Starter Guide on Common Internet Pill Subculture and Terminology

Deleted member 10116

Deleted member 10116

Oct 7, 2020
Today I am going to explain the basics of the common internet pill subculture, terminology, why it's damaging to the brain and why you should avoid it. Internet Pill subcultures are based on pseudoscientific theories with no real-world scientific basis whatsoever created by random autists on the internet that are no less autistic than yourself. I will be referring to the "dark" side of these subcultures and theories and not simple terms and memes such as "looks matter". Of course, looks matter, everyone with an ounce of common sense knows that. Also, read the whole fucking thing.

List of Common Subcultures and Theories

Bluepill is often referred to as the "false" world viewed through rose-colored lenses inspired by "The Matrix". Normies are mistakenly referred to as "blue pilled" when in reality "blue pilled" people are simps who suffer from a severe level of autism. Sadly, feminism and simps are easily seen as the norm nowadays which is why they are referred to as normies. Being a normie is a good thing and are actually people who are NTmaxxed, not bluepilled.

Redpill is often referred to as the "harsh truth" of reality also inspired by "The Matrix". Sadly, being a "redpiller" does not mean that you're acknowledging any "harsh truth". It simply means that you believe everything you read on the internet because it seems like the "truth" to you. Redpillers are often emasculate men who are insecure about their masculinity so they find ways to "fake" their personality and be "alpha" in a means of appearing more impressive, intimidating, and dominant to other men and women. Redpillers also happen to be individuals who suffer from severe autism and mistakenly refer to illogical internet pseudoscience that was created by severely mentally ill people who are trying to create theories in order to cope with their struggles in life or develop marketing tactics to sell you a fake book. Most "redpillers" base their arguments off of YouTube videos and Reddit threads that are completely lacking in scientific evidence whatsoever. Redpill content creators tend to be older men or "internet father figures" who lack any logical level of thinking in their brain and did not make very much success in life so they cope by making YouTube videos and brainwashing younger men online.

MGTOW is a form of redpill. Their main selling point is "ignoring women and going their own way". Sadly, MGTOW is a mad cope fest. If you visit their forums, they preach "Let's ignore women and work on ourselves". Ironically, 99% of their posts are their disdain and bitterness for women and how badly women treated them.

TRP is a form of redpill. Their main selling point is supposed "self-improvement". Sadly, this is not true. Redpill claims they are all about "self-improvement" but there is nothing self-improving about their theories. They claim women are not important and you should work on yourself yet 99% of their posts are bitching and whining about women. If you visit the TRP forums, you will see highly autistic individuals commenting spastic sentences such as "HOLD FRAME! HOLD FRAME!", "IT'S A SHIT TEST BRO.", "NO YOU IDIOT, YOU JUST CUCKED YOURSELF.", "READ THE SIDEBAR BRO.", and the classic "JUST LIFT WEIGHTS BRAH". Sadly, this is not even an exaggeration. They are all filled with cope, bitterness, and "just hold frame and lift weights, brah". TRP often resorts to "spinning plates" which means avoiding LTRs to cope with loneliness and only "spinning" a group of women to fuck. This is due to their lack of competence to actually holding a proper relationship. TRP uses "game" like a dancing manchild as a means to win over women. TRP resorts to manipulation, misogyny, narcissism, and playing dancing monkey to gain attention from women.

PUA is very similar to TRP. Their main selling point is "picking up women". PUA existed long before TRP and a lot of TRP theories are based on PUA. However, PUA resorts to lame attempts at picking up random women and begging for their attention on the street.

Purplepill is a mixture of bluepill and redpill. So, basically double the autism, double the trouble. Sadly, these "purplepillers" also happen to suffer from a severe level of autism to the point where they are creating sad failed attempts of something called "NTmaxxing" when in reality they can just drop the stupid pill theories and just learn to function like a normal human being.

