Taking roids for facial growth post 18, is it really worth it? (with sources)

EGGY 1671u32g

EGGY 1671u32g

mtn with height halo
Apr 2, 2023
So most forum members say post age 18 theres no reason to roid if your trying to grow your facial bones. I look at two different studies to see how true this is and when is the latest you should roid specifically for facial bone growth

Study 1:

IMG 3167

Here are the ages ranges, we will only be looking at 5, 6 and 7

IMG 3166

From 5 to 6 we see a 10mm jump in ramus height. But essentially no change from 6 to 7. Ropefuel for everyone here over 19/20

IMG 3168

The mandibular height in this study also proved similar, a significant change from 5 to 6 but basically nothing from 6 to 7.

This study shows bone growth post about 19/20 really isnt likely

link: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jhtb/31/1/31_9/_pdf

Study 2:

IMG 3169

This diagram is just to let you interpret the stuff bellow Co-Gn is basically just the total mandible length, Co-A is just the maxilla length

IMG 3170

Life fuel for old bro, the changes in the mandible length from 18-20 admittedly where about 1/2 of 16-18 but still significant.

IMG 3171

link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0889540605800526


Roids may still be able to give you some good jaw growth even post 18. My theory is up to about age 21 you may notice some growth from taking roids in your mandible at least. But younger is always better. If your 16 this is the time where ur jaw is growing the most, seize the moment and hop on cycle, dont let the soyfags fear monger you.

I genuinely think a 300mg test permacycle for the rest of puberty could be a good idea for any 15, 16 or 17 year olds on this forum
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Reactions: Fillowskyy, likenesss and Spookybah
this will close their growth plates, eggy
can you even recover your natural testosterone production after years of permablasting, or do you have to stay on TRT for life?
  • JFL
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No tbh never seen a good steroid face transformation
i speak to him fairly often, he said he noticed changes in his face from roids
yes ofcourse roids will give chances but his face is largely due to him being older. he always had to ogrish face.
yes ofcourse roids will give chances but his face is largely due to him being older. he always had to ogrish face.
his face has changed in the last 7 months significantly
He has acromegaly...
yes i know but acromegaly doesnt discount he fact he said himself his wrists grew in the first 3 months he was on roids more than before and he grew 2 inches since he started them like 9 months ago
Alr bro, you convinced me. Gotta moneymax and then hop on test.
damnn, Im 19 but boneless think I should hop on pure DHT for bones? Apparently test wont really get me any facial gains
damnn, Im 19 but boneless think I should hop on pure DHT for bones? Apparently test wont really get me any facial gains
Yes, I’m 22 and have seen massive facial bone changes from injectable DHT enanthate. It will definitely work at your age. Make sure you are eating lots of meat, eggs, milk, and honey to give the nutrients you need for bone growth and changes will occur
Yes, I’m 22 and have seen massive facial bone changes from injectable DHT enanthate. It will definitely work at your age. Make sure you are eating lots of meat, eggs, milk, and honey to give the nutrients you need for bone growth and changes will occur
what did you inject?
any sides? Also what kinda facial changes did you observe
no sides. More pronounced brow ridge, hunter eyes, denser eyebrows, bigger chin, wider and more pronounced cheekbones, wider jaw.
any sides? Also what kinda facial changes did you observe
Also DHT is a mineralcorticoid antagonist so it will flush water out your face and debloat you. Jawline will instantly look more pronounced. It also lowers cortisol which helps sharpen features
no sides. More pronounced brow ridge, hunter eyes, denser eyebrows, bigger chin, wider and more pronounced cheekbones, wider jaw.
damn you got the whole package. I just thought DHT would give you acne and make you bald jfl
damn you got the whole package. I just thought DHT would give you acne and make you bald jfl
Nah acne is caused by hormonal imbalance and high estrogen. And DHT hair loss is a myth. Hair loss occurs from inflammation, stress, nutrient deficiency, high prolactin. That’s why people lose hair on tren, very inflammatory and raises prolactin which is the perfect recipe for hair loss.

