Targeting the right part of the masseter for a robust jaw.

Yeah, you totally nailed it mate!

Your advice was: ‘You can make your jaw better by eating tougher food and chewing gum (aesthetics wise)’

I referenced this study:

Does gum chewing increase the prevalence of temporomandibular disorders in individuals with gum chewing habits? - PubMed - NCBI

and this quote from the study:

‘he incidence of clicking and pain was statistically higher in the study group than in the control group (P < 0.05). Analysis of the data demonstrated considerable differences in clicking and pain among subjects with various gum chewing times in the study group (P < 0.05). ‘

Your interpretation of the study was, ‘Did you just link a study to prove that I was right all along?’

Let’s just let others determine if the study proves your advice was right or wrong, hahahahahahahaha!!!

Good luck with the chewing gum advice!

Yes, like I said aesthetics wise. When did I ever say it was good for your jaw joints?

Please, if you can't read or don't the capability to understand do not keep arguing. It will get you no where, as you already proved me correct.
do you believe the size and shape of something like the ramus, for example, can be significantly altered (either during the normal developmental years or afterwards) simply by the way a person bites and chews
No. The ramus and cheekbones grow anyway, at whatever position you chew.

What I want to achieve with my premolar chewing is:

  • preventing clockwise rotation of the face, as it evidently happens during regular chewing
  • theoretically target the maxilla better. Stress distribution maps have inspired me.
  • +1
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Interesting. So chewing with your incisors and canines is best for aesthetics?
If chipped incisors are considered aesthetic, yes.
  • JFL
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Yes, like I said aesthetics wise. When did I ever say it was good for your jaw joints?

Please, if you can't read or don't the capability to understand do not keep arguing. It will get you no where, as you already proved me correct.
Hahaha, are you feeling butthurt? Do you need to wash the sand out of your vagina?

At least we’re getting somewhere now. Let’s break down your last post:

At no point did I explicitly accuse you of saying that chewing gum was good for your jaw joints. Perhaps you should be paying more attention in English class. I was making completely different points:

1/ I originally introduced the study to give an example of what qualifies as evidence because you claimed that using a Jawzsize would ‘give yourself and other people TMJ chewing with your front teeth’.

I challenged you find a credible source to back up your assertion, and you’ve still failed to produce one.

You can’t use the study I referenced because using a Jawzsize (correctly) and chewing gum for hours every day (that’s what’s usually suggested and required to aesthetically enhance the jaw using gum) are so completely different. This has already been explained to you using very small words, hahaha!

2/ I was pointing out that the study undermines your gum chewing advice. Which it does.

3/ I was making fun of your comment, ‘Did you just link a study to prove that I was right all along?’ because it’s so clearly delusional. That was the main point of my last post!

I understand you may feel frustrated that people don’t understand you. But you must realise that your English is absolutely terrible, both your reading and your writing. Hahaha!

I assumed you were either:

1/ Foreign. That’s why I asked, ‘Is English your first language?’

2/ A young teenager still learning how to read and write.

3/ An person with learning difficulties

4/ Some combination of the above
Hahaha, are you feeling butthurt? Do you need to wash the sand out of your vagina?

At least we’re getting somewhere now. Let’s break down your last post:

At no point did I explicitly accuse you of saying that chewing gum was good for your jaw joints. Perhaps you should be paying more attention in English class. I was making completely different points:

1/ I originally introduced the study to give an example of what qualifies as evidence because you claimed that using a Jawzsize would ‘give yourself and other people TMJ chewing with your front teeth’.

I challenged you find a credible source to back up your assertion, and you’ve still failed to produce one.

You can’t use the study I referenced because using a Jawzsize (correctly) and chewing gum for hours every day (that’s what’s usually suggested and required to aesthetically enhance the jaw using gum) are so completely different. This has already been explained to you using very small words, hahaha!

2/ I was pointing out that the study undermines your gum chewing advice. Which it does.

3/ I was making fun of your comment, ‘Did you just link a study to prove that I was right all along?’ because it’s so clearly delusional. That was the main point of my last post!

I understand you may feel frustrated that people don’t understand you. But you must realise that your English is absolutely terrible, both your reading and your writing. Hahaha!

I assumed you were either:

1/ Foreign. That’s why I asked, ‘Is English your first language?’

2/ A young teenager still learning how to read and write.

3/ An person with learning difficulties

4/ Some combination of the above

I have nothing to be butthurt about because I stand correct. English is not my first language you're right (for once), but I already got my point across which I'm sure other people will understand unless they're retarded such as yourself.

See, I can admit when people are right because I'm not "butthurt" nor delusional.

Also, I didn't give any gum chewing advice. Making stuff up in your head again JFL.
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I have nothing to be butthurt about because I stand correct. English is not my first language you're right (for once), but I already got my point across which I'm sure other people will understand unless they're retarded such as yourself.

See, I can admit when people are right because I'm not "butthurt" nor delusional.

Also, I didn't give any gum chewing advice. Making stuff up in your head again JFL.
The comment ‘You can make your jaw better by eating tougher food and chewing gum (aesthetics wise)’ sounds a hell of a lot like advice in a thread about improving jaw aesthetics. Those were your exact words, so they’re not from my head.

'I stand correct'- If you were correct then my challenge to find a credible source would have been an open goal. Yet you've still failed to produce one.

‘but I already got my point across which I'm sure other people will understand’- Then let’s just let others decide.
The comment ‘You can make your jaw better by eating tougher food and chewing gum (aesthetics wise)’ sounds a hell of a lot like advice in a thread about improving jaw aesthetics. Those were your exact words, so they’re not from my head.

