Stupid fucking agecuck society deserves to die

Give all pedos and rapists the death penalty
Nah, castrate them and let them rot in prison, but at least give them a chance to receive salvation. If they fail then their eternity shall be 100x qorse than they can even possibly imagine. The things they did on earth they shall receive but it's going to be exponentially worse and for eternity.
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Reactions: Jamaldickjavontus
Nah, castrate them and let them rot in prison, but at least give them a chance to receive salvation. If they fail then their eternity shall be 100x qorse than they can even possibly imagine. The things they did on earth they shall receive but it's going to be exponentially worse and for eternity.
Wise castrate them and remove their balls so they can’t act out their intent
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Reactions: King Solomon
Did u see that 6’9 Chad Dr. Disrespect got cancelled and chased by the mob. They completely forgot about the real pedophile rings like Epstein island and hollyweird. The funniest part, girl in question was 17, same for drake. Or minecraft youtuber Carson lost his career cuz he was texting a 17yo as a 19yo man jflllll
That's americucks summed up. Acting like 17 is some fucking baby when they let 15 year olds drive 15000kg death machines with some basic driving tests anyone can pass .
Nah, castrate them and let them rot in prison, but at least give them a chance to receive salvation. If they fail then their eternity shall be 100x qorse than they can even possibly imagine. The things they did on earth they shall receive but it's going to be exponentially worse and for eternity.
do u believe homosexuality is not as bad as heterosexual pedophilia?
do u believe homosexuality is not as bad as heterosexual pedophilia?
Protecting innocent children is a major priority for society as they shouldn't be subject to this in any manner. Homosexuality does decay a society morally and hurts the overall birth rate but the act of homosexuality itself isn't corrupting or destroying innocent children or at least not even close to the extent of pedophilia. If I had to rate the 2 on a scale of immorality of 1-10 I'd put pedo as a 10 and homosexuality as a 7. In terms of being bad for society I'd put Pedo as a 9.5 and homosexuality as a 8 as both have a major impact on the decay of society. I've never contemplated this specific topic before and as of right noq this is my stance on this matter.
Protecting innocent children is a major priority for society as they shouldn't be subject to this in any manner. Homosexuality does decay a society morally and hurts the overall birth rate but the act of homosexuality itself isn't corrupting or destroying innocent children or at least not even close to the extent of pedophilia. If I had to rate the 2 on a scale of immorality of 1-10 I'd put pedo as a 10 and homosexuality as a 7. In terms of being bad for society I'd put Pedo as a 9.5 and homosexuality as a 8 as both have a major impact on the decay of society. I've never contemplated this specific topic before and as of right noq this is my stance on this matter.
Why does the Bible prescribe the death penalty for homosexuality in Leviticus but not pedophilia?
Fair enough.
Jesus does mention harming children in the NT

Matthew 18:6, Jesus says, “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”
Jesus does mention harming children in the NT

Matthew 18:6, Jesus says, “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”
That verse is not about children.

“Offend” in this context means ‘cause to sin’, how can molesting a kid aged 5 cause them to sin?

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