Starting to think low carb diet is best for heightmaxxing tbh



Dec 14, 2018
Think about it, the shortest cultures and races such as Chinese who consume a lot of rice and Italians for example who consume breads and pastas, are on high carb diets. Then you look at tall populations such as African tribesmen who consume milk and meat. Another example would be the Scottish Highlanders who averaged an average height of between 6 and 7 feet until they abandoned their native diet of meat, milk and oats.

I have read of the effects of sugar and carbs on the release of HGH and its not good.
I know there are some exceptions to this rule as some of the tall fags on this forum have pointed out to me. But it could be a case of the exception proving the rule.
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Seems like a massive ultra monster COPE
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jfl, I've eaten literally a kilo of potatoes every second day of the week for years on end and I still came back with a natural IGF-1 level of 510+

just be a human and eat food.
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jfl, I've eaten literally a kilo of potatoes every second day of the week for years on end and I still came back with a natural IGF-1 level of 510+

just be a human and eat food.
  • JFL
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Manlet cope thread
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It's all genes
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@Wincel do you have anything to add?
Many. The list is ever growing.

Huh mhmmm this smells good

JPUpSzgx 400x400

Keep doing this good goy

Ironically everyone is calling this cope now, you will put all them in the ignore list?
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Supposedly (I've heard this but haven't confirmed it myself) peoples who eat all meat (read no carbs) tend to have denser bones and to be taller than those who don't.
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Carbs = Higher ghrelin, insulin

ghrelin increases HGH, insulin increases IGF-1

I've seen historical examples where both more animal products and more carbs increased height, haven't yet seen anything to suggest carbs are bad for growth but I'm open to evidence. The gravettian hunter gatherers come to mind, much taller than westerners today and they didn't eat carbs. Not a very solid proof though, just correlative at this point.
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Carbs = Higher ghrelin, insulin

ghrelin increases HGH, insulin increases IGF-1

I've seen historical examples where both more animal products and more carbs increased height, haven't yet seen anything to suggest carbs are bad for growth but I'm open to evidence. The gravettian hunter gatherers come to mind, much taller than westerners today and they didn't eat carbs. Not a very solid proof though, just correlative at this point.
unfortunately most nutrition science as we understand it is just correlative, its a real shame but it is what it is
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unfortunately most nutrition science as we understand it is just correlative, its a real shame but it is what it is
99.999% of nutritional scientists are complete fucking dinks

We can identify mechanisms and test nutrition in most cases but all the advice is based on a few retard level observations. "Group X lives the longest and they eat sweet potatoes." Yeah they also circumcise not only their dicks but their balls too, and they wipe back to front, according to the (((hierarchy of evidence))) that should also be a driving factor, if you can produce a meta-analysis on that (repeating the same observation that they don't have scrotums 10 times and putting all those studies in a bigger paper) Its ridiculous.
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  • JFL
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99.999% of nutritional scientists are complete fucking dinks

We can identify mechanisms and test nutrition in most cases but all the advice is based on a few retard level observations. "Group X lives the longest and they eat sweet potatoes." Yeah they also circumcise not only their dicks but their balls too, and they wipe back to front, according to the (((hierarchy of evidence))) that should also be a driving factor, if you can produce a meta-analysis on that (repeating the same observation that they don't have scrotums 10 times and putting all those studies in a bigger paper) Its ridiculous.
All I am saying is that I have noticed a correlation. The Scottish for example were MASSIVE, then they changed their diet to a more English style on and now they are the same height if not shorter than the English.
All I am saying is that I have noticed a correlation. The Scottish for example were MASSIVE, then they changed their diet to a more English style on and now they are the same height if not shorter than the English.
Might be from less mineral consumption tbh

Amino acids in correct ratios are also important for GH secretion
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Might be from less mineral consumption tbh

Amino acids in correct ratios are also important for GH secretion
Whatever the reason, they mogged HARD
how did these big boys ever get conquered?
It really is a mystery, William Wallace (Braveheart) was 6'7. This was his sword:

Truly a master race tbh
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no i'm not irish jfl

still, just be a human and eat food.
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All I am saying is that I have noticed a correlation. The Scottish for example were MASSIVE, then they changed their diet to a more English style on and now they are the same height if not shorter than the English.
you have no idea what these peoples diets actually were - if you watch lectures on primitive diets youll see that almost every african tribe found a way to cultivate carbs as a steady food source- theres no proof that any people ever had a true meat only diet.
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But inuits are small and they were mainly eating fish for millennia
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  • JFL
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jfl, I've eaten literally a kilo of potatoes every second day of the week for years on end and I still came back with a natural IGF-1 level of 510+

just be a human and eat food.
how did you get that measured? i'd like find out that kind of shit too
Bald, short, subhuman, incel at SEVENTEEN. I'm so sorry bro, that is brutal.
It never began brah. You might consider adding ethnic to death list
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All I am saying is that I have noticed a correlation. The Scottish for example were MASSIVE, then they changed their diet to a more English style on and now they are the same height if not shorter than the English.
I'm 99% sure that this is due to eating a less varied diet (fewer vitamins, minerals, protein, etc.) than they did before. The same thing happened when people in what is now the Middle east started agriculture. The average heights decreased significantly, and there was a much higher rate of developmental issues than before based on skeletal finds. Of course they ate more carbs, but they also ate less meat and other shit you would naturally find in the wild there
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Think about it, the shortest cultures and races such as Chinese who consume a lot of rice and Italians for example who consume breads and pastas, are on high carb diets. Then you look at tall populations such as African tribesmen who consume milk and meat. Another example would be the Scottish Highlanders who averaged an average height of between 6 and 7 feet until they abandoned their native diet of meat, milk and oats.

I have read of the effects of sugar and carbs on the release of HGH and its not good.
I know there are some exceptions to this rule as some of the tall fags on this forum have pointed out to me. But it could be a case of the exception proving the rule.
Carbs provide glycogen which power the brain and prepare muscles for strenuous tasks. Complex carbs (fruit and vegetables) are good. Simple carbs (sugar) destroys everything basically. As far as height goes, africans eat a ton of protein and protein is the key ingredient to building muscle and your body's growth in general. Just stay away from processed shit and you'll ascend a little bit no matter what age.
But inuits are small and they were mainly eating fish for millennia
No amount of meat can counteract being a mongoloid when it comes to height unfortunately
Carbs provide glycogen which power the brain and prepare muscles for strenuous tasks. Complex carbs (fruit and vegetables) are good. Simple carbs (sugar) destroys everything basically. As far as height goes, africans eat a ton of protein and protein is the key ingredient to building muscle and your body's growth in general. Just stay away from processed shit and you'll ascend a little bit no matter what age.
Ketones can power the brain just as well if not better, this myth that you absolutely need carbs for brain power needs to be raped and killed
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No it’s mostly genetics but carbs and meat and vitamins are good for growth when young
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Think about it, the shortest cultures and races such as Chinese who consume a lot of rice and Italians for example who consume breads and pastas, are on high carb diets. Then you look at tall populations such as African tribesmen who consume milk and meat. Another example would be the Scottish Highlanders who averaged an average height of between 6 and 7 feet until they abandoned their native diet of meat, milk and oats.

I have read of the effects of sugar and carbs on the release of HGH and its not good.
I know there are some exceptions to this rule as some of the tall fags on this forum have pointed out to me. But it could be a case of the exception proving the rule.
No this is completely wrong. It's the protein that matters the most. HGH turns into IGF. High Carb + High Protein = maximum height. Tons of dairy = tons of protein + carbs
Can you stop making these threads about height?
With women only the face matter, no height can compensate your horse midface
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