Surgery Advice JAW



Oct 24, 2019
Already went to Taban for almond eye + infraorbital rim implants

Going to Eppley next for wraparound jaw + zygomatic arch/malar implant (wish Taban did this instead of his infraorbital implant without the malar portion)

Anyone reliable here who can give me advice on how to design my wraparound jaw implant?
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@facemaxxed is it you?
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No but this thread is @ him tbh
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I wouldn’t recommend a jaw implant from Eppley.

Path of least resistance cuck
pAtH Of lEaSt rEsIsTaNcE CuCk
pAtH Of lEaSt rEsIsTaNcE CuCk

Yeah that’s what happens when you have PSL autists shilling the same 3 doctors even tho there are several in LA alone that are arguably better than them all for the past 5 years...

It creates a monopoly where these surgeons can do whatever they want and create a favorable, low risk business module.

Also nice cowardly job not tagging me didn’t you say you blocked me lmfao?

He started off as a maxfac then realized he could scam autists into putting 10+ 20k plastic implants in people’s faces per day that take 45 minutes with minimal risks

Plastic surgery is a business and he’s at a stage where he doesn’t want to take physical risks even if that means measurable aesthetic benefit.

I wouldn’t be surprised if you get commission from these surgeons for shilling plastic 24/7 on here even though you’re too much of a low T cuck to ever get any yourself.

Same with all of the other plastic jaw shillers on this website. Tell everyone what to do with their bodies yet they’ll never get them in their life themselves. Your words are as good as dogshit
  • +1
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Yeah that’s what happens when you have PSL autists shilling the same 3 doctors even tho there are several in LA alone that are arguably better than them all for the past 5 years...

Also nice cowardly job not tagging me didn’t you say you blocked me lmfao?

He started off as a maxfac then realized he could scam autists into putting 10+ 20k plastic implants in people’s faces per day that take 45 minutes with minimal risks

Plastic surgery is a business and he’s at a stage where he doesn’t want to take physical risks even if that means measurable aesthetic benefit.

I wouldn’t be surprised if you get commission from these surgeons for shilling plastic 24/7 on here even though you’re too much of a low T cuck to ever get any yourself.
Not gonna read anything you just wrote but
Why do you give a shit about me if I'm so unimportant to you?

Same with all of the other plastic jaw shillers on this website. Tell everyone what to do with their bodies yet they’ll never get them in their life themselves. Your words are as good as dogshit
You're doing exactly the same but instead promote sketchy fucks from Europe, like the one that did the surgery of the user who got stickied and turned into shit.
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Not gonna read anything you just wrote but
Why do you give a shit about me if I'm so unimportant to you?
I respond to everyone in depth, not just you. Ironic that you mentioned me, not the other way around, yet you claim I give a shit about you.

Algae tier IQ. Almost all of our interactions start off by you crying for me.

It’s painfully obvious my words painfully hurt and affect you. That’s why you can’t bare to read the responses and block me so you can stay in your own delusional world.

Its me who has this profound affect on you that nobody else does. Never forget this
I respond to everyone in depth, not just you. Ironic that you mentioned me, not the other way around, yet you claim I give a shit about you.

Algae tier IQ. Almost all of our interactions start off by you crying for me.

It’s painfully obvious my words painfully hurt and affect you. That’s why you can’t bare to read the responses and block me so you can stay in your own delusional world.
No most of your posts are shit that's why I don't read more than a sentence of what you write. And lol at coping by thinking you give in depth answers, you write like a low IQ retard from misc and just cry about Eppley not turning your subhuman face into Chad.. cry a little more and have your face cut in half to end up back to step one, a total miserable subhuman. Not even sorry for you.
No most of your posts are shit that's why I don't read more than a sentence of what you write. And lol at coping by thinking you give in depth answers, you write like a low IQ retard from misc and just cry about Eppley not turning your subhuman face into Chad.. cry a little more and have your face cut in half to end up back to step one, a total miserable subhuman. Not even sorry for you.
Lol I moneymog and slaymog you to death and I don’t even need to know what you look like to know so.

You’re an uninformed pseudo intellectual who’s done nothing. Zero. Your word is dogshit. You like to talk here about silicone after you get home from being bullied in school to cope. You are too high inhib to get surgery or to stop yourself from
Being bullied. All the posts I’ve seen from you on here are you getting slapped around and bullied into submission by curry teenagers

I’m doing just fine..comparing each other is like comparing a slave to its master’ll always inevitably lose because you’re inferior, and that’s why you give up and block me.

But you’re so interested in me and my posts that you unblock me to lurk, and comment on stuff I do while I ignore you and never mention you..

Just like you try to stop yourself and even tell yourself that you’re not going to read my posts..then read them all in depth and respond to every point like my dog.

It’s painfully obvious that you’re my dancing bitch who I mog to death. Just accept it.
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Lol I moneymog and slaymog you to death and I don’t even need to know what you look like to know so.

