Some remarks on phenotype and physical attractivnes.



Reject the black pill
Dec 4, 2019
The issue came from disscuion with reptiles

T L D R:
People before industrial era nutrition used to be more robust. Some populations from lower estates of pre-modern society used (on average) to be more reduced and shorter in looks than higher class (becasue many population went throught alpinisation/alpinizaton and baltisation/balticization processes becasue of bad living conditions), Europid are, on average, the most attractive on dating market.

Bold: reptiles
Italic: text from the articles and posts on other forums
Normal: mine

,,Racially progressive tendencies in a race are typically modern sapiens features. In this context I mean neomorphic, new features, which are both balanced, versatile, under as much conditions as possible advantageous and efficient. The new feature must be generally advantageous or at least not disadvantageous, neutral, if considering as much factors as possible, to be called progressive. Usually this tendencies are on line with the general trends of Hominisation, f.e. decrease of prognathy, prominence of the upper jaw, changes in the position of the foramen magnum and the form and position of the parietal bone etc."

This is what Agrippa said. I assume it is mosltly based on environmental factors. I.e. Europids got for instance smaller teeth than negroids because of different diet through many millenia. This is probably also the reason behind the different skull shape in general.

reptiles: I mean this makes sense though if he already went in with the idea europoid skulls were the most advantageous we don't know but I have a hyposthsis the more strict the sexual competition is the harsher the enviroment is the more likely 1 is to produce gigachads

Interesting. Well. I think it depends on what do we think about "harsh" enviroment really. As far as I know the really harsh enviroment (which implicate worse food supply and worse living conditions in general) results actually in racial reduction. This is a theory how certain racial type were developed.

East Cromagnid - West Baltid - East Baltid
West Cromagnid and Paleoatlandtid - reduced cromagnid - Alpinid

It does not really mean there are no GIGACHADS in population living in harsher conditions, or general non-attracive males but i preindustiral society it was linked to social strata. The progressive racial elements (Nordid, Cromagnid) were more common in higher classes of the society i.e. nobility. While in lower clasess the more reduced, infantilized racial elements were more dominat.

"Just imagine a group of Slavic peasants which had a percentage of just 10 percent Osteuropids, whereas the rest was Nordoid, Nordoid-Mediterranid and Nordoid-Cromagnid, like in most Indo-Europeans, for convenience and because that was dominant, let's just speak of Nordoid vs. Osteuropoid, like I. Schwidetzky did in her work about the ancient Slavs.

Now the peasantry became more and more dependent, sedentary and began to live more peacefully, yet in larger settlements, with worse hygiene, nutrition and more diseases.

Baltisation starts and certain traits which make up the Osteuropoid variant in comparison to the Nordoid are favoured. From one generation to the next, slowly but steadily, the Osteuropoid element proportions will grow, while the Nordoid will shrink.

Probably not even because the Nordoids have less children than they had before, but because the Osteuropoid HAVE EVEN MORE and even under deteriorating conditions!

So all of them would be, when the Nordoid would be only 50 percent and Osteuropoid 50 percent too, still be descendents of the very same people, just the racial proportions changed, because people with this traits (Osteuropoid) had more offspring relative to those with the other traits (Nordoid).

It is a change in the genpool which might not even be related in all instances to massive immigration, it is natural selection at work, just under unfavourable conditions in which the more frugale people which procreate faster under bad, but rather stable conditions, had the upper hand on the longer run, especially in the lower classes.

Some assume that the introduction of Christianity had an influence on this too, because now certain limitations to mixture and marriages etc. were lifted, while at the same time all people became subjugated as peasantry, with just the nobility being really free and old high level selection being at its end, because social success and positive risk taking, Idealism and group orientation might have been still important, especially for the group, but did no longer pay off biologically for the practising individuals!

So a sturdy, more cold resistent and frugal peasant type became more dominant, which is the classic Osteuropid, which descends from archaic hunters, fishers and gatherers of the North East, which became Finno-Ugrians at one point in prehistory, and Balticised and Slavicised later, which was the way they came into the Slavic populations genpool...

That process of Baltisation might be older though, since the Cromagnoid elements became more reduced and gracile over time, resulting without Mongoloid tendencies in Westbaltid and Baltid variants, with Mongoloid tendencies in Eastbaltids."

From this topic, probably the most interesting.
Interesting. Well. I think it depends on what do we think about "harsh" enviroment really. As far as I know the really harsh enviroment (which implicate worse food supply and worse living conditions in general) results actually in racial reduction. This is a theory how certain racial type were developed.

reptiles: It does reduce to racial reduction however strict sexual competition leads to desired feauters past down over thousands of years if you don't grow right you will look ugly we can compare a westerner today compared to their ancestors they look incels in comparison strict sexual competition leads to very desired features that become attractive it's why western faces perfer antes and chinese per say don't they have a similar version of the ante but ones with their own pheno types. I truly think anyone given the right environment and and diet could turn into a wider faced chad maybe not to western standard but by no means would they be ugly very few incels are found in traditional tribal areas meanwhile so many incel looking dudes can be found in normie area receding chins frauding bones.Why ? all this though cause they did not grow right i think the diet enviroment and strict sexual selection will lead chaddier faces or what you term progressive faces.

