Taking MK677 when gymmaxxing for the first time, retarded or not?



Hopeless copelet
May 18, 2020
20 years old, 170lb. Not a couch potato but not fit either. Want to build muscle but I'm afraid I won't have the appetite to eat enough to get big, and I also want to reduce the amount of fat I gain and also increase amount of muscle gained. Would taking MK-677 (15mg a day) be a good idea to help boost newbie gains fast alongside good nutrition?
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  • JFL
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Your sig just made me cage for five minutes JFL :lul:
  • JFL
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But to answer your question just inject roids mk is cope
  • Ugh..
Reactions: ropeorcope
But to answer your question just inject roids mk is cope

Injecting roids rn will fuck up my hormones for the rest of my life probably since I don't know what I'm doing tbh ngl

I just wanna get the most out of the workouts as possible without ruining my life
  • So Sad
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Mk677 just makes you release more growth hormone, growth hormone in itself isn't very anabolic and won't help you gain muscle as much as other stuff.

Jfl at thinking about taking roids when you don't even look good as a natty, disclaimer but most people still look like shit after taking roids because GENETICS

Also eating lots to get big is a meme, eat at maintenance or slight deficit, you can gain muscle while losing fat slowly
  • +1
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Mk677 just makes you release more growth hormone, growth hormone in itself isn't very anabolic and won't help you gain muscle as much as other stuff.

Jfl at thinking about taking roids when you don't even look good as a natty, disclaimer but most people still look like shit after taking roids because GENETICS

Also eating lots to get big is a meme, eat at maintenance or slight deficit, you can gain muscle while losing fat slowly

Well other stuff will also fuck me up physiologically so no thanks. Really just trying to maximize newbie gains. Why is eating big to get big a meme that's literally how you put on mass you're not gonna be able to break the laws of thermodynamics and eat less than you consume while still putting on mass jfl
Well other stuff will also fuck me up physiologically so no thanks. Really just trying to maximize newbie gains. Why is eating big to get big a meme that's literally how you put on mass you're not gonna be able to break the laws of thermodynamics and eat less than you consume while still putting on mass jfl
Jfl get fat then, your body can only use a small number of calories to actually build muscle. It's literally like 50 or 100 calories surplus to grow muscle.

Plus youll grow in a deficit due to the fact that training will be a new stimulus for your body,

Just trust me bulking is a massive meme by the fitness industry, why do you think they have all these shitty weight gainer supplements and mass gainers

Greg douccette on YouTube has a good video about this
  • +1
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No too early lift natty & force feed yourself. It’s fitness & nutrition if u don’t plan on going hard on both then ur not built for it & don’t deserve ur future physique. Stop being a bitch or stay flabby n sick all your life

You don’t even need the growth hormone secretegouge until ur like 25. But atleast lift fully natty for the first 6 months ffs. When u get to atleast 150 lbs on ur bench press THEN start thinking about this shit
20 years old, 170lb. Not a couch potato but not fit either. Want to build muscle but I'm afraid I won't have the appetite to eat enough to get big, and I also want to reduce the amount of fat I gain and also increase amount of muscle gained. Would taking MK-677 (15mg a day) be a good idea to help boost newbie gains fast alongside good nutrition?

Train natty and pay your dues learning everything and perfecting everything. 2 to 3 years minimum.


Anavar 30mg a day for 6 weeks. Research it.
Jfl get fat then, your body can only use a small number of calories to actually build muscle. It's literally like 50 or 100 calories surplus to grow muscle.

Plus youll grow in a deficit due to the fact that training will be a new stimulus for your body,

Just trust me bulking is a massive meme by the fitness industry, why do you think they have all these shitty weight gainer supplements and mass gainers

Greg douccette on YouTube has a good video about this
U can build muscle in a deficit but bulking is not cope. Esp if you’ve maxed out ur newbie gains. It’s just stigmatized cause ppl
Do stupid yoyo diets & dont know when the fuk to stop
Mk677 just makes you release more growth hormone, growth hormone in itself isn't very anabolic and won't help you gain muscle as much as other stuff.

