Story time What is my life?

What happened to your Lefort consultation?
Which one. The one from a few months ago told me my bite was fine and suggested braces. That sent me back to the plastic surgeon. Annette Gunson isn’t until July and I don’t have 50k to pay for it anyway
Inb4 bragging im legit just asking for some reason behind this. Please rate me and tell me how my recessed fucking ass has things happen like this? Met a girl from hinge last week we made out and she compared me to bale and dornan the fifty shades guy. Her friend likes me too. Now I just got back from bringing them back from the airport and she’s telling me that she wants to hookup but she has ex drama and then tells me her friends who’s a Nordic blonde cheerleader type would be down instead. Why am I being treated as attractive? I need help because it’s fucking up my life. I’m legit going to become an old fuck waiting for bimax and be tortured by these flashes of girls thinking I look good when I’m recessed. Below are my pics the girls and the pic that’s on my profiles. If I looked like the pic from my dating app I’d understand this instantly but I don’t sadly
Im legit Happy for you and I agree you are mad recessed. You would 100% be cleared for bimax. Maybe its not that apparent irl. I would still go for the bimax even tho you apparently dont need it for girls. I would do it for myself. If your mental health benefits that's also a major win. And let's not kid us. You told it's over no doubt. The fact you are successful is just one of those rare cases
Phenopill strikes again. Lefort 2 is what u need
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And let's not kid us. You told it's over no doubt. The fact you are successful is just one of those rare cases
I am being told it’s over though or are you saying the girls would
Phenopill strikes again. Lefort 2 is what u need
Best they’re gonna do is lefort 1 and then fat grafts or implants. Fat grafts apparently better than implants according to the plastic surgeon I’ve been consulting
  • +1
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Phenopill strikes again. Lefort 2 is what u need
What phenotype am I anyway because people keep saying my phenotype is good even though I’m subhuman and disgusting
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I am being told it’s over though or are you saying the girls would
Ppl on here would tell you it's over. But apparently it's not. Good for you. I would still go for bimax since rn IMO you are not good looking. I don't understand why girls find you attractive either.
I am being told it’s over though or are you saying the girls would
You have a good front but side ruins it all. Bimax would no doubt ascend you
Best they’re gonna do is lefort 1 and then fat grafts or implants. Fat grafts apparently better than implants according to the plastic surgeon I’ve been consulting
Lefort 1 with midface implants then

What phenotype am I anyway because people keep saying my phenotype is good even though I’m subhuman and disgusting
North atlantid
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Holy crap. Where are the side profile copers?

INB4 he's tall
Glitch in the matrix. Side profile is very important irl. Irl you will notice a bad side even from the front since you can see depth. Idk who came up with the side profile is not important irl shit.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
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Lefort 1 with midface implants then

North atlantid
Ok and right now I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get the elfort because of expenses. So do I put my life on hold until I can get it or get the mid face fat grafts in the meantime?
  • +1
Reactions: Jason Voorhees
Glitch in the matrix. Side profile is very important irl. Irl you will notice a bad side even from the front since you can see depth. Idk who came up with the side profile is not important irl shit.
Lol I was shittin hahaha I know side profile is important but IMO it's 1/3 of or 1/4 of front looks
Ngl his case looks really unordinary
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You're high tier normie, might score a becky here and there if youre lucky but mostly normie bellow normie looking women is what you'll get. the question is, is that good enough for you?
good beard, eye brows, colouring, ratios
How old are you?

You're a bit like me in that I hate how I look too, but i've honestly not done too bad with girls which makes me wonder what is going on, and whether it's worth getting lots of surgeries (i'm worried that i'd ruin whatever it is that some fairly decent looking girls seem to like about my face)

But yeah, even though you are recessed from the side, you have decent eyes and brows and good contrast colouring

Although as you say you look a lot better in that 2nd pic. What filter is that?! I need to try that.