Well, it is true that diet that composed of easy to chew food in early years of a human being does have an impact on his skull growth but the impact of this diet just stunned the proper growth of certain population but this rather does not lead into a negative selection.
I remember photos done by some scientists in 20th century, he has done a comparison between people from cities on modern diet and common rural folk who got to chew a lot, the author and title are: Weston Price's "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" .

reptiles: I truly think anyone given the right environment and and diet could turn into a wider faced chad maybe not to western standard but by no means would they be ugly very few incels are found in traditional tribal areas meanwhile so many incel looking dudes can be found in normie area receding chins frauding bones. Why ? all this though cause they did not grow right i think the diet enviroment and strict sexual selection will lead chaddier faces or what you term progressive faces.

I do believe there are many factors that are causing this, some are these you just typed. Well progressive face also could be quite incelish. What I man is that there could be a Chad-looking human among various human phenotypes.

reptiles: Most nobility high classes tended to practice incest that goes agaist your thesis that gigachads would be of nobility.
Royal families throughout history were known for inbreeding...They wanted their lines to be pure royal so. What better way than to literally...

Well what you gave here is an example that involves the top-tier European monarch in post-medieval era. I do not deny the inbreediung was an issue among the high European aristocracy after medieval period (i.e. house of Habsburg) but this doesn't show us a large spectrum of noble class in general. What I mean was that upper-classes tend to be on average taller and rather unreduced racial features, because of more favourable living conditions, like access to resources and different way of selection, especially during the ages where higher-status warriors (i.e. ancient herder-warrior indo-Europeans) and then knights social estates where seriously involved into war as an active participants. Also this is visible in India where upper casts got more Europid and progressive features, this is also a thing when it comes to the Sikhs population - well known for their military traditions and fighting skill - who are on average taller than the common hindu people.

reptiles: meanwhile though i'm just using the somali We can see they used to be better looking Do these on average look incelish ? they good forward growth.Even the Masai tribes from 2 to 300 years ago Look at the forward growth he also seems to have a very visible zygos further leading to the credence harsher environment and very selective breeding leads to this leading me to believe every race seems to attractive features if grown right.

I do not think that forward growth is actually the indicator of chad attractiveness in general. What I mean is that orthognathic skull does not implicate recessed mandible, jaw or chin. If we look at reconstruction of palaeolithic European people most of them are of course orthognathic and very robust when we look at them from the front. And, they often did not have such "forward" growth" as Ethiopians posted here. I.e. famous skull from Oberkassell The issue here is that these people are negroids from Ethiopia. They have prognathic skulls, but their chins are actually quite recessed (which is more primitive feature among the modern homo sapiens racial spectrum).

reptiles: When i mean harsher enviroment's that also means not living in society 1 has to simulate what our hunter gatherer life style was like like the masai a peasant society that lives in non traditional diets will off course will off course be reccessed.
To me it would appear every one has the potential to be gigachads i can only imagine what my ancestors looked like we will never be 1/10 of what they were

Well, you can go for paleolithic people reconstructions, but I would not say that super-robust cromagnid features would be consider super-attractive, actually when we look at the top-tier male models (Gandy, Barret, O'pry), they are actually a bit gracile (pretty-boyish)in some way, they do not have supper robust jaw and ultra masculine, unreduced cromagnid faces like Briann Stann or John Cena. I assume that being attractive is something more than just being unreduced cromagnid wheter it is dalofaelid or paleoatlantid, unreduced west-baltid or whatever.
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: Mosh12, sub6manletnozygos and shibo
Did you really type all this?
  • JFL
Reactions: DrTony
Nigga i aint reading all that shit
Bold of you to assume people will read this
At least put a tldr:
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: 5'8manlet and DrTony
So listen mate I have to level with you. I don't normally say this in such a direct way but, like,

I just did not read past the first few words. I probably won't either.
The issue came from disscuion with reptiles

Bold: reptiles
Italic: text from the articles and posts on other forums
Normal: mine

,,Racially progressive tendencies in a race are typically modern sapiens features. In this context I mean neomorphic, new features, which are both balanced, versatile, under as much conditions as possible advantageous and efficient. The new feature must be generally advantageous or at least not disadvantageous, neutral, if considering as much factors as possible, to be called progressive. Usually this tendencies are on line with the general trends of Hominisation, f.e. decrease of prognathy, prominence of the upper jaw, changes in the position of the foramen magnum and the form and position of the parietal bone etc."

This is what Agrippa said. I assume it is mosltly based on environmental factors. I.e. Europids got for instance smaller teeth than negroids because of different diet through many millenia. This is probably also the reason behind the different skull shape in general.

reptiles: I mean this makes sense though if he already went in with the idea europoid skulls were the most advantageous we don't know but I have a hyposthsis the more strict the sexual competition is the harsher the enviroment is the more likely 1 is to produce gigachads

Interesting. Well. I think it depends on what do we think about "harsh" enviroment really. As far as I know the really harsh enviroment (which implicate worse food supply and worse living conditions in general) results actually in racial reduction. This is a theory how certain racial type were developed.

