Starting T at 16 and 6"6

I think you’re just looking for attention at that point. You know damn well you don’t need roids. You have 1% genetics.
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I started anabolic steroids fairly recently after speaking to @xefo on discord, I have had my own interests for a long time and train regularly in MMA and the gym, he and I got into an argument originally about Anabolics and height increase and so I decided to start researching and after reading into the subject I found more and more he was right.
What I found out was he wasn't wrong, Anavar and Winstrol have both been used in combination with an AI/GNHR agonist was highly effective for increasing pubertal height growth, and height velocity.

I ordered Anavar (10mg x 100) and Letrozole and began taking them about a month ago. I felt tremendous on Anavar and the 1.25mgs of letrozole daily made my joints a bit creaky but overall I felt brilliant.
I started my use of T this Wednesday, I'm using 250mgs of enanthate dosed 125mg 2x weekly for the first 4 weeks to saturate myself and then I will lower it to 125mgs split into 62.5mgs weekly. I am using it consecutively with Anavar which I will use for 3 months on 1 off.
I take 12.5mgs of Aromasin on pin days, I still jack off twice a day but my libido has dropped as a result of the AIs which is fine by me because I'm usually concerningly horny, I'm taking a good amount of Ais because I still want to grow taller and after all, I did originally start this to height max, so I don't want plates to fuse, I will be using peptides in the future.
I've put a picture of my current physique, not the best lighting but oh well, I've not yet noticed benefits from test considering started so recently apart from more energy when waking up.
im thoroughly mogged
  • JFL
Reactions: Lolcel
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 11748
How long are u doing mma for?
bro doing steroids in puberty fucks up your brain for life, even when you come off.
  • +1
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can't tell if this is larp from meantlly ill white teenager or what. With those genetics(+curly hair) u should have a girl jacking you off twice a day by now. Also u 16 u should naturally jack off 10 times a day.
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero
Id like to be 6"8-10 tbh, ideal gigamogger height
Hi guys I’ve got my Bimax scheduled tomorrow. Can’t wait to get to ideal forward growth
9CE75DED 9843 4401 BE60 0B98910005D0
  • JFL
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can't tell if this is larp from meantlly ill white teenager or what. With those genetics(+curly hair) u should have a girl jacking you off twice a day by now. Also u 16 u should naturally jack off 10 times a day.
sadly not a larp and yes i am mentally ill. jacking it 8x a day takes a lot of time. and im not a virgin but single atm while im doing my exams and i dont want a gf over summer
How long are u doing mma for?
ive done it since i was 13
bro doing steroids in puberty fucks up your brain for life, even when you come off.
never come off theory
I think you’re just looking for attention at that point. You know damn well you don’t need roids. You have 1% genetics.
1% genetics plus roids = leave humanity behind
sadly not a larp and yes i am mentally ill. jacking it 8x a day takes a lot of time. and im not a virgin but single atm while im doing my exams and i dont want a gf over summer

ive done it since i was 13

never come off theory

1% genetics plus roids = leave humanity behind
Most based poster on this site. I will observe your career with great interest, please keep us updated
  • +1
Reactions: .👽., Deleted member 4416, Deleted member 11748 and 1 other person
Most based poster on this site. I will observe your career with great interest, please keep us updated
will update in 3 months with physique post + how im feeling/what im on
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 11748
retard. The only reason they gained more height is because they had no estrogen from not having any testosterone (testosterone supression from the orals) you could’ve just taken aromasin...

atleast take a testosterone base so u dont get a micropenis
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Reactions: Deleted member 439, WadlowMaxxing, Deleted member 9568 and 1 other person
sadly not a larp and yes i am mentally ill. jacking it 8x a day takes a lot of time. and im not a virgin but single atm while im doing my exams and i dont want a gf over summer

ive done it since i was 13

never come off theory

1% genetics plus roids = leave humanity behind
bro honestly just promise us to leave this forum and never come back here when "rona" is over. Seek therapy instead only rare time here whne u can tell some1 here to get therapy
  • +1
Reactions: Lolcel, Deleted member 5969 and GigaAscender
@TakaTeo parents height?
Top 1% height, and your body is well well above average, I don’t think you need roids lol
Top 1% height, and your body is well well above average, I don’t think you need roids rn ngl
he is injecting regardless of what you say, and I respect that.
  • +1
Reactions: SteveRogers
Why only 125 weekly ?
No offense man, but @xefo is a mentally ill teenager. He blasts roids but doesn't even lift, he looks like a twig.

