Story time


Deleted member 5927

I was enjoying myself when I first got out of boot camp and then immediately after I got out my fucking face started destroying itself with acne. I then cut off all my friends, went to crying in my room, everyone was constantly asking what happened to me, I looked disgusting, super greasy and oily, and then I hopped on large dose accutane and it cleared my skin up in about a months time. Then I slowly went back to going outside and everyone was like wtf happened to you. I never told them.

I grew my hair out, stayed on accutane, lost fat, ascended so hard in looks, then I just found out a month ago accutane was causing my hair to thin, it’s continued to fall out since, my oily ass skin has returned and I’m already experiencing my first breakout. So now my face is red, bloated, about to be covered in acne, and my hair is falling out. I’m so fucking ugly in such a short period of time and it’s so disheartening.
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Man's gone from bluepilled to ultra blackpilled in a week jfl
  • JFL
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Looks at 'similar threads'
Its all the same story by OP
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  • JFL
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Man's gone from bluepilled to ultra blackpilled in a week jfl
I was never bluepilled. I ALWAYS knew looks were everything. I just told everyone that you have to be the best version of yourself. Acne and hairloss are probably the two worst things that can happen to you and I have a severe case of both. The thing is it’s worse because I go from really good looking to SUBHUMAN in front of girls that used to talk to me. So it’s EMBARASSING as all hell. ESPECIALLY when my skin has large pus filled pimples. Imagine the feeling.
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I remember like few weeks ago you had everything in life and you were bragging about being fucking god himself. Today you are subhuman. Fastest descension known in human history.
I remember like few weeks ago you had everything in life and you were bragging about being fucking god himself. Today you are subhuman. Fastest descension known in human history.
JFL truly dude. I was borderline getting narcissistic. I was really enjoying life. I’m sorry if I kept fucking bragging. Maybe I deserve this. I don’t know but this truly isn’t my fault and it’s so unfortunate. May it end soon and may I return to being a mogger.
JFL truly dude. I was borderline getting narcissistic. I was really enjoying life. I’m sorry if I kept fucking bragging. Maybe I deserve this. I don’t know but this truly isn’t my fault and it’s so unfortunate. May it end soon and may I return to being a mogger.
No, you don't deserve this. Balding young is one of the worst shit can happen to young dude.
the similiar threads is cagefuel ngl
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Reactions: LowInhibIncel
the similiar threads is cagefuel ngl
I’m going mentally insane. Dude can you call me on discord I swear I’m not a total fucking tweaker I just need someone to talk to lmao
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Mussolini was bald don't worry lmao
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went to crying in my room
That's a very soyboy thing to do. You should never cry unless someone in your family died, otherwise, you're just like a child or a woman, not really a man. Women act like they want men to be as emotional as they are but in reality, they cannot respect such men because they are not masculine. I never cry for stupid reasons, even if my life was getting bad, even if I was depressed, I wouldn't cry, and in the rare cases where I would be sad, it would be on the inside, and the people around me wouldn't notice. That is how masculine men deal with their emotions, we keep them under control so that nobody can use them against us.

I don't know why but more and more men are becoming like you, they are unable to control their emotions and lash out like women, but that is not a normal thing, but feminism is trying to make it normal to make every new generation of men weaker than the previous one.

The best way to get rid of acne is to go see not a dermatologist, but a medical esthetician, they know far more about the looks of the face than any dermatologist ever could. They can even recommend the most effective skin care products, some of which are so powerful that they can remove acne overnight, or you can pay them to do a facial to remove all the blackheads from your face, which means you will have less acne in the future. They also have products to make your skin look better, and they are qualified to perform other looksmaxxing procedures (everything that is not a surgery).

Also, your acne will lessen as you get older, I had a ton of acne at 16 but it all went away when I was around 19 years old, so it really depends, I still get acne sometimes but only on my forehead under my fringe and only if my hair gets greasy for too long and it always goes away after some time.
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I’m going mentally insane. Dude can you call me on discord I swear I’m not a total fucking tweaker I just need someone to talk to lmao
im out rn but when im home
That's a very soyboy thing to do. You should never cry unless someone in your family died, otherwise, you're just like a child or a woman, not really a man. Women act like they want men to be as emotional as they are but in reality, they cannot respect such men because they are not masculine. I never cry for stupid reasons, even if my life was getting bad, even if I was depressed, I wouldn't cry, and in the rare cases where I would be sad, it would be on the inside, and the people around me wouldn't notice. That is how masculine men deal with their emotions, we keep them under control so that nobody can use them against us.

I don't know why but more and more men are becoming like you, they are unable to control their emotions and lash out like women, but that is not a normal thing, but feminism is trying to make it normal to make every new generation of men weaker than the previous one.

