Stop Powerlifting



Jul 27, 2022
Here's a little secret that most people dont learn until they've wasted a lot of time in the gym (myself included)

Whenever autists and incels get into working out, they ALWAYS gravitate towards powerlifting. If you are into powerlifting theres a 95% chance you have autism.

Chasing PRs does NOT build muscle efficiently. I see incels in commercial gyms all the time lifting decent numbers on b/s/d for their bodyweight and yet they still look like shit. The problem is you autists start working out and first thing you do is watch Youtube videos which is all BS information because all of those content creators are not natural and dont know how to actually build muscle properly. Do you really think someone like David Laid would be built if he didnt abuse roids? He would be 170lbs because he trains like a retard.

Low volume and heavy weight = training your joints and CNS more than your muscles.
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good thread. i used to do this on my bulk and although it helped me on my main lifts it was just cope at that point.

currently, im just doing bodyweight pushups/pullups/squats and i get a way better pump too
doing powerlifting only is not going to build muscle that is true

if powerlifting is making muscles every bodybuilder would do that jfl

doing powerbuilding will.

david laid always talked about powerbuilding like mixing s/b/d getting strong on those lifts and adding accesories on side which is true.

there is not a single good looking guy that cant bench 225, or good looking legs that dont squat 315 or more.
I just do a custom workout now which is based on A-B schemes with A chest and B shoulders, on both of the workouts I do 1 leg exercise and I train arms every workout

A - barbell flat bench, cable pulls (back), dumbell incline bench(everything max weight), chest flyes, bicep curls, legs (press or curl or reverse curl), dips, abs
B - OHP, pullups or lat pulls (spine decompression), sitting shoulder press, legs, side raises, biceps, abs

Basically my routine is designed to be fairly low effort, only take about 45 mins but focus on maximum aesthetic muscle groups aka chest, arms, abs and shoulders while somewhat neglecting useless muscles like back, legs, traps, etc. I have decent physique despite being natty, arms are quite big

I think I will add neck training soon

and yes you don't wanna do powerlifting, its totally useless, I only do it on barbell bench and OHP because its fun, all other excercises are 3-4x8

deadlifts and squats destroy your body imo
there is not a single good looking guy that cant bench 225, or good looking legs that dont squat 315 or more.
Building muscle will always make your lifts goes up. But getting your lifts up wont always build muscle.

I haven't benched in over a year, recently tried it for fun and hit 315lbs. My bench went up without me ever training it. Now if I start doing bench 3x a week and lifting heavy on it I can get my joints and CNS up to par and get 350 + easily within a few months but I wouldnt gain any extra muscle doing that. This is my point.

Im simply helping out the autists on this forum with advice I wish I heard when I started. I achieved my physique naturally after 6 yrs old lifting but I wasted the first 3 years listening to these roid head youtube retards and doing what everyone else does. Theres a reason most gym rats look like poop after years of training.
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You can have a really good physique but lift like shit
Building muscle will always make your lifts goes up. But getting your lifts up wont always build muscle.

I haven't benched in over a year, recently tried it for fun and hit 315lbs. My bench went up without me ever training it. Now if I start doing bench 3x a week and lifting heavy on it I can get my joints and CNS up to par and get 350 + easily within a few months but I wouldnt gain any extra muscle doing that. This is my point.

Im simply helping out the autists on this forum with advice I wish I heard when I started. I achieved my physique naturally after 6 yrs old lifting but I wasted the first 3 years listening to these roid head youtube retards and doing what everyone else does. Theres a reason most gym rats look like poop after years of training.
So what's your routine?
So what's your routine?
I'm not going to go into my exact routine here because I may hop on roids in the future and then start selling it. Normies are retarded and need you to be roided out to give you money. I have a good natty physique but I look like shit for roid standards (which is what I would be competing with)

But i'll explain to you 90% of it.

The routine itself doesnt matter. Its your mindset when lifting that does.