You look great man. I'm mirin hard, you don't need roids. They are going to cause a painful, early death.
Other sides of roids is a huge increase in SMV, alpha aura, increase in power (over other males, not just physically), and an overall better life...
You're stupid, if you're blackpilled you'll go on TRT at 35 at the latest, so why not get a headstart and slay while in your prime? The only real side is hairloss or gyno which are easily avoided - any other sides are temporary and so eaily fixable it'd take you 5 mins at your local store to find what you need.
I cycle 5mg LGD and ostarine 8 weeks on 12 weeks off with 4 weeks nolva as PCT, zero sides (I also have bloods), and will likely hop on T around age 28 (I'm 21), the only reason I'm not doing them now is because I don't want to look too big - I'm a hyper responder to PEDs so even now on such low doses of SARMs and traing 3 days at best - guys don't think I'm natty / girls think I'm too big - I just tell them I do MMA + swimming; fucking retards believe that shit.
  • +1
Reactions: TakaTeo
at least ur doing something, compared to 90% of this forum daydreaming about which surgeries they are gonna do when they have 100k in the bank. :ROFLMAO:
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 11748
Pm me your t/anavar and ai source
How long are you going to be running all this? Are you planning to be on TRT forever? Or do you have a PCT protocol?
bro honestly just promise us to leave this forum and never come back here when "rona" is over. Seek therapy instead only rare time here whne u can tell some1 here to get therapy
This forum is therapy
I started anabolic steroids fairly recently after speaking to @xefo on discord, I have had my own interests for a long time and train regularly in MMA and the gym, he and I got into an argument originally about Anabolics and height increase and so I decided to start researching and after reading into the subject I found more and more he was right.
What I found out was he wasn't wrong, Anavar and Winstrol have both been used in combination with an AI/GNHR agonist was highly effective for increasing pubertal height growth, and height velocity.

I ordered Anavar (10mg x 100) and Letrozole and began taking them about a month ago. I felt tremendous on Anavar and the 1.25mgs of letrozole daily made my joints a bit creaky but overall I felt brilliant.
I started my use of T this Wednesday, I'm using 250mgs of enanthate dosed 125mg 2x weekly for the first 4 weeks to saturate myself and then I will lower it to 125mgs split into 62.5mgs weekly. I am using it consecutively with Anavar which I will use for 3 months on 1 off.
I take 12.5mgs of Aromasin on pin days, I still jack off twice a day but my libido has dropped as a result of the AIs which is fine by me because I'm usually concerningly horny, I'm taking a good amount of Ais because I still want to grow taller and after all, I did originally start this to height max, so I don't want plates to fuse, I will be using peptides in the future.
I've put a picture of my current physique, not the best lighting but oh well, I've not yet noticed benefits from test considering started so recently apart from more energy when waking up.
I cant believe this fucking tallfag is gonna fuck more then me just because he is 6'6

Clown world
yes, I am ordering hcg, the plan is to use it for life to be honest with you. I don't plan on having children but if I do decide to I can come off and use RFSH and HCG and would be able to get decent sperm in a few months although it would suck. I got my bloodwork done a few months ago and my T was in the high 900s so I may use test at 200/250mgs a week. The ai is to prevent bone fusure but I will be careful to not have many issues with it. Im going to be experimenting with compounds new and old for my life as it is a passion of mine and I've loved the idea of self bio engineering and bio hacking since I was a child. I Appreciate the advice.
high 900s before you started juicing or after? If you were high 900s before juicing you're a mega autist jfl. I'm doing basically the same shit as you except I'm 22 and I had nowhere near 900 ng/dL to start off with.
Last edited:
Other sides of roids is a huge increase in SMV, alpha aura, increase in power (over other males, not just physically), and an overall better life...
You're stupid, if you're blackpilled you'll go on TRT at 35 at the latest, so why not get a headstart and slay while in your prime? The only real side is hairloss or gyno which are easily avoided - any other sides are temporary and so eaily fixable it'd take you 5 mins at your local store to find what you need.
I cycle 5mg LGD and ostarine 8 weeks on 12 weeks off with 4 weeks nolva as PCT, zero sides (I also have bloods), and will likely hop on T around age 28 (I'm 21), the only reason I'm not doing them now is because I don't want to look too big - I'm a hyper responder to PEDs so even now on such low doses of SARMs and traing 3 days at best - guys don't think I'm natty / girls think I'm too big - I just tell them I do MMA + swimming; fucking retards believe that shit.
Your flair says 183 cm 72 kg, there's no way that's current then right? Because if those are your current stats there's no way you're too big. Btw I agree with everything you said 100%, I started TRT at 22 and it's been a great decision so far. Look into enclomiphene to use while using sarms, it acts as both a test base and PCT
high 900s before you started juicing or after? If you were high 900s before juicing you're a mega autist jfl. I'm doing basically the same shit as you except I'm 22 and I had nowhere near 900 ng/dL to start off with.
Before, I would have juiced regardless of what my t levels where.
Why only 125 weekly ?
Have decided to keep it at 250 for the foreseeable future, maybe will drop to 200.
  • Woah
Reactions: Jew_Supremacist
Before, I would have juiced regardless of what my t levels where.

