Sometimes not motivated in the gym?

That is because you aren't on a good program that makes you do consistent progressive overload.

You should get on a full body 3x per week program with 3x5 volume that makes you add weight every time you complete the 3x5 properly.

And of course, as the weight gets heavier, you may be scared of failing and that is perfectly normal especially if you never failed before, but you'll make progress as long as you use a properly written novice program, you use proper form, eat enough, sleep enough and stay consistent with your training.

When I started, I wasn't able to eat enough and I wasn't on the right program so my progress was very limited, but when I made sure to take into account every variable, then I made the best gains of my life.

If you do it properly, in your first year you should be able to gain 20-24 lbs of muscle (2lbs per month), and every month, you should be able to add 15-20 lbs to your overhead press, 20-25 lbs to your bench press, 50-60 lbs to your squat (until you reach around 150 lbs, then it's 25-30 lbs), and 40-50 lbs to your deadlift (until you reach around 180 lbs, then it's 25-30 lbs).

By doing that, in only 6-12 months (depending on your genetics), you can reach a 135 lb overhead press, a 225 lb bench press, a 315 lb squat, and a 405 lb deadlift.

The reason why you are not motivated is because you are not making good enough progress, but I can 100% guarantee you that if you can make great progress like that every month and you know that you can reach those strength standards in that timeframe, then you will be motivated to put the work in to reach that goal, because you'll have faith in the program because the quick results will motivate you.

If you are stuck on the same weight for 2 workouts in a row, the trick is to remove 10% from the bar, and start over, that is because if you are doing 3 sets of 5 and you fail after 3 reps on your 3rd set, it means that on your last rep, you were at 100%, but the studies show that the best progress is made at around 90% of your maximum, so by removing 10%, you end up at 90%, and every once in a while, because progress on full body programs is fast, you will again hit 100% and stall, so you'll deload again.

As you gain strength, your muscles will adapt and get bigger to be powerful enough to lift more weight, that is why as a natural lifter, strength and muscle are directly correlated and you can't separate them, except for when you become an intermediate and do 1RMs which mostly focus on strength, but that is a subject for another time.

Follow that program exactly how it is written and said in the video, and you'll reach those standards and make the quickest progress in 1 month if you take into account every variable that I described, then, as time goes by, you'll be more and more motivated and you'll come to love the gym, like me:

thank you very much
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yes tbh I am just jealous because I want to roid myself. Still bring your ass to the gym or the roids arent really worth it
thx sweetlossus
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Take 200 mg caffeine pill before workout
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Just check your are eating healthy foods in a caloric surplus and sleeping good at night.
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I cant cope nomore not looking like a perfectly gymcelled teen so I just get so fucking angry at myself in the gym that I demolish every fucking set. I aint no.pussy no More
Its like 3 days of the week I am hyperactive in the gym and 3 days I am demotivated af and cant even do 15kg lat pulldown eventho I am used to 50 and some shit like this tired etc.

Pretend you're being screamed at like this
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you also watch ballers, mirin
helped me cope and helped me imagine myself as a succesful tyrone / chad playing nfl damn...
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That is because you aren't on a good program that makes you do consistent progressive overload.

You should get on a full body 3x per week program with 3x5 volume that makes you add weight every time you complete the 3x5 properly.

And of course, as the weight gets heavier, you may be scared of failing and that is perfectly normal especially if you never failed before, but you'll make progress as long as you use a properly written novice program, you use proper form, eat enough, sleep enough and stay consistent with your training.

When I started, I wasn't able to eat enough and I wasn't on the right program so my progress was very limited, but when I made sure to take into account every variable, then I made the best gains of my life.

If you do it properly, in your first year you should be able to gain 20-24 lbs of muscle (2lbs per month), and every month, you should be able to add 15-20 lbs to your overhead press, 20-25 lbs to your bench press, 50-60 lbs to your squat (until you reach around 150 lbs, then it's 25-30 lbs), and 40-50 lbs to your deadlift (until you reach around 180 lbs, then it's 25-30 lbs).

