

Jan 5, 2019

Its just puberty bro
He just grew up bro
Different lighting bro

btw he has higher body fat now than he did before
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i mewed for 2 year and i just got worse lol
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Mewing sounds like a cope to me.
I want to believe it will work but it's like believing in a God.
This guy's transformation is the result of puberty yeah.
Mewing sounds like a cope to me.
I want to believe it will work but it's like believing in a God.
This guy's transformation is the result of puberty yeah.
puberty jfl if u think mewing will make u a model stop this fucking pseudoscience scam
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No mewing for your long bones
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Probably gonna sound like one of these false hope copers but every little bit helps to looksmax
Better to mew and see if it changes anything than to not mew also its better for ur health G
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I have never heard any legit reasons for why mewing supposedly doesn't work.

I made a thread asking for anyone to explain to me why, but all I heard was a plain "It doesn't work"
But why it doesn't work they didn't explain.

Yet the other side- mewers- have so much evidence supporting mewing.
No mewing for your long bones
"no mewing for your hairline", "no mewing for your autism"
I have heard this so many times on here that I almost believe that those are supposed to be genuine arguments against mewing.
Probably gonna sound like one of these false hope copers but every little bit helps to looksmax
Better to mew and see if it changes anything than to not mew also its better for ur health G
Why not also do an Infinitife number of other unsubstantiated copes? Why also not try to hang upside down for 24 hours as it may increase your height? This is why humanity came up with the scientist method so we don’t have to deal with shit posts like the OP. Androgens I’m puberty and late puberty has a massive documented influence in facial fat disteibutio and mandibular growth according to your own individual genetic blueprint. That’s why we have negative and positive controls in science
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Why not also do an Infinitife number of other unsubstantiated copes? Why also not try to hang upside down for 24 hours as it may increase your height? This is why humanity came up with the scientist method so we don’t have to deal with shit posts like the OP. Androgens I’m puberty and late puberty has a massive documented influence in facial fat disteibutio and mandibular growth according to your own individual genetic blueprint. That’s why we have negative and positive controls in science
do roids do anything to face atage 20? i kind of feel my face changed on this cycle im on but idk what it is
it's like believing in a God.
Except there is evidence for it.

And it's not even evidence directly coming from people who've successfully mewed, but from people who did the exact opposite.
Stroke victims and people who have been in a coma for a long ass time all have "molten" parts of the face, which is proof that bones can alter under the forces of gravity, so it makes sense to believe that they can also alter under forces of the tongue.
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They can aid with fat loss and slightly change facial fat distribution (temporarily while on cycle)
Except there is evidence for it.

And it's not even evidence directly coming from people who've successfully mewed, but from people who did the exact opposite.
Stroke victims and people who have been in a coma for a long ass time all have "molten" parts of the face, which is proof that bones can alter under the forces of gravity, so it makes sense to believe that they can also alter under forces of the tongue.

Profoundly wrong post mixed with some legit truth sprinkled in. A person with no scientific background could be swayed by pseudoscience posts like this
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They can aid with fat loss and slightly change facial fat distribution (temporarily while on cycle)

Profoundly wrong post mixed with some legit truth sprinkled in. A person with no scientific background could be swayed by pseudoscience posts like this
Nothing but empty talk. "Profoundly wrong post" Yet you don't explain why, just like all mew heretics.
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Except there is evidence for it.

And it's not even evidence directly coming from people who've successfully mewed, but from people who did the exact opposite.
Stroke victims and people who have been in a coma for a long ass time all have "molten" parts of the face, which is proof that bones can alter under the forces of gravity, so it makes sense to believe that they can also alter under forces of the tongue.
Perhaps your face gets worse if you DO NOT have the correct tongue posture. If you do have the correct tongue posture after the face has been fucked up, further damage can be prevented but the face itself cannot get better, so the damage is irreparable.
That's just my point of view.
Obviously I will still mew once I'm able to but I don't expect any change.
Perhaps your face gets worse if you DO NOT have the correct tongue posture. If you do have the correct tongue posture after the face has been fucked up, further damage can be prevented but the face itself cannot get better, so the damage is irreparable.
That's just my point of view.
Obviously I will still mew once I'm able to but I don't expect any change.
I honestly don't get what kind of mental gymnastics you are doing.
Why would bone be able to bend in one direction (backwards and downwards), but not forewards and upwards?
So gravity can pull the bone down, but the tongue can't lift the bone up?
I don't get it.