But it sounds like you're already planning to get surgery so what are you actually asking? Why they're into you? I guess you're more or less looksmatched with them. Girls tastes do seem to vary somewhat. Enjoy it when it happens
Over for me, locally undesired old boy I am.
Lol passing u to her friends is a bad sign.
Lol passing u to her friends is a bad sign.
Yeah i don't know what to do her friend looks better than the pic though but it's still stupid. Also she's made out with me and been touchy and all. What bugging me isn't even having sex with her or not it's that I look like utter shit so anything I say or do is impotent.
You're high tier normie, might score a becky here and there if youre lucky but mostly normie bellow normie looking women is what you'll get. the question is, is that good enough for you?
It's not and it's not just about sex. I honestly didn't even get upset over her not wanting sex it was when I thought about what that meant as far as my looks that I got depressed over it. I don't mind talking to her but I hate that everything I say to her is coming from her 'ugly friend' ya know?
you got 2 dates with a girl and decided to post her here like shes a big part of your life already. she got fucked by 3 different guys since your last date

if your surgeon is saying fat grafts for paranasal its not optimal

you can find bimax for less than 25k
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you got 2 dates with a girl and decided to post her here like shes a big part of your life already. she got fucked by 3 different guys since your last date

if your surgeon is saying fat grafts for paranasal its not optimal

you can find bimax for less than 25k
Where because everyone I've spoken to is 25 to 30. I can get away with it for 25 but that's still way more than I can afford without going into debt which I'm caring less and less about these days.
  • +1
Reactions: AlwaysHaveQuestions
you got 2 dates with a girl and decided to post her here like shes a big part of your life already. she got fucked by 3 different guys since your last date

if your surgeon is saying fat grafts for paranasal its not optimal

you can find bimax for less than 25k
And as for the girl I'm mad because I can't even enjoy talking to her now because I feel that she sees me as a loser and friendzone guy. We made out on the first date and that allowed me to delude myself that she was attracted to me but obviously that is not the case.
  • So Sad
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Where because everyone I've spoken to is 25 to 30. I can get away with it for 25 but that's still way more than I can afford without going into debt which I'm caring less and less about these days.
idk tbh but i think sunil richardson does it for 10k and he seems pretty safe. search for it yourself again idk much
idk tbh but i think sunil richardson does it for 10k and he seems pretty safe. search for it yourself again idk much
Yeah but I dont wanna go to india and get hacked up by someone that I can't even talk to after I leave
  • +1
Reactions: AlwaysHaveQuestions
profile isnt nearly as important as frontal. but you really should get bimax, youre recessed as fuck
Yeah i don't know what to do her friend looks better than the pic though but it's still stupid. Also she's made out with me and been touchy and all. What bugging me isn't even having sex with her or not it's that I look like utter shit so anything I say or do is impotent.
u have mental disease its already obvious from here even if she likes u for ur looks she'll leave u bcuz ur fucked in the head
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u have mental disease its already obvious from here even if she likes u for ur looks she'll leave u bcuz ur fucked in the head
But if you read what some other users posted. My situation is likely hopeless. I could say that she likes my looks from the make out on the first date but her telling me she’s had a low sex drives informs me that the first date was a fluke
u have mental disease its already obvious from here even if she likes u for ur looks she'll leave u bcuz ur fucked in the head
Also how do I have a mental disease? I have a face disease from recession and bad eye area
No offense, but you look like the perfect friend-zone material

Edit: Your touched up photo looks top-tier

You're white, tallish, blue eyes. You'll be fine just work on your mental state with a proper diet and a good excersize regimen
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No offense, but you look like the perfect friend-zone material
That’s why I’m posting here. I thought I was fine cuz she made out with me and kissed me the other day but then the whole ‘my sex drive is low’ convo happened. What exactly makes me look like friend zone?
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Lol this guy confirms it is all about the front
That’s why I’m posting here. The point of this isn’t to brag it’s because I know that’s it going to end poorly
I edited the comment if you wanna reread
No offense, but you look like the perfect friend-zone material