Blackpill is the theory of acknowledging how important looks are. Although, this is true. Most "blackpillers" tend to be spastic individuals who preach that looks are the most important thing in society along with constant whining, complaining, nihilism, and blaming women for their shortcomings. These individuals tend to suffer from severe depression and mental illness without realizing that the mental side of their shortcomings is their main problem and not just the physical side. is a community filled with spastic individuals who call themselves "involuntarily celibate" as a means to communicate and relate with other "incels" to complain about how sad their life is, how women are this and that, etc. Some users on will proudly wear their badge of honor by bragging to family, friends, and coworkers that their hobby is shitposting on without realizing how retarded they sound.

Feminism was once a movement to support women's rights. Unfortunately, today's feminism is filled with misandry and superiority over men's rights. Feminists often skew statistics saying that they get "paid less" than men when in reality they are just doing less work which in turn results to less pay. Paying certain genders, races, etc are illegal and are punishable in America. Feminists today rarely ever stand for actual women being oppressed and instead constantly bicker about how they want to gain superiority over men's rights.

IncelTears is a subcommunity filled with feminists and simps who are trying to impress women with their "white knighting" skills. IncelTears contains stalking and harassing supposed "incels" on the internet. Although, what these "incels" are doing is wrong. It is not right to constantly shame and harass them which further triggers their hatred for women. Instead, what we should do is point them in the right direction to improving their mental shortcomings. A lot of these alleged "incels" being posted on IncelTears are not even actual incels. Some of them are normies being harassed and accused of "incel" and "misogynist" just because they do not agree that "simping" for women is the right way to go. Sadly, IncelTears is filled with simps who also happen to be "involuntarily celibate" themselves, they never touched a woman and are hoping to impress random women online by "protecting" and "defending" them. These simps are no less autistic than the actual incels, perhaps even more autistic with their constant pedestalizing of women and dumbassery. Ironically, some IncelTears users spend more time on incel forums than actual incels themselves in an attempt to find reasons to simp for random women online.

List of Common Terminologies

is referred to as a spineless individual who constantly tries to impress women by destroying their own self respect. These women want nothing to do with simps whatsoever and are just taking advantage of them for specific tasks such as pushing out feminist agendas and farming a large amount of money from being an e-girl. Most simps tend to be male. Some people simp on accident without realizing that they're just simping and stop as they grow. Some people are extreme levels of simps who have no brain comprehension whatsoever. Common tactics that simps use as a lame attempt to impress women are defending random women online, trying to put women above men, constantly complimenting them for no reason, and protecting women even if they are clearly in the wrong. Simps are "incels" who try to hide their inceldom and project it onto other men around them by constantly barking "INCEL!" to whoever does not bow down to women. Sadly, no women will ever show interest in a simp. Simps will often brag online about how "chad" they are and how many women they impressed online. Simps suffered from a severe level of mental illness from a young age but it was left untreated and it grew to be impossible to fix. With years and centuries of evolution and natural selection, we often ask ourselves why they still exist today. Sadly, it is next to impossible to convince a simp to stop simping. The only realistic way is constantly pointing out how stupid they are until they realize it.

Involuntarily Celibate means someone who supposedly cannot have sex with "any women" whatsoever either due to a deformed level of appearance, a highly autistic personality, bad hygiene, overweight, terrible fashion sense, and more. The short term is commonly referred to as incelibate or incel. Incels are often male. Incel used to be the simple term for what it means. However, it is now commonly referred to as a "toxic misogynistic indivdual" to the point where it lost its original meaning. Normie incels are men who simply cannot seem to find a woman. Simp incels are incels in denial who believe they are "scoring" and "chadding" women by being severely retarded online. Toxic incels which is the most common definition often are individuals who are severely deformed, possessing a non-NT toxic personality, or have an unrealistic standard of dating women to the point where they are not getting any. Most incels are in bad need of improving their self-esteem issues.

Femcel is the female variant of incel. Femcels and incels often suffer from the same problems. Femcels often complain about why chad doesn't pay attention to her when she tends to suffer from severe obesity, a bitchy personality, and so on. Most femcels and incels do not find each other attractive and are merely repulsed by the combined level of autism that they share.

NEET means not in Education, Employment, or Training. Most NEETS are autists who can't hold a proper job.

BetaBux is a male who is being used for money while the woman cheats on him and fucks chad on the side.