Have decided to keep it at 250 for the foreseeable future, maybe will drop to 200.
Well good luck man, big respect for following what you think is the right move, a lot of ppl in this thread are salty they don't have the balls to do anything close to this and salty you have better base genetics. Just curious, how would you rate your face?
There could be a lot of potential in puberty modulation with chemicals, you got to do it right though. Worst case scenario you fuck your HPTA axis developement forever and you need TRT and whatever else for the rest of your life, and hairloss, wouldn't worry too much about the rest. Don't know what kind of gains you can get from this protocol and probably nobody does though, so you can't really tell how worthed it is.
I don't know what is the plan, but i guess you would be cruising on a moderate dose of T until you finish developement, then come off of it and try to recover your axis or just TRT for life.

You should have done baseline bloodwork to check your natty levels of T, 125mg of T a week will probably be putting yourself lower than your baseline. I pin everyday either IM or SQ and got 0 bad sides on 350mg a week, i don't even feel it, i just lift heavier, recover faster, and put more muscle, tried 450 and started feeling it, so went back to 350.
You should be doing bloodwork here and there.
I would suggest you don't crash your E with the AI, you may be fucking yourself in whatever department, besides joint health, which is no joke either, unless that's what docs use in their studies.
I don't know what dosing of anavar you are taking right now. I take it twice a day sublingually 40mg total. I wouldn't use it for that long, unless you are doing bloods and checking your kidneys and whatever else

If you have it clear that you will be using your body as your source of income in the future then just go for it.
what sides should I be looking out for? Only side I ever feel is gyno, but I'm worried about pushing it to the limit because if hair loss starts it may not stop. What should I be looking out for to figure out how high I can go with TRT?
What the fuck is this, son?!
No fucking way you listened to xefo, no offense he's my bro but he's not very knwoeldgable about t and had hopped on after 1 day of research

It's a good call imo just saying ask ppl like me for roid advice as I am knwoeldgable in all the literateratire
what sides should I be looking out for? Only side I ever feel is gyno, but I'm worried about pushing it to the limit because if hair loss starts it may not stop. What should I be looking out for to figure out how high I can go with TRT?
If you get hair loss just lower the dose.
I started anabolic steroids fairly recently after speaking to @xefo on discord, I have had my own interests for a long time and train regularly in MMA and the gym, he and I got into an argument originally about Anabolics and height increase and so I decided to start researching and after reading into the subject I found more and more he was right.
What I found out was he wasn't wrong, Anavar and Winstrol have both been used in combination with an AI/GNHR agonist was highly effective for increasing pubertal height growth, and height velocity.

I ordered Anavar (10mg x 100) and Letrozole and began taking them about a month ago. I felt tremendous on Anavar and the 1.25mgs of letrozole daily made my joints a bit creaky but overall I felt brilliant.
I started my use of T this Wednesday, I'm using 250mgs of enanthate dosed 125mg 2x weekly for the first 4 weeks to saturate myself and then I will lower it to 125mgs split into 62.5mgs weekly. I am using it consecutively with Anavar which I will use for 3 months on 1 off.
I take 12.5mgs of Aromasin on pin days, I still jack off twice a day but my libido has dropped as a result of the AIs which is fine by me because I'm usually concerningly horny, I'm taking a good amount of Ais because I still want to grow taller and after all, I did originally start this to height max, so I don't want plates to fuse, I will be using peptides in the future.
I've put a picture of my current physique, not the best lighting but oh well, I've not yet noticed benefits from test considering started so recently apart from more energy when waking up.
Do you have other family members who are 6'6+?
use your brain lmao, you clearly don't need roid
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Not gonna question your decision (although I don’t think it’s a good one) but you would’ve been better off at least waiting a few years before starting.
@TakaTeo great user to ask about injecting and stuff.

hows the progress?

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