Still a virgin at 27.



Jun 17, 2019
I've never had a girlfriend at 27 years old. I haven't kissed or even been on a date. I am very depressed because of this. I am 5 feet 7 inches tall and I weigh 221 pounds. I have been overweight my entire life. I have never seen my abs. I never had any female attention whatsoever all throughout school. Now at the age of 27 I am really feeling down. I have one brother who has a long term girlfriend. I also have a step brother and step sister who each have a long term boyfriend and girlfriend. I have zero experience in that regard and the worst/weirdest part about it all is nobody ever asks about it. Not that I want them to but most families would be freaking out if their son was in my position.
I think my weight just ruins the way my short 5 foot 7 inch body looks. Has anybody been in my situation and weight was your main problem? Did women/girls treat you better after losing it? What would you do in my situation? Thanks.
  • So Sad
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You gotta lose the weight dude.
  • +1
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ofc people will treat you better after losing weight, both men and women. your face will lose weight and you'll see what you actually look like not covered in fat. i think your issue is obvious, lose the damn weight
  • +1
Reactions: DidntRead, turkproducer and IWantToMax
Eat the food, lose the weight.
What's the fastest way I can lose it?
LITERALLY no attention at all? or were you just socially autistic?
extremely low t, would've done something about it already. its a shame natural selection can never take its course like it would've in the past.
  • +1
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Lose the fucking weight fatty
  • JFL
Reactions: Cleftcel
man, first of all. dont take what these guys here say so seriously about looks on getting girls. its a very negative environment here. dangerous place to be if u take it seriously.

you have to lose your weight and start eating right. do you know how to do it ??

have a good routine. only you can change this situation.
and its not only about getting women, being this fat is bad for your health and life overall.

what do you do in your life ??
  • +1
  • Hmm...
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Reactions: RAITEIII, Over, yellowasian and 5 others
man, first of all. dont take what these guys here say so seriously about looks on getting girls. its a very negative environment here. dangerous place to be if u take it seriously.

bluepilled af.
  • +1
Reactions: National Rodgerism, Deleted member 2672, jefferson and 2 others
bluepilled af.

a lot of retards here say that if u dont have some x feature than its over.
addicting your mind to see some x feature and judge by it, make the person thinkin like a retard

i know personally people who took this shit seriously and got retarded and depressed.

this guy, if he lost the weight, even if he is ugly and no rich and it was hard for him to get girls, he would still be able to enjoy fucking some prostitutes.