East Cromagnid - West Baltid - East Baltid
West Cromagnid and Paleoatlandtid - reduced cromagnid - Alpinid

It does not really mean there are no GIGACHADS in population living in harsher conditions, or general non-attracive males but i preindustiral society it was linked to social strata. The progressive racial elements (Nordid, Cromagnid) were more common in higher classes of the society i.e. nobility. While in lower clasess the more reduced, infantilized racial elements were more dominat.

"Just imagine a group of Slavic peasants which had a percentage of just 10 percent Osteuropids, whereas the rest was Nordoid, Nordoid-Mediterranid and Nordoid-Cromagnid, like in most Indo-Europeans, for convenience and because that was dominant, let's just speak of Nordoid vs. Osteuropoid, like I. Schwidetzky did in her work about the ancient Slavs.

Now the peasantry became more and more dependent, sedentary and began to live more peacefully, yet in larger settlements, with worse hygiene, nutrition and more diseases.

Baltisation starts and certain traits which make up the Osteuropoid variant in comparison to the Nordoid are favoured. From one generation to the next, slowly but steadily, the Osteuropoid element proportions will grow, while the Nordoid will shrink.

Probably not even because the Nordoids have less children than they had before, but because the Osteuropoid HAVE EVEN MORE and even under deteriorating conditions!

So all of them would be, when the Nordoid would be only 50 percent and Osteuropoid 50 percent too, still be descendents of the very same people, just the racial proportions changed, because people with this traits (Osteuropoid) had more offspring relative to those with the other traits (Nordoid).

It is a change in the genpool which might not even be related in all instances to massive immigration, it is natural selection at work, just under unfavourable conditions in which the more frugale people which procreate faster under bad, but rather stable conditions, had the upper hand on the longer run, especially in the lower classes.

Some assume that the introduction of Christianity had an influence on this too, because now certain limitations to mixture and marriages etc. were lifted, while at the same time all people became subjugated as peasantry, with just the nobility being really free and old high level selection being at its end, because social success and positive risk taking, Idealism and group orientation might have been still important, especially for the group, but did no longer pay off biologically for the practising individuals!

So a sturdy, more cold resistent and frugal peasant type became more dominant, which is the classic Osteuropid, which descends from archaic hunters, fishers and gatherers of the North East, which became Finno-Ugrians at one point in prehistory, and Balticised and Slavicised later, which was the way they came into the Slavic populations genpool...

That process of Baltisation might be older though, since the Cromagnoid elements became more reduced and gracile over time, resulting without Mongoloid tendencies in Westbaltid and Baltid variants, with Mongoloid tendencies in Eastbaltids."

From this topic, probably the most interesting.
Interesting. Well. I think it depends on what do we think about "harsh" enviroment really. As far as I know the really harsh enviroment (which implicate worse food supply and worse living conditions in general) results actually in racial reduction. This is a theory how certain racial type were developed.

reptiles: It does reduce to racial reduction however strict sexual competition leads to desired feauters past down over thousands of years if you don't grow right you will look ugly we can compare a westerner today compared to their ancestors they look incels in comparison strict sexual competition leads to very desired features that become attractive it's why western faces perfer antes and chinese per say don't they have a similar version of the ante but ones with their own pheno types. I truly think anyone given the right environment and and diet could turn into a wider faced chad maybe not to western standard but by no means would they be ugly very few incels are found in traditional tribal areas meanwhile so many incel looking dudes can be found in normie area receding chins frauding bones.Why ? all this though cause they did not grow right i think the diet enviroment and strict sexual selection will lead chaddier faces or what you term progressive faces.

Well, it is true that diet that composed of easy to chew food in early years of a human being does have an impact on his skull growth but the impact of this diet just stunned the proper growth of certain population but this rather does not lead into a negative selection.
I remember photos done by some scientists in 20th century, he has done a comparison between people from cities on modern diet and common rural folk who got to chew a lot, the author and title are: Weston Price's "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" .

reptiles: I truly think anyone given the right environment and and diet could turn into a wider faced chad maybe not to western standard but by no means would they be ugly very few incels are found in traditional tribal areas meanwhile so many incel looking dudes can be found in normie area receding chins frauding bones. Why ? all this though cause they did not grow right i think the diet enviroment and strict sexual selection will lead chaddier faces or what you term progressive faces.

I do believe there are many factors that are causing this, some are these you just typed. Well progressive face also could be quite incelish. What I man is that there could be a Chad-looking human among various human phenotypes.

reptiles: Most nobility high classes tended to practice incest that goes agaist your thesis that gigachads would be of nobility.
Royal families throughout history were known for inbreeding...They wanted their lines to be pure royal so. What better way than to literally...