All you need to do is focus on mind muscle connection with medium-light weight, and then apply intensification techniques (google them if you dont know what it means).

I'll give you an example. Say I want to hit chest. It doesnt matter what exercise, all that matters is I'm feeling my chest when I do it. I need to feel the blood filling up my chest as I rep out. Again, I keep emphasizing mind muscle connection but its extremely important. The low iq autists come to the gym and focus on lifting the weight, so they chase numbers on shit like bench. When you chase numbers other muscles end up taking over and your chest never gets fully destroyed.

Say im doing bench. Ill load up the bar with some light/medium weight and rep it to failure. When I fail I will rack the bar, rest 10-15 seconds, then go again. Then rack it when I fail, rest another 10 seconds, then go again (the whole time im focused on squeezing my chest with every rep, i dont give a fuck about how many reps im getting or what weight im using). This method is called rest-pause. The goal is to use LIGHT weight so that you can FEEL the muscle better, but then make it movement harder through intensifier techniques such as rest-pause, super sets, drop sets, slow eccentrics, etc.

If you read all of this and apply it, I guarantee you will see results much faster than from any powerlifting autist program.

NOTE: If you cannot feel the muscle, such as during a bench press if you cannot feel your chest being destroyed, SWITCH OUT THE FUCKING EXERCISE. I never bench press because I'm shoulder dominant and my mind muscle connection for chest on it is DOG SHIT. So I do dips. The exercise doesnt matter. The weight doesnt matter. The reps dont fucking matter. Mind muscle + intensity = GROWTH

Again, you wont get this info from most youtubers because theyre on roids and dont know SHIT. This advice is gold and if someone gave this to me 6 years ago when I started out at 19 yrs old I would be some much bigger right now. I wasted my first 3 yrs for nothing.

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  • +1
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I'm not going to go into my exact routine here because I may hop on roids in the future and then start selling it. Normies are retarded and need you to be roided out to give you money. I have a good natty physique but I look like shit for roid standards (which is what I would be competing with)

But i'll explain to you 90% of it.

The routine itself doesnt matter. Its your mindset when lifting that does.

All you need to do is focus on mind muscle connection with medium-light weight, and then apply intensification techniques (google them if you dont know what it means).

I'll give you an example. Say I want to hit chest. It doesnt matter what exercise, all that matters is I'm feeling my chest when I do it. I need to feel the blood filling up my chest as I rep out. Again, I keep emphasizing mind muscle connection but its extremely important. The low iq autists come to the gym and focus on lifting the weight, so they chase numbers on shit like bench. When you chase numbers other muscles end up taking over and your chest never gets fully destroyed.

Say im doing bench. Ill load up the bar with some light/medium weight and rep it to failure. When I fail I will rack the bar, rest 10-15 seconds, then go again. Then rack it when I fail, rest another 10 seconds, then go again (the whole time im focused on squeezing my chest with every rep, i dont give a fuck about how many reps im getting or what weight im using). This method is called rest-pause. The goal is to use LIGHT weight so that you can FEEL the muscle better, but then make it movement harder through intensifier techniques such as rest-pause, super sets, drop sets, slow eccentrics, etc.

If you read all of this and apply it, I guarantee you will see results much faster than from any powerlifting autist program.

NOTE: If you cannot feel the muscle, such as during a bench press if you cannot feel your chest being destroyed, SWITCH OUT THE FUCKING EXERCISE. I never bench press because I'm shoulder dominant and my mind muscle connection for chest on it is DOG SHIT. So I do dips. The exercise doesnt matter. The weight doesnt matter. The reps dont fucking matter. Mind muscle + intensity = GROWTH

Again, you wont get this info from most youtubers because theyre on roids and dont know SHIT. This advice is gold and if someone gave this to me 6 years ago when I started out at 19 yrs old I would be some much bigger right now. I wasted my first 3 yrs for nothing.

Thanks for the reply. Bookmarked. What were your lifts/ physique like after the first 3 years btw?
I'm kinda in the same boat. Started at 20, 3 years later i'm where I could've been after like a good 6 months tbh.