Imma just link this thread again as a monthly reminder for you heretics.
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Perhaps your face gets worse if you DO NOT have the correct tongue posture. If you do have the correct tongue posture after the face has been fucked up, further damage can be prevented but the face itself cannot get better, so the damage is irreparable.
That's just my point of view.
Obviously I will still mew once I'm able to but I don't expect any change.
I agree that results in adults are extremely mediocre. Not only does it take a ton of effort to even get used to having the entire tongue up in the back part if your face is recessed, but it might take months of doing this every single day to even get the small amount of tongue space you need to actually be able to breathe in this position.

Not only that, but if you can't mew with the entire back tongue on the roof of the mouth, then it's unlikely that you'll be able to do it while you're asleep, which will set back your progress.

I believe that within say 5 years, if someone had absolute perfect oral posture both day and night, their face would change quite drastically. First the palate, and once the palate has widened, the maxilla would come up and forward. A problem could be the jaw not coming out far enough, and I'm not sure if mastication (fancy word for chewing hard foods, or just using the chewing muscles in general) extremely often could help promote bone growth in adults, as it has been proven that chewing hard foods helps promote bone growth and widen the jaw and give space for the lower teeth to prevent crowding in children.

The issue is, most people are simply not able to maintain the posture, and the ones that do it throughout the day, still probably are unable throughout the night. We need help from actual professionals, we need innovations in terms of applianced for adults, treatments that when paired with fixing oral posture and exercises helps adults achieve quicker, better results. But I have a feeling the orthodontic industry aren't going to let that happen anytime soon. "It's just genetic", am I right?
I will explain why Mewing doesn't work in adults.

First off, let's get the tongue posture thing out of the way. There is evidence that in ADOLESCENCE that proper tongue positioning will ensure the jaws develop correctly by enforcing correct positioning of the face muscles and tongue such that the bones grow in to correct position. Even mainstream orthodontists and dentists encourage this. This is not revolutionary nor exclusive to Mike Mew.

Once the sutures of the maxilla have fused, there is no physiological way for a person to be able to apply enough mechanical force to change the shape of the bones. It is physiologically NOT possible. The only way you can make bones move once they are fused is with SURGICALLY ASSISTED RAPID MAXILLARY EXPANSION (SARPE). This requires cutting the bone and using a device that puts tremendous force on the bones to push them apart a little bit at a time while allowing the bone to heal itself in the cut, much the same way a broken bone heals.

You cannot change the shape of bones once they are fully developed without cutting or breaking them. Resistance training can increase density of bone, but nothing short of cutting/breaking can remodel bone. Bone can also lose density and shrink in volume, but that is it.

Mewing can only possibly work if you are still growing. It is the least likely to make any significant change as muscular forces are simply not strong enough in almost all cases to create significant change.
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I will explain why Mewing doesn't work in adults.

First off, let's get the tongue posture thing out of the way. There is evidence that in ADOLESCENCE that proper tongue positioning will ensure the jaws develop correctly by enforcing correct positioning of the face muscles and tongue such that the bones grow in to correct position. Even mainstream orthodontists and dentists encourage this. This is not revolutionary nor exclusive to Mike Mew.

Once the sutures of the maxilla have fused, there is no physiological way for a person to be able to apply enough mechanical force to change the shape of the bones. It is physiologically NOT possible. The only way you can make bones move once they are fused is with SURGICALLY ASSISTED RAPID MAXILLARY EXPANSION (SARPE). This requires cutting the bone and using a device that puts tremendous force on the bones to push them apart a little bit at a time while allowing the bone to heal itself in the cut, much the same way a broken bone heals.