Well what you gave here is an example that involves the top-tier European monarch in post-medieval era. I do not deny the inbreediung was an issue among the high European aristocracy after medieval period (i.e. house of Habsburg) but this doesn't show us a large spectrum of noble class in general. What I mean was that upper-classes tend to be on average taller and rather unreduced racial features, because of more favourable living conditions, like access to resources and different way of selection, especially during the ages where higher-status warriors (i.e. ancient herder-warrior indo-Europeans) and then knights social estates where seriously involved into war as an active participants. Also this is visible in India where upper casts got more Europid and progressive features, this is also a thing when it comes to the Sikhs population - well known for their military traditions and fighting skill - who are on average taller than the common hindu people.

reptiles: meanwhile though i'm just using the somali We can see they used to be better looking Do these on average look incelish ? they good forward growth.Even the Masai tribes from 2 to 300 years ago Look at the forward growth he also seems to have a very visible zygos further leading to the credence harsher environment and very selective breeding leads to this leading me to believe every race seems to attractive features if grown right.

I do not think that forward growth is actually the indicator of chad attractiveness in general. What I mean is that orthognathic skull does not implicate recessed mandible, jaw or chin. If we look at reconstruction of palaeolithic European people most of them are of course orthognathic and very robust when we look at them from the front. And, they often did not have such "forward" growth" as Ethiopians posted here. I.e. famous skull from Oberkassell The issue here is that these people are negroids from Ethiopia. They have prognathic skulls, but their chins are actually quite recessed (which is more primitive feature among the modern homo sapiens racial spectrum).

reptiles: When i mean harsher enviroment's that also means not living in society 1 has to simulate what our hunter gatherer life style was like like the masai a peasant society that lives in non traditional diets will off course will off course be reccessed.
To me it would appear every one has the potential to be gigachads i can only imagine what my ancestors looked like we will never be 1/10 of what they were

Well, you can go for paleolithic people reconstructions, but I would not say that super-robust cromagnid features would be consider super-attractive, actually when we look at the top-tier male models (Gandy, Barret, O'pry), they are actually a bit gracile (pretty-boyish)in some way, they do not have supper robust jaw and ultra masculine, unreduced cromagnid faces like Briann Stann or John Cena. I assume that being attractive is something more than just being unreduced cromagnid wheter it is dalofaelid or paleoatlantid, unreduced west-baltid or whatever.

Thanks for that that's a really long response and I will respond to it
I summarized, nobody will read everything
Thanks for that that's a really long response and I will respond to it
Well actually only last part of it comes from our conversation, I did respond there to your last conversation message with Somalis and Ethiopians.
Honestly feel bad for OP with this thread.
good thread
The issue came from disscuion with reptiles

T L D R:
People before industrial era nutrition used to be more robust. Some populations from lower estates of pre-modern society used (on average) to be more reduced and shorter in looks than higher class (becasue many population went throught alpinisation/alpinizaton and baltisation/balticization processes becasue of bad living conditions), Europid are, on average, the most attractive on dating market.

Bold: reptiles
Italic: text from the articles and posts on other forums
Normal: mine

,,Racially progressive tendencies in a race are typically modern sapiens features. In this context I mean neomorphic, new features, which are both balanced, versatile, under as much conditions as possible advantageous and efficient. The new feature must be generally advantageous or at least not disadvantageous, neutral, if considering as much factors as possible, to be called progressive. Usually this tendencies are on line with the general trends of Hominisation, f.e. decrease of prognathy, prominence of the upper jaw, changes in the position of the foramen magnum and the form and position of the parietal bone etc."

This is what Agrippa said. I assume it is mosltly based on environmental factors. I.e. Europids got for instance smaller teeth than negroids because of different diet through many millenia. This is probably also the reason behind the different skull shape in general.

reptiles: I mean this makes sense though if he already went in with the idea europoid skulls were the most advantageous we don't know but I have a hyposthsis the more strict the sexual competition is the harsher the enviroment is the more likely 1 is to produce gigachads

Interesting. Well. I think it depends on what do we think about "harsh" enviroment really. As far as I know the really harsh enviroment (which implicate worse food supply and worse living conditions in general) results actually in racial reduction. This is a theory how certain racial type were developed.

East Cromagnid - West Baltid - East Baltid
West Cromagnid and Paleoatlandtid - reduced cromagnid - Alpinid

It does not really mean there are no GIGACHADS in population living in harsher conditions, or general non-attracive males but i preindustiral society it was linked to social strata. The progressive racial elements (Nordid, Cromagnid) were more common in higher classes of the society i.e. nobility. While in lower clasess the more reduced, infantilized racial elements were more dominat.

"Just imagine a group of Slavic peasants which had a percentage of just 10 percent Osteuropids, whereas the rest was Nordoid, Nordoid-Mediterranid and Nordoid-Cromagnid, like in most Indo-Europeans, for convenience and because that was dominant, let's just speak of Nordoid vs. Osteuropoid, like I. Schwidetzky did in her work about the ancient Slavs.

Now the peasantry became more and more dependent, sedentary and began to live more peacefully, yet in larger settlements, with worse hygiene, nutrition and more diseases.

Baltisation starts and certain traits which make up the Osteuropoid variant in comparison to the Nordoid are favoured. From one generation to the next, slowly but steadily, the Osteuropoid element proportions will grow, while the Nordoid will shrink.

