Some cold hard truths normies are right about

Jason Voorhees

Jason Voorhees

May 15, 2020
-Personality/demeanour/aura does matter once you cross the looks threshold
-Status, Wealth and Social skills are all very important in both dating and professional life
-Even Chads look mediocre in bad lighting and/or awkward angels
-All Chads are big on self improvement and spend a lot of money and put a lot of effort into maintaining their looks
-Age pill always comes to collect with Norwood and Collagen Reaper
-Normie men do get laid just not as frequently and with lower quality women than chads
-NT can break or make you as MTN+ male
-Gym can increase your smv
-Social media presence is important for networking and meeting women. You cannot live as a social pariah in this day and age
-Looks is way more important than race and ethnic smv is on the rise
-Mediapill is underrated. Media representation and how a group is portrayed to the general public can absolutely have an effect on an individuals smv.
-Women do have different types and preferences but they are all sheep and are generally hive minded individuals that follow the crowd
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  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: ChiraqJihad, UrGirlsMcm, Nick.Harte and 35 others
@murdah @tombradylover
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Reactions: tombradylover
-That JBW is law.
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees
Mediapill is extremely important I agree, Kpop and East Asian Media saved East asians from being below Indians in the west. It also improved their relations with their women as well
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: HTN_Mentalcel, bloomercel, Jason Voorhees and 2 others
Mediapill is extremely important I agree, Kpop and East Asian Media saved East asians from being below Indians in the west. It also improved their relations with their women as well
And whites have hollywood
  • +1
Reactions: bloomercel, Jason Voorhees and murdah
And whites have hollywood
Big part of their SMV, they show whites in a good light, whilst ethnics have little to no media representation. They even propagate WMAF in films and TV.
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Reactions: bloomercel, Jason Voorhees and Bomber517
Looks to attract a mate, money, status, neurotypy to keep one.
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees
Big part of their SMV, they show whites in a good light, whilst ethnics have little to no media representation. They even propagate WMAF in films and TV.
Murdaha, i think it's time for us ethnics to rope.
4189059 3245115 the only way
  • JFL
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: klip11, HTN_Mentalcel, Jason Voorhees and 1 other person
yeah no one looks good 100% all the time regardless of the lighting and angles

sometimes I feel subhuman and other times I feel like a mogger
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Reactions: Detective, theonewhocantascend, Jason Voorhees and 1 other person
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  • JFL
Reactions: Jason Voorhees and Darkeningstar
good reminder thread + goated pfp
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Reactions: DeadTrees and Jason Voorhees
Yea basically you need the whole package , looks is just what unlocks the door
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees
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Reactions: yeeyeeslayer and SidharthTheSlayer
don't know about this one
Guys that get worshipped on the forum like opry, gandy etc spend a lot of money to maintain their looks. Perfect diet, expensive skin care procedures and routines, dermal fillers etc. They are paid to look good
Guys that get worshipped on the forum like opry, gandy etc spend a lot of money to maintain their looks. Perfect diet, expensive skin care procedures and routines, dermal fillers etc. They are paid to look good
yeah obviously models do
im talking about IRL day-to-day chads
like those you see at school / uni
  • +1
Reactions: Darkeningstar and yeeyeeslayer
yeah obviously models do
im talking about IRL day-to-day chads
like those you see at school / uni
yeah but those technically aren't chads in the literal sense

those are most likely htns and maybe lites at best
  • +1
Reactions: shia.jihadist
Mediapill is extremely important I agree, Kpop and East Asian Media saved East asians from being below Indians in the west. It also improved their relations with their women as well
Do blacks have media pill?
-Personality/demeanour/aura does matter once you cross the looks threshold
-Status, Wealth and Social skills are all very important in both dating and professional life
-Even Chads look mediocre in bad lighting and/or awkward angels
-All Chads are big on self improvement and spend a lot of money and put a lot of effort into maintaining their looks
-Age pill always comes to collect with Norwood and Collagen Reaper
-Normie men do get laid just not as frequently and with lower quality women than chads
-NT can break or make you as MTN+ male
-Gym can increase your smv
-Social media presence is important for networking and meeting women. You cannot live as a social pariah in this day and age
-Looks is way more important than race and ethnic smv is on the rise
-Mediapill is underrated. Media representation and how a group is portrayed to the general public can absolutely have an effect on an individuals smv.
-Women do have different types and preferences but they are all sheep and are generally hive minded individuals that follow the crowd
agreed with all but about the NT thing. it’s important for everyone but I would say it’s more important for those below mtn than those who are mtn or above

obviously a htn needs to be NT but now imagine how much you need to be NT as a guy whos actually ugly (below ltn or barely ltn). at that looks level nt and social circle is everything, every single ltn / sub ltn who gets girls does so because he has a good mixed gender social circle
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  • JFL
Reactions: Jason Voorhees and BrahminBoss
all about aura

i have it

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