Sticky Mew thread

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Bro if I'm 21, is it over for me? I have a 404 lower third (look at my pics in my post history). If I mew, will it change my face for the better?
Bro if I'm 21, is it over for me? I have a 404 lower third (look at my pics in my post history). If I mew, will it change my face for the better?
Mewing won’t do anything in your case man. You’re a grown man. Your jaws etc have finished growing. Mewing might work on younger peoplebut no way it’s gonna work on 20+ guys
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Mewing won’t do anything in your case man. You’re a grown man. Your jaws etc have finished growing. Mewing might work on younger peoplebut no way it’s gonna work on 20+ guys
Fuck me. FUCK me. My god fuck. So implants are my only hope it seems. What about chewing? Would it add width to my face? Improve my jawline? And how fast does chewing work if you're past 18?
Bro if I'm 21, is it over for me? I have a 404 lower third (look at my pics in my post history). If I mew, will it change my face for the better?

Don't expect anything other than extremely minute changes, also it can only affect the maxilla, not the mandible, dental appliances for forward growth are legit though.
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Fuck me. FUCK me. My god fuck. So implants are my only hope it seems. What about chewing? Would it add width to my face? Improve my jawline? And how fast does chewing work if you're past 18?
There was someone on lookism who chewed a lot and he ended up fucking his jaws. Guy got depressed. It’s a lot of effort too. Implants tbh
There was someone on lookism who chewed a lot and he ended up fucking his jaws. Guy got depressed. It’s a lot of effort too. Implants tbh
What do you mean by fucking his jaws? TMJ?
Don't expect anything other than extremely minute changes, also it can only affect the maxilla, not the mandible, dental appliances for forward growth are legit though.
OK so you're, too, saying that I should get implants and not bother with mewing then, correct? Because my lower third is what fucks up my face. Without that, I would easily be chadlite at least (not trying to brag), But I'm not because I have a 404 lower third so until I fix it I'm royally fucked.
What do you mean by fucking his jaws? TMJ?
I don’t remember exactly what the issue was. I read it long back. In the end chewing etc is just broscience. Don’t expect any significant or permanent change.
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I don’t remember exactly what the issue was. I read it long back. In the end chewing etc is just broscience. Don’t expect any significant or permanent change.
fuck me. :/
If you’re going to Asia you’ll do great anyways. Btw what were your result on photofeeler after that?
So far

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Although my progress has been minimal the past 6 months, besides measurable palatal expansion. I haven't given up on mewing yet. I feel my pressure on my teeth's roots, as well as various facial muscles develop as a result of hard mewing. In theory mewing should work through the same priciples as orthodontics. It's a function of force and time.

Yes it's going to take time. But you can fast-track it with a hard gum chewing regimen of 1 hour per day. As well as a myobrace appliance at night, which is a component many mewers unfortunately neglect (including myself even). We spend 1/3 of the day asleep, it's a damn shame not utilize this time to mew with the help of a myobrace. Ordering one now.
Is it normal to experience slight pain around ramus and masseters occasionally when hardmewing? I been mewing for about 5 months and chewing for week.
Mewing won’t do anything in your case man. You’re a grown man. Your jaws etc have finished growing. Mewing might work on younger peoplebut no way it’s gonna work on 20+ guys
If Im 18 will it work?
Mewing might not change anything but mouth pulling for 12 hours a day for 5 years gives a little progress.
Although my progress has been minimal the past 6 months, besides measurable palatal expansion. I haven't given up on mewing yet. I feel my pressure on my teeth's roots, as well as various facial muscles develop as a result of hard mewing. In theory mewing should work through the same priciples as orthodontics. It's a function of force and time.

Yes it's going to take time. But you can fast-track it with a hard gum chewing regimen of 1 hour per day. As well as a myobrace appliance at night, which is a component many mewers unfortunately neglect (including myself even). We spend 1/3 of the day asleep, it's a damn shame not utilize this time to mew with the help of a myobrace. Ordering one now.
are myobraces 100% safe?
One brother mewing the other not.

Not twins, but a massive difference in facial structure.
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One brother mewing the other not.

Not twins, but a massive difference in facial structure.
Ye i saw that, i was surprised his brother hadn't been mewing aswell if he knew his brother has some pretty fucking good mewing results.
My family doesn't believe me when i tell them tongue posture is legit.
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Ye i saw that, i was surprised his brother hadn't been mewing aswell if he knew his brother has some pretty fucking good mewing results.
My family doesn't believe me when i tell them tongue posture is legit.
they're gonna be losing out when you megamog them B)
There are some things that I have never understood,
How long do I need to mew in one day?
Do I need to have my teeth closed?
Is it only me or does the mouth fill up with excessive saliva as soon as you put your tongue to the roof of your mouth?
Mewing is legit if you add regular gum chewing and keep your head in the right position (chin tuck regularly etc)
It’s really not that expensive imo, it’s similar cost to braces where I live, and it literally gives results similar to fucking plastic surgery, I’m going to hard mew for couple of years while I moneymax enough to fly out and get set up with the AGGA appliance.
JFL mewing isn’t a scam, but people who think it’s going to turn you into a model overhype it. It has a lot of benefits, not just looks wise, it opens up your airways allowing you to receive more oxygen which improves your sleep and cognitive function by a huge amount.
At what age is it too late to see progress?
View attachment 1664

