Taking gh without an AI



Apr 25, 2024
Im about to take mk-677, but my AI arrives in a month. Since growth hormone also accerelates growth plate closure, would takig mk-677 without an Ai stunt my growth more then it would increase it?
Im about to take mk-677, but my AI arrives in a month. Since growth hormone also accerelates growth plate closure, would takig mk-677 without an Ai stunt my growth more then it would increase it?
In idiopathically-short-statured children, exogenous growth hormone treatment by itself consistently raises predicted adult height without the use of an AI.
im not trying to take anything too big
Fortune favours the bold. Who dares wins.
Out of the peptides, it and MK-0751 where the only ones not found to have effects on height (view next)
Ibutamoren/Mk677 were NOT assessed with height growth.
not true as of 2021
"of ibutamoren in recovery from hip fracture in 123 elderly patients during 24 weeks of treatment, and was the only randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial that was stopped early due to concerns that ibutamoren may increase the rate of congestive heart failure (CHF)(51). Four patients in the ibutamoren group (6.5%)"
It raises the chances of congestive heart failure.
Quite strange considering that ghrelin itself is shown to be cardioprotective as found by DatBtrue
Mk677 mimics Ghrelin, not ghrps. GHRP-2 and others Mimic GHRPs within the body.

GHRP-2 directly stimulates GH release by binding to GHS-R and inhibiting somatostatin.
Aren't they still both ghrelin mimetics and release growth hormone? MK-677 isn't quite a peptide which I think is the main difference, but MK-677 still definitely binds to the GHS-R, and acts on the hypothalamus and inhibits SRIF as far as I know.
I've changed my opinion quite a lot on this.

Our results suggest that prolonged administration of MK-677 in rats does not promote growth despite the GH stimulatory effect of MK-677, which may be related to increased expression of SST in the hypothalamus. Further studies are needed to overcome the observed desensitization to GHS.
Children with GHD were treated for 6 months with different daily oral LUM-201 doses after measurement of peak GH response to a single dose of LUM-201 [15]. The mean annualized growth velocity for the LUM-201 groups (6.0, 6.9 cm/year) was modestly higher than the placebo group (4.5 cm/year) but lower than the rate in those treated with GH (11.1 cm/year). Peak GH ≥ 5 ng/mL to single dose and a baseline IGF-1 concentration >30 ng/mL were found to be positive predictive enrichment markers for increased height velocity on LUM-201 treatment. Conversely, a peak GH < 5 ng/mL and a baseline IGF-1 concentration ≤30 ng/mL enriched height velocity response to GH treatment.
Oral secretagogue treatment may be explored for children who do not have classical GHD, but rather normal variants such as constitutional growth delay, born small for gestational age, or other conditions with as yet unexplained growth failure [24]. The lower initial growth velocity, if confirmed, may hinder its use in those with limited time to achieve adequate stature
ongoing clinical trials (Estimated Study Completion Date 2024-10) are still investigating MK-677 (called LUM-201 now under Lumos pharma) and comparing it against rhGH in GHD children in terms of height velocity.

From what I've seen, people don't ruin their lives over MK-677 and it's generally well tolerated. All drugs come with some degree of side effects. If you really can't have needles or some shit then its probably worth it. It's better than nothing.


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good study; havent seen it before
"Children with GHD were treated for 6 months with different daily oral LUM-201 doses after measurement of peak GH response to a single dose of LUM-201 [15]. The mean annualized growth velocity for the LUM-201 groups (6.0, 6.9 cm/year) was modestly higher than the placebo group (4.5 cm/year) but lower than the rate in those treated with GH (11.1 cm/year). Peak GH ≥ 5 ng/mL to single dose and a baseline IGF-1 concentration >30 ng/mL were found to be positive predictive enrichment markers for increased height velocity on LUM-201 treatment. Conversely, a peak GH < 5 ng/mL and a baseline IGF-1 concentration ≤30 ng/mL enriched height velocity response to GH treatment."
2cm increase is prevalent and for most of the older kids on here (15+) mk677's 2cm increase in height (if i read that correctly) is mediocre, especially when compared to other gH stimulating peptides, and especially to rhGH trials.
From what I've seen, people don't ruin their lives over MK-677 and it's generally well tolerated. All drugs come with some degree of side effects. If you really can't have needles or some shit then its probably worth it. It's better than nothing.
yeah, maybe, but wouldnt some other peptide via intranasal adminstration be better? im not sure but wasnt there a few that showed promise, but good point nevertheless. however the results can and most likely be mediocre as ongoing ossification of plates causes bone growth to slow *as well as declining sensitivity*

*might be wrong, i read an article about but I cant find it anywhere
ren't they still both ghrelin mimetics and release growth hormone? MK-677 isn't quite a peptide which I think is the main difference, but MK-677 still definitely binds to the GHS-R, and acts on the hypothalamus and inhibits SRIF as far as I know.
hm, yeah however such as in the brain different receptors that are bound to can have different affects, 5ht3a receptor, 5ht2a receptor two serotonin receptors similar, but can have drastic affects
Quite strange considering that ghrelin itself is shown to be cardioprotective as found by DatBtrue
Yeah, it has a lot of conflicting information based on what studies you look at

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İ dont take AI anymore ı resume with 7.3iu hgh will increase 8.5 or 9

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