Probably not even because the Nordoids have less children than they had before, but because the Osteuropoid HAVE EVEN MORE and even under deteriorating conditions!

So all of them would be, when the Nordoid would be only 50 percent and Osteuropoid 50 percent too, still be descendents of the very same people, just the racial proportions changed, because people with this traits (Osteuropoid) had more offspring relative to those with the other traits (Nordoid).

It is a change in the genpool which might not even be related in all instances to massive immigration, it is natural selection at work, just under unfavourable conditions in which the more frugale people which procreate faster under bad, but rather stable conditions, had the upper hand on the longer run, especially in the lower classes.

Some assume that the introduction of Christianity had an influence on this too, because now certain limitations to mixture and marriages etc. were lifted, while at the same time all people became subjugated as peasantry, with just the nobility being really free and old high level selection being at its end, because social success and positive risk taking, Idealism and group orientation might have been still important, especially for the group, but did no longer pay off biologically for the practising individuals!

So a sturdy, more cold resistent and frugal peasant type became more dominant, which is the classic Osteuropid, which descends from archaic hunters, fishers and gatherers of the North East, which became Finno-Ugrians at one point in prehistory, and Balticised and Slavicised later, which was the way they came into the Slavic populations genpool...

That process of Baltisation might be older though, since the Cromagnoid elements became more reduced and gracile over time, resulting without Mongoloid tendencies in Westbaltid and Baltid variants, with Mongoloid tendencies in Eastbaltids."

From this topic, probably the most interesting.
Interesting. Well. I think it depends on what do we think about "harsh" enviroment really. As far as I know the really harsh enviroment (which implicate worse food supply and worse living conditions in general) results actually in racial reduction. This is a theory how certain racial type were developed.

reptiles: It does reduce to racial reduction however strict sexual competition leads to desired feauters past down over thousands of years if you don't grow right you will look ugly we can compare a westerner today compared to their ancestors they look incels in comparison strict sexual competition leads to very desired features that become attractive it's why western faces perfer antes and chinese per say don't they have a similar version of the ante but ones with their own pheno types. I truly think anyone given the right environment and and diet could turn into a wider faced chad maybe not to western standard but by no means would they be ugly very few incels are found in traditional tribal areas meanwhile so many incel looking dudes can be found in normie area receding chins frauding bones.Why ? all this though cause they did not grow right i think the diet enviroment and strict sexual selection will lead chaddier faces or what you term progressive faces.

Well, it is true that diet that composed of easy to chew food in early years of a human being does have an impact on his skull growth but the impact of this diet just stunned the proper growth of certain population but this rather does not lead into a negative selection.
I remember photos done by some scientists in 20th century, he has done a comparison between people from cities on modern diet and common rural folk who got to chew a lot, the author and title are: Weston Price's "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" .

reptiles: I truly think anyone given the right environment and and diet could turn into a wider faced chad maybe not to western standard but by no means would they be ugly very few incels are found in traditional tribal areas meanwhile so many incel looking dudes can be found in normie area receding chins frauding bones. Why ? all this though cause they did not grow right i think the diet enviroment and strict sexual selection will lead chaddier faces or what you term progressive faces.

I do believe there are many factors that are causing this, some are these you just typed. Well progressive face also could be quite incelish. What I man is that there could be a Chad-looking human among various human phenotypes.

reptiles: Most nobility high classes tended to practice incest that goes agaist your thesis that gigachads would be of nobility.
Royal families throughout history were known for inbreeding...They wanted their lines to be pure royal so. What better way than to literally...

Well what you gave here is an example that involves the top-tier European monarch in post-medieval era. I do not deny the inbreediung was an issue among the high European aristocracy after medieval period (i.e. house of Habsburg) but this doesn't show us a large spectrum of noble class in general. What I mean was that upper-classes tend to be on average taller and rather unreduced racial features, because of more favourable living conditions, like access to resources and different way of selection, especially during the ages where higher-status warriors (i.e. ancient herder-warrior indo-Europeans) and then knights social estates where seriously involved into war as an active participants. Also this is visible in India where upper casts got more Europid and progressive features, this is also a thing when it comes to the Sikhs population - well known for their military traditions and fighting skill - who are on average taller than the common hindu people.

reptiles: meanwhile though i'm just using the somali We can see they used to be better looking Do these on average look incelish ? they good forward growth.Even the Masai tribes from 2 to 300 years ago Look at the forward growth he also seems to have a very visible zygos further leading to the credence harsher environment and very selective breeding leads to this leading me to believe every race seems to attractive features if grown right.

