Some pakistanis are very insecure and racist its shocking + amazing Arabic rice dish



These fools could never make me sweat
Nov 10, 2020
I hung out yesterday with 3 of my pakistani canadian friends yesterday after uni (btw these guys are great no hate to them), but i noticed that they're very obviously insecure and self hating when it comes to being south asian.

I noticed this especially from the way they're extremely racist towards indians around me (i'm arab) as if to say 'we're nothing like indians saar' believ me'. For example they'd complain about indians taking over canada one of them said 'canada isn't canada anymore', they'd call indians ugly and short and smelly.

it's also to the point where they'd get super defensive and borderline offended whenever i'd ask them about anything indian related, for example we were talking about the indian caste system and different ethnic groups in south asia like punjabis etc. then i asked them 'aren't dalits the lowest in india',' what about brahmins', and they'd be like 'IDK IM NOT INDIAN WHY ARE U ASKING ME' then i was like 'well your still neighbours and have similarilites so it makes sense to ask u just like it would make sense to ask me about syria even tho im iraqi'

They even talk shit about made fun of one of our other indian classmates who said 'its a shame we separated' .

I think this comes of a place of deep insecurity about being south asian, they're projecting and i honeslty just feel bad for them.

Side note : this is what we ate for lunch that day :
IMG 2836
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Reactions: Infinite, Piratecel, Mewton and 9 others
I hung out yesterday with 3 of my pakistani canadian friends yesterday after uni (btw these guys are great no hate to them), but i noticed that they're very obviously insecure and self hating when it comes to being south asian.

I noticed this especially from the way they're extremely racist towards indians around me (i'm arab) as if to say 'we're nothing like indians saar' believ me'. For example they'd complain about indians taking over canada one of them said 'canada isn't canada anymore', they'd call indians ugly and short and smelly.

it's also to the point where they'd get super defensive and borderline offended whenever i'd ask them about anything indian related, for example we were talking about the indian caste system and different ethnic groups in south asia like punjabis etc. then i asked them 'aren't dalits the lowest in india',' what about brahmins', and they'd be like 'IDK IM NOT INDIAN WHY ARE U ASKING ME'

They even talk shit about made fun of one of our other indian classmates who said 'its a shame we separated' .

I think this comes of a place of deep insecurity about being south asian, they're projecting and i honeslty just feel bad for them.

Side note : this is what way ate for lunch that day :
View attachment 2732097
Most of them wish they were rapebabies lmfao
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Reactions: robtical, BigLooks22, Gilbert_Durandal and 3 others
Tagging some bhais to give their 2 cents :
@BrahminBoss @SecularIslamist @kwacker777 @Gengar @SidharthTheSlayer @Ryan @Big White Cuck
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Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Indian muslims, all based and Zia Ul Haqpilled

Can't say the same about the average hindu that browses this place except a few :feelswhat:
Screenshot 20240208 183847 Picsart
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  • Ugh..
  • JFL
Reactions: brucewayne78, Ryan, st.hamudi but 6‘5 and 1 other person
Pakistanis & bengalis are both ethnic Indians but rebranded as muslims.

Urdu = Hindu

Pakistani food is Indian food but tainted by meat. It’s all rice, colorful goyslop & a protein source (in the Pakistani & Bengali tradition)
  • +1
Reactions: yeeyeeslayer
Pakistanis & bengalis are both ethnic Indians but rebranded as muslims.

Urdu = Hindu

Pakistani food is Indian food but tainted by meat. It’s all rice, colorful goyslop & a protein source (in the Pakistani & Bengali tradition)
I know, and that's what the whole world knows but its a tough pill to swallow for some pakistanis
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Bengalis Sri Lankans and Pakis suffer by proxy because of indian actions. Fuck them hindus frrr💯
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Thats sad

Is your country known to make bad food ?
You’re not Arab
You said you’re mizrahi Jewish ethnically
Jews and Arabs are different ethnic groups
So you’re Jewish
i have some iraqi jewish on my mothers side but most of my ancestry is arab.
  • Woah
Reactions: thenewhebbe
It's pathetic how some South Asian Muslims try to distant themselves from their curry identity, one of these ways is to care about Palestine. They shouldn't care about them and let the sandniggers deal with their own problems, not necessarily support Israel but should be apathetic to the issue as a whole, highest order of cuckoldry to care because Arabs look at people from the subcontinent as mere cockroaches and slave labour. Muslim South Asians and the remaining self hating shitskins should start embracing their shitskin-ness like the rest of us, you accept whatever you were dealt with in life and stop trying to artificially distance yourself from it, every time you do, you're only shooting yourselves in the foot everytime.