Neurotypical person is an individual who functions like a normal human being in society. The short terminology for Neurotypical is NT. Neurotypical couples are often accused of being "betabux" by spastic redpillers and blackpillers. Redpillers believe someone who does not have enough "game" is betabux while blackpillers believe someone who does not match a certain looks threshold is "betabux". Betabux is and can be a real thing, but perhaps you should actually get to know the person first before making such accusations.

Misandry is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against men or boys in general. Most feminists today are misandrists. A common example of a misandrist is an insecure woman who wants to take away power from men and have superiority over them. This individual often would wish that women had more male-driven positions in life, and when they are given that position, they would say the work is too hard and avoid doing it while simultaneously trying to take credit for the work that she did not do. Misandrists also tend to accuse men of things such as rape and sexual harassment which they didn't do as a means of hurting or gaining power over men. Sadly, simps automatically believe women who lie about getting raped without any evidence whatsoever. Even if there is evidence proving that it's false, the simp will still believe it. This is incredibly sad and is a huge problem in today's society. Most misandrists won't admit that they're misandrists or even realize that they are one.

Misogyny is the dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women. Most redpillers and blackpillers are borderline mysoginists, but often without realizing or admitting it. A common example of a misogynist is a man who is insecure about his own masculinity to the point where he feels the need to downplay women in order to cope. Some misogynists would wish that all women should never be given male positions when the woman is fully capable of doing the work that she's given. This is due to the man's insecurity that the women could potentially do the job better than him. The truth is, the only time a woman should be denied a job is when it's impossible for her to finish it efficiently, such as special force positions. Another example of a misogynist is the overweight gamer with a triple chin who calls himself a "traditional man" who wants a "submissive woman". This type of man is insecure about his own level of dominance and knows that no woman would want to listen to him, so he feels the need to downplay women and get them to bend to his will to feel more secure about himself. This type of man would say "women were happier like that" while simultaneously saying he doesn't understand women. There seems to be a logical gap there, ey? They would also push out stupid agendas such as ending women's suffrage. But, sorry. I would rather choose a somewhat educated intelligent woman to vote rather than an overweight NEET autist who calls himself a "real man". Most misogynists won't admit that they're misogynists or even realize that they are one.

Game is often used by redpillers as using manipulative tactics in order to make women like them. Sadly, game is complete horseshit and women don't care about your dancing monkey tactics. If a woman is attracted to you, she's attracted to you. No amount of game will make a woman like you. If a women shows disinterest in you, it's not because your "game" failed. It's because she doesn't fucking like you. If a woman is in fact, interested in you, she doesn't care about your "game", she'll like you as long as you're NT, not a complete spastic like these redpillers are. If redpillers fail with a woman, they often think that their "game" is not good enough and attempt to find more autistic ways to "win" over women instead of just realizing that maybe the red pill is a load of horseshit.

Frame is referred to as "holding frame" when a woman "challenges" you. Fortunately, holding frame is a load of horseshit. NT is the way to go. Redpillers tend to fake their masculinity by trying hard to "hold frame brah" and passing "shit tests bruh" in order to appear more masculine when in reality they look like a funny, ridiculous dancing monkey to everyone including men, women, and society as a whole.

Shit Test is referred to as a "test" that women use to question a man's masculinity. The shit test theory is fortunately complete bullshit. Redpillers always assume women want to play some sort of "game". A woman who seemingly shows disgust for you is not "shit testing" you, she just doesn't like you. If the woman is not a narcissistic psychopath who wants to play games with you. She normally means what she means. She's not shit testing or looking for a shitty answer you come up with inside of your thick skull. Ironically, redpillers are turning into narcissistic autists themselves who try to "game" women instead of just being a normal human being.