I do not think that forward growth is actually the indicator of chad attractiveness in general. What I mean is that orthognathic skull does not implicate recessed mandible, jaw or chin. If we look at reconstruction of palaeolithic European people most of them are of course orthognathic and very robust when we look at them from the front. And, they often did not have such "forward" growth" as Ethiopians posted here. I.e. famous skull from Oberkassell The issue here is that these people are negroids from Ethiopia. They have prognathic skulls, but their chins are actually quite recessed (which is more primitive feature among the modern homo sapiens racial spectrum).

reptiles: When i mean harsher enviroment's that also means not living in society 1 has to simulate what our hunter gatherer life style was like like the masai a peasant society that lives in non traditional diets will off course will off course be reccessed.
To me it would appear every one has the potential to be gigachads i can only imagine what my ancestors looked like we will never be 1/10 of what they were

Well, you can go for paleolithic people reconstructions, but I would not say that super-robust cromagnid features would be consider super-attractive, actually when we look at the top-tier male models (Gandy, Barret, O'pry), they are actually a bit gracile (pretty-boyish)in some way, they do not have supper robust jaw and ultra masculine, unreduced cromagnid faces like Briann Stann or John Cena. I assume that being attractive is something more than just being unreduced cromagnid wheter it is dalofaelid or paleoatlantid, unreduced west-baltid or whatever.

<<T L D R: People before industrial era nutrition used to be more robust. Some populations from lower estates of pre-modern society used (on average) to be more reduced and shorter in looks than higher class (becasue many population went throught alpinisation/alpinizaton and baltisation/balticization processes becasue of bad living conditions), Europid are, on average, the most attractive on dating market.>>

I have learnt a few thing recently but before i get into that i should preface i quite ignorant on European history on the baltinzation period what essentially happened ? Any ways know to get to what i have learnt people preindustrial revolution that lived in the farms tended to be better looking.

And by better looking i think it's fair to define terms and when I mean better looking i mean facial contrast that's stuff like masculine features this derives from the fitness selection mate theory.

I also mean symmetry the facial angularity that includes the chin harmonizing the jaw and all the eyes ears and everything being perfectly symmetrical.

This thus far has been when science has confirmed as objective beauty the other stuff included like specifically racial features seems to be added onto here as a subtle bait and switch i have found here they go from dimorphism to specfically white skulls which i don't see a need for.

I also include coloring but that's not objective beauty that's subjective cause mainly not all societies held lighter skin as a ideal most did but not all.

Most of these things are non racial and any race can have so i don't tend to buy into europoids being the most attractive.

Know iraniad personally in my personally opinion tends to be better looking primarily because their features tend to over extend masculinity but that's a personal opinion and not scientifically verified as far as i am aware.

>>acially progressive tendencies in a race are typically modern sapiens features. In this context I mean neomorphic, new features, which are both balanced, versatile, under as much conditions as possible advantageous and efficient. The new feature must be generally advantageous or at least not disadvantageous, neutral, if considering as much factors as possible, to be called progressive. Usually this tendencies are on line with the general trends of Hominisation, f.e. decrease of prognathy, prominence of the upper jaw, changes in the position of the foramen magnum and the form and position of the parietal bone etc." <<

Okay objection 1 of the bat if a trait is neatural it's not positive it's a neautral trait for a trait to be positive within the context of natural selection it has to do 3 things 1 be able to help in reproduction or be helpful in gathering food like hunter eyes or it has to aid to in survival from other prey.

Then i think we can biologically claim it is a advantageous trait.

We have tons of neatural mutations and they can appear in the face like light eyes it serves no major advantage apart from the rarity of it same with ginger hair although in current times not so but regardless if a trait is seen as rear you can rest assure it will reproduce like wild fire.

People like scarce things it's why economies work i like to think of our genetics as economics trait's aren't advantages per say unless they are a thing onto their own selves which generally helps out in survival an example would be in some animals having a gene mutation which which lets you see in the dark. If it's not this and it is rearer traits that doesn't help in survival or reproduction per say like eye color and racial differences then their valuable traits cause their rear but their not advantageous at-least in the context of natural selection they aren't things onto themselves.

So to make a difference between advantageous traits traits and valuable traits Here is a quick dinstinction.

Advantages traits

Helps in reproduction (as in the traits desired are traits which help in reproduction) (excluding features like light eyes and skull differences they can be valuable traits but their not advantageous.

Helps in survival (as in stops you from being from a predator or helps you in your context)

Helps you in both survival and reproduction traits which help you Aquire food.

Valuable traits fit into these things.

They are aesthetic. (Light skin)

They are very rear.(ginger hair.

As for what i have listed out as advantages traits these are objective and has a biological basis to it the traits mentions

<<f.e. decrease of prognathy, prominence of the upper jaw, changes in the position of the foramen magnum and the form and position of the parietal bone etc.<<

A response to every claim

foramen magnum merely connects your spinal cord to your brain having a larger one doesn't necessarily imply a progressive trait plus i don't think studies have been done on other races to rest other racial sizes and at best the sizes would be minimal for 1 main reason.

We are still classified as homo sapiens even though other races can appear different in our eyes genetically we are very similar at times if we did find a size difference at max it would probably be is a cm or more and i am struggling to see how this is a positive trait.

A prognathic jaw is a macclused condition described by most orthodontists if you have it you have a recces-ion in a gene or you didn't grow right.

Not a lot of people tend to have this though.

As for the position of the parital bone all the parietal bone does is protect the brain i don't understand what the shape has to do with an advantageous trait.

