Starting an ostarine+mk677 cycle in puberty

Dr SmalCox

Dr SmalCox

Apr 29, 2023
Hello goyims of looksmax. I just ordered some SARMs (ostarine and ibutamoren).

Gonna start a cycle for these 2 whilst in puberty. Im currently 15 & also on pharma gh, is it worth doing mk677 in conjunction to pinning gh? I usually pin around 3iu somatotropin every day and would ideally dose 20mg mk677 along with it.

The ostarine cycle however will be interesting, ostarine is a pretty weak SARM, hence i will be risking my hair for it. Any precautions I should take to mitigate the risks? I can get on PCT after if needed. Any external T helps while In puberty.

I will be report back on my results in a couple weeks, planning to lean bulk from 130lb, 5"10 to around 150-160. Currently around 16~ body fat.

I am also going to take 500mg metformin per day to counteract blood sugar from mk677+GH.


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Hello goyims of looksmax. I just ordered some SARMs (ostarine and ibutamoren).

Gonna start a cycle for these 2 whilst in puberty. Im currently 15 & also on pharma gh, is it worth doing mk677 in conjunction to pinning gh? I usually pin around 3iu somatotropin every day and would ideally dose 20mg mk677 along with it.

The ostarine cycle however will be interesting, ostarine is a pretty weak SARM, hence i will be risking my hair for it. Any precautions I should take to mitigate the risks? I can get on PCT after if needed. Any external T helps while In puberty.

I will be report back on my results in a couple weeks, planning to lean bulk from 130lb, 5"10 to around 150-160. Currently around 16~ body fat.

I am also going to take 500mg metformin per day to counteract blood sugar from mk677+GH.
@ me in the update (btw your a moron for taking ostarine at 15)
next thread in 3 months: "why isnt my dick working???"
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next thread in 3 months: "why isnt my dick working???"
i pop boron like candy ngl, any time I need my dick up i just pop like 2 3mg boron pills. I could never get low libido、😛
If you are taking pharma grade gh it's pointless to take mk, it has a very fucking long half life (24 hours) and you will risk diabetes like myself (and you'll get bloated as fuck)
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Hello goyims of looksmax. I just ordered some SARMs (ostarine and ibutamoren).

Gonna start a cycle for these 2 whilst in puberty. Im currently 15 & also on pharma gh, is it worth doing mk677 in conjunction to pinning gh? I usually pin around 3iu somatotropin every day and would ideally dose 20mg mk677 along with it.

The ostarine cycle however will be interesting, ostarine is a pretty weak SARM, hence i will be risking my hair for it. Any precautions I should take to mitigate the risks? I can get on PCT after if needed. Any external T helps while In puberty.

I will be report back on my results in a couple weeks, planning to lean bulk from 130lb, 5"10 to around 150-160. Currently around 16~ body fat.

I am also going to take 500mg metformin per day to counteract blood sugar from mk677+GH.
It’s good but I’d advice against taking SARMS. Just hop on T, it’s the most risk efficient.
Hello goyims of looksmax. I just ordered some SARMs (ostarine and ibutamoren).

Gonna start a cycle for these 2 whilst in puberty. Im currently 15 & also on pharma gh, is it worth doing mk677 in conjunction to pinning gh? I usually pin around 3iu somatotropin every day and would ideally dose 20mg mk677 along with it.

The ostarine cycle however will be interesting, ostarine is a pretty weak SARM, hence i will be risking my hair for it. Any precautions I should take to mitigate the risks? I can get on PCT after if needed. Any external T helps while In puberty.

I will be report back on my results in a couple weeks, planning to lean bulk from 130lb, 5"10 to around 150-160. Currently around 16~ body fat.

I am also going to take 500mg metformin per day to counteract blood sugar from mk677+GH.
As someone with legitimate experience with this, I can give you a serious answer.

