Stupid fucking agecuck society deserves to die



Dec 4, 2023
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Falls water
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Agecucks are Mostly Older Women.
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"muh agecucks are the reason i can't have sex". seethe more, faggot.

i don't give a shit if they have anti pedo purges, the only people who get caught are all the biggest faggots and subhumans of society.

most pedos are faggots and leftists. fuck em
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Reactions: RAJ GHRANDHICK🗿, Jamaldickjavontus, gonion wanter and 2 others
"muh agecucks are the reason i can't have sex". seethe more, faggot.

i don't give a shit if they have anti pedo purges, the only people who get caught are all the biggest faggots and subhumans of society.

most pedos are faggots and leftists. fuck em
not a leftist i just dont want to live under clown world rules anymore. any young girl can go out and get gangbanged by a football team of boys her age meanwhile we can’t even approach her despite mogging the boys her age to oblivion

you would need to be an actual reddit tier homo soyboy feminist cuck to support the current system which i hope you aren’t
  • +1
  • JFL
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the age range they have right now is fine, 16 to 18. even 20 to 30 is good because that's the range ripe for marriage and breeding. onanism is disgusting and jewish
not a leftist i just dont want to live under clown world rules anymore. any young girl can go out and get gangbanged by a football team of boys her age meanwhile we can’t even approach her despite mogging the boys her age to oblivion

you would need to be an actual reddit tier homo soyboy feminist cuck to support the current system which i hope you aren’t
agreed, prime jb should be accessible by real men , not some soy boy teens
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the age range they have right now is fine, 16 to 18. even 20 to 30 is good because that's the range ripe for marriage and breeding. onanism is disgusting and jewish
nothing wrong with a 30 year old banging a 15 year old imo. Saying you disagree is something only a low t soy boy age cuck woudl think.
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welp you’re all a bunch of pedophiles
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nothing wrong with a 30 year old banging a 15 year old imo. Saying you disagree is something only a low t soy boy age cuck woudl think.
What r u doing if they bring this up at a job interview
"muh agecucks are the reason i can't have sex". seethe more, faggot.

i don't give a shit if they have anti pedo purges, the only people who get caught are all the biggest faggots and subhumans of society.

most pedos are faggots and leftists. fuck em
kill all child fuckers
What r u doing if they bring this up at a job interview
I'd tell that jew cocksucker that he stares at jb too so he needs to shut the fuck up
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I'd tell that jew cocksucker that he stares at jb too so he needs to shut the fuck up
What if he’s a normal functioning member of society and a decent human being with morals unlike you that has trouble resisting pedophilic urges lol
What if he’s a normal functioning member of society and a decent human being with morals unlike you that has trouble resisting pedophilic urges lol
your a fucking idiot if you think jb is a fucking kid.
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Reactions: ShowerMaxxing, 8uAte and klip11
your a fucking idiot if you think jb is a fucking kid.
Jb is 12-17 right? That’s a child. U have no problem with a 15 year old getting fucked by someone twice their age. Ur a fucking pedophile
Jb is 12-17 right? That’s a child. U have no problem with a 15 year old getting fucked by someone twice their age. Ur a fucking pedophile
Alright go enjoy your used up 30 year old roastie soy boy . If I ever saw your bitch ass I'd duel your soy boy looking ass. I'll make things fair , you can bring a old 30 year old hole as well since you like those old foids so much .
  • +1
  • Ugh..
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Alright go enjoy your used up 30 year old roastie soy boy . If I ever saw your bitch ass I'd duel your soy boy looking ass. I'll make things fair , you can bring a old 30 year old hole as well since you like those old foids so much .
I’m 15. Also 30 is not used up roastie pussy yet. That’d be like 45+, 30 is young jfl. Are we doing hand to hand combat?
I’m 15. Also 30 is not used up roastie pussy yet. That’d be like 45+, 30 is young jfl. Are we doing hand to hand combat?
When your a teen cel you find older pussy more attractive. You think milfs are hot. This will change a lot at the age of 22-24. You then will realize the matrix lied to you.