but some retards will come saying that if he is not able to be chad than its fuckin over and he better kill himself.
  • +1
Reactions: Over, XXX22 and IWantToMax
Dont give up bro, start hitting the gym to improve your physique and mental state, trust me it helps a shit ton. After that you can focus on whatever other improvement you need
  • +1
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243D770E 3213 4D9C B0C9 2808CFE500C5
I remember you made the exact same thread months ago, kys you know exactly what to do why are you keep on making these retarded threads?
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: tylerhunter97, Deleted member 3583, Alt Number 3 and 1 other person
5'7 220> 5'6 140 8% bf it's over
Start looksmaxxing a(xtreme)sap
Take steroids, you have nothing to lose.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 3583 and IWantToMax
Lose weight first, then rethink the situation. All you can do.
Depression is a bitch. I get it. But stop complaining about it if you can't even put down the fork and go for a jog. Suffer in silence or make a change.
  1. Still a virgin at 27.
    I've never had a girlfriend at 27 years old. I haven't kissed or even been on a date. I am very depressed because of this. I am 5 feet 7 inches tall and I weigh 221 pounds. I have been overweight my entire life. I have never seen my abs. I never had any female attention whatsoever all throughout...
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Today at 12:07 PM
    • Replies: 22
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  2. J
    What's a good bio to put in tinder or bumble? Or what do you guys say gets the most positive responses?
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jul 5, 2019
    • Replies: 18
    • Forum: OffTopic
  3. J
    Better diet?
    Should I eat every other day or 800 calories everyday? I'm male, 27, 5 feet 7 inches and 233 pounds.
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 30, 2019
    • Replies: 9
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  4. J
    Im such a loser.
    I'm a 27 year old obese virgin. I have literally never had a girlfriend, a date, or even kissed. My whole family doesn't seem to care either. They have never questioned my sex or anything. It's like they don't care. My little brother has a girlfriend so maybe that's why they're ok with me not...
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 29, 2019
    • Replies: 24
    • Forum: OffTopic
  5. J
    Fastest weight loss method?
    I'm male, 27, 233 pounds and 5 feet 7 inches tall. I have a family trip coming up on August 1st. What's the fastest diet I can use? Could I lose a pound a day for a month?
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 29, 2019
    • Replies: 19
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  6. J
    Are there any books related to this website that you guys recommend?
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 27, 2019
    • Replies: 18
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  7. J
    What blogs do you guys look at/follow?
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 26, 2019
    • Replies: 1
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  8. J
    Did anybody here start off overweight or obese?
    How did you lose weight?
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 25, 2019
    • Replies: 14
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  9. J
    How do you stay disciplined and deal with hunger when losing weight?
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 25, 2019
    • Replies: 10
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  10. J
    Obese virgin
    How did women treat you after losing weight? I am Male, 27, 5 feet 7 inches tall and 233 pounds. I have also never had a girlfriend, a date, or even kissed. I have never asked a girl out. What would you do in my situation?
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 25, 2019
    • Replies: 16
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  11. J
    Weight loss
    What's the most weight you have lost in the shortest time and how did you do it? Did women treat you differently?
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 24, 2019
    • Replies: 6
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  12. J
    How low can an obese Male go in calories?
    Im thinking 1200 to 1500. I am Male, 27, 5 feet 7 inches tall and 233 pounds. I have also never had a girlfriend, a date, or even kissed. I have never asked a girl out. How did losing weight help you with women? Thanks.
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 24, 2019
    • Replies: 20
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  13. J
    What's the best intermittent fasting schedule?
    I'm 27, Male, 5 feet 7 inches tall and 233 pounds. I have never had a girlfriend, a date, or even kissed. I need to lose weight. What's the best schedule for intermittent fasting?
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 24, 2019
    • Replies: 7
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  14. J
    What do you think if my looks maxing plan?
    I am Male, 27 years old, 5 feet 7 inches tall, and 234 pounds. I have never had a girlfriend, a date, or even kissed. I have never asked a girl out because I'm afraid she will say yes and then I will have no idea what to do because I have no experience. Heres my plan: 1. Eat 700 to 1200...
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 23, 2019
    • Replies: 23
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  15. J
    How do I become disciplined enough to drop the weight?
    I'm 5 feet 7 inches tall and 235 pounds. I'm assuming I need to weigh 150 something. I'm also a virgin at 27 years old. Never asked a girl for a date, kissed, etc. Advice? Thanks.
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 20, 2019
    • Replies: 32
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  16. J
    Guys who say they see fat guys with hot girls all the time period
    This is such BS. What do you guys think?
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 20, 2019
    • Replies: 10
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  17. J
    5 feet 7 inches, 235 pounds, Male, 27 years old.
    Need to lose 100 pounds. How should I do it? What's the fastest way? How do I get disciplined? How do I deal with hunger? Thanks.
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 19, 2019
    • Replies: 41
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  18. J
    Is fasting the best way to lose weight?
    What type of fasting? Have you done it? How did you deal with hunger? Thanks.
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 18, 2019
    • Replies: 2
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  19. J
    Fastest method to become skinny.
    I'm Male, 27, 5 feet 7 inches tall and 236 pounds. I'm obese. Is anyone here a former fat person? How did you lose the weight? I need a reality check or I'll never change. Thanks.
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 18, 2019
    • Replies: 30
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  20. J
    Advice for an obese virgin.
    I am 27, Male, 5 feet 7 inches and 238 pounds. I have never dated, kissed, or had a girlfriend. What would you do in my situation? I want to get this weight off of me as fast as possible. What's the best way to do it? Thanks.
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 17, 2019
    • Replies: 56
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  • So Sad
Reactions: Dios
it doesnt matter dude. It is already over. 27 years old, no gf, no experiences. Its already been done. You think your weight is your biggest problem, but the problem is you as a whole. It just did not work out for you. No one asks why you dont have a gf? They know why... My 90 year old grandparents ask if i have a gf yet every time i see them, and it hurts to tell them some joke or laugh it off. In reality, i am depressed suicidal alcoholic virgin.