MK-677 for starters is not a SARM. It's also not a growth hormone secretagogue. It's synthetic Ghrelin. Ghrelin is the hormone that makes you hungry, along with other things like binding to your GHSR-1A (growth hormone receptor) in order to stimulate growth hormone production. Since you're already pinning growth hormone, and most people buy MK-677 as an oral replacement (and cheaper substitute) for pinning pharma-grade GH, I would say that unless not being able to eat enough food is a problem for you, you shouldn't use it. MK-677 also comes with its own list of downsides and risks including insulin resistance, meaning you have to monitor blood glucose levels pretty consistently in order to avoid sending yourself prediabetic. If you have a blood glucose monitor and you're willing to monitor your blood glucose levels daily or multiple times per day, I would say that it is still viable, however, don't do 20mg especially if you're already pinning GH. 10mg should be more than enough to get the benefits that you would be wanting (increased appetite, hair growth, nail growth, sleep quality). I have a write-up on MK-677 somewhere in my post history if you want to know more. The Metformin is good, but at the same time, unless you struggle with appetite the MK won't really be needed in the first place.

Ostarine is weak as fuck, I can say from experience as someone who has used Ostarine, RAD140, LGD4033 and others. Your risk of hair loss as you stated you were concerned about is slim to none. If you're still concerned even after this reassurance, there's not much you can do besides using products like Minoxidil to fuck around with your hair. Taking GH and MK is good for hair, though. I'm no expert in this field as it's never been a problem for me so I'm sure you can find threads by hairmaxxers that will be more helpful, but on Ostarine, this shouldn't be a major issue.

In order to make the MOST of these substances you're going to be using, I encourage you to do a proper bulk, not a lean bulk, and get a proper split from someone who is an active gymmaxxer if you don't already have one. If you do have one, send it in here so I can look over it and make sure you're making the most of what you're taking. By lean bulking, you're leaving gains on the table, and as a taller guy myself (6ft+) I can vouch that it is extremely hard to put on gains without eating a LOT of food. Take into consideration that your muscles will be growing a lot faster than usual, your recovery times will be lower, and your stamina will be massively enhanced, so your caloric intake will need to be well in excess of maintenance. I would seriously suggest eating as much as you physically can every single day, and you'll be surprised how little fat you actually put on. If you do start putting on large amounts of fat, then you can look at cutting your intake back down.

You're 15 bro, and all in all, doing SARMs at this age is NOT a good idea, but I know you're going to do it anyway, so here's what I would suggest. Ostarine has a half-life of roughly 24 hours, and you should be dosing every single day about 30 minutes before you go to the gym. Don't exceed 10 weeks on an oral cycle, your body will hate you for it. I have included the supplement N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC for short) as a liver support. You will need this. You can get bags of it for cheap online, mix about a gram of it in water. The taste of it is pretty disgusting, so you can mix it with electrolytes or flavouring. As bad as it tastes, liver damage hurts a whole lot worse (take it from me) you do NOT want to damage your liver.

Weeks 1-4: Ostarine 20mg ED, 1g N-Acetyl Cysteine ED
Weeks 5-6: Ostarine 25mg ED, 1g N-Acetyl Cysteine ED
Weeks 7-8: Ostarine 30mg ED, 1g N-Acetyl Cysteine ED

The effects of the SARMs will be noticeable from day 1 when it comes to pumps and energy, but the physical effects should start to pop up around the 3-4 week mark. If you're making good gains come week 5 and 6, don't taper the dosage up, keep it at 20mg. Increasing dosage will just do more damage and if you're already doing well there's no need for it.

In terms of PCT, I would suggest getting your bloods ran about 3 days after the cycle and checking your testosterone levels against your baseline level (blood test taken before you start the cycle). If you are seriously suppressed, consider taking Enclomiphene for 4 weeks at 20mg/day, then run your bloods again to make sure all is well.

Hopefully this was useful.
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just stick to pharma gh? Literally no need to use mk or ostarine
As someone with legitimate experience with this, I can give you a serious answer.

