improvements from pcl threads/fat dissolver in the nasolabial area subcutaneously.

fucking incredible shit man. still just PDOs in your lips? ridiculous change if so
  • +1
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fucking incredible shit man. still just PDOs in your lips? ridiculous change if so
yeah, pcl mostly.

I posted my design, once my upper lip became better my lip seal automatically improved.
  • +1
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only temporally, I have a device for it.

towards the mecca, this ensures maximum testosterone production.
Ok now that I know you’re definitely mocking the religion. @asdvek @SecularIslamist @shia.jihadist

What are your thoughts on this since ur all Muslims
Ok now that I know you’re definitely mocking the religion. @asdvek @SecularIslamist @shia.jihadist

What are your thoughts on this since ur all Muslims
No he's not, he's right actually. Face towards to mecca when you're doing your pdo threads and looksmax stuff
No he's not, he's right actually. Face towards to mecca when you're doing your pdo threads and looksmax stuff
Ur even a cuck to ur own religion wow.
  • JFL
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Ok now that I know you’re definitely mocking the religion. @asdvek @SecularIslamist @shia.jihadist

What are your thoughts on this since ur all Muslims
When God and His Messenger have decreed a matter, they (the believers) should not have any option in their decision. And whoever disobeys God and His Messenger; he has indeed strayed into a plain error.
Al-Tirmidhi (1456), Abu Dawud (4462) and Ibn Majah (2561) narrated that Ibn `Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Lut, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.” (Classed as sahih by al-Albani in Sahih al-Tirmidhi)

“And (remember) Lut (Lot), when he said to his people: ‘Do you commit the worst sin such as none preceding you has committed in the ‘Alamin (mankind and jinn)? ’Verily, you practice your lusts on men instead of women. Nay, but you are a people transgressing beyond bounds (by committing great sins).’

And the answer of his people was only that they said: ‘Drive them out of your town, these are indeed men who want to be pure (from sins)!’ Then We saved him and his family, except his wife; she was of those who remained behind (in the torment). And We rained down on them a rain (of stones). Then see what was the end of the Mujrimun (criminals, polytheists and sinners)” [al-A’raf 7:80-84]
based kill all fags pill
Ok now that I know you’re definitely mocking the religion. @asdvek @SecularIslamist @shia.jihadist

What are your thoughts on this since ur all Muslims
hes right though you have to pray towards Mecca
  • +1
Reactions: 97baHater, SecularIslamist and Orc
Nice thread tho. What would you rate yourself facially bhai?
Why is your right side of your mandible so big compared to your left? In the video, looks like giga asymetric
light, there's not actually that much difference irl.
yeah, pcl mostly.

I posted my design, once my upper lip became better my lip seal automatically improved.
yeah, i would assume ur lips are perceived as wider as well? since the corners are more visible?
yeah, i would assume ur lips are perceived as wider as well? since the corners are more visible?
yeah that's also what causes mouths to look small in most cases.
  • +1
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View attachment 3137246
As you all know there's many theories pertaining the nasolabial fold, most of which revolve around bone recession, mainly the nasal aperture widening with age and the canine fossa becoming deeper, there's also some about volume loss, after carefully contemplating all of these while working on a solution, I've come to the conclusion that's it's all a load of horse shit, luckily cosmetologists aren't actual scientists, but you should still blame them for regurgitating this garbage.

now what causes it then? and why are you so sure it's not from that?

the answer is simple, the age of onset doesn't match, most people develop nasolabial folds before they're 30, or have them from birth, you haven't experienced any significant of bone recession at that age to attributing it to this is downright retarded.

it's also unrelated to bone development, or phenotype, it doesn't matter how good your bones are or where you're from, pretty much every sub-group of humans has them on average, and even if you've got the best bones on the planet it still won't prevent you from getting them, it's also unrelated to your forward growth, who gets them and who doesn't seems completely random, with them being absent in many flat-faced people, and them being present in those with the best forward growth.