Both patients who received work done using the AGGA appliance (Anterior Growth Guidance Appliance) which was based off the idea of tongue posture and mewing. I can link pictures of x-rays showing the remodeling of the maxilla and the forward repositioning of the mandible. All these changes were achieved by palatal forces from the appliance causing the bones to move and remodel.
The proof is here it’s your choice whether you want to sit around or actually make changes to your face, it’s possible it just takes a lot of time and effort. If you don’t have that, save up money and fly out to someone who has an appliance like this and get changes in less than a year (the old guy before and after time frame is 10 months).

John, great question, or shall we call it the fifteen thousand dollar question since this is what a patient would stand to save by doing the work of orthodontic treatment using their own tongue.

Unfortunately I must say that I do NOT think Mewing can do nearly the work an appliance like AGGA can do.

Mewing should be used to compliment an appliance, so that those habits can be sustained after the appliance is removed. This would contribute to the stability of treatment results.

But my experience is that if there is not sufficient tongue space to begin with, it is hard to leverage the tongue in a way that produces sufficient stimulation to produce significant change.

And there is just nothing that can be done to replace the 24/7 stimulation of an appliance. No matter how good the Mewing is, if you have underdeveloped structure the tongue WILL fall back in the mouth during sleep. That's 8 hours a day that an appliance works that Mewing doesn't.

During those 8 hours any progress made during the day with Mewing could relapse.

I've tried, man. Trying to Mew your mouth bigger without the help of an appliance will drive you crazy. Best to use it as a compliment to an appliance rather than an appliance replacement.

You have few things off in this post, but in general I agree with what you are saying.

The thing most people have to understand is that fagga develops the alveolar bone forward and then CA braces +FRLA develop it sideways.

For people such as yourself, where the alveolar ridge is fully developed this treatment isn't going to achieve much except change the angulation of the teeth and at worst move them out of bone.

In this case you need skeletal expansion which MSE and surgery can provide.

The alveolar ridge is the bone that houses the teeth. You can think of it as the teeth sockets. When you open your mouth its above your upper teeth and below your lower teeth covered in gum.

It extends up to the end of the roots and is considered part of the maxilla but comprises no more than one third of it's length.

Unlike the skeletal upper two thirds of the maxilla the alveolar bone is malleable and can respond well to stimulation. Put a small light wire over the teeth and it will respond by expanding.

It does that by remolding, not growth. Meaning the existing bone is resorbed from the inside and placed on the outside to expand the arch and allow the tooth to move outward. The opposite can happen when retracting teeth.

The fagga appliance applies stimulation to this bone to achieve forward expansion. It's so good at that that some consider its effect growth. Its a adding new bone to the alveolar ridge. That certainly seems the case with some of the massive expansion cases we have seen where 12mm of forward of expansion and more is achieved. Though nothing is confirmed.

There are however, natural limits to how much you can expand the alveloar bone. You just can't keep expanding it as much as you like. There are limits set by the skeletal structure.

Galala and his friends at LVI counter by claiming that fagga can achieve full remolding and growth in the entire maxilla. That's such a bold claim to make. Orthodontists have been trying for decades to influence the skeletal structure with no avail. For them to claim they are changing it with fagga and provide no evidence is such a silly thing to claim. I am surprised the American Board of Orthodontics hasn't busted them over this.

And this brings us to another important point, expanding the alveolar ridge is nothing new. Every orthodontist knows it can be done. That why they always ask when I show them fagga "how are they going to retain the expansion, and expand the lower jaw?".

See most of them do not dispute the fact that fagga can move the alveolar ridge forward. It' just that they ask whats the point if its going to relapse afterwards?

You see the entire field of traditional orthodontics operates on one pretty consistent fact: when you expand the alveolar ridge it eventually relapses back. Galela argues that he is teaching his patients correct oral function and posture and this will stabilize the results. It would nice for this to happen.

But either way this does not help people who already have forward developed alveolar ridge as in your case. In your case the tongue has already pushed the alveolar ridge and teeth forward as much as possible for lack of skeletal development.

You can tell this by looking at your nasolabial angle. Its the angle between the bottom of your nose and upper lip. See this link to know what it is.

You started treatment at 90° and above. With your particular phenotype that is a sign that your alveolar ridge is fully developed to its maximum potential. This of course can be confirmed with the angulation of your teeth relative to the palatal plane in your maxilla.

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