You cannot change the shape of bones once they are fully developed without cutting or breaking them. Resistance training can increase density of bone, but nothing short of cutting/breaking can remodel bone. Bone can also lose density and shrink in volume, but that is it.

Mewing can only possibly work if you are still growing. It is the least likely to make any significant change as muscular forces are simply not strong enough in almost all cases to create significant change.
suifuiel tbh let me cope thinking my palate will widen and that i'll be able to sleep properly one day please
That’s actually not much of a transformation- just fat loss and massager hypertrophy. The real impressive mewing results are the people who shift their maxilla forward. Look at gruuuup’s before and after on the great work forum. He lined his eyes and ears up and the maxilla itself moved forward a few millimeters. His ramus also got noticeably longer. Not just bigger chewing muscles but a change in gonial angle.

Mewing might be wishful thinking to some but it’s worth trying if you’re willing to put in the effort.
suifuiel tbh let me cope thinking my palate will widen and that i'll be able to sleep properly one day please
Chin advancement can help open up the airways. It doesn't require cutting of the maxilla.
That’s actually not much of a transformation- just fat loss and massager hypertrophy. The real impressive mewing results are the people who shift their maxilla forward. Look at gruuuup’s before and after on the great work forum. He lined his eyes and ears up and the maxilla itself moved forward a few millimeters. His ramus also got noticeably longer. Not just bigger chewing muscles but a change in gonial angle.

Mewing might be wishful thinking to some but it’s worth trying if you’re willing to put in the effort.
picture please of gruuuup’s face i cant find his profile man
Look at gruuuup’s before and after on the great work forum. He lined his eyes and ears up and the maxilla itself moved forward a few millimeters. His ramus also got noticeably longer. Not just bigger chewing muscles but a change in gonial angle.
That's not possible. You cannot move fused bone without breaking or cutting it. Some physiology education is warranted when making these Mew claims. There is no mechanism by which enough force can be put on bone through the tongue to move it. Do you have any idea how much force is required to move bone even a little? Thousands of pounds over extended periods of time.
Why not also do an Infinitife number of other unsubstantiated copes? Why also not try to hang upside down for 24 hours as it may increase your height? This is why humanity came up with the scientist method so we don’t have to deal with shit posts like the OP. Androgens I’m puberty and late puberty has a massive documented influence in facial fat disteibutio and mandibular growth according to your own individual genetic blueprint. That’s why we have negative and positive controls in science

theres a limit to how rediculous a looksmax theory is imo. if you are a rational human you'd not hang upside down for 24 hours becouse that may increase your height becouse its a WASTE OF TIME. mewing tho you can do anytime, anywhere. it costs not nearly the effort of all the other shit. and if they say that it PROBABLY might work hey why the fuck not it sounds logical hanging from a fucking ceiling is a waste of time and unlogical imo man
sorry for my poor sentance making btw im not english
That's not possible. You cannot move fused bone without breaking or cutting it. Some physiology education is warranted when making these Mew claims. There is no mechanism by which enough force can be put on bone through the tongue to move it. Do you have any idea how much force is required to move bone even a little? Thousands of pounds over extended periods of time.

Nope you’re wrong and using old outdated theories. This 70 year old proved bone can change after puberty

Fast forward to the x ray before and afters
That's not possible. You cannot move fused bone without breaking or cutting it. Some physiology education is warranted when making these Mew claims. There is no mechanism by which enough force can be put on bone through the tongue to move it. Do you have any idea how much force is required to move bone even a little? Thousands of pounds over extended periods of time.
I'm pretty sure the sutures in the skull never actually completely fuse. I have no source, but I think you should look into this, it's very likely that movement is possible with appliances or devices that excert force in a way that emulate correct tongue posture. No sources personally, but I've heard this many cases and have searched up some results from different new treatments, which showed that bone movement is possible in adults, at least at the sutures.