Also funny how they talk about "Indians" taking over Canada, I would bet your friends are Punjabi Pakistanis, so they're almost genetically the same as the people they detest coming to Canada in droves, the Indian Punjabis.
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Reactions: Ryan, Mewton, PrinceofDarkness and 4 others
I hung out yesterday with 3 of my pakistani canadian friends yesterday after uni (btw these guys are great no hate to them), but i noticed that they're very obviously insecure and self hating when it comes to being south asian.

I noticed this especially from the way they're extremely racist towards indians around me (i'm arab) as if to say 'we're nothing like indians saar' believ me'. For example they'd complain about indians taking over canada one of them said 'canada isn't canada anymore', they'd call indians ugly and short and smelly.

it's also to the point where they'd get super defensive and borderline offended whenever i'd ask them about anything indian related, for example we were talking about the indian caste system and different ethnic groups in south asia like punjabis etc. then i asked them 'aren't dalits the lowest in india',' what about brahmins', and they'd be like 'IDK IM NOT INDIAN WHY ARE U ASKING ME' then i was like 'well your still neighbours and have similarilites so it makes sense to ask u just like it would make sense to ask me about syria even tho im iraqi'

They even talk shit about made fun of one of our other indian classmates who said 'its a shame we separated' .

I think this comes of a place of deep insecurity about being south asian, they're projecting and i honeslty just feel bad for them.

Side note : this is what we ate for lunch that day :
View attachment 2732097
Dnrd + water most ethnics are self hating racist subhumans
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Reactions: Mewton, PrinceofDarkness, Gilbert_Durandal and 1 other person
Pakis/curry muzzies in general are disgraced cucks. So hilariously pathetic how they worship their oppressors (sandcels).
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Reactions: Ryan, robtical, Mewton and 2 others
because Arabs look at people from the subcontinent as mere cockroaches and slave labour.
not all arabs, and their impression of muslim south asians is different from hindus.
Pakis/curry muzzies in general are disgraced cucks. So hilariously pathetic how they worship their oppressors (sandcels).
Most ethnics worship their oppressors sandcels like @mortis and @st.hamudi but 6‘5 worship whites as they drop air strikes on whatever shithole country their from man
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Reactions: Gilbert_Durandal
Food looking doodoo af
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Reactions: thenewhebbe
Most ethnics worship their oppressors sandcels like @mortis and @st.hamudi but 6‘5 worship whites as they drop air strikes on whatever shithole country their from man
i don't worship whites, iranians females do. i could give 0 fucks about race and skin colors but foids aren't the same.
  • Hmm...
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Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur and wishIwasSalludon
If your mother is Jewish you’re Jewish
@Eternal_ Jesus was Jewish allegedly it’s complicated
The rabbis in my yeshiva told me Jesus was a Christian.

Please advise
Most ethnics worship their oppressors sandcels like @mortis and @st.hamudi but 6‘5 worship whites as they drop air strikes on whatever shithole country their from man
st hamudi is white
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Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur, SplashJuice and wishIwasSalludon
look at the face in his pfp, if he told you he was from a european country would you believe him? the answer is you would, thus he's white.
I wasn’t joking when I said my Nigerian friend looked white he is half Nigerian half whiter but he looks like this

IMG 1265


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Reactions: Gilbert_Durandal, PrinceLuenLeoncur and wishIwasSalludon
not all arabs, and their impression of muslim south asians is different from hindus.
I never saw it that way, non-South Asians look at people from the subcontinent the same, Muslim/Hindu doesn't matter. But this is basic psychology anyways and can be applied to another group against another, in groups view their diversity as larger but view out groups as more homogenous.
Do not give them rights
if i had the power, females had to stay inside 24 to cook and clean if they didn't do their job well they would receive beatings 3 times a day. but they are needed for "workforce' and jews need slaves so they are given full rights sadly.
  • JFL
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
Pakistanis & bengalis are both ethnic Indians but rebranded as muslims.

Urdu = Hindu

Pakistani food is Indian food but tainted by meat. It’s all rice, colorful goyslop & a protein source (in the Pakistani & Bengali tradition)
"Ethnic Indians" doesn't mean anything. Why do non curries even talk about this shit, you have .org Serbians telling me why actually Pashtuns aren't Pakistani :lul:
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Reactions: Gilbert_Durandal
"Ethnic Indians" doesn't mean anything. Why do non curries even talk about this shit, you have .org Serbians telling me why actually Pashtuns aren't Pakistani
what are ur thoughts on the contents of my thread
I hung out yesterday with 3 of my pakistani canadian friends yesterday after uni (btw these guys are great no hate to them), but i noticed that they're very obviously insecure and self hating when it comes to being south asian.