All Women Are The Same is a means to cope with one's past failure with women or interactions with extremely toxic women and blaming every single woman based on those few interactions. For example, these men would often generalize every woman in society due to their past 2 or 3 failed interactions with girls in high school. The short terminology is AWALT. Awalt isn't too far from the basis of logic as saying "All men are rapists or potential rapists" because of this, this, and that. AWALT is pure pseudoscience created by coping austists online. Every woman is different for the same reason every man is different. Women are "surprisingly" not that different from men from a mental standpoint. Women are apparently human beings too, and every human being is a complicated individual, everyone is born with a different personality type including women. So, "all women are the same" sadly doesn't apply here. If you had that sort of bad experience with women repeatedly, you were probably dealing with the same bimbos, with the same basic narcissistic personality which is why you hold such a negative connotation against women. People who say "women" are complicated are often overthinking due to their lack of empathy for treating others how they themselves want to be treated. Some autists believe women needed to be treated a certain way because their "brains are wired differently" when in reality women simply just want the same level of love that men do. The reason why men hold such generalizations against women is because of the fact that most men tend to date women. So, we don't care about what men want. We just look at women and wonder why they are so complicated. It's not women's fault that some women are extremely narcissistic and use their gender as a means to manipulate others, for the same reason psychopathic men use their cunning and charisma to manipulate others. Also, most men are more retarded than women, look at simps. Do you generalize all men as simps? No, you categorize them as subhuman. You should do the same for narcissistic and manipulative women instead of generalizing a whole fucking gender.


These types of internet subculture and theory draw in vulnerable young men who are looking for a way to cope with their hardship in life. Pill pseudoscience is not completely filled with bullshit, some are based on true facts, but once you go deeper into it it's filled with bullshit, but they all appear to be true because of the very few points that are actually true with twisted logic on top of them. These types of theories prey on and draw in vulnerable teenagers and adults who are suffering from a specific set of relateable problems in life. They further worsen the level of autism that these poor people already had to deal with, and further worsen their situation by making them believe that they are "acknowledging the harsh truth" somehow. This is very dangerous to people's childhoods if it's deeply engrained when they are young. The sad thing is, I've seen some "redpilled" 30/40 year olds who are indoctrinating their kids with this load of horseshit. The solution is to stop associating yourself with retarded theories online created by other retards and instead focus on actual therapy and self-improvement proven to work by actual professionals and not autists online. Legitimate self-improvement books that are actually proven to work are ones such as 48 laws of power and how to win friends and influence people. The number one priority you should focus on improving should be NTmaxxing in order to be happy and function like a normal human being. Stop focusing on what other women and men think of you and crying about it online. You simply cannot even function in a proper relationship with such a spastic mindset. Stop wishing you had a girlfriend or sex to save your level of autism because it won't. So, focus on improving your mental health and wisdom first.

Most people don't have ill intentions. The ones that do are manipulative narcissists. Most are vulnerable people with a severe level of autism that needs to be treated immediately but have been brainwashed. Instead of constantly stalking and harassing them, we should try to help them, or ignore them if they are unfixable. The toxicity in a handful of women pushes hatred towards women in general, and the toxicity in a handful of men pushes hatred towards men. Us as a society must come together, work together against these problems, and stop fighting over retarded shit online. We must all NTmaxx together and stop being severely mentally deranged.

PS I know that I'm claiming that these things are pseudoscience without evidence without posting any evidence myself. But, I don't think I need any more evidence than that, it's called common fucking sense, not being retarded, and NTmaxxing. I'll probably also edit this guide later to add more to it.

TLDR Just be a normal fucking human being. Stop overthinking. Get help. Redpillers are homosexuals who are trying to hide their gayness by coping and being fake masculine. Blackpillers are homosexuals who call themselves incels because they don't want to get caught having sex with men. Simps are also homosexuals who want to prove that they're supposedly heterosexually by bowing down to every woman they see.
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  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 15390, Deleted member 11167, mewcoper and 3 others
rip look at the effort he put in here and he gets banned for being gay smh
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 10107, BigBoy, Deleted member 5891 and 2 others
Today I am going to explain the basics of the common internet pill subculture, terminology, why it's damaging to the brain and why you should avoid it. Internet Pill subcultures are based on pseudoscientific theories with no real-world scientific basis whatsoever created by random autists on the internet that are no less autistic than yourself. I will be referring to the "dark" side of these subcultures and theories and not simple terms and memes such as "looks matter". Of course, looks matter, everyone with an ounce of common sense knows that. Also, read the whole fucking thing.

