TBH i wound't care if my son was tbh.

Nah I would not I would love my son whatever their sexuality is

ur son will go to hell if he's gay br0

its an abomination in every major religion
Tired debunked myth

"In 2016, gay and bisexual men accounted for 67% (26,844) of all HIV diagnoses and 82% of diagnoses among males aged 13 and older."

"Gay and bisexual men aged 13 to 34 account for two-thirds (64%) of HIV diagnoses among all gay and bisexual men. But the age distribution varies by race/ethnicity:

5% of the population yet 67% of HIV/AIDS diagnoses. JFL. Gays have always been more promiscuous, gay sex is unhealthy
"In 2016, gay and bisexual men accounted for 67% (26,844) of all HIV diagnoses and 82% of diagnoses among males aged 13 and older."

"Gay and bisexual men aged 13 to 34 account for two-thirds (64%) of HIV diagnoses among all gay and bisexual men. But the age distribution varies by race/ethnicity:

5% of the population yet 67% of HIV/AIDS diagnoses. JFL

Their is such a thing as population density it's higher overall in gay people cause their is less so you cannot compare x to y in correlations
"In 2016, gay and bisexual men accounted for 67% (26,844) of all HIV diagnoses and 82% of diagnoses among males aged 13 and older."

"Gay and bisexual men aged 13 to 34 account for two-thirds (64%) of HIV diagnoses among all gay and bisexual men. But the age distribution varies by race/ethnicity:

5% of the population yet 67% of HIV/AIDS diagnoses. JFL

Their is such a thing as population density it's higher overall in gay people cause their is less so you cannot compare x to y in correlations

"Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men bear the greatest burden by risk group"

how retarded are you, this .gov site even proves it

it's not a myth, anal sex is extremely degenerate and open to all sorts of health issues
better for him to be a faggot than suffer life as an incel, at least he will have some joy in his life before he dies in a gutter somewhere pumped full of aids with a needle in his arm and a rainbow flag sticking out of his ass.
"In 2016, gay and bisexual men accounted for 67% (26,844) of all HIV diagnoses and 82% of diagnoses among males aged 13 and older."

"Gay and bisexual men aged 13 to 34 account for two-thirds (64%) of HIV diagnoses among all gay and bisexual men. But the age distribution varies by race/ethnicity:

5% of the population yet 67% of HIV/AIDS diagnoses. JFL

Their is such a thing as population density it's higher overall in gay people cause their is less so you cannot compare x to y in correlations
I think its hilarious there has a been an AIDS epidemic for like 40 years yet the rates never changed, fags just cant stop POZing each other.
"Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men bear the greatest burden by risk group"

how retarded are you, this .gov site even proves it

it's not a myth, anal sex is extremely degenerate and open to all sorts of health issues

Again population density overall when you have have a smaller percentage and use that to compare it to the total people with hiv compared to larger wholes of straight people you get a larger percentage do you not get this.It very much so is a myth homosexuality overall causes more amounts of hiv rather unprotected sex and non adequate access to stuff like knowledge about the risks of this shit does increase it as we can see.

CDC estimates that the decline in HIV infections has plateaued because effective HIV prevention and treatment are not adequately reaching those who could most benefit from them. These gaps remain particularly troublesome in rural areas and in the South and among disproportionately affected populations like blacks/African Americansa and Hispanics/Latinosb.

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