MK-677 for starters is not a SARM. It's also not a growth hormone secretagogue. It's synthetic Ghrelin. Ghrelin is the hormone that makes you hungry, along with other things like binding to your GHSR-1A (growth hormone receptor) in order to stimulate growth hormone production. Since you're already pinning growth hormone, and most people buy MK-677 as an oral replacement (and cheaper substitute) for pinning pharma-grade GH, I would say that unless not being able to eat enough food is a problem for you, you shouldn't use it. MK-677 also comes with its own list of downsides and risks including insulin resistance, meaning you have to monitor blood glucose levels pretty consistently in order to avoid sending yourself prediabetic. If you have a blood glucose monitor and you're willing to monitor your blood glucose levels daily or multiple times per day, I would say that it is still viable, however, don't do 20mg especially if you're already pinning GH. 10mg should be more than enough to get the benefits that you would be wanting (increased appetite, hair growth, nail growth, sleep quality). I have a write-up on MK-677 somewhere in my post history if you want to know more. The Metformin is good, but at the same time, unless you struggle with appetite the MK won't really be needed in the first place.

Ostarine is weak as fuck, I can say from experience as someone who has used Ostarine, RAD140, LGD4033 and others. Your risk of hair loss as you stated you were concerned about is slim to none. If you're still concerned even after this reassurance, there's not much you can do besides using products like Minoxidil to fuck around with your hair. Taking GH and MK is good for hair, though. I'm no expert in this field as it's never been a problem for me so I'm sure you can find threads by hairmaxxers that will be more helpful, but on Ostarine, this shouldn't be a major issue.

In order to make the MOST of these substances you're going to be using, I encourage you to do a proper bulk, not a lean bulk, and get a proper split from someone who is an active gymmaxxer if you don't already have one. If you do have one, send it in here so I can look over it and make sure you're making the most of what you're taking. By lean bulking, you're leaving gains on the table, and as a taller guy myself (6ft+) I can vouch that it is extremely hard to put on gains without eating a LOT of food. Take into consideration that your muscles will be growing a lot faster than usual, your recovery times will be lower, and your stamina will be massively enhanced, so your caloric intake will need to be well in excess of maintenance. I would seriously suggest eating as much as you physically can every single day, and you'll be surprised how little fat you actually put on. If you do start putting on large amounts of fat, then you can look at cutting your intake back down.

You're 15 bro, and all in all, doing SARMs at this age is NOT a good idea, but I know you're going to do it anyway, so here's what I would suggest. Ostarine has a half-life of roughly 24 hours, and you should be dosing every single day about 30 minutes before you go to the gym. Don't exceed 10 weeks on an oral cycle, your body will hate you for it. I have included the supplement N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC for short) as a liver support. You will need this. You can get bags of it for cheap online, mix about a gram of it in water. The taste of it is pretty disgusting, so you can mix it with electrolytes or flavouring. As bad as it tastes, liver damage hurts a whole lot worse (take it from me) you do NOT want to damage your liver.

Weeks 1-4: Ostarine 20mg ED, 1g N-Acetyl Cysteine ED
Weeks 5-6: Ostarine 25mg ED, 1g N-Acetyl Cysteine ED
Weeks 7-8: Ostarine 30mg ED, 1g N-Acetyl Cysteine ED

The effects of the SARMs will be noticeable from day 1 when it comes to pumps and energy, but the physical effects should start to pop up around the 3-4 week mark. If you're making good gains come week 5 and 6, don't taper the dosage up, keep it at 20mg. Increasing dosage will just do more damage and if you're already doing well there's no need for it.

In terms of PCT, I would suggest getting your bloods ran about 3 days after the cycle and checking your testosterone levels against your baseline level (blood test taken before you start the cycle). If you are seriously suppressed, consider taking Enclomiphene for 4 weeks at 20mg/day, then run your bloods again to make sure all is well.