By doing that, in only 6-12 months (depending on your genetics), you can reach a 135 lb overhead press, a 225 lb bench press, a 315 lb squat, and a 405 lb deadlift.

The reason why you are not motivated is because you are not making good enough progress, but I can 100% guarantee you that if you can make great progress like that every month and you know that you can reach those strength standards in that timeframe, then you will be motivated to put the work in to reach that goal, because you'll have faith in the program because the quick results will motivate you.

If you are stuck on the same weight for 2 workouts in a row, the trick is to remove 10% from the bar, and start over, that is because if you are doing 3 sets of 5 and you fail after 3 reps on your 3rd set, it means that on your last rep, you were at 100%, but the studies show that the best progress is made at around 90% of your maximum, so by removing 10%, you end up at 90%, and every once in a while, because progress on full body programs is fast, you will again hit 100% and stall, so you'll deload again.

As you gain strength, your muscles will adapt and get bigger to be powerful enough to lift more weight, that is why as a natural lifter, strength and muscle are directly correlated and you can't separate them, except for when you become an intermediate and do 1RMs which mostly focus on strength, but that is a subject for another time.

Follow that program exactly how it is written and said in the video, and you'll reach those standards and make the quickest progress in 1 month if you take into account every variable that I described, then, as time goes by, you'll be more and more motivated and you'll come to love the gym, like me:

I mean in general this post is good advice
but why should a guy on looksmaxx focus on squats and deadlifts? Thats an insane amount of effort an volume that gives you 0% return on an aestethic physique.
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I mean in general this post is good advice
but why should a guy on looksmaxx focus on squats and deadlifts? Thats an insane amount of effort an volume that gives you 0% return on an aestethic physique.
1) Only half of your muscle mass goes in your upper body since the other half goes in your lower body.

2) If you don't train your legs, you'll look very weird when you wear shorts or swim trunks or when you're naked with a girl.

3) Squats and Deadlifts build your glutes which give you a bigger and stronger butt which women definitely notice when they see you naked

4) Squat and Deadlifts done without a belt will give you the strongest and most defined abs possible so your abs will look better and will still be visible at higher levels of body fat and no amount of crunches or leg raises can give you that level of ab development

5) Strong legs make you able to run much faster and for a lot longer without getting tired as much and without having to use as much cardiovascular endurance as someone who has weak skinny legs, they also help a lot in sports to give you an advantage

6) The deadlift is the most fun compound movement and is the one that will allow you to lift the most weight and you can reach a level where people in the gym are impressed by how much you can lift, which isn't something you would see on upper body lifts because lower body lifts are done with much more weight since the lower body is much more powerful and has more potential than the upper body.

7) Strong muscular legs and glutes will give you an incredible posture that you wouldn't get if you neglected them
1) Only half of your muscle mass goes in your upper body since the other half goes in your lower body.
This is true, but foids only give a shit about mens upper bodies. Its a myth that they give a shit if you have huge tree trunks of legs or not.
1) Only half of your muscle mass goes in your upper body since the other half goes in your lower body.

2) If you don't train your legs, you'll look very weird when you wear shorts or swim trunks or when you're naked with a girl.
This is a complete MEME that was created by a few pics on the internet. Chicken legs has never been a thing outside of steroid use. I have only seen ugly, non aestethic fat squat copers ever comment about other mens legs being too small. Its a complete meme.
4) Squat and Deadlifts done without a belt will give you the strongest and most defined abs possible so your abs will look better and will still be visible at higher levels of body fat and no amount of crunches or leg raises can give you that level of ab development
Scientific hogwosh. Isolation exercises will always give you the biggest muscle of that specific area, and by that i would include compounds.
Want the biggest biceps possible? You have to curl. This is an inescapable fact. Same goes with abs.