List of Common Subcultures and Theories

Bluepill is often referred to as the "false" world viewed through rose-colored lenses inspired by "The Matrix". Normies are mistakenly referred to as "blue pilled" when in reality "blue pilled" people are simps who suffer from a severe level of autism. Sadly, feminism and simps are easily seen as the norm nowadays which is why they are referred to as normies. Being a normie is a good thing and are actually people who are NTmaxxed, not bluepilled.

Redpill is often referred to as the "harsh truth" of reality also inspired by "The Matrix". Sadly, being a "redpiller" does not mean that you're acknowledging any "harsh truth". It simply means that you believe everything you read on the internet because it seems like the "truth" to you. Redpillers are often emasculate men who are insecure about their masculinity so they find ways to "fake" their personality and be "alpha" in a means of appearing more impressive, intimidating, and dominant to other men and women. Redpillers also happen to be individuals who suffer from severe autism and mistakenly refer to illogical internet pseudoscience that was created by severely mentally ill people who are trying to create theories in order to cope with their struggles in life or develop marketing tactics to sell you a fake book. Most "redpillers" base their arguments off of YouTube videos and Reddit threads that are completely lacking in scientific evidence whatsoever. Redpill content creators tend to be older men or "internet father figures" who lack any logical level of thinking in their brain and did not make very much success in life so they cope by making YouTube videos and brainwashing younger men online.

MGTOW is a form of redpill. Their main selling point is "ignoring women and going their own way". Sadly, MGTOW is a mad cope fest. If you visit their forums, they preach "Let's ignore women and work on ourselves". Ironically, 99% of their posts are their disdain and bitterness for women and how badly women treated them.

TRP is a form of redpill. Their main selling point is supposed "self-improvement". Sadly, this is not true. Redpill claims they are all about "self-improvement" but there is nothing self-improving about their theories. They claim women are not important and you should work on yourself yet 99% of their posts are bitching and whining about women. If you visit the TRP forums, you will see highly autistic individuals commenting spastic sentences such as "HOLD FRAME! HOLD FRAME!", "IT'S A SHIT TEST BRO.", "NO YOU IDIOT, YOU JUST CUCKED YOURSELF.", "READ THE SIDEBAR BRO.", and the classic "JUST LIFT WEIGHTS BRAH". Sadly, this is not even an exaggeration. They are all filled with cope, bitterness, and "just hold frame and lift weights, brah". TRP often resorts to "spinning plates" which means avoiding LTRs to cope with loneliness and only "spinning" a group of women to fuck. This is due to their lack of competence to actually holding a proper relationship. TRP uses "game" like a dancing manchild as a means to win over women. TRP resorts to manipulation, misogyny, narcissism, and playing dancing monkey to gain attention from women.

PUA is very similar to TRP. Their main selling point is "picking up women". PUA existed long before TRP and a lot of TRP theories are based on PUA. However, PUA resorts to lame attempts at picking up random women and begging for their attention on the street.

Purplepill is a mixture of bluepill and redpill. So, basically double the autism, double the trouble. Sadly, these "purplepillers" also happen to suffer from a severe level of autism to the point where they are creating sad failed attempts of something called "NTmaxxing" when in reality they can just drop the stupid pill theories and just learn to function like a normal human being.

Blackpill is the theory of acknowledging how important looks are. Although, this is true. Most "blackpillers" tend to be spastic individuals who preach that looks are the most important thing in society along with constant whining, complaining, nihilism, and blaming women for their shortcomings. These individuals tend to suffer from severe depression and mental illness without realizing that the mental side of their shortcomings is their main problem and not just the physical side. is a community filled with spastic individuals who call themselves "involuntarily celibate" as a means to communicate and relate with other "incels" to complain about how sad their life is, how women are this and that, etc. Some users on will proudly wear their badge of honor by bragging to family, friends, and coworkers that their hobby is shitposting on without realizing how retarded they sound.

Feminism was once a movement to support women's rights. Unfortunately, today's feminism is filled with misandry and superiority over men's rights. Feminists often skew statistics saying that they get "paid less" than men when in reality they are just doing less work which in turn results to less pay. Paying certain genders, races, etc are illegal and are punishable in America. Feminists today rarely ever stand for actual women being oppressed and instead constantly bicker about how they want to gain superiority over men's rights.