Hopefully this was useful.
hey just read this, thank you very much for such a detailed write down. I'm gonna be starting a bulk from today, mostly protein milk and a small amount of carbs. Btw, I initially wasn't planning to gym just planned on doing regular calisthenics. However, if I was to gym, what sort of training would you recommend? I'm mostly a soccer player so I don't wanna put on too much mass, just a lean athletic body. Something like Ronaldo/Zlatan types would be perfect for me imo.
As someone with legitimate experience with this, I can give you a serious answer.

MK-677 for starters is not a SARM. It's also not a growth hormone secretagogue. It's synthetic Ghrelin. Ghrelin is the hormone that makes you hungry, along with other things like binding to your GHSR-1A (growth hormone receptor) in order to stimulate growth hormone production. Since you're already pinning growth hormone, and most people buy MK-677 as an oral replacement (and cheaper substitute) for pinning pharma-grade GH, I would say that unless not being able to eat enough food is a problem for you, you shouldn't use it. MK-677 also comes with its own list of downsides and risks including insulin resistance, meaning you have to monitor blood glucose levels pretty consistently in order to avoid sending yourself prediabetic. If you have a blood glucose monitor and you're willing to monitor your blood glucose levels daily or multiple times per day, I would say that it is still viable, however, don't do 20mg especially if you're already pinning GH. 10mg should be more than enough to get the benefits that you would be wanting (increased appetite, hair growth, nail growth, sleep quality). I have a write-up on MK-677 somewhere in my post history if you want to know more. The Metformin is good, but at the same time, unless you struggle with appetite the MK won't really be needed in the first place.

Ostarine is weak as fuck, I can say from experience as someone who has used Ostarine, RAD140, LGD4033 and others. Your risk of hair loss as you stated you were concerned about is slim to none. If you're still concerned even after this reassurance, there's not much you can do besides using products like Minoxidil to fuck around with your hair. Taking GH and MK is good for hair, though. I'm no expert in this field as it's never been a problem for me so I'm sure you can find threads by hairmaxxers that will be more helpful, but on Ostarine, this shouldn't be a major issue.

In order to make the MOST of these substances you're going to be using, I encourage you to do a proper bulk, not a lean bulk, and get a proper split from someone who is an active gymmaxxer if you don't already have one. If you do have one, send it in here so I can look over it and make sure you're making the most of what you're taking. By lean bulking, you're leaving gains on the table, and as a taller guy myself (6ft+) I can vouch that it is extremely hard to put on gains without eating a LOT of food. Take into consideration that your muscles will be growing a lot faster than usual, your recovery times will be lower, and your stamina will be massively enhanced, so your caloric intake will need to be well in excess of maintenance. I would seriously suggest eating as much as you physically can every single day, and you'll be surprised how little fat you actually put on. If you do start putting on large amounts of fat, then you can look at cutting your intake back down.

You're 15 bro, and all in all, doing SARMs at this age is NOT a good idea, but I know you're going to do it anyway, so here's what I would suggest. Ostarine has a half-life of roughly 24 hours, and you should be dosing every single day about 30 minutes before you go to the gym. Don't exceed 10 weeks on an oral cycle, your body will hate you for it. I have included the supplement N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC for short) as a liver support. You will need this. You can get bags of it for cheap online, mix about a gram of it in water. The taste of it is pretty disgusting, so you can mix it with electrolytes or flavouring. As bad as it tastes, liver damage hurts a whole lot worse (take it from me) you do NOT want to damage your liver.

Weeks 1-4: Ostarine 20mg ED, 1g N-Acetyl Cysteine ED
Weeks 5-6: Ostarine 25mg ED, 1g N-Acetyl Cysteine ED
Weeks 7-8: Ostarine 30mg ED, 1g N-Acetyl Cysteine ED

The effects of the SARMs will be noticeable from day 1 when it comes to pumps and energy, but the physical effects should start to pop up around the 3-4 week mark. If you're making good gains come week 5 and 6, don't taper the dosage up, keep it at 20mg. Increasing dosage will just do more damage and if you're already doing well there's no need for it.