Squats and deadlifts do build abs, but at a worse rate than a plank or leg raises. Problem is that heavy squats and deadlifts would have an insane stimulus to fatigue ratio.
6) The deadlift is the most fun compound movement and is the one that will allow you to lift the most weight and you can reach a level where people in the gym are impressed by how much you can lift, which isn't something you would see on upper body lifts because lower body lifts are done with much more weight since the lower body is much more powerful and has more potential than the upper body.
I mean this is entirely subjective. I think deadlift can be fun too, but i think farmers walk are more fun and is done at roughly the same weight and intensity. But its less legs and more upper traps and forearms.

Anyway. Remember we are on looksmax, not impress other people with your lifts. If his goal is to have a good looking body, there is no reason for him to squat and deadlift unless he enjoys them.
  • JFL
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This is true, but foids only give a shit about mens upper bodies. Its a myth that they give a shit if you have huge tree trunks of legs or not.

This is a complete MEME that was created by a few pics on the internet. Chicken legs has never been a thing outside of steroid use. I have only seen ugly, non aestethic fat squat copers ever comment about other mens legs being too small. Its a complete meme.

Scientific hogwosh. Isolation exercises will always give you the biggest muscle of that specific area, and by that i would include compounds.
Want the biggest biceps possible? You have to curl. This is an inescapable fact. Same goes with abs.

Squats and deadlifts do build abs, but at a worse rate than a plank or leg raises. Problem is that heavy squats and deadlifts would have an insane stimulus to fatigue ratio.

I mean this is entirely subjective. I think deadlift can be fun too, but i think farmers walk are more fun and is done at roughly the same weight and intensity. But its less legs and more upper traps and forearms.

Anyway. Remember we are on looksmax, not impress other people with your lifts. If his goal is to have a good looking body, there is no reason for him to squat and deadlift unless he enjoys them.
You're much dumber than I thought.

Of course women don't care about the size of your legs alone, but you still have to be proportional otherwise you'll look weird.
For example, if you can overhead press 135 lbs and bench press 225 lbs, you should also be able to squat 315 lbs and deadlift 405 lbs.
The only exception is if you have such great leg genetics that they are already huge at that level of strength, in that case, your legs could become too big, it's rare but it does happen but it happens more to manlets than anyone else, as a tall guy, even at a 500 lb deadlift my legs won't be too big.

What you don't understand about compound movements is that they provide far great muscle activation than accessory lifts and, since you use more muscle groups, you can make progress faster which means that compound movements are more efficient at building muscle.

Also, I specifically said that curls aren't useless, but they are inferior to compound movements, because they only work the biceps which is a very small muscle that progresses very slowly and gets tired quickly. When you do compound movements, you arms are worked, you can't have weak biceps if you can bench press 315 lbs. This means that your bicep curl will go up automatically as your strength on the compound movements increases.
Bicep curls can still add maybe 1 inch to your biceps in the end, but compound movements will make them the biggest that they can be on their own.

And your leg raises argument is retarded. Doing squats and deadlift with no belt using the valsalva maneuver is going to build much stronger abs than moving your legs up and down while hanging from a bar or staying in a plank position for a bunch of minutes, why?
Because nothing else can match the amount of resistance that you would get when using your abs to stabilize a 400 lb bar during a squat or a 500 lb bar during a deadlift.
The only thing that could match the effectiveness of beltless squat and deadlift would be weighted crunches or weighted planks done correctly because they use added resistance.

And no, having people who check you out in the gym because of a high strength level at squats and deadlifts isn't the only benefit of doing them, it's not even part of the main benefits.
For example, if you can overhead press 135 lbs and bench press 225 lbs, you should also be able to squat 315 lbs and deadlift 405 lbs.
No reason to ever take you seriously after this. Its clear you are another sheep of the 5x5 squat cult and now you are trying to bring in more members.

The fact that you even bring up a guy like Jason Blaha who couldnt possibly have an uglier body, when talking about how to get a good looking body is a joke. Only to cope and blame it on his age(JFL)
No reason to ever take you seriously after this. Its clear you are another sheep of the 5x5 squat cult and now you are trying to bring in more members.