Edit: Your touched up photo looks top-tier

You're white, tallish, blue eyes. You'll be fine just work on your mental state with a proper diet and a good excersize regimen
Ok I’m confused now. Am I friend zone or am I fine iyo? The touched up photo is what I had on the app she matches with me on.
Moggs side
What’s my front rate versus side? Also I’m thinking to just pretend I look like my morph until I get my operations. Might as well because I’d rather die then live like the guy in the shitty pics
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What’s my front rate versus side? Also I’m thinking to just pretend I look like my morph until I get my operations. Might as well because I’d rather die then live like the guy in the shitty pics
tbh your front looks slight above average like ( i can see potential under your fat) and side is maybe little bit below average but tbh front is what matters to people you know irl side is only important to random people
Ok I’m confused now. Am I friend zone or am I fine iyo? The touched up photo is what I had on the app she matches with me on.
Your looks are fine. Some women will find you ugly, some will find you good looking. Would you bag a stacey? Prob not. But it's enough to have a normie girlfriend, probably higher if you can boost your smv

Your mental state is a major failo which you can actually work on

I feel your pain, as I've been there. Used to overthink like this, I started to exercise and eating healthy (fruit, veggies, legumes, egg whites, nuts, berries), and in just 4 days my mind got much more relaxed, I stopped giving a damn. Then you can think about this stuff more objectively

As for surgeries, how's your bite? Perhaps a high lefort 1 would ascend you well

But again, think about surgeries after you've had a chance to calm your mind and think more objectively
  • +1
Reactions: AlwaysHaveQuestions
tbh your front looks slight above average like ( i can see potential under your fat) and side is maybe little bit below average but tbh front is what matters to people you know irl side is only important to random people
I’m surprised the side looks incel tier in my opinion. As for front problem is I’m not fat. I have lower belly fat and very little of it so my face should not look even a little chubby. I’d love to keep dieting down for improvement but I’m afraid it’s lack of bones, I’m still gonna stick to lean diets and cut lifestyle though. What’s your recommend on surgeries if any aside from bimax or lefort, I want those but it’s going to take likely a year or more to get the money together
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I’m surprised the side looks incel tier in my opinion. As for front problem is I’m not fat. I have lower belly fat and very little of it so my face should not look even a little chubby. I’d love to keep dieting down for improvement but I’m afraid it’s lack of bones, I’m still gonna stick to lean diets and cut lifestyle though. What’s your recommend on surgeries if any aside from bimax or lefort, I want those but it’s going to take likely a year or more to get the money together
i am not really good in surgeries tbh only know about genio
Your looks are fine. Some women will find you ugly, some will find you good looking. Would you bag a stacey? Prob not. But it's enough to have a normie girlfriend, probably higher if you can boost your smv

Your mental state is a major failo which you can actually work on

I feel your pain, as I've been there. Used to overthink like this, I started to exercise and eating healthy (fruit, veggies, legumes, egg whites, nuts, berries), and in just 4 days my mind got much more relaxed, I stopped giving a damn. Then you can think about this stuff more objectively

As for surgeries, how's your bite? Perhaps a high lefort 1 would ascend you well

But again, think about surgeries after you've had a chance to calm your mind and think more objectively
Bite is perfect. I’ve had a max fac tell me this but he acknowledges I have maxillary recession. All my second opinions said same thing except that they were suggesting other things to improve my appearance
i am not really good in surgeries tbh only know about genio
Ok no worries. These are some pics I legit took in the last 24 hrs so I am sure that my bf isn’t high still look fat faced though


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Ok no worries. These are some pics I legit took in the last 24 hrs so I am sure that my bf isn’t high still look fat faced though
Aah i think it is the lack of forward growth making you look flat
I’m going to continue to look for ways to get a bimax otherwise I’m thinking to do what my plastic surgeon was suggesting which is far grafts for the mid face. They’re about 5 k but if it gets me to that next level they’ll be worth it
Aah i think it is the lack of forward growth making you look flat
Yeah have the same problem
My face looks like a noob beside beings low bf since no forward growth :(
Yeah have the same problem
My face looks like a noob beside beings low bf since no forward growth :(
So am I just fucked or can bimax save me. Or can midface fillers or implants save?
So am I just fucked or can bimax save me. Or can midface fillers or implants save?
Man I researched a lot about it

theoretically bimax is the answer
But I don’t know I am not badly receded so I am afraid that bimax would only be a slight increase if at all

I never seen good results from class 1 bites patients

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