View attachment 3137254

View attachment 3137255View attachment 3137256
there's also the argument that it's from 'recession' but in-case you don't realize this, what's deemed a deformity, or recession, is based on the average, so when the average human has this feature, then you cannot attribute it to recession, it's just a feature at that point, if everyone is deformed, then nobody is deformed.

then what causes then? as with almost all answers in life, it's the most benign, simplest concept you can imagine.

it's most likely just gravity, to be specific, gravity causes the fat in your face to migrate, and this process starts below the eyes, and covers part of the cheek.
View attachment 3137259

so you ask, is that not volume loss? to be specific, it's volume migration and accumulation, there's no actual volume lost in the nasolabial area, there's fat piling up on the outer fold of the nasolabial, this area seems to act as a 'net' where fat can't migrate any further, which leads to the iconic look, this is probably due to the thick superficial vein that runs underneath, whilst I was doing fat dissolving injections in this area I also noticed that no matter how hard you fuck up the dissolver won't move past this area, which means there's not much of a risk of accidentally removing fat from within the fold and making it worse.

but you can just get a (mid) facelift and fix it right?

well no, you can't, the volume in the area below the eyes cannot be restored with a facelift.

this is because when they're performed, a cut is made in front of the ear or at the temple, the skin is pulled towards this, which means the area below the eyes, and top of the cheek remains fucked, and it also doesn't resolve the accumulation that already took place, so in most cases the outline of a fold remains anyway, it does tend to make it less obvious, but it doesn't actually resolve the issue.

View attachment 3137262

there's more invasive procedures like a composite face lift (more complex form of a deep plane lift) that do address this issue, but a typical mid-face lift or S lift does not fix it.

View attachment 3137265

I've already resolved the issues I had with my skin in my past threads, the only issue I've got left is the piriform fossa.

so what can you do?

well unlike what cosmetologists think (and they're extremely afraid of this and won't do it for you), you should actually dissolve the fat that accumulated on the fold, because it's impossible to pull it back to where it came from without costly complex invasive procedures.

and you do this in combination with returning volume and skin laxity to the areas it diminished in, you can do this through fillers, implants, threads, or collagen promoting injections (there's many forms of these)

and before you ask, the last part isn't always the case, fat migration can happen without the area seemingly being diminished much, having nasolabial folds doesn't always mean your under-eyes are hollow, in these cases all that needs to be done is dissolving the ridge that has formed on the outer nasolabial.

but how do you do this?

you use deoxycholate, most clinics will not perform a liposection on this area, although it has been done before, and they will also not inject it for you, the most well known brand for this is aqualyx, and this is what I used for it.

performing the injections:

View attachment 3137266

you see this triangle shaped pad?
View attachment 3137267

this is where you put the injections.
View attachment 3137270

don't exceed half of 0.1 so 0.05 per injection, they're spaced roughly a centimeter apart, you'll need several treatments, the inflammation lasts about a week every time and the results are visible after 2-3 weeks, you can repeat it every third or fourth week, I used roughly 0.9 ml every time, so 3 syringes.

I used slins for this, that means insulin needles, they've got short high gauge needles and they're 0.3 to 0.5ml, these only need to go 5 mm deep, I insert them at an angle from below and work down.

View attachment 3137273

here's a video of my mid face area in motion right now, there's still a tiny bit of piriform fossa left but it's manageable and doesn't really show unless I tilt my head down.

by the way I also tightened by jawline at some point, and dissolved fat underneath.

Does it help w hollow cheeks?
here's an even closer close-up if anyone still doubts it.