Also pure DHT acts way differently than derivatives like Masteron and primo. Side effects from those can’t be applied to pure bioidentical dht.
  • +1
Reactions: cheekbonesforlife
Yes, I’m 22 and have seen massive facial bone changes from injectable DHT enanthate. It will definitely work at your age. Make sure you are eating lots of meat, eggs, milk, and honey to give the nutrients you need for bone growth and changes will occur
Oh wow, how many MG per week/day did you take? You injected it right?
400 MG? And no sides? Where do you even get this stuff from?
Estered dht is probably the hardest compound to find. There are currently no commercial producers of DHT E and any website that claims to have it is a scam. Your best bet is to research reputable accounts posting about it on X/twitter and try to make connections with those big accounts who have access to it. It’s pretty gatekept but if you try hard to find it you’ll get access to it.

Im only running 400mg for 2 months to upregulate my androgen receptors. Long term it’s not good as it will crash cortisol and will also cause significant mineral/fluid excretion. I’m gonna jump down to 50-100mg which is more than plenty for the benefits.
Also DHT is a mineralcorticoid antagonist so it will flush water out your face and debloat you. Jawline will instantly look more pronounced. It also lowers cortisol which helps sharpen features
DHT does not lower cortisol independently. rather test competes w cortisol for production. Also, Cortisol has little effect on facial features ur right bat the other stuff.
DHT does not lower cortisol independently. rather test competes w cortisol for production.

“We found that the high physiological dose of DHT alone reduced basal cortisol in male as well as female monkeys irrespective of social status.”
“Results show that DHT constrains the release of cortisol under basal conditions in both male and female rhesus monkeys, and reduces CRF-stimulated cortisol in male alone.
The high physiological dose of DHT significantly reduced basal cortisol as well as the cortisol response following CRF”

I’ve seen people who run high doses of DHT solo completely crash their cortisol. It’s a pretty well known side effect of it.
Also, Cortisol has little effect on facial features ur right bat the other stuff.

Yea lowering cortisol wont change actual bones but cortisol holds water especially in the face so lowering it will help with bloating and sharpen features
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“We found that the high physiological dose of DHT alone reduced basal cortisol in male as well as female monkeys irrespective of social status.”
“Results show that DHT constrains the release of cortisol under basal conditions in both male and female rhesus monkeys, and reduces CRF-stimulated cortisol in male alone.
The high physiological dose of DHT significantly reduced basal cortisol as well as the cortisol response following CRF”

I’ve seen people who run high doses of DHT solo completely crash their cortisol. It’s a pretty well known side effect of it.

Yea lowering cortisol wont change actual bones but cortisol holds water especially in the face so lowering it will help with bloating and sharpen features
thx for posting study. Maybe there is some merit in what u say, but likely not the case in humans.
So most forum members say post age 18 theres no reason to roid if your trying to grow your facial bones. I look at two different studies to see how true this is and when is the latest you should roid specifically for facial bone growth

Study 1:

View attachment 3403676
Here are the ages ranges, we will only be looking at 5, 6 and 7

View attachment 3403675
From 5 to 6 we see a 10mm jump in ramus height. But essentially no change from 6 to 7. Ropefuel for everyone here over 19/20

View attachment 3403679
The mandibular height in this study also proved similar, a significant change from 5 to 6 but basically nothing from 6 to 7.

This study shows bone growth post about 19/20 really isnt likely

link: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jhtb/31/1/31_9/_pdf

Study 2:

View attachment 3403722
This diagram is just to let you interpret the stuff bellow Co-Gn is basically just the total mandible length, Co-A is just the maxilla length

View attachment 3403723
Life fuel for old bro, the changes in the mandible length from 18-20 admittedly where about 1/2 of 16-18 but still significant.

View attachment 3403724

link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0889540605800526


Roids may still be able to give you some good jaw growth even post 18. My theory is up to about age 21 you may notice some growth from taking roids in your mandible at least. But younger is always better. If your 16 this is the time where ur jaw is growing the most, seize the moment and hop on cycle, dont let the soyfags fear monger you.

I genuinely think a 300mg test permacycle for the rest of puberty could be a good idea for any 15, 16 or 17 year olds on this forum
ill say in 20 30 years youll defo need a heart transplant

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