Dude im not that old :feelswat: The majority of my hookups came from dating apps, including tinder.

I dont have "warrior skull" even.

Sure i had for a year or two a nice car and its gold digger magnet worked well, but i could still get some hookups without it. My wife met me without nice car and without hair transplant.
so you're a normie, why do you want surgery then if you got girls and even got married?
so you're a normie, why do you want surgery then if you got girls and even got married?

Blackpill isnt only about women

And if i divorced, more amount and better quality of pussy
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Blackpill isnt only about women

And if i divorced, more amount and better quality of pussy
90% of it is tbh, and yeah fair point but u shouldn't think of divorce if ur married lol
90% of it is tbh, and yeah fair point but u shouldn't think of divorce if ur married lol

You never know what the future will be.

But anyways its for social, work and self improvement aspects too.
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You never know what the future will be.

But anyways its for social, work and self improvement aspects too.
Yeah I agree. I wanna do it mainly to finally have someone to love me but also I believe it can improve my relations with people in general as well.
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You are confusing finnasteride with minoxidil. Fin targets the root cause of hair loss

minoxidil is a stimulator and promotes insane blood flow. Finasteride blocks 70% of DHT. But DHT isn't always the root cause for some.

Hence you come off Fin and you just lose it in a span of a few months which I find unnatural.
Finasteride hides the symptoms of hairloss so when you hop off you lose everything you were suppose to. That sounds like the real cope to me rather than addressing the root cause of your hairloss.
You are confusing finnasteride with minoxidil. Fin
minoxidil is a stimulator and promotes insane blood flow. Finasteride blocks 70% of DHT. But DHT isn't always the root cause for some.

Hence you come off Fin and you just lose it in a span of a few months which I find unnatural

But if you come off minoxidil you lose the hair as well? What’s your point?

DHT is the cause of hair loss in 99% of cases. Stop coping
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You are confusing finnasteride with minoxidil. Fin targets the root cause of hair loss
Finasteride hides the symptoms of hairloss so when you hop off you lose everything you were suppose to. That sounds like the real cope to me rather than addressing the root cause of your hairloss.
Exactly jfl Finasteride is addressing the root problem
Exactly jfl Finasteride is addressing the root problem

it's not addressing the Root. It's hiding the symptoms. If it addressed the problem then those coming off wouldn't lose it within a few months. I'll say it again: you are hiding your symptoms rather than addressing it. Going from Norwood 2 to norwood 4 in 4 months is such a cover up from the drugs. Lmao.

To make it more simple: if you fix the internal issue you wouldn't be losing it.
You are confusing finnasteride with minoxidil. Fin

But if you come off minoxidil you lose the hair as well? What’s your point?

DHT is the cause of hair loss in 99% of cases. Stop coping

If I explained the basics of Fin and Minoxidil to you how would I be confusing them together? I don't think you're listening.

DHT is one of many factors. Low Estrogen in scalp, low brown fats is another.

DHT is not always the main cause hence why you have individuals still losing ground on MIN and FIN together.
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for anyone out there wondering: not against anti-androgens as theyre great. Just against finasteride since its cope cover up.
it's not addressing the Root. It's hiding the symptoms. If it addressed the problem then those coming off wouldn't lose it within a few months. I'll say it again: you are hiding your symptoms rather than addressing it. Going from Norwood 2 to norwood 4 in 4 months is such a cover up from the drugs. Lmao.

To make it more simple: if you fix the internal issue you wouldn't be losing it.

If I explained the basics of Fin and Minoxidil to you how would I be confusing them together? I don't think you're listening.

DHT is one of many factors. Low Estrogen in scalp, low brown fats is another.

DHT is not always the main cause hence why you have individuals still losing ground on MIN and FIN together.
You say that but don’t offer what you can do to address the root problem

I’m interested
You say that but don’t offer what you can do to address the root problem

I’m interested

You're gonna laugh but I'm hoping you have an open mind.

Your food intake influences your internal hormones. Once you stop eating trash like pizza or McDonalds or bread, milk(western anything) you'll notice your hair will shed less.

