Take accutane or slice your throat open

it works but if you have mild acne totally unnecessary when tretinoin is as effective as it is. adapalene in the morning and tretinoin in the night mogs in terms of side effects and efficacy compared to accutane/isotretinoin
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I did between 10-20mg/day for about 2 years. I had phases with completely clear skin which was like a miracle and during that time I felt like you do now. But it does come back. One can't escape genetics, that's a fact of life unfortunately. I probably also need to cycle on Accutane on and off for life but I don't know if it's worth it. I don't know if Accutane is responsible for it but nowadays at only age 20 (did Accutane from end of age 17 to end of age 19) I have no sex drive anymore, extremely low energy etc. might be in my genes too idk. I'm taking a testosterone test next week and will report back. Accutane can have bad effects of your psyche, but it's more likely on higher doses.

Anyways, good luck.

I need clear skin for my laser treatments but always have at least one active pimple, it's frustrating.

The doc will put me on another 6 month cycle probably. I'm tired of acne.
The thing is, if it's hormonal, it usually from what I know chills out over time. Like your hormones calm down as you get older past puberty. I have no clue but I will just keep taking accutane and not worry too much about it. You're pretty much the same age as me, I'm turning 20 in like 2 weeks.

I still get terrible acne without accutane, but it takes like 2 months to get to that level. I honestly don't even like living without accutane, it's not worth it.

If I have to I absolutely will low dose this shit indefinitely.
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I took Accutane as a teen thankfully not too late, doctor was blackpilled and I just read online it was the miracle cure while bluepilled asf.

I have to say. It’s a godsend pill. I used to have very and I mean VERY oily skin and shiny too, with a shitload of pimples like you @Native . Accurate cured both, now I get two or three minuscule pimples every two weeks or so. Tretinoin will take care of them.

The initial purge (and how God was it a purge) left me with some scars though. It was bound to happen given that my pillow sheets were full of dried blood every day of that purge. I couldn’t wash my face without bleeding like crazy. Along with tretinoin I will use microneedling to get rid of them.

Severe acne during teenage years is a mortal curse to be honest. A year and a half, a lot of self confidence and teenage romance was lost to it. I used to get regularly approached before acne and it came back after accutane but it was too late for teenage romance.

However I think the decision to take accurate should be carefully thought out. I have persistent joint pain to this day that started back then idk if it is linked but it might be.
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Jfl at taking accutane without even having fixed your diet
I did between 10-20mg/day for about 2 years. I had phases with completely clear skin which was like a miracle and during that time I felt like you do now. But it does come back. One can't escape genetics, that's a fact of life unfortunately. I probably also need to cycle on Accutane on and off for life but I don't know if it's worth it. I don't know if Accutane is responsible for it but nowadays at only age 20 (did Accutane from end of age 17 to end of age 19) I have no sex drive anymore, extremely low energy etc. might be in my genes too idk. I'm taking a testosterone test next week and will report back. Accutane can have bad effects of your psyche, but it's more likely on higher doses.

Anyways, good luck.

I need clear skin for my laser treatments but always have at least one active pimple, it's frustrating.

The doc will put me on another 6 month cycle probably. I'm tired of acne.
why not just take retin-a your whole life, the more you take it the more your skin improves

jfl don't listen to this advice unless retin-a didn't work for you and your acne is terrible
accutane is very effective, but you don't want the permanent side effects
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I want to die
Why does Francisco skin is so beautiful? AND i have to crush my liver to not become AND acné ridden monster

Png clipart francisco lachowski smiling man wearing white crew neck shirt
  • So Sad
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do you get used to it or some shit? I don't really like it tbh
Yes. When your life sucks as an incel male you get addicted to drugs real quick. Gotta numb the pain. @Gunnersup agree?
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Yes. When your life sucks as an incel male you get addicted to drugs real quick. Gotta numb the pain. @Gunnersup agree?
Agreed, Weed is based. It transports you to a better world
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Reactions: Subhuman trash
I'm tired of acne.
Try the acne.org regimen by Dan Kern first. This has a huge success rate. I'd suggest the short contact therapy version of it (washing the benzoyl peroxide off after 10-20 minutes with coldish water). Like it's a fucking shame how few people know of this method compared how many people get success by it.

Ignore the "betaness" lol:

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