my answer is LDAR. Some of these guys insist you get buff like male strippers but theyre still posting on incel virgin forum daily.

LDAR and find peace
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2672, Mr manlet, Alt Number 3 and 1 other person
Think about it like this, if you DON'T start doing something about your weight RIGHT NOW you will literally always be fat and never lose the weight and need to start thinking about ways to cope.

Your mentality should be if you want to get something done you NEED to do it RIGHT NOW or else it will NEVER EVER IN 1 MILLIONS YEARS EVER get done, never. I'm not even kidding by saying it will not get done ever, you are choosing what if you want to lose weight or not right this second, and from all those other threads you posts it seems like you're choosing to not to but are coping to yourself making it seem like any day you will start but unless you start NOW you will literally never start. So it's worthless even coping that you'll ever begin to lose weight.
  • +1
Reactions: IWantToMax
Think about it like this, if you DON'T start doing something about your weight RIGHT NOW you will literally always be fat and never lose the weight and need to start thinking about ways to cope.

Your mentality should be if you want to get something done you NEED to do it RIGHT NOW or else it will NEVER EVER IN 1 MILLIONS YEARS EVER get done, never. I'm not even kidding by saying it will not get done ever, you are choosing what if you want to lose weight or not right this second, and from all those other threads you posts it seems like you're choosing to not to but are coping to yourself making it seem like any day you will start but unless you start NOW you will literally never start. So it's worthless even coping that you'll ever begin to lose weight.
this fat fuck will never lose weight lmao

everytime you decide to take another slice of pizza you make decision: pro pizza and pro lifelong virginity.
lmao at this fatty
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: IWantToMax and Alt Number 3
Not eating at all seems quite extreme.