IncelTears is a subcommunity filled with feminists and simps who are trying to impress women with their "white knighting" skills. IncelTears contains stalking and harassing supposed "incels" on the internet. Although, what these "incels" are doing is wrong. It is not right to constantly shame and harass them which further triggers their hatred for women. Instead, what we should do is point them in the right direction to improving their mental shortcomings. A lot of these alleged "incels" being posted on IncelTears are not even actual incels. Some of them are normies being harassed and accused of "incel" and "misogynist" just because they do not agree that "simping" for women is the right way to go. Sadly, IncelTears is filled with simps who also happen to be "involuntarily celibate" themselves, they never touched a woman and are hoping to impress random women online by "protecting" and "defending" them. These simps are no less autistic than the actual incels, perhaps even more autistic with their constant pedestalizing of women and dumbassery. Ironically, some IncelTears users spend more time on incel forums than actual incels themselves in an attempt to find reasons to simp for random women online.

List of Common Terminologies

is referred to as a spineless individual who constantly tries to impress women by destroying their own self respect. These women want nothing to do with simps whatsoever and are just taking advantage of them for specific tasks such as pushing out feminist agendas and farming a large amount of money from being an e-girl. Most simps tend to be male. Some people simp on accident without realizing that they're just simping and stop as they grow. Some people are extreme levels of simps who have no brain comprehension whatsoever. Common tactics that simps use as a lame attempt to impress women are defending random women online, trying to put women above men, constantly complimenting them for no reason, and protecting women even if they are clearly in the wrong. Simps are "incels" who try to hide their inceldom and project it onto other men around them by constantly barking "INCEL!" to whoever does not bow down to women. Sadly, no women will ever show interest in a simp. Simps will often brag online about how "chad" they are and how many women they impressed online. Simps suffered from a severe level of mental illness from a young age but it was left untreated and it grew to be impossible to fix. With years and centuries of evolution and natural selection, we often ask ourselves why they still exist today. Sadly, it is next to impossible to convince a simp to stop simping. The only realistic way is constantly pointing out how stupid they are until they realize it.

Involuntarily Celibate means someone who supposedly cannot have sex with "any women" whatsoever either due to a deformed level of appearance, a highly autistic personality, bad hygiene, overweight, terrible fashion sense, and more. The short term is commonly referred to as incelibate or incel. Incels are often male. Incel used to be the simple term for what it means. However, it is now commonly referred to as a "toxic misogynistic indivdual" to the point where it lost its original meaning. Normie incels are men who simply cannot seem to find a woman. Simp incels are incels in denial who believe they are "scoring" and "chadding" women by being severely retarded online. Toxic incels which is the most common definition often are individuals who are severely deformed, possessing a non-NT toxic personality, or have an unrealistic standard of dating women to the point where they are not getting any. Most incels are in bad need of improving their self-esteem issues.

Femcel is the female variant of incel. Femcels and incels often suffer from the same problems. Femcels often complain about why chad doesn't pay attention to her when she tends to suffer from severe obesity, a bitchy personality, and so on. Most femcels and incels do not find each other attractive and are merely repulsed by the combined level of autism that they share.

NEET means not in Education, Employment, or Training. Most NEETS are autists who can't hold a proper job.

BetaBux is a male who is being used for money while the woman cheats on him and fucks chad on the side.

Neurotypical person is an individual who functions like a normal human being in society. The short terminology for Neurotypical is NT. Neurotypical couples are often accused of being "betabux" by spastic redpillers and blackpillers. Redpillers believe someone who does not have enough "game" is betabux while blackpillers believe someone who does not match a certain looks threshold is "betabux". Betabux is and can be a real thing, but perhaps you should actually get to know the person first before making such accusations.

Misandry is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against men or boys in general. Most feminists today are misandrists. A common example of a misandrist is an insecure woman who wants to take away power from men and have superiority over them. This individual often would wish that women had more male-driven positions in life, and when they are given that position, they would say the work is too hard and avoid doing it while simultaneously trying to take credit for the work that she did not do. Misandrists also tend to accuse men of things such as rape and sexual harassment which they didn't do as a means of hurting or gaining power over men. Sadly, simps automatically believe women who lie about getting raped without any evidence whatsoever. Even if there is evidence proving that it's false, the simp will still believe it. This is incredibly sad and is a huge problem in today's society. Most misandrists won't admit that they're misandrists or even realize that they are one.