You’re an uninformed pseudo intellectual
This is where I stopped reading, I have provided tons of info from different sources on why what you say is bullshit and you're just doing the same thing, coping and crying like a pussy because your subhuman facial base didn't improve with Eppley's implants. If you get double jaw you'll likely get a negligible, mediocre result but will still come back here and cope about it being superior because you're still suffering from the TBIs by the Chad's blows to the head you got back in middle school, when all the jocks were beating you up almost daily to death in the lockers.

As long as I keep seeing misinformation and dirty-mouthed subhumans like you who keep spreading broscientific BS I will speak no matter what.
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  • +1
Reactions: 6'4 looksmaxxxer
As long as I keep seeing misinformation and dirty-mouthed subhumans like you who keep spreading broscientific BS I will speak no matter what.

You while typing that



one of the most cringe things I've ever read. It's painfully obvious you've never left your basement and are spouting pseudo intellectual propaganda from your parent's stench ridden basement you virgin hopeless projecting virgin cuck.


What have you done to prove it wrong? Other than look at the propaganda frauded gallery and copy/paste the pictures here? You've done absolutely nothing, zero. Just like you've done with your pathetic disgraceful incel life.

Meanwhile I've ascended and met the doctors in person and can critique the implants based on my own and other's experiences. That's why Saiyan, I and another user on THIS website have talked about the insufficient orbital rim implants to save people thousands of dollars. While you've done nothing but read through our posts and cry for us.

You do not care about anyone on this website and their aesthetics. It's all a power struggle to you so you can seem like an intellectual. Once again you have done and seen zero and are advocating for the cheapest methods possible to looksmax. It's a recipe for disaster. Nobody should listen to you.

That's why you attack other users when they share their own experiences and try to go against your opinion. It's not that you care about the right answer, you just want to appear as an intellectual even though you're a basement ridden low T virgin maggot who is most likely a New Dehli sewer rat in disguise.



People do not want to hear from you. Accept it. Back down again and block me or pretend not to read my posts before you go from computer chair to bed ridden for life from my abuse. There is nothing to learn from someone who's done nothing. Just like you will accept dying alone surrounded by menthol cigarettes and hentai.
You while typing that



one of the most cringe things I've ever read. It's painfully obvious you've never left your basement and are spouting pseudo intellectual propaganda from your parent's stench ridden basement you virgin hopeless projecting virgin cuck.


What have you done to prove it wrong? Other than look at the propaganda frauded gallery and copy/paste the pictures here? You've done absolutely nothing, zero. Just like you've done with your pathetic disgraceful incel life.

Meanwhile I've ascended and met the doctors in person and can critique the implants based on my own and other's experiences. That's why Saiyan, I and another user on THIS website have talked about the insufficient orbital rim implants to save people thousands of dollars. While you've done nothing but read through our posts and cry for us.

You do not care about anyone on this website and their aesthetics. It's all a power struggle to you so you can seem like an intellectual. Once again you have done and seen zero and are advocating for the cheapest methods possible to looksmax. It's a recipe for disaster. Nobody should listen to you.

That's why you attack other users when they share their own experiences and try to go against your opinion. It's not that you care about the right answer, you just want to appear as an intellectual even though you're a basement ridden low T virgin maggot who is most likely a New Dehli sewer rat in disguise.


People do not want to hear from you. Accept it. There is nothing to learn from someone who's done nothing. Just like you will accept dying alone surrounded by menthol cigarettes and hentai
lol didn't read, but the length of your posts says a lot for you, crying like a little faggot for getting bullied to death by a stranger on the Internet. Poor little guy. Keep writing entire novels for me while I effortlessly spit on your plastic-filled subhuman pathetic manlet existence.


^How everyone here sees you when you're getting intelectually bullied to death from me
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lol didn't read, but the length of your posts says a lot for you, crying like a little faggot for getting bullied to death by a stranger on the Internet. Poor little guy.



Obvious that you've been bullied and are too afraid to read anything like my bitch as I expected.

You haven't won a single argument on this website since you've started. From curry teenagers to people like me you lose every single time. You're the most notorious loser on this forum.

You = Can start shit, but can't finish it

I have no idea why your autistic self with zero experience in anything medically or surgically related keeps trying to debate with me on anything. It's like losing your quarter in a vending machine without even being able to click the button for the snack. Every time you invest in the argument, you will reap zero rewards and get humiliated like always.

Go back to lurking on my posts and being too sissy to comment unless you don't tag me like always

Is this your nail job or something faggot?


Daily reminder that this is how you look like when your dysfunctional brain (again from the bullying by all the Chads in middle school who rejected you) gets challenged from my posts. You're a pathetic piece of shit and I just like triggering and have you waste energy writing all that shit for me, while again I effortlessly laugh at your autistic rants, making up shit and projecting to feel superior about your laughable existence.
while again I effortlessly laugh at your rants


That was the most submissive autistic cringey thing I've ever read

How come every time you type I just imagine some supreme gentleman looking neckbeard incel virgin typing behind the screen??



