Tall and fat= unacceptable



Nov 25, 2023
If you’re tall (6’2+) and fat YOURE WASTING YOUR POTENTIAL. There are tons of manlets who would switch places with you just for your height and you’re wasting it by not being able to put the down the fork. If you’re tall and fat and not doing anything about it just kys.
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  • JFL
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I end up losing 4 kg then end up gaing it all back. I need to get meth again
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Being tall and fat is literally impossible unless you have subhuman insulin resistance and thyroid function because of eating processed jew products your whole childhood+puberty.
Tall and fat= unacceptable
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Being tall and fat is literally impossible unless you have subhuman insulin resistance and thyroid function because of eating processed jew products your whole childhood+puberty.
Idk I managed to get tall and fat but it was pretty easy to get unfat I just had to start exercising without even tracking calories jfl
Being tall and fat is literally impossible unless you have subhuman insulin resistance and thyroid function because of eating processed jew products your whole childhood+puberty.

A 6'4 at 180lbs doesn't have a significantly higher BMR than a 6'0 at 180lbs. The difference is ~55kcal a day or one single bite of a donut. If the person does zero excercise all day and just sits in front of a computer - that's 1966kcal a day.

It's absolutely possible for taller people to become fat fucks just by overeating and not moving enough during the day.
The main culprit being eating too much.

And yes - it's a tremendous waste of a huge advantage. Being tall is about as rare has having a chadlite-tier face.
You squander that away by being obese.
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A 6'4 at 180lbs doesn't have a significantly higher BMR than a 6'0 at 180lbs. The difference is ~55kcal a day or one single bite of a donut. If the person does zero excercise all day and just sits in front of a computer - that's 1966kcal a day.

It's absolutely possible for taller people to become fat fucks just by overeating and not moving enough during the day.
The main culprit being eating too much.

And yes - it's a tremendous waste of a huge advantage. Being tall is about as rare has having a chadlite-tier face.
You squander that away by being obese.
55 cals a day translates to a difference of 20400 cals a year. That is 3 kg of bodyfat burnt off from doing nothing. Also by increasing metabolic rate by eating healthy , gaining muscle mass or thyroid supplementation that difference becomes 10 kg a year of bodyfat burnt from just sitting. Also t3 increases bmr by 7 percent . So thats 7/100 x 3000 ~210 cals
55 cals a day translates to a difference of 20400 cals a year. That is 3 kg of bodyfat burnt off from doing nothing. Also by increasing metabolic rate by eating healthy , gaining muscle mass or thyroid supplementation that difference becomes 10 kg a year of bodyfat burnt from just sitting. Also t3 increases bmr by 7 percent . So thats 7/100 x 3000 ~210 cals
True - but most people who become obese don't become so by eating at a slight surplus for decades.
They have very unhealthy lifestyles where they eat 4000, 5000kcal a day and barely move at all.

I've seen some obese tall people and it's a sad sight. Their SMV is no higher than that of a 5'3 fat guy.

It's harder to become obese as a tall guy - but not impossible by any means.
That 3kg yearly advantage is easy to destroy by constantly surpassing your caloric daily consumption and just sitting at home.
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A 6'4 at 180lbs doesn't have a significantly higher BMR than a 6'0 at 180lbs. The difference is ~55kcal a day or one single bite of a donut. If the person does zero excercise all day and just sits in front of a computer - that's 1966kcal a day.

It's absolutely possible for taller people to become fat fucks just by overeating and not moving enough during the day.
The main culprit being eating too much.

And yes - it's a tremendous waste of a huge advantage. Being tall is about as rare has having a chadlite-tier face.
You squander that away by being obese.
Jfl at your retardacy, read what I wrote again. I’m 6’6 and 230lbs/@13%bf and I consume over 4k calories daily from very strict and clean food, while my brother who is the same height as me consumes around I’d say 2k-2.5k which are from very shitty processed junk and is 280lbs and over 25% bf.

Even my brother and I have incredibly different BMRs and we’re the same height.

If you eat high quality food to satiety and don’t overeat as a tall man, you cannot look fat.
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Jfl at your retardacy, read what I wrote again. I’m 6’6 and 230lbs/@13%bf and I consume over 4k calories daily from very strict and clean food, while my brother who is the same height as me consumes around I’d say 2k-2.5k which are from very shitty processed junk and is 280lbs and over 25% bf.

Even my brother and I have incredibly different BMRs and we’re the same height.

If you eat high quality food to satiety and don’t overeat as a tall man, you cannot look fat.

Sibling BMR can vary by 10-20kcal a day given the exact same genetics.

Not by thousands of kcal a day.

He probably eats way more than you know.

Blaming genetics for being fat is what fat people often do. They simply eat too many calories and don't move enough.