But you're right. Maxiliary development is simply not going to happen at all in adults only though mewing, only surgically assisted as you mentioned. But there have been measurable cases of people getting palatal expansion in the upper arch using mewing on The Great Work forum without surgery. I definitely believe expanding the palate is possible in adults. Pushing the entire maxilla up and forward is a much different beast, which is why I hope we do a lot of research on this stuff while also spreading awareness to parents and figure out what parts of our modern lifestyles we can improve to help prevent these problems from occuring in the future for children. An ounce of prevension is worth a pound of cure.
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What skeptics don’t realize is that orthodox medicine is riddled with asshats who launch insults at anyone who presents new research or studies that go against the grain. Researchers are thus very reluctant to publish their findings but it doesn’t mean significant findings have not been made in the science of bone growth. Do you really think theories from the 1900s are going to be totally accurate over a hundred years later with all the technological advancements we’ve seen?
Except there is evidence for it.

And it's not even evidence directly coming from people who've successfully mewed, but from people who did the exact opposite.
Stroke victims and people who have been in a coma for a long ass time all have "molten" parts of the face, which is proof that bones can alter under the forces of gravity, so it makes sense to believe that they can also alter under forces of the tongue.
The force of gravity is much stronger than the tongue force. Also for mewing to be legit, it has to work better than a control group (a group that doesnt mew). It's impossible to attribute singular changes to mewing when anything else could have caused it unless in our numbers the people who mewed for enough time are more attractive than the people who didn't. Mike mew could easily solve this by investigating it in an actual study but he never has for some reason. I think that reason should be apparent. I don't know if he makes money from mewing but think about it even if he doesn't the thing is named after him. He strokes his ego with mewing, he likes the following and attention he gets. I mew to make my submental region look better (muscles get tighter there when you mew, making it look less saggy) with no other expectations personally.
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Why also not try to hang upside down for 24 hours as it may increase your height?

Because that would actively take 24 hours away from your daily life, meanwhile you subconsciously ‘mew’ passively for the whole day, it takes no effort, you don’t look stupid and you don’t snore anymore.
Changing just your tongue posture and getting better sleep? For that only it is worth it, excluding bone changes during puberty.
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Because that would actively take 24 hours away from your daily life, meanwhile you subconsciously ‘mew’ passively for the whole day, it takes no effort, you don’t look stupid and you don’t snore anymore.
Changing just your tongue posture and getting better sleep? For that only it is worth it, excluding bone changes during puberty.
Incorrect answer. Hanging upside down for 24 hours would not increase long bone growth. This is legit retarded, the amount of ignorance here is staggering. I would be happy to have discussions on the recently discovered (nature news) stem cell progenitor pool in growth plates of long bones but I am not gonna lose time on this shit.

Mechanical load can alter the density of bone by upregulating the activity of osteoblasts. bone DENSITY. Do you know what this means? More hydroxypatite deposition in your bones, more MINERALS. Mechanical load (through muscular action of the tongue) will not SHIFT your facial/cranium bones. And it sure as hell wont SHIFT THEM in an arbitrary desired way (LMAO) to make you look like a male model.
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Incorrect answer. Hanging upside down for 24 hours would not increase long bone growth. This is legit retarded, the amount of ignorance here is staggering.
Where did I claim that hanging upside down would increase long bone growth? :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:
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You implied it. It would take all your time to do this...jfl. No even if you were a lunatic and tried it you would see this exact amount of long bone growth ------> 0
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I'm pretty sure the sutures in the skull never actually completely fuse. I have no source, but I think you should look into this, it's very likely that movement is possible with appliances or devices that excert force in a way that emulate correct tongue posture. No sources personally, but I've heard this many cases and have searched up some results from different new treatments, which showed that bone movement is possible in adults, at least at the sutures.