lol fatty already making execuses - you know what is quite extreme? your current weight
  • JFL
Reactions: LordNorwood
you know what is quite extreme? your current weight
Depression is a bitch. I get it. But stop complaining about it if you can't even put down the fork and go for a jog. Suffer in silence or make a change.
  1. Still a virgin at 27.
    I've never had a girlfriend at 27 years old. I haven't kissed or even been on a date. I am very depressed because of this. I am 5 feet 7 inches tall and I weigh 221 pounds. I have been overweight my entire life. I have never seen my abs. I never had any female attention whatsoever all throughout...
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Today at 12:07 PM
    • Replies: 22
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  2. J
    What's a good bio to put in tinder or bumble? Or what do you guys say gets the most positive responses?
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jul 5, 2019
    • Replies: 18
    • Forum: OffTopic
  3. J
    Better diet?
    Should I eat every other day or 800 calories everyday? I'm male, 27, 5 feet 7 inches and 233 pounds.
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 30, 2019
    • Replies: 9
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  4. J
    Im such a loser.
    I'm a 27 year old obese virgin. I have literally never had a girlfriend, a date, or even kissed. My whole family doesn't seem to care either. They have never questioned my sex or anything. It's like they don't care. My little brother has a girlfriend so maybe that's why they're ok with me not...
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 29, 2019
    • Replies: 24
    • Forum: OffTopic
  5. J
    Fastest weight loss method?
    I'm male, 27, 233 pounds and 5 feet 7 inches tall. I have a family trip coming up on August 1st. What's the fastest diet I can use? Could I lose a pound a day for a month?
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 29, 2019
    • Replies: 19
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  6. J
    Are there any books related to this website that you guys recommend?
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 27, 2019
    • Replies: 18
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  7. J
    What blogs do you guys look at/follow?
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 26, 2019
    • Replies: 1
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  8. J
    Did anybody here start off overweight or obese?
    How did you lose weight?
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 25, 2019
    • Replies: 14
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  9. J
    How do you stay disciplined and deal with hunger when losing weight?
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 25, 2019
    • Replies: 10
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  10. J
    Obese virgin
    How did women treat you after losing weight? I am Male, 27, 5 feet 7 inches tall and 233 pounds. I have also never had a girlfriend, a date, or even kissed. I have never asked a girl out. What would you do in my situation?
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 25, 2019
    • Replies: 16
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  11. J
    Weight loss
    What's the most weight you have lost in the shortest time and how did you do it? Did women treat you differently?
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 24, 2019
    • Replies: 6
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  12. J
    How low can an obese Male go in calories?
    Im thinking 1200 to 1500. I am Male, 27, 5 feet 7 inches tall and 233 pounds. I have also never had a girlfriend, a date, or even kissed. I have never asked a girl out. How did losing weight help you with women? Thanks.
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 24, 2019
    • Replies: 20
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  13. J
    What's the best intermittent fasting schedule?
    I'm 27, Male, 5 feet 7 inches tall and 233 pounds. I have never had a girlfriend, a date, or even kissed. I need to lose weight. What's the best schedule for intermittent fasting?
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 24, 2019
    • Replies: 7
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  14. J
    What do you think if my looks maxing plan?
    I am Male, 27 years old, 5 feet 7 inches tall, and 234 pounds. I have never had a girlfriend, a date, or even kissed. I have never asked a girl out because I'm afraid she will say yes and then I will have no idea what to do because I have no experience. Heres my plan: 1. Eat 700 to 1200...
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 23, 2019
    • Replies: 23
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  15. J
    How do I become disciplined enough to drop the weight?
    I'm 5 feet 7 inches tall and 235 pounds. I'm assuming I need to weigh 150 something. I'm also a virgin at 27 years old. Never asked a girl for a date, kissed, etc. Advice? Thanks.
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 20, 2019
    • Replies: 32
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  16. J
    Guys who say they see fat guys with hot girls all the time period
    This is such BS. What do you guys think?
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 20, 2019
    • Replies: 10
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  17. J
    5 feet 7 inches, 235 pounds, Male, 27 years old.
    Need to lose 100 pounds. How should I do it? What's the fastest way? How do I get disciplined? How do I deal with hunger? Thanks.
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 19, 2019
    • Replies: 41
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  18. J
    Is fasting the best way to lose weight?
    What type of fasting? Have you done it? How did you deal with hunger? Thanks.
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 18, 2019
    • Replies: 2
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  19. J
    Fastest method to become skinny.
    I'm Male, 27, 5 feet 7 inches tall and 236 pounds. I'm obese. Is anyone here a former fat person? How did you lose the weight? I need a reality check or I'll never change. Thanks.
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 18, 2019
    • Replies: 30
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
  20. J
    Advice for an obese virgin.
    I am 27, Male, 5 feet 7 inches and 238 pounds. I have never dated, kissed, or had a girlfriend. What would you do in my situation? I want to get this weight off of me as fast as possible. What's the best way to do it? Thanks.
    • Jbrow327
    • Thread
    • Jun 17, 2019
    • Replies: 56
    • Forum: Looksmaxing
Jesus Christ this shit is fucking retarded
Just lose the goddamn weight holy shit, JFL at these constant threads
"How do I lose the weight"
  • +1
Reactions: Dogs
Londonville is fat and has no trouble getting fat bitches.