In terms of PCT, I would suggest getting your bloods ran about 3 days after the cycle and checking your testosterone levels against your baseline level (blood test taken before you start the cycle). If you are seriously suppressed, consider taking Enclomiphene for 4 weeks at 20mg/day, then run your bloods again to make sure all is well.

Hopefully this was useful.
And also, do you really think bulking eating whatever is necessary to put on muscle? I know this question is autistic, but I currently have hollow cheeks and people i know always compliment them. I'm afraid that extra bloating could cause me to lose this halo. But I do wanna build muscle still, I'm currently not gymcelled but have a pretty ok frame, small waist and good ish shoulders.
hey just read this, thank you very much for such a detailed write down. I'm gonna be starting a bulk from today, mostly protein milk and a small amount of carbs. Btw, I initially wasn't planning to gym just planned on doing regular calisthenics. However, if I was to gym, what sort of training would you recommend? I'm mostly a soccer player so I don't wanna put on too much mass, just a lean athletic body. Something like Ronaldo/Zlatan types would be perfect for me imo.
SARMs for calisthenics is a waste, you definitely should be going to the gym and doing weight training. "Putting on too much mass" or "getting too big" is a non-issue, it takes incredible amount of work to grow large amounts of muscle and realistically it's going to take longer than one Ostarine cycle to get big. If you're a soccer player, consider hitting legs (obviously) pretty hard with isolated and compound movements. Also do arms and core for upper body strength. Since soccer doesn't require a lot of pushing or pulling, back isn't really a priority, but if you want an aesthetic physique realistically you should be hitting everything.

In terms of your second comment, yes in order to bulk and put on muscle you will need to eat a lot of food. Otherwise you'll be wasting the cycle. SARMs aren't magic, you still need to eat in a bulk in order for them to work properly, otherwise all that's gonna happen is you'll get a bit more shredded, and gain a tiny bit more strength, which you will lose instantly after you come off. If you already have a good frame you should capitalise on that.
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And also, do you really think bulking eating whatever is necessary to put on muscle? I know this question is autistic, but I currently have hollow cheeks and people i know always compliment them. I'm afraid that extra bloating could cause me to lose this halo. But I do wanna build muscle still, I'm currently not gymcelled but have a pretty ok frame, small waist and good ish shoulders.
Adding onto that, Ostarine isn't known for being notoriously water-retaining. If you were taking LGD I'd be more concerned but at the end of the day if you don't like what you see, eat less food or stop the cycle.
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And also, do you really think bulking eating whatever is necessary to put on muscle? I know this question is autistic, but I currently have hollow cheeks and people i know always compliment them. I'm afraid that extra bloating could cause me to lose this halo. But I do wanna build muscle still, I'm currently not gymcelled but have a pretty ok frame, small waist and good ish shoulders.
If you want to ensure what you're putting on is high quality mass, prioritise protein, minimise fats, sugars and carbs. Just keep in mind you will need to be eating a LOT of protein if that's what you're focusing on. It's a lot of work and is expensive. All I ever did was just eat everything. Worked great for me.
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If you want to ensure what you're putting on is high quality mass, prioritise protein, minimise fats, sugars and carbs. Just keep in mind you will need to be eating a LOT of protein if that's what you're focusing on. It's a lot of work and is expensive. All I ever did was just eat everything. Worked great for me.
Recomending a 15 year old to mimise fats smh
Recomending a 15 year old to mimise fats smh
Fats are good easy calories and are important for growth sure... Didn't say don't eat fats. Chances are you're still cooking your meat in fats, still buttering your bread with fats. You added nothing of value to this thread and you nitpick one minor issue and run with it JFL.
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Fats are good easy calories and are important for growth sure... Didn't say don't eat fats. Chances are you're still cooking your meat in fats, still buttering your bread with fats. You added nothing of value to this thread and you nitpick one minor issue and run with it JFL.
Thank you so much to the help prior.