Also i tend to think a lot of beauty is filtered through a white lense that we tend to miss the good looks of typical blacks cause most don't look recessed they are just under represented here mainly.

Which makes sense as the western system is at the top even implicitly people look here and look to people here as human gods mainly cause people here are so rich had we the african system the african traits would be more valuable or aesthetic.

However the objectivity in all of beauty comes from contrast masculine lower third angularity things which objectively signal good genetics.

<<This is what Agrippa said. I assume it is mosltly based on environmental factors. I.e. Europids got for instance smaller teeth than negroids because of different diet through many millenia. This is probably also the reason behind the different skull shape in general.>>

Right but those traits would have been advantageous within the context of European affairs but it may not have been advantageous within the context of blacks and larger theeth doesn't necessarily mean a negative trait hell i could argue its a good 1 robust skulls is a good thing and longer theeth mean larger jaws in general.

I will respond to the rest tomorrow but so far i think their are some major disagreements.

I don't think neatural traits are advantageous.

I don't think whites have more facially progressive features than any race cause what is facially progressive is down to the enviroment around it.

i don't think valuable traits have to necessarily be advantageous traits as it doesn't serve in reproductive success that will help provide traits which are useful for survival.

I think racially progressive and regressive is subjective.

Lighter skin bluer eyes and these other mutations tend to be more desired mainly cause they are valuable traits rather than advantageous.

I don't think the current monotypic conception of race captures the complexity of race i think it's much more complex.

I think beauty is subjective in the sense of valuable traits but objective in the progressive traits not the traits themselves they can change at a moments notice but what constitutes a racially progressive trait is objective within the context of ones own environment.

The differences between us humans is very minimal even though many will like to compare skull differences however your skull differences are influnced by other factors.

Your t in the womb.

T during puberty.

Weather you mouth breathed or not.

Your diet during youth.

Your growing area.

Know while we can all tell their are phyical differences between us it's at a point where we share some similarity to the point where we are some what all connected and similar we are not like the other species in the difference we have.
<<T L D R: People before industrial era nutrition used to be more robust. Some populations from lower estates of pre-modern society used (on average) to be more reduced and shorter in looks than higher class (becasue many population went throught alpinisation/alpinizaton and baltisation/balticization processes becasue of bad living conditions), Europid are, on average, the most attractive on dating market.>>

I have learnt a few thing recently but before i get into that i should preface i quite ignorant on European history on the baltinzation period what essentially happened ? Any ways know to get to what i have learnt people preindustrial revolution that lived in the farms tended to be better looking.

And by better looking i think it's fair to define terms and when I mean better looking i mean facial contrast that's stuff like masculine features this derives from the fitness selection mate theory.

I also mean symmetry the facial angularity that includes the chin harmonizing the jaw and all the eyes ears and everything being perfectly symmetrical.

This thus far has been when science has confirmed as objective beauty the other stuff included like specifically racial features seems to be added onto here as a subtle bait and switch i have found here they go from dimorphism to specfically white skulls which i don't see a need for.

I also include coloring but that's not objective beauty that's subjective cause mainly not all societies held lighter skin as a ideal most did but not all.

Most of these things are non racial and any race can have so i don't tend to buy into europoids being the most attractive.

Know iraniad personally in my personally opinion tends to be better looking primarily because their features tend to over extend masculinity but that's a personal opinion and not scientifically verified as far as i am aware.

>>acially progressive tendencies in a race are typically modern sapiens features. In this context I mean neomorphic, new features, which are both balanced, versatile, under as much conditions as possible advantageous and efficient. The new feature must be generally advantageous or at least not disadvantageous, neutral, if considering as much factors as possible, to be called progressive. Usually this tendencies are on line with the general trends of Hominisation, f.e. decrease of prognathy, prominence of the upper jaw, changes in the position of the foramen magnum and the form and position of the parietal bone etc." <<

Okay objection 1 of the bat if a trait is neatural it's not positive it's a neautral trait for a trait to be positive within the context of natural selection it has to do 3 things 1 be able to help in reproduction or be helpful in gathering food like hunter eyes or it has to aid to in survival from other prey.

Then i think we can biologically claim it is a advantageous trait.

We have tons of neatural mutations and they can appear in the face like light eyes it serves no major advantage apart from the rarity of it same with ginger hair although in current times not so but regardless if a trait is seen as rear you can rest assure it will reproduce like wild fire.

People like scarce things it's why economies work i like to think of our genetics as economics trait's aren't advantages per say unless they are a thing onto their own selves which generally helps out in survival an example would be in some animals having a gene mutation which which lets you see in the dark. If it's not this and it is rearer traits that doesn't help in survival or reproduction per say like eye color and racial differences then their valuable traits cause their rear but their not advantageous at-least in the context of natural selection they aren't things onto themselves.

So to make a difference between advantageous traits traits and valuable traits Here is a quick dinstinction.

Advantages traits

Helps in reproduction (as in the traits desired are traits which help in reproduction) (excluding features like light eyes and skull differences they can be valuable traits but their not advantageous.