I noticed this especially from the way they're extremely racist towards indians around me (i'm arab) as if to say 'we're nothing like indians saar' believ me'. For example they'd complain about indians taking over canada one of them said 'canada isn't canada anymore', they'd call indians ugly and short and smelly.

it's also to the point where they'd get super defensive and borderline offended whenever i'd ask them about anything indian related, for example we were talking about the indian caste system and different ethnic groups in south asia like punjabis etc. then i asked them 'aren't dalits the lowest in india',' what about brahmins', and they'd be like 'IDK IM NOT INDIAN WHY ARE U ASKING ME' then i was like 'well your still neighbours and have similarilites so it makes sense to ask u just like it would make sense to ask me about syria even tho im iraqi'

They even talk shit about made fun of one of our other indian classmates who said 'its a shame we separated' .

I think this comes of a place of deep insecurity about being south asian, they're projecting and i honeslty just feel bad for them.

Side note : this is what we ate for lunch that day :
View attachment 2732097
Yeah IRL talking shit about Indians is fine but as a curry if you're going on and on about them it just makes you look like an obsessed shitskin

Though to be fair I wouldn't really expect them to know the intricacies of the caste system when not on the Internet
  • +1
Reactions: Gilbert_Durandal
I hung out yesterday with 3 of my pakistani canadian friends yesterday after uni (btw these guys are great no hate to them), but i noticed that they're very obviously insecure and self hating when it comes to being south asian.

I noticed this especially from the way they're extremely racist towards indians around me (i'm arab) as if to say 'we're nothing like indians saar' believ me'. For example they'd complain about indians taking over canada one of them said 'canada isn't canada anymore', they'd call indians ugly and short and smelly.

it's also to the point where they'd get super defensive and borderline offended whenever i'd ask them about anything indian related, for example we were talking about the indian caste system and different ethnic groups in south asia like punjabis etc. then i asked them 'aren't dalits the lowest in india',' what about brahmins', and they'd be like 'IDK IM NOT INDIAN WHY ARE U ASKING ME' then i was like 'well your still neighbours and have similarilites so it makes sense to ask u just like it would make sense to ask me about syria even tho im iraqi'

They even talk shit about made fun of one of our other indian classmates who said 'its a shame we separated' .

I think this comes of a place of deep insecurity about being south asian, they're projecting and i honeslty just feel bad for them.

Side note : this is what we ate for lunch that day :
View attachment 2732097
Curries are the most self loathing race on earth. I actually pity them but their food nice ngl
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Reactions: wishIwasSalludon and yeeyeeslayer
  • Hmm...
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
"Ethnic Indians" doesn't mean anything. Why do non curries even talk about this shit, you have .org Serbians telling me why actually Pashtuns aren't Pakistani

I am sorry sar. Plz enlighten us with your knowledge and wisdom
  • +1
Reactions: yeeyeeslayer
Most of them wish they were rapebabies lmfao
I feel it’s partially due to being Muslim. I have noticed those that are Muslim tend to have an inferior complex to Ayrabs and wish they were Ayrabic. This is why when my m8 asked me why I don’t be Muslim I said “because I refuse to view Arabs as above me” ofc the Muslims will get defensive when I say this but the fact that to read their fucking book you need to learn Arabic and shit proves it’s an Arabic worshipping cult
  • +1
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Reactions: Gilbert_Durandal, Fynasids dk and yeeyeeslayer
I feel it’s partially due to being Muslim. I have noticed those that are Muslim tend to have an inferior complex to Ayrabs and wish they were Ayrabic. This is why when my m8 asked me why I don’t be Muslim I said “because I refuse to view Arabs as above me” ofc the Muslims will get defensive when I say this but the fact that to read their fucking book you need to learn Arabic and shit proves it’s an Arabic worshipping cult
Allah can only speaks Arabic. He needs google translate for the rest of his creation. Ya Allah why did you curse us non-Arabs
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Allah can only speaks Arabic. He needs google translate for the rest of his creation. Ya Allah why did you curse us non-Arabs
we believe he sent down other books in other languages e.g. torah in hebrew and bible in aramaic

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