My SARMs just came in. Gonna start the cycle today.

Could you please help me out with a good workout split?
  • Flat DB Bench (3x10)
  • Incline Dumbell/Barbell Bench (4x10)
  • Seated Shoulder Press (3x10)
  • Lateral Raises (2x10, 2 sets to failure)
  • Tricep Rope Pushdown (4x10) SS
  • Tricep Bar Pushdown (4x10) SS
  • Rear Delt fly (4x12) [1:30min rest]
  • Pec Dec (4xFailure)

  • Lat Pulldown (4x12)
  • Seated Row (4x10)
  • DB Bicep Curls (4xfailure)
  • Heavy Hammer Curls (2x12 2 x failure)
  • Barbell Rows (3x12)
  • Preacher Curl (2x12 2 x failure)

  • Light hip abductor (sus machine) (4x12)
  • Light laying hamstring curls (4x12)
  • Heavy leg press (4 x 6-8)
  • Split squats (3x10)
  • Hamstring Curl (4x12)
  • Leg extensions (3x12 1xFailure)
  • Calf raises (4xFailure)

    Thank you so much to the help prior.

    My SARMs just came in. Gonna start the cycle today.

    Could you please help me out with a good workout split?
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  • Flat DB Bench (3x10)
  • Incline Dumbell/Barbell Bench (4x10)
  • Seated Shoulder Press (3x10)
  • Lateral Raises (2x10, 2 sets to failure)
  • Tricep Rope Pushdown (4x10) SS
  • Tricep Bar Pushdown (4x10) SS
  • Rear Delt fly (4x12) [1:30min rest]
  • Pec Dec (4xFailure)

  • Lat Pulldown (4x12)
  • Seated Row (4x10)
  • DB Bicep Curls (4xfailure)
  • Heavy Hammer Curls (2x12 2 x failure)
  • Barbell Rows (3x12)
  • Preacher Curl (2x12 2 x failure)

  • Light hip abductor (sus machine) (4x12)
  • Light laying hamstring curls (4x12)
  • Heavy leg press (4 x 6-8)
  • Split squats (3x10)
  • Hamstring Curl (4x12)
  • Leg extensions (3x12 1xFailure)
  • Calf raises (4xFailure)
Thanks bro boutta go to the gym in a few.

Another question, do you think sarms can help grow browridge/jaw? Just took my first 10mg of ostarine last night and 10mg this morning, the best ive felt in a long ass time. I feel a lot more focused, i don't know if it's just placebo or what though, but if ostarine @20mg is so potent, I wonder what real roids /stronger sarms could do lmao.
Thanks bro boutta go to the gym in a few.

Another question, do you think sarms can help grow browridge/jaw? Just took my first 10mg of ostarine last night and 10mg this morning, the best ive felt in a long ass time. I feel a lot more focused, i don't know if it's just placebo or what though, but if ostarine @20mg is so potent, I wonder what real roids /stronger sarms could do lmao.
No JFL otrarine is not even that fuckin androgenic in may just grow your facial muscles tho and no in it is not a placebo you will feel orals steroid/sarms right away
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Thanks bro boutta go to the gym in a few.

Another question, do you think sarms can help grow browridge/jaw? Just took my first 10mg of ostarine last night and 10mg this morning, the best ive felt in a long ass time. I feel a lot more focused, i don't know if it's just placebo or what though, but if ostarine @20mg is so potent, I wonder what real roids /stronger sarms could do lmao.
You will feel SARMs effects straight away but won't get serious strength or visual changes until week 3-4.

Ostarine is actually quite androgenic despite what Jay is saying but nowhere near strong enough to seriously change your face. If you somehow find a way to break your facial muscles down at an incredible rate they will grow back bigger and stronger sure, but they're already so used to being used constantly that it will be very hard to do.
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how do u feel now

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