  • pea4jgo.mp4
    614 KB
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View attachment 3137246
As you all know there's many theories pertaining the nasolabial fold, most of which revolve around bone recession, mainly the nasal aperture widening with age and the canine fossa becoming deeper, there's also some about volume loss, after carefully contemplating all of these while working on a solution, I've come to the conclusion that's it's all a load of horse shit, luckily cosmetologists aren't actual scientists, but you should still blame them for regurgitating this garbage.

now what causes it then? and why are you so sure it's not from that?

the answer is simple, the age of onset doesn't match, most people develop nasolabial folds before they're 30, or have them from birth, you haven't experienced any significant of bone recession at that age to attributing it to this is downright retarded.

it's also unrelated to bone development, or phenotype, it doesn't matter how good your bones are or where you're from, pretty much every sub-group of humans has them on average, and even if you've got the best bones on the planet it still won't prevent you from getting them, it's also unrelated to your forward growth, who gets them and who doesn't seems completely random, with them being absent in many flat-faced people, and them being present in those with the best forward growth.

View attachment 3137254

View attachment 3137255View attachment 3137256
there's also the argument that it's from 'recession' but in-case you don't realize this, what's deemed a deformity, or recession, is based on the average, so when the average human has this feature, then you cannot attribute it to recession, it's just a feature at that point, if everyone is deformed, then nobody is deformed.

then what causes then? as with almost all answers in life, it's the most benign, simplest concept you can imagine.

it's most likely just gravity, to be specific, gravity causes the fat in your face to migrate, and this process starts below the eyes, and covers part of the cheek.
View attachment 3137259

so you ask, is that not volume loss? to be specific, it's volume migration and accumulation, there's no actual volume lost in the nasolabial area, there's fat piling up on the outer fold of the nasolabial, this area seems to act as a 'net' where fat can't migrate any further, which leads to the iconic look, this is probably due to the thick superficial vein that runs underneath, whilst I was doing fat dissolving injections in this area I also noticed that no matter how hard you fuck up the dissolver won't move past this area, which means there's not much of a risk of accidentally removing fat from within the fold and making it worse.

but you can just get a (mid) facelift and fix it right?

well no, you can't, the volume in the area below the eyes cannot be restored with a facelift.

this is because when they're performed, a cut is made in front of the ear or at the temple, the skin is pulled towards this, which means the area below the eyes, and top of the cheek remains fucked, and it also doesn't resolve the accumulation that already took place, so in most cases the outline of a fold remains anyway, it does tend to make it less obvious, but it doesn't actually resolve the issue.

View attachment 3137262

there's more invasive procedures like a composite face lift (more complex form of a deep plane lift) that do address this issue, but a typical mid-face lift or S lift does not fix it.

View attachment 3137265

I've already resolved the issues I had with my skin in my past threads, the only issue I've got left is the piriform fossa.

so what can you do?

well unlike what cosmetologists think (and they're extremely afraid of this and won't do it for you), you should actually dissolve the fat that accumulated on the fold, because it's impossible to pull it back to where it came from without costly complex invasive procedures.

and you do this in combination with returning volume and skin laxity to the areas it diminished in, you can do this through fillers, implants, threads, or collagen promoting injections (there's many forms of these)

and before you ask, the last part isn't always the case, fat migration can happen without the area seemingly being diminished much, having nasolabial folds doesn't always mean your under-eyes are hollow, in these cases all that needs to be done is dissolving the ridge that has formed on the outer nasolabial.

but how do you do this?

you use deoxycholate, most clinics will not perform a liposection on this area, although it has been done before, and they will also not inject it for you, the most well known brand for this is aqualyx, and this is what I used for it.

performing the injections:

View attachment 3137266

you see this triangle shaped pad?
View attachment 3137267

this is where you put the injections.
View attachment 3137270

don't exceed half of 0.1 so 0.05 per injection, they're spaced roughly a centimeter apart, you'll need several treatments, the inflammation lasts about a week every time and the results are visible after 2-3 weeks, you can repeat it every third or fourth week, I used roughly 0.9 ml every time, so 3 syringes.

I used slins for this, that means insulin needles, they've got short high gauge needles and they're 0.3 to 0.5ml, these only need to go 5 mm deep, I insert them at an angle from below and work down.