It's over.
Lose the weight and get jacked you fool, I know plenty of 5ft 7 slayers.
Has anybody been in my situation and weight was your main problem?
Incel untill mid twenties is the only common thing. I was always tall, and I have never been fat. My face, was always a bit average. My main problem was at young age: very shy, very introverted, low status, and nervous in soical situations, and low/lack of self esteem.

What would you do in my situation?
I took my shyness seriously and wanted to oversome it, by the time I was in my mid 20's. Basically I did "exposure therapy" on my own. For examples, in my mid 20's pushed myself alot into social akward stuff with the aim to get an attitude of "zero fucks given". I once even walked around with a dildo around my neck, asking women to go on photo with me as part of my therapy. I asked women to reject me, so to overcome fear of rejection. And I chatted up 500+ women, in my mid 20's.

Why, do I tell this?I think, you hsould take your problems seriously. And go full beast mode on them. Swing to the other end, of the spectrum. You're also at an age, that's kinda your last change for mayor change. As you get older, change gets harder (now I'm mid 30's, and it's less easy as when I was 10 years ago).

My suggestion.
1. become a health freak. Weight and track all your food, intake, callories, etc.. So to lose weight. (shen you lose weight, it's the only way to know if you aren't actaully rocking a Chad face under the fat)
2. become a sport/excercise freak. Make a training plan, and track it all.
3. become concerned alot, about your grooming, skin care, style, etc. alot. as well. This one will only have good effect likely, when you also fix number 1 and 2.
Aka, become shallow.
I dunno how much you being socially inactive plays a role. But I wouldn't advice to go hit on girls when looking really fat and/or bad, becauseit makes no sense. Being social, but not hittingon women, might be okay/good to practiseif shyness is part of your problem also. Because chatting up girls, is basically being social, and getting good feedback from women when you're being social because they dig your looks (or status, or money, or all of the for-mentioned)
  • Love it
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Incel untill mid twenties is the only common thing. I was always tall, and I have never been fat. My face, was always a bit average. My main problem was at young age: very shy, very introverted, low status, and nervous in soical situations, and low/lack of self esteem.

I took my shyness seriously and wanted to oversome it, by the time I was in my mid 20's. Basically I did "exposure therapy" on my own. For examples, in my mid 20's pushed myself alot into social akward stuff with the aim to get an attitude of "zero fucks given". I once even walked around with a dildo around my neck, asking women to go on photo with me as part of my therapy. I asked women to reject me, so to overcome fear of rejection. And I chatted up 500+ women, in my mid 20's.

Why, do I tell this?I think, you hsould take your problems seriously. And go full beast mode on them. Swing to the other end, of the spectrum. You're also at an age, that's kinda your last change for mayor change. As you get older, change gets harder (now I'm mid 30's, and it's less easy as when I was 10 years ago).