That is 100% you and you know it, with every new post you show how non NT and friendless + out of touch with reality you are

Your posts literally cannot be anymore cringe + Submissive and weak

It's so painfully obvious that you're a 2PSL teenaged virgin self cutting gayfag who's crying for my attention on every single post

It's so easy to bully you and make you my bitch

No wonder why you never told anyone when your father used to touch you after you were diagnosed with low functioning autism kleinfelters syndrome




It all makes sense to me now. You are an abused rapebaby subhuman who I mog into hellfire

I literally live in your head. That's why you are spamming that autistic unfunny gif multiple times begging for me to see it.

This is what
happens when I give people Stockholm syndrome. They post a bunch of submissive autistic texts and replies looking for my attention and then say they're just "trolling" or "trying to trigger" when they're getting raped into the ground

You will always be my ugly little slave who feeds me grapes and cries for my attention on every single post

An actual picture of you as a kid


No wonder why you're always crying and moaning for plastic, you bedridden obese easily flameable subhuman abused target of rape

You need literally every procedure known to man to even leave your house. Might as well hit the street with your tranny hooker mother for some family bonding



It's 100% over for you, you friendless sexless incel virgin genetic trash and you know it.

You = my suicidal bitch

Never forget this.
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That was the most submissive autistic cringey thing I've ever read

How come every time you type I just imagine some supreme gentleman looking neckbeard incel virgin typing behind the screen??



Your posts literally cannot be anymore cringe + Submissive and weak

It's so painfully obvious that you're a 2PSL teenaged virgin self cutting gayfag who's crying for my attention on every single post

It's so easy to bully you and make you my bitch

No wonder why you never told anyone when your father used to touch you after you were diagnosed with low functioning autism kleinfelters syndrome




It all makes sense to me now. You are an abused rapebaby subhuman who I mog into hellfire

I literally live in your head. That's why you are spamming that autistic unfunny gif multiple times begging for me to see it.

This is what
happens when I give people Stockholm syndrome. They post a bunch of submissive autistic texts and replies looking for my attention and then say they're just "trolling" or "trying to trigger" when they're getting raped into the ground

You will always be my ugly little slave who feeds me grapes and cries for my attention on every single post

An actual picture of you as a kid


No wonder why you're always crying and moaning for plastic, you bedridden obese easily flameable subhuman abused target of rape

You need literally every procedure known to man to even leave your house. Might as well hit the street with your tranny hooker mother for some family bonding



It's 100% over for you, you friendless sexless incel virgin genetic trash and you know it.

You = my suicidal bitch

Never forget this.

Keep wasting your keyboard energy for me you wasted cumrag, I am not affected by your so called bullying. You're the weak crying bitch FAGGOT, not me.

You have had almost every surgery in the book and you still have to look up pics to fill your shitposts with to supposedly bring me down? How ugly are you after all this and how miserable and pathetic is your life inside your rat infested basement ? Your fucking bedsheets have skid marks on them from your poor ass-wipping skills. You do nothing little bitch, you're just a mentally handicapped subhuman who had to fill his subhuman bones with plastic so jocks won't be beating so much the shit out of you for being an abomination. Next should be your probably sub 5'5" pathetic height, you are literally the foot ball of your school's team.


^ Your entire life summed up in one GIF, you're the kid in the middle, same height with today. The people between you are either the jocks at your school warming you up before they beat you to death, or your parents fighting and handing you to each other because no one wants to take custody of a mentally handicapped wasted semen like you are.


^ Your dad after finding out you wasted all his money to Eppley. Look he doesn't even give a shit about your orbital implants getting shifted!


^ You acting as the soccer team's boxing bag

Now go on and start drooling on your keyboard, and prepare a low IQ effort reply with the same overused shitty GIFs.


and CRY ME A RIVER filthy subhuman plastic filled FAGGOT



^ You crying for your 1 PSL face on Arnett & Gunson in hope of getting a discount for jaw surgery so you can walk down the street without being reported for sexual harassment. Eventually though, this is what you get from them


FAg21 is typing...
Nah, you probably got KOd from the royal fucking you just received in your dirty ass
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Yeah that’s what happens when you have PSL autists shilling the same 3 doctors even tho there are several in LA alone that are arguably better than them all for the past 5 years...

It creates a monopoly where these surgeons can do whatever they want and create a favorable, low risk business module.

Also nice cowardly job not tagging me didn’t you say you blocked me lmfao?

He started off as a maxfac then realized he could scam autists into putting 10+ 20k plastic implants in people’s faces per day that take 45 minutes with minimal risks

Plastic surgery is a business and he’s at a stage where he doesn’t want to take physical risks even if that means measurable aesthetic benefit.

I wouldn’t be surprised if you get commission from these surgeons for shilling plastic 24/7 on here even though you’re too much of a low T cuck to ever get any yourself.

Same with all of the other plastic jaw shillers on this website. Tell everyone what to do with their bodies yet they’ll never get them in their life themselves. Your words are as good as dogshit

Aight who’s better than I’m down to do a few more consultations before I decide

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