Soyboy megathread

How much of a pathetic low T cuck do you have to be to wear a "pussy hat" and be proud of it? Fucking cucks need to be engulfed in flames.
You guys are a bunch of misogynistic pigs ?
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I dont understand
Damn this thread was made at the height of the golden era. Miss everyone from then
Damn this thread was made at the height of the golden era. Miss everyone from then
We are in the age of the psychonauts now Nibba, its the dawn of a new age.
We are in the age of the psychonauts now Nibba, its the dawn of a new age.
I would have preferred if u would have been here sooner tbh
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Reactions: Ritalincel
It would be pretty funny to have you in my server. It would be interesting to see the reactions
Add me tbh. I just made my own. Gonna invite everyone. Share the link with anyone u want
I may be a "soyboy", but the joke's on you, alt-right incels! When I've earned enough good husband points I get to sleep in the bed with my wife instead of Jamal #pwned
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Reactions: Nibba and Insomniac
I may be a "soyboy", but the joke's on you, alt-right incels! When I've earned enough good husband points I get to sleep in the bed with my wife instead of Jamal #pwned
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0593556C F563 4AA6 8AC9 74B92789C8BA
EB59175C A154 4548 B85E 8962ADEF1F23
“You go girls, im going to get so much pussy for this tweet hehe.”
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I don't have pics but I have been banned from the spanish pol server because I tried to redpill them on jailbait and underage teens (12-17), they got triggered as fuck and banned both me and the chad who sided with me (jfl at chad siding with me)

Quite a soyboy move
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Screenshot 2018 12 08 02 46 06 1
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what srsly soyboys means?
what srsly soyboys means?
Soy Boy
Slang used to describe males who completely and utterly lack all necessary masculine qualities. This pathetic state is usually achieved by an over-indulgence of emasculating products and/or ideologies.

The origin of the term derives from the negative effects soy consumption has been proven to have on the male physique and libido.

The average soy boy is a feminist, nonathletic, has never been in a fight, will probably marry the first girl that has sex with him, and likely reduces all his arguments to labeling the opposition as "Nazis".

See also: cuck, beta/omega male, orbiter, kissless virgin, male feminist

Man 1: If you kill your enemies they win.
Man 2: Shut the fuck up, soy boy.
  • +1
Reactions: Insomniac
Soy Boy
Slang used to describe males who completely and utterly lack all necessary masculine qualities. This pathetic state is usually achieved by an over-indulgence of emasculating products and/or ideologies.

The origin of the term derives from the negative effects soy consumption has been proven to have on the male physique and libido.

The average soy boy is a feminist, nonathletic, has never been in a fight, will probably marry the first girl that has sex with him, and likely reduces all his arguments to labeling the opposition as "Nazis".

See also: cuck, beta/omega male, orbiter, kissless virgin, male feminist

Man 1: If you kill your enemies they win.
Man 2: Shut the fuck up, soy boy.
  • +1
Reactions: Ritalincel
The average soy boy is a feminist, nonathletic, has never been in a fight, will probably marry the first girl that has sex with him, and likely reduces all his arguments by labelling the opposition as "Nazis".
"Imma browse you reddit history for muh soggy knees"

"nazi detected"

"omg. yikes. muh soggy knees"

"my wife's son said I should get a vasectomy"

ok I can't fucking do this anymore with a straight face.
What's good, my dudes? "Soyboy Chad" here, as you guys call normal fucking human fucking beings. I notice y'all spend all day posting on a forum called "looks max" and never leave?? Gee I wonder why. It's almost as if you can "max out" your looks and it doesn't even work because Women will fucking fuckity fucking fuck anyone with a good personality. Maybe you should rename your shitpiss forum for entitled manchildren: "bad personality" /s

Pic related, it's me and my SO. This is what y'all could have if you weren't so toxic sorry not sorry

  • +1
Reactions: Insomniac, Ritalincel and FuckMyLife
What's good, my dudes? "Soyboy Chad" here, as you guys call normal fucking human fucking beings. I notice y'all spend all day posting on a forum called "looks max" and never leave?? Gee I wonder why. It's almost as if you can "max out" your looks and it doesn't even work because Women will fucking fuckity fucking fuck anyone with a good personality. Maybe you should rename your shitpiss forum for entitled manchildren: "bad personality" /s

Pic related, it's me and my SO. This is what y'all could have if you weren't so toxic sorry not sorry


lol the box says "Sage" like on the chans....
  • WTF
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Reactions: Ritalincel and Insomniac

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