My suggestion.
1. become a health freak. Weight and track all your food, intake, callories, etc.. So to lose weight. (shen you lose weight, it's the only way to know if you aren't actaully rocking a Chad face under the fat)
2. become a sport/excercise freak. Make a training plan, and track it all.
3. become concerned alot, about your grooming, skin care, style, etc. alot. as well. This one will only have good effect likely, when you also fix number 1 and 2.
Aka, become shallow.
I dunno how much you being socially inactive plays a role. But I wouldn't advice to go hit on girls when looking really fat and/or bad, becauseit makes no sense. Being social, but not hittingon women, might be okay/good to practiseif shyness is part of your problem also. Because chatting up girls, is basically being social, and getting good feedback from women when you're being social because they dig your looks (or status, or money, or all of the for-mentioned)
I've been doing this for the past 3 months. Changed my life. Implement this to your life OP, you'll def see some changes. Sadly im a fckin manlet if not i would get more grills than i have now
I've never had a girlfriend at 27 years old. I haven't kissed or even been on a date. I am very depressed because of this. I am 5 feet 7 inches tall and I weigh 221 pounds. I have been overweight my entire life. I have never seen my abs. I never had any female attention whatsoever all throughout school. Now at the age of 27 I am really feeling down. I have one brother who has a long term girlfriend. I also have a step brother and step sister who each have a long term boyfriend and girlfriend. I have zero experience in that regard and the worst/weirdest part about it all is nobody ever asks about it. Not that I want them to but most families would be freaking out if their son was in my position.
I think my weight just ruins the way my short 5 foot 7 inch body looks. Has anybody been in my situation and weight was your main problem? Did women/girls treat you better after losing it? What would you do in my situation? Thanks.
Look, i've been normal bodyfat, and now skinny, gaunt built. Girls will treat you the same, i've also never fucked, and never seen a pussy in my life, nor kissed a girl. And i'm 17 soon, if i don't fuck something till the end of the highschool (which i probably won't), i mean i am already giving up on women completely, this makes me way less stresful
JFL, it's over for you phaggot

You've been obese for your entire life, and now at 27YO you feel bad about it?! You waste everything, it will take at least 3 years for you to lose weight and get a lean body

Fucking phags, only have one life and they waste it like this

A T R O C I O U S !
  • +1
Reactions: The Worst Poster
I remember you made the exact same thread months ago, kys you know exactly what to do why are you keep on making these retarded threads?

I knew that this would be the case

The problem with most fat fucks is that they know the solution, but they’ll keep asking for help from strangers to look like they’re trying
  • +1
Reactions: National Rodgerism
Remember that you might be uglier without the fat. It's not as simple as losing weight=sex. A life long spree of negative feedback isn't going to get solved ever again. U will never be happy. U missed your entire youth. There is nothing a toasties can offer you. I suggest ldar, or chadfishing and voice calling hot foids that desire your chadfish. The desire and lust, validation, is worth more than sex. It will be good for your mental.
I've been doing this for the past 3 months. Changed my life. Implement this to your life OP, you'll def see some changes. Sadly im a fckin manlet if not i would get more grills than i have now
It changed my life also to a large extend. I had to overcome shyness being a social conformist pussy, or high social hib. or whatever they call it here.
Extremely embarassing. Which was the purpose of it also. To overcome that I didn't do social things due to fear of it being akward/strange/etc..
I tried to become low inhib-ish by doing stupid stuff like that. After that, chatting up a random chick wasless of a hurdle then before.
  • +1
Reactions: Cleftcel
I've never had a girlfriend at 27 years old. I haven't kissed or even been on a date. I am very depressed because of this. I am 5 feet 7 inches tall and I weigh 221 pounds. I have been overweight my entire life. I have never seen my abs. I never had any female attention whatsoever all throughout school. Now at the age of 27 I am really feeling down. I have one brother who has a long term girlfriend. I also have a step brother and step sister who each have a long term boyfriend and girlfriend. I have zero experience in that regard and the worst/weirdest part about it all is nobody ever asks about it. Not that I want them to but most families would be freaking out if their son was in my position.
I think my weight just ruins the way my short 5 foot 7 inch body looks. Has anybody been in my situation and weight was your main problem? Did women/girls treat you better after losing it? What would you do in my situation? Thanks.
Jesus christ man what are you waiting for to hit the gym ? You should be in the gym, or on body building forums before even thinking about wandering in looksmax. Losing weight and putting one muscle will change you totally, not just physically but also mentally, as in you are gonna stop being a loser, and a pity partier, and start bring a go getter
Where are you based op?
You’re Mormon?
Jesus christ man what are you waiting for to hit the gym ? You should be in the gym, or on body building forums before even thinking about wandering in looksmax. Losing weight and putting one muscle will change you totally, not just physically but also mentally, as in you are gonna stop being a loser, and a pity partier, and start bring a go getter


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