View attachment 3137273

here's a video of my mid face area in motion right now, there's still a tiny bit of piriform fossa left but it's manageable and doesn't really show unless I tilt my head down.

by the way I also tightened by jawline at some point, and dissolved fat underneath.

Man I always had this question
If you could remove the fat that has piled up and then reinject it somewhere else

Thank you for clearing this up, I most likely will do this.

Is it worth to get bone support/fat grafting done before or after removing naso folds?
Man I always had this question
If you could remove the fat that has piled up and then reinject it somewhere else

Thank you for clearing this up, I most likely will do this.

Is it worth to get bone support/fat grafting done before or after removing naso folds?
sadly you can't really fix the subcutaneous fat once it's been moved, so the only option is dissolving it partially so it doesn't build up on the fold.

nasolabial folds aren't actually a bone issue, or a fat issue in the fold itself, it's dislocated fat from elsewhere, there was never any volume lost in the fold itself, that is the mistake professionals keep making, they think somehow the fat in the fold itself went away and then end up making the area too full by injecting fillers in an area that didn't have volume to begin with.
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sadly you can't really fix the subcutaneous fat once it's been moved, so the only option is dissolving it partially so it doesn't build up on the fold.

nasolabial folds aren't actually a bone issue, or a fat issue in the fold itself, it's dislocated fat from elsewhere, there was never any volume lost in the fold itself, that is the mistake professionals keep making, they think somehow the fat in the fold itself went away and then end up making the area too full by injecting fillers in an area that didn't have volume to begin with.
Ahh I see

Wait so if you dissolve the fat, then doesn't it remove it from piling up on the fold, causing the crease?
If no, then what's the point of dissolving the fat? To minimise the nasolabial crease?
Will dissolved fat make your nasolabial look worse when you get older or smth?

But the problem has essentially been fixed, even if the dissolved fat stays there, it won't cause the crease anymore..
Ahh I see

Wait so if you dissolve the fat, then doesn't it remove it from piling up on the fold, causing the crease?
If no, then what's the point of dissolving the fat? To minimise the nasolabial crease?
Will dissolved fat make your nasolabial look worse when you get older or smth?

But the problem has essentially been fixed, even if the dissolved fat stays there, it won't cause the crease anymore..
I can't make sense of your comment.

what I'm doing here is essentially just shaving off layers of fat underneath the skin to create a desirable contour in the area, so that it no longer creates a folding shape.
  • +1
Reactions: greycel
Any other injection area suggestion to get a define jaw like you ?
Any other injection area suggestion to get a define jaw like you ?

  • +1
Reactions: kamaza247
View attachment 3137246
As you all know there's many theories pertaining the nasolabial fold, most of which revolve around bone recession, mainly the nasal aperture widening with age and the canine fossa becoming deeper, there's also some about volume loss, after carefully contemplating all of these while working on a solution, I've come to the conclusion that's it's all a load of horse shit, luckily cosmetologists aren't actual scientists, but you should still blame them for regurgitating this garbage.

now what causes it then? and why are you so sure it's not from that?

the answer is simple, the age of onset doesn't match, most people develop nasolabial folds before they're 30, or have them from birth, you haven't experienced any significant of bone recession at that age to attributing it to this is downright retarded.

it's also unrelated to bone development, or phenotype, it doesn't matter how good your bones are or where you're from, pretty much every sub-group of humans has them on average, and even if you've got the best bones on the planet it still won't prevent you from getting them, it's also unrelated to your forward growth, who gets them and who doesn't seems completely random, with them being absent in many flat-faced people, and them being present in those with the best forward growth.

