Stop Harmony & Averageness Bullshit

The laws of harmony do not need to be invented any more than the laws of mathematics do. They are simply discovered. The lines I drew are arbitrary in the sense that I have no specific reason for highlighting those particular lines when others exist too. As such, the lines I drew are to be taken as an example rather than a definite framework. After all, the possibilities are numerous when pinpointing the underlying harmonic principles by extrapolating from the facial features.
Yeah sure you can discover random lines that you drew on the face for no real purpose(that doesn't prove harmony btw).

You tell me friendo. You sound like the science guy. I find the nuances of scientific methodology a huge bore.
I said that in the context that if these specific arbitrary lines that you gave as an example have any basis or studies supporting they are considered attractive (ratios are well studied, so is dimorphism, proportions etc at least in the context that they are considered attractive).
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Yeah sure you can discover random lines that you drew on the face for no real purpose(that doesn't prove harmony btw).

I said that in the context that if these specific arbitrary lines that you gave as an example have any basis or studies supporting they are considered attractive (ratios are well studied, so is dimorphism, proportions etc at least in the context that they are considered attractive).
You are wondering why things look better in alignment than out of alignment. I don't know. That's just how it is.
You are wondering why things look better in alignment than out of alignment. I don't know. That's just how it is.
not really I am just finding it very arbitrary because at least for ratios we have something to go on that is been proven to be considered attractive (golden mask/ratios)while these outlines you made have no real evidence supporting them being considered attractive, if you have anything supporting it I would gladly accept it.
I'm expecting scientific sources for them being considered attractive as a reply btw.
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not really I am just finding it very arbitrary because
Either the lines that two shapes consist of are in alignment or they are not. There is little room for arbitrarity. Following your line of thinking, you might as well question the importance of symmetry too. I know, I know, there are studies that show that asymmetry is appealing. But do you, on a personal level, understand WHY? This kind of understanding is what I am after. Unless you are willing to walk this path together with me, there is no point to continuing this conversation. If you just want someone to tell you what the scientific consensus is, there are better teachers to be found than betamanlet.
at least for ratios we have something to go on that is been proven to be considered attractive (golden mask/ratios)while these outlines you made have no real evidence supporting them being considered attractive, if you have anything supporting it I would gladly accept it.
Unfortunately there is nothing else I can do for you. I have little use for studies, objective evidence and such. I understand that these are important to certain kind of personalities, but they do not interest me at all. My intellectual curiosity is satisfied through other means.
Either the lines that two shapes consist of are in alignment or they are not. There is little room for arbitrarity. Following your line of thinking, you might as well question the importance of symmetry too. I know, I know, there are studies that show that asymmetry is appealing. But do you, on a personal level, understand WHY? This kind of understanding is what I am after. Unless you are willing to walk this path together with me, there is no point to continuing this conversation. If you just want someone to tell you what the scientific consensus is, there are better teachers to be found than betamanlet.
Sure I can agree on that, knowing why specific things are considered beautiful has always been my interest (other than for evolutionary reasons).
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Reminder that no harmony for you. Yes! You inkwell !


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Nobody can explain harmony here. There are too many men who are considered attractive who don't fall into perfect ratios (nor does Pitt). Yet not everyone can plant a massive jaw on their skull without it looking off.
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Nobody can explain harmony here. There are too many men who are considered attractive who don't fall into perfect ratios (nor does Pitt). Yet not everyone can plant a massive jaw on their skull without it looking off.

  • Hmm...
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hArMoNy :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:
  • Hmm...
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Harmony is about symmetry and good proportions. Its about facial balance, not letting one part of the face dominate over the other.

He's proportions are good. He just lacks the sharpness and anterior projection.
High IQ comment
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It's a giant cope.
Incels use this when they struggle to explain why a person is attractive.
There's no harmony.
There are good features together with high nt personality.
Sometimes even having one of the top tier feature would make you attractive to others. (Like only having a really good lower third/hunter eye area etc.)

Also i've never seen a chad or gigachad who look only harmonious.

Chads always have bunch of gl features at the same time together so we can easily detect why exactly they are chads.
However if you look a chadlite like Timothee bugeyed Chalamet, even if he has a really ugly eyes, he still has decent jaw, top tier quality hair and nice skin with light brown eyes.
So his face is not harmonius, he just have lots of good features. Since he has cuckeyes, narrow frame so he's not and will never be a chad.

Let's think Chico for example.
He is 6'4 guy with high quality hair and he has boyish youthful look with nice nose and lips also decent eyes (minimal uee, prominent eyebrow) and finally top tier lower third. (Gonial angle, symmetry, wide as zygos.)
So he has bunch of goodlooking features together.
However, some low people say "no striking features but harmony".
He has everything.
  • Full lips,
  • Top tier hair
  • straight and boyish nose,
  • incredible skin (in his prime)
  • long ramus,
  • big gonial angle ~115,
  • facial convexity angle 174

The thing about averageness is a giant newspaper "hot" story type bullshit. Use face generators websites with averageness algorithm in it, you will see result faces have no "striking" features at all.
No big jaws, no nice nct etc.
So averageness makes you not ugly , that's all. If you add enough subhumans to that algorithm they will end up result of a normie. Not a chad, not a chadlite.
This is a poster boy of averageness.
View attachment 379890
Do you think he's attractive enough ?
@StrangerDanger yiu get? He has the best features stop coping with you idea
Averageness is the most overblown shit theory for retards. Durrr averageness. Posts guy with perfect averageness who is MTN at most. "See harmony = averageness"

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