The fact that you even bring up a guy like Jason Blaha who couldnt possibly have an uglier body, when talking about how to get a good looking body is a joke. Only to cope and blame it on his age(JFL)
The shape of his muscles and his shoulder to hip ratio is determined by his genetics, even if he were to train in a different manner, his bone structure would still remain the same. Following someone's advice just because they look aesthetic is dumb because the vast majority of those aesthetic guys on instagram are on large amounts of drugs so no matter how you train, you'll never look like they do. Omarisuf has a very impressive body though and he trains in a very similar fashion but he sells terrible programs on his site either because he is intentionally lying to his audience or because he is really that clueless about how he got his physique, he doesn't understand that his high strength level is the reason why he looks the way he does. The reason why Blaha doesn't look as good as Omarisuf is because Blaha has lots of loose skin like I told you before.

Blaha's advice works on anyone, whether they are male or female, tall or short. If you take a weak skinny guy and make him reach Blaha's advanced strength standards: a 100 lb weighted chin up, a 200 lb overhead press, a 300 lb bench press, a 400 lb squat and a 500 lb deadlift, then they will look very muscular and people will be able to tell that they lift even when they have a shirt on. (The standards for women or for guys who are in their 40s are going to be different obviously)

Nobody else in the fitness community can offer you such clearly defined goals with such a clear timeframe of how long it takes to get there and with the perfect free program to get there as fast as possible. The reason why he recommends those lifts is because they are the ones that will add the most amount of muscle mass on you and the weighted chin ups will force you to stay lean because the fatter you are, the more difficult that exercise becomes, so someone who is at a high body fat wouldn't be able to do 100 lb weighted chin ups.
nope that has no correlation
every NBA player hates practice and never enjoys it
its just the way it is people dont enjoy lifting weights or anything like that
Not true, I always enjoy going to the gym. The endorphins at the end of the workout are real
The shape of his muscles and his shoulder to hip ratio is determined by his genetics, even if he were to train in a different manner, his bone structure would still remain the same. Following someone's advice just because they look aesthetic is dumb because the vast majority of those aesthetic guys on instagram are on large amounts of drugs so no matter how you train, you'll never look like they do. Omarisuf has a very impressive body though and he trains in a very similar fashion but he sells terrible programs on his site either because he is intentionally lying to his audience or because he is really that clueless about how he got his physique, he doesn't understand that his high strength level is the reason why he looks the way he does. The reason why Blaha doesn't look as good as Omarisuf is because Blaha has lots of loose skin like I told you before.

Nobody else in the fitness community can offer you such clearly defined goals with such a clear timeframe of how long it takes to get there and with the perfect free program to get there as fast as possible. The reason why he recommends those lifts is because they are the ones that will add the most amount of muscle mass on you and the weighted chin ups will force you to stay lean because the fatter you are, the more difficult that exercise becomes, so someone who is at a high body fat wouldn't be able to do 100 lb weighted chin ups.
I mean i agree with a few things. Yes you will never look like your fitness youtuber.

You act like recovery and fatigue is not a thing. Doing heavy squats and deadlifts causes a shit ton of fatigue on the CNS. This is a fact.
You cant have everything in this world, you have to specialize in something. There is no reason to torture yourself in the gym to get bigger quads.

Jason Blaha isnt gonna magically make you bench more. He is not some proffessor or guru who knows it all. Dude knows nothing about getting an aesthetic physique.
If you take a weak skinny guy and make him reach Blaha's advanced strength standards: a 100 lb weighted chin up, a 200 lb overhead press, a 300 lb bench press, a 400 lb squat and a 500 lb deadlift, then they will look very muscular and people will be able to tell that they lift even when they have a shirt on.
This is very ironic because with a shirt on, i would never be able to tell if Jason blaha lifts or not. He would just look like a fat guy with big bones. This disproves your entire point.

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