Then the next step you can take is applying anti-androgens: spironolactone, RU-8841, Ketoconazole, ESTRIOL. whatever it is you want for the regrowth. How would you maintain? Supplementation and specific dietary intake.

I had someone come to me in Discord about hairloss and all we did was change up a few things and it worked for him.


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if he goes back to his regular intake he will start shedding again and slowly begin losing hair.
Don't worry guys. Pyrilutamide is coming. It will be in the market in 2028, but you will be able to get it from china in 2023-24.
You're gonna laugh but I'm hoping you have an open mind.

Your food intake influences your internal hormones. Once you stop eating trash like pizza or McDonalds or bread, milk(western anything) you'll notice your hair will shed less.

Then the next step you can take is applying anti-androgens: spironolactone, RU-8841, Ketoconazole, ESTRIOL. whatever it is you want for the regrowth. How would you maintain? Supplementation and specific dietary intake.

I had someone come to me in Discord about hairloss and all we did was change up a few things and it worked for him.

View attachment 1646272
View attachment 1646273
I do eat a lot of pizza every week for years as a kid

I’ll try it
I do eat a lot of pizza every week for years as a kid

I’ll try it

Look into eskimo diets and how they eat. Do a thorough and detailed research so you don't get it wrong.

I'll tell you right now hairloss is a joke and easy to fix. What is a pain in the ass is getting back to base hairline due to blood flow restriction around temples.
  • +1
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Look into eskimo diets and how they eat. Do a thorough and detailed research so you don't get it wrong.

I'll tell you right now hairloss is a joke and easy to fix. What is a pain in the ass is getting back to base hairline due to blood flow restriction around temples.
Wdym you think blood flow plays a role in it too?
Wdym you think blood flow plays a role in it too?

Plays a big role. Minoxidil is known for increasing blood circulation. When you hop off minoxidil in a few months its gone because all that blood flow is cut off. its a huge shock as well for the system. suddenly a drastic reduction in blood flow.
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Don't worry guys. Pyrilutamide is coming. It will be in the market in 2028, but you will be able to get it from china in 2023-24.

look into HMI-115. its got something to do with prolactin.

studies confirmed monkies at norwood 7 going to norwood 2 and when hopping off still continue to regain hair
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Plays a big role. Minoxidil is known for increasing blood circulation. When you hop off minoxidil in a few months its gone because all that blood flow is cut off. its a huge shock as well for the system. suddenly a drastic reduction in blood flow.
I’m on minoxidal until I turn 18 and can hop on fin

I’ll for sure look into the diet if it’s not too expensive for my mom
I’m on minoxidal until I turn 18 and can hop on fin

I’ll for sure look into the diet if it’s not too expensive for my mom
Bro why do homeless people have thick hair if diet is that important for MPB
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Bro why do homeless people have thick hair if diet is that important for MPB

heard that argument many times. Everyone reacts differently to hairloss. And these so called homeless people that you're cherry picking usually have receding hairlines which is a classical example of MPB. They're not as prone but they still have it since every male has the opportunity to lose hair. Otherwise all these people eating western and lifestyle who are more resistant to hairloss would be norwood 0 till death.

if you're not at base hairline and fully dense you've already experienced some form of hairloss.
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I’m on minoxidal until I turn 18 and can hop on fin

I’ll for sure look into the diet if it’s not too expensive for my mom

do whatever it is you gotta do. Research before u hop on the pill prior to explore your options.
  • +1
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do whatever it is you gotta do. Research before u hop on the pill prior to explore your options.
What did the guy in discord do to get hair back?
What did the guy in discord do to get hair back?

he didn't get much regrowth just a little. But we were able to completely stop his hair loss in track. He's a heavy balder around 23 years of age and personally claimed to be losing 50-100 hairs a day. With the switch up he then claimed he was losing around 5-10 a day I think.

Prior to changing diet he was eating LA lifestyle tons of dairy, sugar, processed food, etc.

some basic topicals we used keto cream, peppermint for blood circulation, emu oil for the fat and some other shit. And I was trying to get him on RU-8841 but he chickened out. Problem with him is that he didn't commit

I tried to set him up with my friend whos an expert on this since my diet plan was meh so he got mild results.
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he didn't get much regrowth just a little. But we were able to completely stop his hair loss in track. He's a heavy balder around 23 years of age and personally claimed to be losing 50-100 hairs a day. With the switch up he then claimed he was losing around 5-10 a day I think.