Jfl at thinking about taking roids when you don't even look good as a natty, disclaimer but most people still look like shit after taking roids because GENETICS

Also eating lots to get big is a meme, eat at maintenance or slight deficit, you can gain muscle while losing fat slowly
Sounds like someone who HAS NO IDEA WHAT HE'S TALKING ABOUT. MK677 is LEGIT AF for appetite. I ate like an elephant. I also ate 4000 calories a day when I "only had to eat 3000" and gained 30 lbs of muscle with MK & Ostarine. Do some research before spreading memes.
Train natty and pay your dues learning everything and perfecting everything. 2 to 3 years minimum.


Anavar 30mg a day for 6 weeks. Research it.
Why lift for 2 years when you can SARM for 2 cycles and get the same results?
Sounds like someone who HAS NO IDEA WHAT HE'S TALKING ABOUT. MK677 is LEGIT AF for appetite. I ate like an elephant. I also ate 4000 calories a day when I "only had to eat 3000" and gained 30 lbs of muscle with MK & Ostarine. Do some research before spreading memes.
Mk677 isn't very anabolic, it was the ostarine that made you gain that much and jfl ostarine isn't that strong too so you are either lying or were on tren or something lmao
Mk677 isn't very anabolic, it was the ostarine that made you gain that much and jfl ostarine isn't that strong too so you are either lying or were on tren or something lmao
MK677 isn't anobolic but makes you eat a lot of food so you gain more muscle. Idk I gained 30 lbs legit. Wasn't bloat either as everyone irl said I was muscular af and thought I did roids. I'm 6'5" so that might make a difference with more range of motion and shit.
MK677 isn't anobolic but makes you eat a lot of food so you gain more muscle. Idk I gained 30 lbs legit. Wasn't bloat either as everyone irl said I was muscular af and thought I did roids. I'm 6'5" so that might make a difference with more range of motion and shit.
Mogger height tbh, but yeah either way op should stay natty, jfl at worrying about stuff like suppression during your first few months of lifting
Mogger height tbh, but yeah either way op should stay natty, jfl at worrying about stuff like suppression during your first few months of lifting
Mogging with anything aside from face is a meme. Only useful for intimidating average or ugly men. A good looking guy would just chuckle since he knows he gets girls regardless.
Mk677 just makes you release more growth hormone, growth hormone in itself isn't very anabolic and won't help you gain muscle as much as other stuff.

Jfl at thinking about taking roids when you don't even look good as a natty, disclaimer but most people still look like shit after taking roids because GENETICS

Also eating lots to get big is a meme, eat at maintenance or slight deficit, you can gain muscle while losing fat slowly
I gained 20 lbs of muscle in year and a half 25 lbs total, went from 135 to 160 lbs, just have average genetics theory
Can't tell if this is a meme
It's not. You're obviously not knowledgeable. 2 years of lifting = ~30 lbs. 2 6-8 week cycles of Ostarine or LGD stack = 35-40+ lbs.
It's not. You're obviously not knowledgeable. 2 years of lifting = ~30 lbs. 2 6-8 week cycles of Ostarine or LGD stack = 35-40+ lbs.

I meant the cycling as a complete beginner part
I meant the cycling as a complete beginner part
I did tbh. I didn't have any natty muscle gains because I couldn't eat enough food without MK677.
MK677 isn't anobolic but makes you eat a lot of food so you gain more muscle. Idk I gained 30 lbs legit. Wasn't bloat either as everyone irl said I was muscular af and thought I did roids. I'm 6'5" so that might make a difference with more range of motion and shit.
low iq
Noobie gains, then lift for 2 years, then blast
20 years old, 170lb. Not a couch potato but not fit either. Want to build muscle but I'm afraid I won't have the appetite to eat enough to get big, and I also want to reduce the amount of fat I gain and also increase amount of muscle gained. Would taking MK-677 (15mg a day) be a good idea to help boost newbie gains fast alongside good nutrition?
Mk677/GH isnt very anabolic but the appetite increase is insane. If you are a skinny kid that barely eats, it will definitely help you.
Also sleep is amazing on mk which is also very important for gains obv. And pretty much no side effects. Just keep an eye on blood sugar if you stay on it longer.
Mk677/GH isnt very anabolic but the appetite increase is insane. If you are a skinny kid that barely eats, it will definitely help you.
Also sleep is amazing on mk which is also very important for gains obv. And pretty much no side effects. Just keep an eye on blood sugar if you stay on it longer.
Mk + steroids = legit
Absolutely retarded.
Mk677 is a risky stuff.

Read on redd it about the fear processing side effect.

-Steroid user

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