The best way to get rid of acne is to go see not a dermatologist, but a medical esthetician, they know far more about the looks of the face than any dermatologist ever could. They can even recommend the most effective skin care products, some of which are so powerful that they can remove acne overnight, or you can pay them to do a facial to remove all the blackheads from your face, which means you will have less acne in the future. They also have products to make your skin look better, and they are qualified to perform other looksmaxxing procedures (everything that is not a surgery).

Also, your acne will lessen as you get older, I had a ton of acne at 16 but it all went away when I was around 19 years old, so it really depends, I still get acne sometimes but only on my forehead under my fringe and only if my hair gets greasy for too long and it always goes away after some time.
Brother I am currently 20 years old and still struggle with acne. I have dealt with it since I was 15. I feel like it might not be quite as bad as it was, but it hasn’t changed much. The only thing is it changed from deep cysts to just pustules which look disgusting. There’s literally a pus filled center on every pimple I ever get.
That's a very soyboy thing to do. You should never cry unless someone in your family died, otherwise, you're just like a child or a woman, not really a man. Women act like they want men to be as emotional as they are but in reality, they cannot respect such men because they are not masculine. I never cry for stupid reasons, even if my life was getting bad, even if I was depressed, I wouldn't cry, and in the rare cases where I would be sad, it would be on the inside, and the people around me wouldn't notice. That is how masculine men deal with their emotions, we keep them under control so that nobody can use them against us.

I don't know why but more and more men are becoming like you, they are unable to control their emotions and lash out like women, but that is not a normal thing, but feminism is trying to make it normal to make every new generation of men weaker than the previous one.

The best way to get rid of acne is to go see not a dermatologist, but a medical esthetician, they know far more about the looks of the face than any dermatologist ever could. They can even recommend the most effective skin care products, some of which are so powerful that they can remove acne overnight, or you can pay them to do a facial to remove all the blackheads from your face, which means you will have less acne in the future. They also have products to make your skin look better, and they are qualified to perform other looksmaxxing procedures (everything that is not a surgery).

Also, your acne will lessen as you get older, I had a ton of acne at 16 but it all went away when I was around 19 years old, so it really depends, I still get acne sometimes but only on my forehead under my fringe and only if my hair gets greasy for too long and it always goes away after some time.
I like people like you. You act tough and all but if you started balding tommorow, got fucked up disease or something, you would off yourself in 2 days.
I like people like you. You act tough and all but if you started balding tommorow, got fucked up disease or something, you would off yourself in 2 days.
I don't act tough, all I'm saying is that men are becoming more and more feminine but I've always been more masculine, my voice is deep (not by an extreme amount but better than average) and I don't cry for stupid reasons.

Also, I'll never go bald, my hair has always been very thick and none of my parents or grandparents are bald.

I'm also not the type that would commit suicide, except if I was stuck in a country like North Korea.

All I'm saying is that it wouldn't hurt for young men to be more masculine, especially since women don't respect effeminate men.
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Is it true they feed you like shit in the military? I know so many people that are either in or recently got out and they're fat AF.
did you actually try using skincare products or did you hop straight on accutane
Is it true they feed you like shit in the military? I know so many people that are either in or recently got out and they're fat AF.
Dude I eat like a fucking king in the air force. Part of the reason I fucking joined was mainly because my parents abused the shit out of me and I couldn’t feed myself before this, so I joined the best military branch I could and I’m living like a fucking king now. Free shit everywhere I go, badass military stuff, plus I’m an in flight refueler so I have one of the coolest most fun jobs I could have ever asked for. Fuck being anything else, imagine working at a fucking desk.

Only issue now is my acne and hairloss. That’s it, the acne is way worse for me mentally than hairloss, though. I took a nap and just woke up and I’m feeling better though mentally. Sleep deprivation was fucking me up plus combined stress from like 9 hour long classes daily.
Dude I eat like a fucking king in the air force. Part of the reason I fucking joined was mainly because my parents abused the shit out of me and I couldn’t feed myself before this, so I joined the best military branch I could and I’m living like a fucking king now. Free shit everywhere I go, badass military stuff, plus I’m an in flight refueler so I have one of the coolest most fun jobs I could have ever asked for. Fuck being anything else, imagine working at a fucking desk.

Only issue now is my acne and hairloss. That’s it, the acne is way worse for me mentally than hairloss, though. I took a nap and just woke up and I’m feeling better though mentally. Sleep deprivation was fucking me up plus combined stress from like 9 hour long classes daily.
ah, the chair force, thank you for your service. The gym and no fap could spike your T and keep the hair you do have on your head.

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