Are you sure you know how to count calories properly?
Arnold during Mr. Olympia was eating a clean diet of around 4200kcal a day. That included a massive amount of eggs, salad, every kind of vegetable under the sun, tons and tons of olive oil, and around 1,5lbs of meat.

That was a guy at 5% body fat and 235lbs @ 6'2.

It's incredibly rare to eat clean foods worth 4000kcal every single day.

Most professional bodybuilders who are way bigger than you eat roughly 3800 a day - and that's on a bulk, they eat 2900-3200 to maintain.
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Being tall and fat is literally impossible unless you have subhuman insulin resistance and thyroid function because of eating processed jew products your whole childhood+puberty.
Wtf are you talking about you coper. Most legit morbidly obese people tend to be tall hahahah.
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This is true but food is just so tasty :owo:
  • JFL
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Are you sure you know how to count calories properly?
10 eggs - 900cal
a liter of raw milk - 660cal
1kg of chicken thighs or breast - 1730cal/1000cal or some occasional red meat or fish cuz they are expensive as fuck.
500gr of rice - 1800cal

I don't even count the calories of bread, butter, olive oil, fruit, nuts, and honey consumption. I eat like this at least 5-6 times a week regularly.
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Wtf are you talking about you coper. Most legit morbidly obese people tend to be tall hahahah.
Because they eat from KFC, McDonalds, and stick margarine up their asses. These shits are more harmful to the human body than fucking cigarettes and cocaine.
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Because they eat from KFC, McDonalds, and stick margarine up their asses. These shits are more harmful to the human body than fucking cigarettes and cocaine.
Water wet
If you’re tall (6’2+) and fat YOURE WASTING YOUR POTENTIAL. There are tons of manlets who would switch places with you just for your height and you’re wasting it by not being able to put the down the fork. If you’re tall and fat and not doing anything about it just kys.
I’m 6’1. Guess I ain’t tall
If you’re tall (6’2+) and fat YOURE WASTING YOUR POTENTIAL. There are tons of manlets who would switch places with you just for your height and you’re wasting it by not being able to put the down the fork. If you’re tall and fat and not doing anything about it just kys.
Doesnt work after i gained fat i look 100times better i need gain more im not gonna waste my health on stupid looks
Doesnt work after i gained fat i look 100times better i need gain more im not gonna waste my health on stupid looks
How tf do you look better fat, that’s some gigacope. From what bf to what bf did you go
  • JFL
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How tf do you look better fat, that’s some gigacope. From what bf to what bf did you go
No joke more fat makes me look better and better
If you’re tall (6’2+) and fat YOURE WASTING YOUR POTENTIAL. There are tons of manlets who would switch places with you just for your height and you’re wasting it by not being able to put the down the fork. If you’re tall and fat and not doing anything about it just kys.
real but tall and fat still mogs any short man
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Why ? who cares ? let them be fat ….. less competition hahaha
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10 eggs - 900cal
a liter of raw milk - 660cal
1kg of chicken thighs or breast - 1730cal/1000cal or some occasional red meat or fish cuz they are expensive as fuck.
500gr of rice - 1800cal

I don't even count the calories of bread, butter, olive oil, fruit, nuts, and honey consumption. I eat like this at least 5-6 times a week regularly.

500 grams of rice has around 650kcal - not 1800.

1 medium sized egg has around 48kcal - 480kcal for ten pieces.

Milk is around 450kcal for 1 liter, but about correct.

1kg of chicken has roughly the calories you mentioned. Few people do eat a full 2lbs of chicken daily, but it can definitely be done.
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10 eggs - 900cal
a liter of raw milk - 660cal
1kg of chicken thighs or breast - 1730cal/1000cal or some occasional red meat or fish cuz they are expensive as fuck.
500gr of rice - 1800cal

I don't even count the calories of bread, butter, olive oil, fruit, nuts, and honey consumption. I eat like this at least 5-6 times a week regularly.
Fucking bullshit dude, you made a thread saying you can't manage 230g of protein a day 2 weeks later. What you just listed is about 350g. That is not your diet, you don't track shit. Stop larping! Your brother is fatter because he eats more calories period, every dietitian will tell you so.

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Being tall and fat is literally impossible unless you have subhuman insulin resistance and thyroid function because of eating processed jew products your whole childhood+puberty.
Pretty much why I’ve only seen tall fatties in America
Fucking bullshit dude, you made a thread saying you can't manage 230g of protein a day 2 weeks later. What you just listed is about 350g. That is not your diet, you don't track shit. Stop larping! Your brother is fatter because he eats more calories period, every dietitian will tell you so.

I realized my mistake. I just eat more rice and pasta and less meat. Plus my economic situation is not very good right now.
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