887 high t beast
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While I have acknowledged and supported roidcelling earlier and acknowledge it has extreme efficiency I think the downsides of it are too much that I don't think it's worth it at all.
- Money. How the hell are you going to fund your lifestyle? While steroids aren't as expensive as people think, the price really adds up when you factor in drugs to counter side effects, monitoring blood work, etc. Test is dirt cheap and isn't hard to source legit stuff, but we all know your not just gonna cycle only test. Trenbolone isn't too pricey, but is very harsh and anavar and primobolan are often faked and are usually very pricey. Again gym membership + food + roids + stuff to counter roid side effects + constantly getting bloodwork really adds up overtime. Plus what are you going to do if you get in a fight with your deal and he ditches you? Steroids aren't like other drugs once you are on them, you're on for life. You don't keep the gains. Pete Rubish tried to pct his t back to normal and ended at like 38 test. His test before roids was over 800 before. Although I think the actual bank account killer is growth hormone. Roid lifestyle is typically affordable up until hgh gets involved.
- The fun of them is usually only in the beginning. At first it's great since the stuff is novel to your system. Eventually on them you will hit a wall. Eventually you'll have to decide whether just to maintain or up the dose and get bigger. But we all know most roiders are addicts and choose latter option.
- Temporary gains permanent side effects.
- People tend to focus mainly on the men like Sylvester Stallone who's lucky to avoid most of the bullshit instead of focusing on the millions of men that do suffer. 1 in 4 steroid users has a sign of coronary artery disease and heart disease which is Erectile dysfunction. Sexual desire and hormones are not the problem, but blood flow is.
- 95% of all steroid users look like dogshit. Because they don't know the real dosages or have bad genes.