Helps in survival (as in stops you from being from a predator or helps you in your context)

Helps you in both survival and reproduction traits which help you Aquire food.

Valuable traits fit into these things.

They are aesthetic. (Light skin)

They are very rear.(ginger hair.

As for what i have listed out as advantages traits these are objective and has a biological basis to it the traits mentions

<<f.e. decrease of prognathy, prominence of the upper jaw, changes in the position of the foramen magnum and the form and position of the parietal bone etc.<<

A response to every claim

foramen magnum merely connects your spinal cord to your brain having a larger one doesn't necessarily imply a progressive trait plus i don't think studies have been done on other races to rest other racial sizes and at best the sizes would be minimal for 1 main reason.

We are still classified as homo sapiens even though other races can appear different in our eyes genetically we are very similar at times if we did find a size difference at max it would probably be is a cm or more and i am struggling to see how this is a positive trait.

A prognathic jaw is a macclused condition described by most orthodontists if you have it you have a recces-ion in a gene or you didn't grow right.

Not a lot of people tend to have this though.

As for the position of the parital bone all the parietal bone does is protect the brain i don't understand what the shape has to do with an advantageous trait.

Also i tend to think a lot of beauty is filtered through a white lense that we tend to miss the good looks of typical blacks cause most don't look recessed they are just under represented here mainly.

Which makes sense as the western system is at the top even implicitly people look here and look to people here as human gods mainly cause people here are so rich had we the african system the african traits would be more valuable or aesthetic.

However the objectivity in all of beauty comes from contrast masculine lower third angularity things which objectively signal good genetics.

<<This is what Agrippa said. I assume it is mosltly based on environmental factors. I.e. Europids got for instance smaller teeth than negroids because of different diet through many millenia. This is probably also the reason behind the different skull shape in general.>>

Right but those traits would have been advantageous within the context of European affairs but it may not have been advantageous within the context of blacks and larger theeth doesn't necessarily mean a negative trait hell i could argue its a good 1 robust skulls is a good thing and longer theeth mean larger jaws in general.

I will respond to the rest tomorrow but so far i think their are some major disagreements.

I don't think neatural traits are advantageous.

I don't think whites have more facially progressive features than any race cause what is facially progressive is down to the enviroment around it.

i don't think valuable traits have to necessarily be advantageous traits as it doesn't serve in reproductive success that will help provide traits which are useful for survival.

I think racially progressive and regressive is subjective.

Lighter skin bluer eyes and these other mutations tend to be more desired mainly cause they are valuable traits rather than advantageous.

I don't think the current monotypic conception of race captures the complexity of race i think it's much more complex.

I think beauty is subjective in the sense of valuable traits but objective in the progressive traits not the traits themselves they can change at a moments notice but what constitutes a racially progressive trait is objective within the context of ones own environment.

The differences between us humans is very minimal even though many will like to compare skull differences however your skull differences are influnced by other factors.

Your t in the womb.

T during puberty.

Weather you mouth breathed or not.

Your diet during youth.

Your growing area.

Know while we can all tell their are phyical differences between us it's at a point where we share some similarity to the point where we are some what all connected and similar we are not like the other species in the difference we have.
I said I will make a response soo I am here. I think many things to clarify this issue were said (conversations). Still I will try to refer to some points.

"A prognathic jaw is a macclused condition described by most orthodontists if you have it you have a recces-ion in a gene or you didn't grow right."

Macclused condition? I never heard of it. Dunno what does it mean. Prognathic jaw is rather an archaic trait common among negroid populations. The most attractive jaw is rather orthognathic sometimes mesognathic.

A part of the video about racial traits (skull mainly) and attractiveness (europid vs mongoloid vs negroid)

The rest of the skull stuff and posture, well the point is some negroid populations have (compared to other populations) a bit more archaic posture due to a different arrangement of skeleton. But I think that, even if it is evolutionary not progressive, it could be a bit more effective trait in hot climate.

"Lighter skin bluer eyes and these other mutations tend to be more desired mainly cause they are valuable traits rather than advantageous."

Well for sure first populations with lighter features were more eye-catchy and have more descendants since rest of the people were more rather similar in colour (I've once read they probably got olive pigmentation of modern day Sardinians)

When it comes to the valuable vs. advantageous traits. I think it is really hard to tell where is the difference. If advantageous means that certain trait helps in survival and therefore allows members with this trait to have a bit more descendants in general, so after 30 generations it is far more common that it was at the begging, it means it is somehow advantageous for the population, while it could not be advantageous for the one specimen in his environment, after all it is scale that makes a large difference.

We may say that blue eyes are not advantageous since a human being can live in Europe without them, green eyes are enough to survive with way lower sunlight availability (and therefore access to vitamin D "produced" by our bodies) without illness that comes from vitamin D deficit. But it would not be soo easy for a really dark people from Africa. For instance Somalians in Sweden got to take additional pill vitamin D or they would have health issues. This is how modern pharmacology minimise the effects of "natural" natural selection.
rd every word and ngl to my surprise this was still a 3 day sun baked turd of horse shit thread 😳 😳
So many deleted accounts in this thread...

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