But you're right. Maxiliary development is simply not going to happen at all in adults only though mewing, only surgically assisted as you mentioned. But there have been measurable cases of people getting palatal expansion in the upper arch using mewing on The Great Work forum without surgery. I definitely believe expanding the palate is possible in adults. Pushing the entire maxilla up and forward is a much different beast, which is why I hope we do a lot of research on this stuff while also spreading awareness to parents and figure out what parts of our modern lifestyles we can improve to help prevent these problems from occuring in the future for children. An ounce of prevension is worth a pound of cure.

This is not entirely incorrect. The mid-palatal suture doesn't really fuse completely. Now tell me how millimeters of widening of your palate (achievable through conventional methods btw) would enhance your jaw/mandible, move your cheekbones, lift your maxilla up, give you hunter eyes and all this coping bullshit that you can only see in incel forums.
The mid-palatal suture doesn't really fuse completely.

Not only that but all cranial bones don’t fuse.
You have sutures all over the skull.
Mewing is cope/thread
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Implying that pressing with your tongue will shift and alter the shape of your skull?
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Implying that pressing with your tongue will shift and alter the shape of your skull?

Maybe, let’s wait until Mr. Mew gives us evidence, the burden of proof lies on him.
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I truly hope you are kidding
The more I read these forums the more i see massive opportunities to scam a shit ton of people. Especially teenagers
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I truly hope you are kidding
The more I read these forums the more i see massive opportunities to scam a shit ton of people. Especially teenagers

Where is Mr. Mew scamming teenagers?
Is he a coping vampire, sucking the teenager’s coping energy and the mewing™ stance allows him to do that?
The force of gravity is much stronger than the tongue force. Also for mewing to be legit, it has to work better than a control group (a group that doesnt mew). It's impossible to attribute singular changes to mewing when anything else could have caused it unless in our numbers the people who mewed for enough time are more attractive than the people who didn't. Mike mew could easily solve this by investigating it in an actual study but he never has for some reason. I think that reason should be apparent. I don't know if he makes money from mewing but think about it even if he doesn't the thing is named after him. He strokes his ego with mewing, he likes the following and attention he gets. I mew to make my submental region look better (muscles get tighter there when you mew, making it look less saggy) with no other expectations personally.
You honestly believe this scumbag British Mew guy doesn’t make money off of gullible people who are insecure about their looks? He even has a private practice... there is a YouTuber who scams people by charging them for 1h Skype advice on how to press the roof of your mouth with your tongue. 2 things I hate most. Scientific illiteracy (inability to understand scientific literature ) and unethical people with no integrity
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YouTube fame bringing in people in his practice
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YouTube fame bringing in people in his practice
Yeah he sure is famous with 5k views on his videos.
The only thing I see is certain people selling ‘le secret mewmewing™‘ technique to gullible people.
You can go on about how it is obvious that Mr. Mew paid all those YouTubers and there is a conspiracy to get the pocket money of all teenagers across the world.
Mike Mew has a massive appeal to the incel community online and a bunch of people insecure with their looks. Word of mouth gets him clients. The other YouTube guy is not paid by Mew he makes
Money off of stupid people capitalizing on the naivety and hope of insecure incel teenagers. For advice on how to put their tongue on the roof of their mouth which as we all know is rocket science
  • +1
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Mike Mew has a massive appeal to the incel community online and a bunch of people insecure with their looks. Word of mouth gets him clients. The other YouTube guy is not paid by Mew he makes
Money off of stupid people capitalizing on the naivety and hope of insecure incel teenagers. For advice on how to put their tongue on the roof of their mouth which as we all know is rocket science
35537 He’s here the God himself! ?
Word of mouth gets him clients.
Sure, but waiting for people to go into his Orthodontist office to scam them out of their money is really inefficient.
Not something a scamming mastermind would do.
More efficient would be selling online lessons for 50 dollars, and deleting all of his videos on how to do the mewmewing™, turning his forum into a 5 dollar per month membership skit and uploading vlogs how he travels the world.
Incorrect. Subtle scams are always the best.
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