View attachment 3137254

View attachment 3137255View attachment 3137256
there's also the argument that it's from 'recession' but in-case you don't realize this, what's deemed a deformity, or recession, is based on the average, so when the average human has this feature, then you cannot attribute it to recession, it's just a feature at that point, if everyone is deformed, then nobody is deformed.

then what causes then? as with almost all answers in life, it's the most benign, simplest concept you can imagine.

it's most likely just gravity, to be specific, gravity causes the fat in your face to migrate, and this process starts below the eyes, and covers part of the cheek.
View attachment 3137259

so you ask, is that not volume loss? to be specific, it's volume migration and accumulation, there's no actual volume lost in the nasolabial area, there's fat piling up on the outer fold of the nasolabial, this area seems to act as a 'net' where fat can't migrate any further, which leads to the iconic look, this is probably due to the thick superficial vein that runs underneath, whilst I was doing fat dissolving injections in this area I also noticed that no matter how hard you fuck up the dissolver won't move past this area, which means there's not much of a risk of accidentally removing fat from within the fold and making it worse.

but you can just get a (mid) facelift and fix it right?

well no, you can't, the volume in the area below the eyes cannot be restored with a facelift.

this is because when they're performed, a cut is made in front of the ear or at the temple, the skin is pulled towards this, which means the area below the eyes, and top of the cheek remains fucked, and it also doesn't resolve the accumulation that already took place, so in most cases the outline of a fold remains anyway, it does tend to make it less obvious, but it doesn't actually resolve the issue.

View attachment 3137262

there's more invasive procedures like a composite face lift (more complex form of a deep plane lift) that do address this issue, but a typical mid-face lift or S lift does not fix it.

View attachment 3137265

I've already resolved the issues I had with my skin in my past threads, the only issue I've got left is the piriform fossa.

so what can you do?

well unlike what cosmetologists think (and they're extremely afraid of this and won't do it for you), you should actually dissolve the fat that accumulated on the fold, because it's impossible to pull it back to where it came from without costly complex invasive procedures.

and you do this in combination with returning volume and skin laxity to the areas it diminished in, you can do this through fillers, implants, threads, or collagen promoting injections (there's many forms of these)

and before you ask, the last part isn't always the case, fat migration can happen without the area seemingly being diminished much, having nasolabial folds doesn't always mean your under-eyes are hollow, in these cases all that needs to be done is dissolving the ridge that has formed on the outer nasolabial.

but how do you do this?

you use deoxycholate, most clinics will not perform a liposection on this area, although it has been done before, and they will also not inject it for you, the most well known brand for this is aqualyx, and this is what I used for it.

performing the injections:

View attachment 3137266

you see this triangle shaped pad?
View attachment 3137267

this is where you put the injections.
View attachment 3137270

don't exceed half of 0.1 so 0.05 per injection, they're spaced roughly a centimeter apart, you'll need several treatments, the inflammation lasts about a week every time and the results are visible after 2-3 weeks, you can repeat it every third or fourth week, I used roughly 0.9 ml every time, so 3 syringes.

I used slins for this, that means insulin needles, they've got short high gauge needles and they're 0.3 to 0.5ml, these only need to go 5 mm deep, I insert them at an angle from below and work down.

View attachment 3137273

here's a video of my mid face area in motion right now, there's still a tiny bit of piriform fossa left but it's manageable and doesn't really show unless I tilt my head down.

by the way I also tightened by jawline at some point, and dissolved fat underneath.

yo, i saw a thread about injecting lipolab into the noses fat pad to reduce how bulbous it is, but wont that just leave the nose drooped down and leave it looking worse?
  • +1
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matrixyl + argireline + vit c/e in the morning.
gentle cleanser for washing face + centella after showering.
0.5% liquid tretinoin in the evening.

(moisturize after all of these)

50 spf + PA++++ sunscreen with niacinamide
How quickly do you notice effects from matrixyl and argireline. Don't they take ages to even have effect? Also will it help my lines if im before the age of collagen break down?
How quickly do you notice effects from matrixyl and argireline. Don't they take ages to even have effect? Also will it help my lines if im before the age of collagen break down?
it takes forever, the reason I use them is because unlike retinoids matrixyl isn't deactivated by light exposure.
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