It doesn't matter how its done, you need some fucking sense in you boy. How do you think you secure a loyal partner. Like dogs they need to be influenced while young. Otherwise their used up goods
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Reactions: Shycel, Xtra and 8uAte
When your a teen cel you find older pussy more attractive. You think milfs are hot. This will change a lot at the age of 22-24. You then will realize the matrix lied to you.

It doesn't matter how its done, you need some fucking sense in you boy. How do you think you secure a loyal partner. Like dogs they need to be influenced while young. Otherwise their used up goods
Dnr. I need prime white milf pussy and nothing else. Ur a pedophile for thinking 15 and 30 is acceptable. Kys incel, i mog u into the dirt
Dnr. I need prime white milf pussy and nothing else. Ur a pedophile for thinking 15 and 30 is acceptable. Kys incel, i mog u into the dirt
ur 15 u don’t mog anyone retard
  • +1
Reactions: 8uAte and AscensionMan98
Dnr. I need prime white milf pussy and nothing else. Ur a pedophile for thinking 15 and 30 is acceptable. Kys incel, i mog u into the dirt
I'll beat the holy hell out of you so much that age cuck nonsense comes out of that tiny brain
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Bro is a subhuman in a subhuman soviety so he’s looking for minors. What a nasty human are you
  • WTF
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I'll beat the holy hell out of you so much that age cuck nonsense comes out of that tiny brain
I’m 6’5” 274lbs lol u can’t even stand next to me in a photo let alone beat the holy hell out of me nigger
I’m 6’5” 274lbs lol u can’t even stand next to me in a photo let alone beat the holy hell out of me nigger
The modern age has modern solutions to problems like you
  • +1
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Jb is 12-17 right? That’s a child. U have no problem with a 15 year old getting fucked by someone twice their age. Ur a fucking pedophile
pedophile = sexual attraction to prepubescent children

15 is not prepubescent by definition, that's 13 and under.

get your facts straight 6'5 manlet i mog you
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  • WTF
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Bunch of seething tards here

“Dude! We should be allowed to fuck kids, I can’t get any girls my age! They’re all hoes anyways!”

Cope harder, pedos
Bunch of seething tards here

“Dude! We should be allowed to fuck kids, I can’t get any girls my age! They’re all hoes anyways!”

Cope harder, pedos
You utter fucking idiot it was never about that. It's about choice . Your like the same American idiots that think wanting a proper train service means your anti car.

I don't want some old used up roastie . A hot 20 year old is awesome but men should have the choice to also bang hot 15 year olds. Their hotter then a old ass 20 year old foid. That's common sense .

But our age cuck society thansk to idiots like you makes it seem like this natural attraction is something bad
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Bunch of seething tards here

“Dude! We should be allowed to fuck kids, I can’t get any girls my age! They’re all hoes anyways!”

Cope harder, pedos
there isn’t anything wrong with not wanting to fuck kids, but crying about it makes you a whiny cuck who gets offended by things that have nothing to do with him, literal jewish reddit tier cuckold behaviour that belongs nowhere near this site
  • +1
Reactions: 8uAte
pedophile = sexual attraction to prepubescent children

15 is not prepubescent by definition, that's 13 and under.

get your facts straight 6'5 manlet i mog you
You literally can't explain the difference between pedophilia, hebephilia and ephebophilia without sounding like you're a pedophile. The fact you're bringing up elementary definitions of what a pedophile *technically*** is as a refutation displays to me your retardation.