'I stand correct'- If you were correct then my challenge to find a credible source would have been an open goal. Yet you've still failed to produce one.

‘but I already got my point across which I'm sure other people will understand’- Then let’s just let others decide.

There you go, I said you CAN not that you SHOULD. If you fail to even understand this; makes sense as to why you fail to understand others things (for which I wrote). In fact, you misunderstood so much while arguing with me that you linked a study that proved me correct.
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Soo.. How to chew correctly?
  • +1
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Soo.. How to chew correctly?
Depends what you mean by 'chew correctly'?
Depends what you're trying to accomplish?
There you go, I said you CAN not that you SHOULD. If you fail to even understand this; makes sense as to why you fail to understand others things (for which I wrote). In fact, you misunderstood so much while arguing with me that you linked a study that proved me correct.
Hahahahahaha, your desperate attempt to avoid humiliation just made my day! 😊

Within the English language it’s possible to give advice using the word ‘can’. There’s no rule that requires the explicit use of the word ‘should’. This type of mistake cannot just be down to a language barrier, so you’re obviously a genuine r-tard jfl

Let's just leave things there.
Depends what you mean by 'chew correctly'?
Depends what you're trying to accomplish?

Hahahahahaha, your desperate attempt to avoid humiliation just made my day! 😊

Within the English language it’s possible to give advice using the word ‘can’. There’s no rule that requires the explicit use of the word ‘should’. This type of mistake cannot just be down to a language barrier, so you’re obviously a genuine r-tard jfl

Let's just leave things there.
Robust jaw
Hahahahahaha, your desperate attempt to avoid humiliation just made my day! 😊

Within the English language it’s possible to give advice using the word ‘can’. There’s no rule that requires the explicit use of the word ‘should’. This type of mistake cannot just be down to a language barrier, so you’re obviously a genuine r-tard jfl

Let's just leave things there.

I stand correct so what humiliation son?

Only humiliation here is that you made yourself look like an aspie bitch.
I stand correct so what humiliation son?

Only humiliation here is that you made yourself look like an aspie bitch.
Haha, you're still here! I was sure you'd roped!
Nice to see you had nothing better to do on Valentine's day than msg me jfl

My challenge still stands.
Haha, you're still here! I was sure you'd roped!
Nice to see you had nothing better to do on Valentine's day than msg me jfl

My challenge still stands.

Indeed I am still here, and yes I had to nothing better to do than bully retards like you.

Only thing challenged here is your mental capacity buddyboyo.
Why not just get fillers on masseters
Indeed I am still here, and yes I had to nothing better to do than bully retards like you.

Only thing challenged here is your mental capacity buddyboyo.
"and yes I had to nothing better to do"

Haha, no Valentine's day for incels like you!
Don't worry, you'll meet a girl to match with your down's syndrome one day.

You still haven't met the challenge.
That's ok, I accept you concession that you were wrong.
"and yes I had to nothing better to do"

Haha, no Valentine's day for incels like you!
Don't worry, you'll meet a girl to match with your down's syndrome one day.

You still haven't met the challenge.
That's ok, I accept you concession that you were wrong.

Good one pretending like you did anything on valentines too buddy. I know you're good at telling yourself lies and making shit up.

There was no challenge and no wrong because you proved me correct.
'like you did anything on valentines too buddy '
Keep telling yourself that! I'd heard incels like you have to pretend only models fuck so they don't feel as bad about being virgins, hahaha!

Every reply that doesn't meet my challenge just proves me more right!
It doesn’t surprise me that you’ve had to look up mental health issues. What’s wrong, mommy and daddy can’t afford to pay for your special needs counselling?! Hahahaha!

I’m starting to suspect I’ve had more sex in one day than you’ve had in your entire depressing life. Please note, I’m not counting your hand or the creepy uncle that used to turn your arsehole inside out. The fact that I’ve had more pussy than you, despite a shit chin, just shows how ugly and socially retarded you must be!
I tried chewing but i have shit inserts
Chewing is looksmin
ok for me i look better when i clench my back teeth and worse with front teeth. so if i were to chew it should be with the back im presuming
ok for me i look better when i clench my back teeth and worse with front teeth. so if i were to chew it should be with the back im presuming
Dont you see what the fuck i wrote. Chewing is looksmin
Dont you see what the fuck i wrote. Chewing is looksmin
no i didnt and i also happen to not give a fuck about what u wrote. I was responding to op, not your dumbass
no i didnt and i also happen to not give a fuck about what u wrote. I was responding to op, not your dumbass
Sooo mastic gum isn't good for your masseter muscle? That'd be weird because i once chewed mastic gum and my jaw became really sore. So i thought it must be training the masseter muscle...
Ik chewing gums is shit and makes you look bloated, I dont even chew my food just blend and drink.
Try clenching your molars and look in the mirror, your upper part of the masseter contracts, and its hypertrophy is giving you the bloated look.
Now clench your front teeth together and look in the mirror which part of masseter contracts, it's gonna be the last part of the masseter right at the end of your lower third. It's like training upper chest, lower chest and middle chest, isolate the unwanted part and focus on what we want.

tl;dr, clench your front teeth together and relax and clench again for a more robust lower third.
very true and its also important to remember you can make minor corrections to a side that lacks forward growth by chewing on that canine
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Yeah I always found chewing with molars gave me a bloated look. On the other hand, chewing with my canines and front teeth don’t. I think chewing with the front teeth is the way to go.
The "bloated" look comes from blood flow in the masseter muscles. Nothing to worry about

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