Also how do you bulk?
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Thanks for the reply. Bookmarked. What were your lifts/ physique like after the first 3 years btw?
I'm kinda in the same boat. Started at 20, 3 years later i'm where I could've been after like a good 6 months tbh.

Also how do you bulk?

My bench was like 245 despite chasing PRs every week for years. Squat 335 lbs. Pretty weak lifts. I'm 6'2 205 right now back then I was 190-195. I've gained a lot more muscle and lost fat. If I dropped my routine and did power lifting I would increase my current lifts very fast because I already have the muscle I just need to train my joints and cns ( i no longer bench/squat). I just dont see the point.

The only lift I go heavy on is overhead press. I do 205lbs for 5 reps. I do this for fun though, not for gains.

Another secret for bulking - Eat super high protein. Steak, eggs, milk, fish, chicken. Eat as much of it as needed to get 250-300g of protein daily. Its hard but you must do it. You dont need much carbs.

Ronnie coleman was eating 400g of protein a day and only 100g carbs. He was like 280lbs all muscle. Dont listen to retards telling you that you need carbs.

I dont count calories. Only protein.
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Dedicating your workout routine to hit PRs is stupid, but there’s nothing wrong with doing them once a week.

Also lifting somewhat heavy for around 6 reps is ideal. It helps with both strength and muscle gain ( anything from 5-30 reps is good provided you go close to failure).
  • +1
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Dedicating your workout routine to hit PRs is stupid, but there’s nothing wrong with doing them once a week.

Also lifting somewhat heavy for around 6 reps is ideal. It helps with both strength and muscle gain ( anything from 5-30 reps is good provided you go close to failure).
yo man i have a question unrelated to the topic but...
is drinking milk cope for height
i mean i have raw milk but all it does is bloat me and give me acne
ive been drinking milk my whole life and aint shit happened
  • +1
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My bench was like 245 despite chasing PRs every week for years. Squat 335 lbs. Pretty weak lifts. I'm 6'2 205 right now back then I was 190-195. I've gained a lot more muscle and lost fat. If I dropped my routine and did power lifting I would increase my current lifts very fast because I already have the muscle I just need to train my joints and cns ( i no longer bench/squat). I just dont see the point.

The only lift I go heavy on is overhead press. I do 205lbs for 5 reps. I do this for fun though, not for gains.

Another secret for bulking - Eat super high protein. Steak, eggs, milk, fish, chicken. Eat as much of it as needed to get 250-300g of protein daily. Its hard but you must do it. You dont need much carbs.

Ronnie coleman was eating 400g of protein a day and only 100g carbs. He was like 280lbs all muscle. Dont listen to retards telling you that you need carbs.

I dont count calories. Only protein.
Was your 245 bench and 335 squat 1rm or reps?

And so, you don't really bulk or cut? Just eat high protein and hover around maintenance calories? Do you still lose fat and gain muscle while doing this?
yo man i have a question unrelated to the topic but...
is drinking milk cope for height
i mean i have raw milk but all it does is bloat me and give me acne
ive been drinking milk my whole life and aint shit happened
Yeah it’s Cope. Your height is determined by hormones and set instructions dictated by genetic blueprints.

The only thing that might work is HGH or peptides with an AI. Everything else is pretty much cope unless you’re starved.
Yeah it’s Cope. Your height is determined by hormones and set instructions dictated by genetic blueprints.

The only thing that might work is HGH or peptides with an AI. Everything else is pretty much cope unless you’re starved.
im not starved, never starved in my life maybe once or twice at best
hgh makes u grow faster from what ive heard, reaching ur genetic limit faster and ages u like roids but nothing exagerated
ai seems to be the best thing to take
so yeah i guess i wont be drinking milk, ill be taking egg shell powder or cheese
also nothing stunts growth besides starving and being fat? things like fapping, idk what else
Powerlifting has to be the most manlet sport ever

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