Prior to changing diet he was eating LA lifestyle tons of dairy, sugar, processed food, etc.

some basic topicals we used keto cream, peppermint for blood circulation, emu oil for the fat and some other shit. And I was trying to get him on RU-8841 but he chickened out. Problem with him is that he didn't commit

I tried to set him up with my friend whos an expert on this since my diet plan was meh so he got mild results.
What do u think of using minoxidil for eyebrow??
If I stop using it ,will my hair fall away?
What do u think of using minoxidil for eyebrow??
If I stop using it ,will my hair fall away?

minoxidil is a cheat code for insane blood flow, especially oral minoxidil. So if you come off without finding replacement for blood flow say goodbye to the follicles on your head.

As for the eyebrows not sure tbh considering many people use it for beard they keep it but not on head since the mechanism is different.
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minoxidil is a cheat code for insane blood flow, especially oral minoxidil. So if you come off without finding replacement for blood flow say goodbye to the follicles on your head.

As for the eyebrows not sure tbh considering many people use it for beard they keep it but not on head since the mechanism is different.

If i use it for my hair and come off it ,will only the new hairs which grew on minox will fall or all of my hairs?

If i use it for my hair and come off it ,will only the new hairs which grew on minox will fall or all of my hairs?

Your hair will go into shock phase and you will begin shedding. So possibly around 3-4 months you'll lose the hair you gained from minoxidil only. Only the hair follicles minoxidil regrew.

oral minoxidil is holy grail tbh. Only bad side is can mess with your collagan, nasty puffy face and dark circles.

I might try it one day but how I would do it is this: Hop on oral and stay on it for 1 solid year. Lower the pill dosage and then eventually switch to foam version. At this point I'm going to increase blood circulation via external and internal factors and then slowly start cutting down on rogaine until i dont take anymore
View attachment 1646867 View attachment 1646869

oral minoxidil is holy grail tbh. Only bad side is can mess with your collagan, nasty puffy face and dark circles.

I might try it one day but how I would do it is this: Hop on oral and stay on it for 1 solid year. Lower the pill dosage and then eventually switch to foam version. At this point I'm going to increase blood circulation via external and internal factors and then slowly start cutting down on rogaine until i dont take anymore
I’ve heard oral minox stops your blood from clotting or something, haircafe on yt said that’s why he stopped taking it cause it’s dangerous
I’ve heard oral minox stops your blood from clotting or something, haircafe on yt said that’s why he stopped taking it cause it’s dangerous

side effects can bloat your face and yes. Minoxidil is lifetime commitment
side effects can bloat your face and yes. Minoxidil is lifetime commitment
there are people on this forum who got heart issues from oral minox
Caging, the only reason why fin nukes you like that is cause of allopregnanolone downregulation (5ar enzyme also synthesizes allopregnanolone from dht). AlloP is the chief neurosteriod that works on regulation gaba actions and modulation dopamine and seratonin relation. Also decreases cortisol. This os why lots of people on Fin even when they claim muh no sides look bloated (Kevin Mann).

If you are really desperate for fin, then simply buy allopregnanolone from the net, its not very cheap but its worth every single penny

TLDR: allopregnanolone is key to fin sides
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i rly pray for kintor rn but it takes at least another 2-3 years until we get it on official markets

kinda high inhib to take RU58441 cuz they just randomly stopped researching it out of nowhere and i don’t understand why no other company produces it when they have no patent and a hairloss drug would make ANY company rich in no time
You said it, because its off patent. Why would a sane company go through expensive clinical trials just so other companies can piggy back and create generics.
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Look into eskimo diets and how they eat. Do a thorough and detailed research so you don't get it wrong.

I'll tell you right now hairloss is a joke and easy to fix. What is a pain in the ass is getting back to base hairline due to blood flow restriction around temples.
So I guess you are Norwood 0 then
Stop the cope, I eat lots of fats and proteins and I’m still balding. I was eating a lot of high quality dairy when I was a child. I’m 21 soon 22 and I will start fin.

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