the same snake oil
You’re completely unaware of what youre saying, and what I’m actually wearing. I’ll send you a photo of my appliance when I’m home. I believe the appliance shown in this photo, is the type 7. My ortho usually uses it on extremely downgrown YOUNG children.


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Been wearing my SOMA for 2 months now, averaging about 8-9 hours per 24, have tightened it twice and it’s gotten looser each time which means palate width expansion. First photo in black shirt is before, grey shirt is after.

I have overbite and I believe SFS.
I’m 16.

I need other peoples opinions on this, but IMO my mandible looks slightly more forward and maxilla too. This is my complete resting jaw, no muscles contracted just natural bite. I perma jut when out, and mew while I’m on my own.
Weighing 83kg in both photos by the way.
SOMA is meant to take up to 5 years for full cosmetic change. Be honest.
how do you conive ortho to give u applaicnes my ortho wont give me a palate expander when everyone here says i need one
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how do you conive ortho to give u applaicnes my ortho wont give me a palate expander when everyone here says i need one
see another ortho. worth travelling for imo
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Wierd they would name it soma soma mean body in Greek
It doesn't matter what step you're in in the treatment process, or what the build of the appliance is. The entire concept and claims behind it are nothing but lies to get your money in their pockets.

Even if it doesn't push your teeth and fuck you up in this particular stage, AT BEST you fell for their misleading marketing and are paying substantially more for a shady orthodontic treatment. Any hopes of it "realigning your cranial bones", "curing TMD", "expanding your maxilla" and any other bullshit claims, will remain in your dreams

I've seen many people like you and I don't care enough to go to such lengths to help you in particular. I know it comes from a place of cluelessness, but you actually deserve it for believing some random guy's "alternative medicine" agenda which has zero science or evidence or backing to it besides his own word and a few self-published cases (with no cephalometric scans or peer review to accompany them, mind you)

But after many years and thousands of dollars lost, just remember that that one guy on told you so.
There are no other steps in the treatment process, your bias is coming from a completely different appliance and you are spouting shit with no knowledge of what it is I’m actually using. Do you deny every orthodontic treatment?

Call it placebo, call it whatever you want but I sleep better, have 10x more vivid dreams and don’t mouth breathe anymore with the appliance in. My jaw no longer hurts and feels like it constantly needs to be cracked, my right eye would often get a pain that also coincided with pain in my right temporal muscle. I haven’t had this pain since. My teeth feel more aligned in my mouth and my overbite feels less pronounced. My palate feels like I have more room to rest my tongue on it without touching my molars.

If the appliance forces me to leave my tongue on my palate every night all night, do you seriously believe my maxilla won’t expand as a 16 year old?

They’ve taken measurements of everything and I have another appointment to measure again in 3 weeks.
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SOMA appliance is a holistic scam that has no chance of causing change in your skeletal structure and can at best do nothing, and at worst cause lasting damage to your dentoalveolar health

Cease "treatment" as soon as possible
Soma is brave new world benzo pills hahaha
Why would it? Explain.
Why would my skull and jawbones not develop like they should with correct oral posture? Why would correcting completely improper oral posture help? Do you know nothing?
Ok like I said I don't give a shit about proving some clueless child wrong

But what I will tell you is: How do we find things to be true?

If you want to grow taller, why shouldn't you hang upside down 5 minutes everyday? What if you read a convincing theory on why it could actually work to make you taller, saw some before-after pictures online, an effervescent online community around it that swears that it could work?

As humans we aren't equipped with the tools to make sense of things in a way that reflects with the cold hard reality. Because of that, we have created a scientific method and infrastructure to be able to tell what is true and what isn't in a reliable manner. There are entire bodies of academia on any given topic you could think of that has come to conclusions through relentless experimenting.

There is simply NOTHING that suggests that the maxilla will remodel and widen due to the force of your tongue. Nothing. Just because you read online posts on it and youtube videos by a certain "doctor" that is currently in the process of having his license revoked

View attachment 2510233

Peace, kys
This retard is so fed up he’s now quoting “nothing is true” theory. Please name the doctor who’s having his license revoked. If it’s not the doctor treating me, I don’t give a fuck. If that doctor didn’t design the appliance I wear, I don’t give a fuck. “Science is never 100% accurate guys!!!!”

Tell me if you see a noticeable difference in the photos or not, and then leave the fucking thread.
At around your age, the scientific consensus is that there is a redundant amount of growth left: just light REMODELLING here and there (no apposition at the sutures). Skeletal changes are only really in the chin, due to puberty

View attachment 2510261View attachment 2510258 14 years of age,of the nose and chin.&text=Visualization of facial growth changes,and 17 years in boys.
View attachment 2510268

In simple words boyo, it's over. All your sutures are either fused or interdigitated.

View attachment 2510256

Just so you know, MARPE treatment, the one that uses titanium implants screwed into your maxilla to try to crack your maxilla open for expansion purposes, is a bit of a stretch even for late teenagers due to their skeletal age
Wait, do you seriously claim MARPE or even MSE won’t expand someone’s palate? Or grow any bone? lol
That’s FAGGA and not everyone got bad results from it. It’s just that how a provider handles it for instance how fast they make change impacts the results. Whether teeth are moved or the maxilla etc.

Been wearing my SOMA for 2 months now, averaging about 8-9 hours per 24, have tightened it twice and it’s gotten looser each time which means palate width expansion. First photo in black shirt is before, grey shirt is after.

I have overbite and I believe SFS.
I’m 16.

I need other peoples opinions on this, but IMO my mandible looks slightly more forward and maxilla too. This is my complete resting jaw, no muscles contracted just natural bite. I perma jut when out, and mew while I’m on my own.
Weighing 83kg in both photos by the way.
SOMA is meant to take up to 5 years for full cosmetic change. Be honest.
what is SOMA what’s it look like and what are the claims about it. Looking at your pics it’s hard to say for certain of change occurred but I will say that if u asked which pic u look better, it’s the after where you look better.
At around your age, the scientific consensus is that there is a redundant amount of growth left: just light REMODELLING here and there (no apposition at the sutures). Skeletal changes are only really in the chin, due to puberty

View attachment 2510261View attachment 2510258 14 years of age,of the nose and chin.&text=Visualization of facial growth changes,and 17 years in boys.
View attachment 2510268

In simple words boyo, it's over. All your sutures are either fused or interdigitated.

View attachment 2510256

Just so you know, MARPE treatment, the one that uses titanium implants screwed into your maxilla to try to crack your maxilla open for expansion purposes, is a bit of a stretch even for late teenagers due to their skeletal age
Won moon days expanding at any age is possible. He expanded himself, he said he was an example of a very difficult case.
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That’s FAGGA and not everyone got bad results from it. It’s just that how a provider handles it for instance how fast they make change impacts the results. Whether teeth are moved or the maxilla etc.

what is SOMA what’s it look like and what are the claims about it. Looking at your pics it’s hard to say for certain of change occurred but I will say that if u asked which pic u look better, it’s the after where you look better.


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so it only does lateral? No forward? Also 5 years is crazy long
lateral is a given id say , forward is just something im hoping for with age and puberty. i only hit puberty this time 2021
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