Misogyny is the dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women. Most redpillers and blackpillers are borderline mysoginists, but often without realizing or admitting it. A common example of a misogynist is a man who is insecure about his own masculinity to the point where he feels the need to downplay women in order to cope. Some misogynists would wish that all women should never be given male positions when the woman is fully capable of doing the work that she's given. This is due to the man's insecurity that the women could potentially do the job better than him. The truth is, the only time a woman should be denied a job is when it's impossible for her to finish it efficiently, such as special force positions. Another example of a misogynist is the overweight gamer with a triple chin who calls himself a "traditional man" who wants a "submissive woman". This type of man is insecure about his own level of dominance and knows that no woman would want to listen to him, so he feels the need to downplay women and get them to bend to his will to feel more secure about himself. This type of man would say "women were happier like that" while simultaneously saying he doesn't understand women. There seems to be a logical gap there, ey? They would also push out stupid agendas such as ending women's suffrage. But, sorry. I would rather choose a somewhat educated intelligent woman to vote rather than an overweight NEET autist who calls himself a "real man". Most misogynists won't admit that they're misogynists or even realize that they are one.

Game is often used by redpillers as using manipulative tactics in order to make women like them. Sadly, game is complete horseshit and women don't care about your dancing monkey tactics. If a woman is attracted to you, she's attracted to you. No amount of game will make a woman like you. If a women shows disinterest in you, it's not because your "game" failed. It's because she doesn't fucking like you. If a woman is in fact, interested in you, she doesn't care about your "game", she'll like you as long as you're NT, not a complete spastic like these redpillers are. If redpillers fail with a woman, they often think that their "game" is not good enough and attempt to find more autistic ways to "win" over women instead of just realizing that maybe the red pill is a load of horseshit.

Frame is referred to as "holding frame" when a woman "challenges" you. Fortunately, holding frame is a load of horseshit. NT is the way to go. Redpillers tend to fake their masculinity by trying hard to "hold frame brah" and passing "shit tests bruh" in order to appear more masculine when in reality they look like a funny, ridiculous dancing monkey to everyone including men, women, and society as a whole.

Shit Test is referred to as a "test" that women use to question a man's masculinity. The shit test theory is fortunately complete bullshit. Redpillers always assume women want to play some sort of "game". A woman who seemingly shows disgust for you is not "shit testing" you, she just doesn't like you. If the woman is not a narcissistic psychopath who wants to play games with you. She normally means what she means. She's not shit testing or looking for a shitty answer you come up with inside of your thick skull. Ironically, redpillers are turning into narcissistic autists themselves who try to "game" women instead of just being a normal human being.

All Women Are The Same is a means to cope with one's past failure with women or interactions with extremely toxic women and blaming every single woman based on those few interactions. For example, these men would often generalize every woman in society due to their past 2 or 3 failed interactions with girls in high school. The short terminology is AWALT. Awalt isn't too far from the basis of logic as saying "All men are rapists or potential rapists" because of this, this, and that. AWALT is pure pseudoscience created by coping austists online. Every woman is different for the same reason every man is different. Women are "surprisingly" not that different from men from a mental standpoint. Women are apparently human beings too, and every human being is a complicated individual, everyone is born with a different personality type including women. So, "all women are the same" sadly doesn't apply here. If you had that sort of bad experience with women repeatedly, you were probably dealing with the same bimbos, with the same basic narcissistic personality which is why you hold such a negative connotation against women. People who say "women" are complicated are often overthinking due to their lack of empathy for treating others how they themselves want to be treated. Some autists believe women needed to be treated a certain way because their "brains are wired differently" when in reality women simply just want the same level of love that men do. The reason why men hold such generalizations against women is because of the fact that most men tend to date women. So, we don't care about what men want. We just look at women and wonder why they are so complicated. It's not women's fault that some women are extremely narcissistic and use their gender as a means to manipulate others, for the same reason psychopathic men use their cunning and charisma to manipulate others. Also, most men are more retarded than women, look at simps. Do you generalize all men as simps? No, you categorize them as subhuman. You should do the same for narcissistic and manipulative women instead of generalizing a whole fucking gender.