Let me ask you directly, do YOU think a 30 year old man fucking a 15 year old girl is acceptable?
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You literally can't explain the difference between pedophilia, hebephilia and ephebophilia without sounding like you're defending pedophiles. The fact you're bringing up elementary definitions of what a pedophile *technically*** is displays to me your retardation.
i didnt use the terms hebephilia and ephebophilia, i just said thats not what a pedophile is, its like saying a person who just turned 18 fucking a girl thats 15 about to turn 16 (2 year gap) is a pedophile, if that was the case everyone would be calling romeo one who was 20 and juliet was 15-16
Let me ask you directly, do YOU think a 30 year old man fucking a 15 year old girl is acceptable?
its legal so hell yeah, where can i sign up at 30? Sign me the fuck up.
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i didnt use the terms hebephilia and ephebophilia, i just said thats not what a pedophile is, its like saying a person who just turned 18 fucking a girl thats 15 about to turn 16 (2 year gap) is a pedophile
That's not comparable. I'm talking about a girl (15) getting literally raped by a dude twice her age. That's pedophilia. Nothing comparable to 18 & 15, or 17 & 14, even though that may be perceived as depraved.
if that was the case everyone would be calling romeo one who was 20 and juliet was 15-16
Shakespeare was a homosexual pedophile.
its legal so hell yeah, where can i sign up at 30? Sign me the fuck up.
Cell Block B
  • WTF
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That's not comparable. I'm talking about a girl (15) getting literally raped by a dude twice her age. That's pedophilia. Nothing comparable to 18 & 15, or 17 & 14, even though that may be perceived as depraved.
30 and 18 are both adults, 18 ok but 30 no? Wrong.
Shakespeare was a homosexual pedophile.
no one thinks that trust
Cell Block B
I said sign me up, did you not hear?
30 and 18 are both adults, 18 ok but 30 no? Wrong.
18 is not an adult. 18 is legal, but not an adult. I'd say after 25 you can pretty much do whatever the fuck you want, the difference between 12 and 15 is as virtual of a difference as 15 and 18, and 18 and 21. After 25 you're grown and can suck and fuck as many old hairy dicks you desire, I literally don't care. And after 25 you shouldn't be fucking jailbait. There is no real definitive line that's drawn to where it becomes acceptable (17 & 20 is okay but 17 & 21 isn't, etcetera...), but IMO there doesn't need to be. I feel like it's neurobiologically hardwired into our brains that going balls deep in someone less than half your age is evil and disgusting. If I was 30 I would know better not to contrive some sort of inappropriate relationship with a JB that doesn't know any better, that's literally grooming.
no one thinks that trust
Shakespeare was a little gay british twink that groomed minors and I'd happily rape him
I said sign me up, did you not hear?
No, I did. Cell Block B
there isn’t anything wrong with not wanting to fuck kids, but crying about it makes you a whiny cuck who gets offended by things that have nothing to do with him, literal jewish reddit tier cuckold behaviour that belongs nowhere near this site
You retard, you can’t give a logical rationale other than “it’s biology brooo and everyone else is a Jewish cuck, I’m based”:feelskek:
Did u see that 6’9 Chad Dr. Disrespect got cancelled and chased by the mob. They completely forgot about the real pedophile rings like Epstein island and hollyweird. The funniest part, girl in question was 17, same for drake. Or minecraft youtuber Carson lost his career cuz he was texting a 17yo as a 19yo man jflllll
  • +1
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You retard, you can’t give a logical rationale other than “it’s biology brooo and everyone else is a Jewish cuck, I’m based”:feelskek:
crying about something that doesn’t involve you or affect you in any way is cucked. there’s the logic. high e redditors and women cry about random stuff, crying about pedos fucking random kids or wanting to fuck kids puts you on the same foot as them
You literally can't explain the difference between pedophilia, hebephilia and ephebophilia without sounding like you're a pedophile. The fact you're bringing up elementary definitions of what a pedophile *technically*** is as a refutation displays to me your retardation.

Let me ask you directly, do YOU think a 30 year old man fucking a 15 year old girl is acceptable?

Yes chad
I hate pedo "hunters"
Their a bunch of virtue signaling idiots that fell hard for the age cuck nonsense. Its only in cuckmerica and to a lesser extent uk and Australia that this bullshit happens. Doesn't happen anywhere else in the world.
crying about something that doesn’t involve you or affect you in any way is cucked. there’s the logic. high e redditors and women cry about random stuff, crying about pedos fucking random kids or wanting to fuck kids puts you on the same foot as them
That’s a terrible ideology, you act like I spend time hunting down pedos. Thoughts don’t take energy to be correct
If she's gone through puberty she's fair game.

If you're a pedo and need them pre puberty then move to CA or about 10+ countries that allow pedos and become a part of the LGBeastialityTQPedo group. PEDOS can't control their urges as it's natural and are born that way and society must accept them. This is what the Edomite/Canaanite Jews are already pushing. Soon bestiality and pedophilia is going to be legalized internationally.
Give all pedos and rapists the death penalty

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