Stop being fat :)

Deleted member 12146

Deleted member 12146

Jan 27, 2021
I was average weight and a girl initiated the conversation with me and was really into me always making an excuse to talk to me and even asked me to go to my countries version of prom. I denied (Me being retarded)

Fast forward to the next school year after I gained like 60 something pounds (30kg) in like in 3 months. She doesn't even look in my direction anymore. I have started weight loss and lost 10kg...still got a lot more to go

Basically don't be fat it will make you ugly and undesirable
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water GIF by Head Like an Orange
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Having high bodyfat is one of the biggest looksmin for a man.
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She would date you as fat if the society pressure was not mean.. sHE IS afraid that people will make fun of her.. if they see her with FAT GUY.
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She would date you as fat if the society pressure was not mean.. sHE IS afraid that people will make fun of her.. if they see her with FAT GUY.
I disagree I don't think she is physically attracted to me anymore. I honestly am not attracted to fat people either. I'm doing something about it though
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Moral of the story?

If you want to have a chit-chat conversation with a girl who paints her face well and not escalate it into anything further be normal 16% body fat.
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Moral of the story?

If you want to have a chit-chat conversation with a girl who paints her face well and not escalate it into anything further be normal 16% body fat.
What lol. She was into me. She even told me I didn't realize until then. She was Stacey lite too.
food taste so good..
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Gonna be 10% bf by the time I am 21. 3months to go. letss gooo
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food taste so good..
Very true. Kate Moss a famous supermodel once said something that I use when this feeling comes

"Nothing Tastes As Good As Skinny Feels"
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I understand that sort of thing has never happened to you but girls will say they are into you if they like you 😁

I've had bitches. I just don't come onto a fucking forum like this and start detailing stories. Esp stories like; "she went from talking to me to wanting to puke over me all because I put on a couple of pounds".

Beta cuckboy story. Fuck bitches. Keep it to yourself and record your number. If you struggle, lower your standard and then upgrade everytime you feel more confident, get rejected move on.

This leanmax so we can look like psl model sean opry shit is nonsense
not EASY TO LOSE WEIGHT it takes will, time n everything
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I've had bitches. I just don't come onto a fucking forum like this and start detailing stories. Esp stories like; "she went from talking to me to wanting to puke over me all because I put on a couple of pounds".

Beta cuckboy story. Fuck bitches. Keep it to yourself and record your number. If you struggle, lower your standard and then upgrade everytime you feel more confident, get rejected move on.

This leanmax so we can look like psl model sean opry shit is nonsense
You obviously lack basic comprehension skills I literally never said you will look like a supermodel after losing weight. I am pretty good looking when thin above average at least. I gained a lot of weight and people treated me completely differently. I was sharing my story to motivate others and proving the black pill is real.
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I was average weight and a girl initiated the conversation with me and was really into me always making an excuse to talk to me and even asked me to go to my countries version of prom. I denied (Me being retarded)

Fast forward to the next school year after I gained like 60 something pounds (30kg) in like in 3 months. She doesn't even look in my direction anymore. I have started weight loss and lost 10kg...still got a lot more to go

Basically don't be fat it will make you ugly and undesirable
Weight loss is almost impossible without completely going off carbs. Just look at every contestant on the biggest loser or the people who go on that show, "my 600 lbs life".
So just saying "dont be fat" is bad advice bc it doesnt address the how and the reality is that CICO doesnt work
Having high bodyfat is one of the biggest looksmin for a man.
"One of"?

It's the biggest looksmin, the biggest diff between men and women is body-fat.
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Weight loss is almost impossible without completely going off carbs. Just look at every contestant on the biggest loser or the people who go on that show, "my 600 lbs life".
So just saying "dont be fat" is bad advice bc it doesnt address the how and the reality is that CICO doesnt work
Low IQ retard posting his BS.

Clinical trials show cutting fat > cutting carbs for weight-loss. Keto only works because of high protein intake. Normalize protein intake and carb intake is infinitely better.
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Low IQ retard posting his BS.

Clinical trials show cutting fat > cutting carbs for weight-loss. Keto only works because of high protein intake. Normalize protein intake and carb intake is infinitely better.
Cope kid
Retarded show with 98% failure rate vs clinical trials?
Thats my point.
They do CICO hence y they fail.

I dont do keto yet bc i dont need it at my age bc im still not resistant to insulin at all. But my parents both do and they have returned to the body fat % they had as teenagers
Thats my point.
They do CICO hence y they fail.

I dont do keto yet bc i dont need it at my age bc im still not resistant to insulin at all. But my parents both do and they have returned to the body fat % they had as teenagers

I wasn't arguing about CICO? I know CICO is bullshit. You claimed people need to eat less carbs, I claimed people need to eat less fat as carbs are more satiating than fat.