These types of internet subculture and theory draw in vulnerable young men who are looking for a way to cope with their hardship in life. Pill pseudoscience is not completely filled with bullshit, some are based on true facts, but once you go deeper into it it's filled with bullshit, but they all appear to be true because of the very few points that are actually true with twisted logic on top of them. These types of theories prey on and draw in vulnerable teenagers and adults who are suffering from a specific set of relateable problems in life. They further worsen the level of autism that these poor people already had to deal with, and further worsen their situation by making them believe that they are "acknowledging the harsh truth" somehow. This is very dangerous to people's childhoods if it's deeply engrained when they are young. The sad thing is, I've seen some "redpilled" 30/40 year olds who are indoctrinating their kids with this load of horseshit. The solution is to stop associating yourself with retarded theories online created by other retards and instead focus on actual therapy and self-improvement proven to work by actual professionals and not autists online. Legitimate self-improvement books that are actually proven to work are ones such as 48 laws of power and how to win friends and influence people. The number one priority you should focus on improving should be NTmaxxing in order to be happy and function like a normal human being. Stop focusing on what other women and men think of you and crying about it online. You simply cannot even function in a proper relationship with such a spastic mindset. Stop wishing you had a girlfriend or sex to save your level of autism because it won't. So, focus on improving your mental health and wisdom first.

Most people don't have ill intentions. The ones that do are manipulative narcissists. Most are vulnerable people with a severe level of autism that needs to be treated immediately but have been brainwashed. Instead of constantly stalking and harassing them, we should try to help them, or ignore them if they are unfixable. The toxicity in a handful of women pushes hatred towards women in general, and the toxicity in a handful of men pushes hatred towards men. Us as a society must come together, work together against these problems, and stop fighting over retarded shit online. We must all NTmaxx together and stop being severely mentally deranged.

PS I know that I'm claiming that these things are pseudoscience without evidence without posting any evidence myself. But, I don't think I need any more evidence than that, it's called common fucking sense, not being retarded, and NTmaxxing. I'll probably also edit this guide later to add more to it.

TLDR Just be a normal fucking human being. Stop overthinking. Get help. Redpillers are homosexuals who are trying to hide their gayness by coping and being fake masculine. Blackpillers are homosexuals who call themselves incels because they don't want to get caught having sex with men. Simps are also homosexuals who want to prove that they're supposedly heterosexually by bowing down to every woman they see.
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yeah now I see why op didn't do well on his master thesis
All Women Are The Same is a means to cope with one's past failure with women or interactions with extremely toxic women and blaming every single woman based on those few interactions. For example, these men would often generalize every woman in society due to their past 2 or 3 failed interactions with girls in high school. The short terminology is AWALT. Awalt isn't too far from the basis of logic as saying "All men are rapists or potential rapists" because of this, this, and that. AWALT is pure pseudoscience created by coping austists online. Every woman is different for the same reason every man is different. Women are "surprisingly" not that different from men from a mental standpoint. Women are apparently human beings too, and every human being is a complicated individual, everyone is born with a different personality type including women. So, "all women are the same" sadly doesn't apply here. If you had that sort of bad experience with women repeatedly, you were probably dealing with the same bimbos, with the same basic narcissistic personality which is why you hold such a negative connotation against women. People who say "women" are complicated are often overthinking due to their lack of empathy for treating others how they themselves want to be treated. Some autists believe women needed to be treated a certain way because their "brains are wired differently" when in reality women simply just want the same level of love that men do. The reason why men hold such generalizations against women is because of the fact that most men tend to date women. So, we don't care about what men want. We just look at women and wonder why they are so complicated. It's not women's fault that some women are extremely narcissistic and use their gender as a means to manipulate others, for the same reason psychopathic men use their cunning and charisma to manipulate others. Also, most men are more retarded than women, look at simps. Do you generalize all men as simps? No, you categorize them as subhuman. You should do the same for narcissistic and manipulative women instead of generalizing a whole fucking gender.
this part is low iq and cope

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