Also getting down to 15-20% body-fat with keto is no accomplishment, it's a high-protein diet, high-protein diets always reduce weight strongly. It doesn't matter whether they do keto or not.
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I wasn't arguing about CICO? I know CICO is bullshit. You claimed people need to eat less carbs, I claimed people need to eat less fat as carbs are more satiating than fat.

Also getting down to 15-20% body-fat with keto is no accomplishment, it's a high-protein diet, high-protein diets always reduce weight strongly. It doesn't matter whether they do keto or not.
My dad is about 13% body fat.

But i disagree. Because protein is not a source of energy for the body. Protein is important for muscle growth and repair, not really as fuel for ur body. Thats y u need fat also
My dad is about 13% body fat.

But i disagree. Because protein is not a source of energy for the body. Protein is important for muscle growth and repair, not really as fuel for ur body. Thats y u need fat also
Humans don't need much fat.

1)Protein is an energy source, it's just not efficient source of energy to be converted into adipose tissue.
2)Protein is extremely satiating. Just increasing protein intake decreases body-weight without people trying to.
3)Humans don't need much fat consumption. Not only that, but free fatty acids in blood negatively impact androgen binding and thus androgen metabolism.
4)Fat is the least satiating food with the highest calorie provided per gram. It also has the least thermogenic effect on the body, while carbs actually only provide 80-85% of the calories you think they do because they increase metabolism.
5)Free fatty acids in blood cause loss of insulin sensitivity. Fat competes with glucose, too much glucose in blood will kill you, so your body pumps a fuck-ton of insulin to keep you alive.
6)Fats and carbs mixed is the least satiating food on earth and highly addictive as well.
7)Fat has a lot of negative effects on heart/endothelial function.

Overall, it's either fat or carbs. And carbs just have too many benefits/too few cons to fats for this to even be a real argument.

Also I highly doubt your dad is 13% body-fat with keto, it's not uncommon to get a very systemic(intra-organal) fat deposition with keto making you seem leaner. Your dad is probably around 20% body-fat. I also doubt you are 10-11% body-fat. Post pics.
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Humans don't need much fat.

1)Protein is an energy source, it's just not efficient source of energy to be converted into adipose tissue.
2)Protein is extremely satiating. Just increasing protein intake decreases body-weight without people trying to.
3)Humans don't need much fat consumption. Not only that, but free fatty acids in blood negatively impact androgen binding and thus androgen metabolism.
4)Fat is the least satiating food with the highest calorie provided per gram. It also has the least thermogenic effect on the body, while carbs actually only provide 80-85% of the calories you think they do because they increase metabolism.
5)Free fatty acids in blood cause loss of insulin sensitivity. Fat competes with glucose, too much glucose in blood will kill you, so your body pumps a fuck-ton of insulin to keep you alive.
6)Fats and carbs mixed is the least satiating food on earth and highly addictive as well.
7)Fat has a lot of negative effects on heart/endothelial function.

Overall, it's either fat or carbs. And carbs just have too many benefits/too few cons to fats for this to even be a real argument.

Also I highly doubt your dad is 13% body-fat with keto, it's not uncommon to get a very system fat deposition with keto making you seem leaner. Your dad is probably around 20% body-fat. I also doubt you are 10-11% body-fat. Post pics.
Im 10% body fat (i tested it) but i weigh 110 pounds bro. My dad is also skinny like that.
Hold up im gonna read all that u wrote im curious
7)Fat has a lot of negative effects on heart/endothelial function.
I know for a fact this is bullshit tbh. Studies which point to this r mostly fueled by the sugar industry.

As for ur other points im curious. Im gonna research more on this. U r basically arguing in favor of a carnivore diet right? Where can i find stuff about this?
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I know for a fact this is bullshit tbh. Studies which point to this r mostly fueled by the sugar industry.

As for ur other points im curious. Im gonna research more on this. U r basically arguing in favor of a carnivore diet right? Where can i find stuff about this?
I am arguing for full carb diet, no fat included.
"I know for a fact this is bullshit tbh. Studies which point to this r mostly fueled by the sugar industry."
Yeah you're one stupid fuck confirmed.
I need your appetite
Last time I checked at the doctor's I was 100lbs at 5' 7" (a year ago)
Idk what I am now
I've been eating more though
I need your appetite
Last time I checked at the doctor's I was 100lbs at 5' 7" (a year ago)
Idk what I am now
I've been eating more though
No you dont. its soo much better being too skinny than too fat. Try counting your calories to gain weight.

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