Test + mast supremacy



dnr busy slaying
Jul 8, 2023
I can’t express my happiness for the recent increase in Test + mast supremacy on this platform

It’s the best combo for cutecels in puberty

Increased dick size, clavicle size, voice deepening, bones everywhere

If you aren’t already just LDAR

I can’t recommend it enough.
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: Zagro, AstroSky, finnished and 2 others
Also makes you shredded
I can’t express my happiness for the recent increase in Test + mast supremacy on this platform

It’s the best combo for cutecels in puberty

Increased dick size, clavicle size, voice deepening, bones everywhere

If you aren’t already just LDAR

I can’t recommend it enough.
im too broke for that
I can’t express my happiness for the recent increase in Test + mast supremacy on this platform

It’s the best combo for cutecels in puberty

Increased dick size, clavicle size, voice deepening, bones everywhere

If you aren’t already just LDAR

I can’t recommend it enough.
idk about mast but test is great
good way to get rid of youth indicators and go bald if u have the genes
dht is so overrated
  • +1
Reactions: Hexmask and iblamemandible7
I can’t express my happiness for the recent increase in Test + mast supremacy on this platform

It’s the best combo for cutecels in puberty

Increased dick size, clavicle size, voice deepening, bones everywhere

If you aren’t already just LDAR

I can’t recommend it enough.
Lol no it isnt. Mast fks ur hair as bad as anything. If you really want to get the mascunising effects of roids you blast the strong androgens being tren and anadrol. Then you cycle off and cruise test 200mg with dut. This restored all the shedding I got on 50mg anadrol daily for 6 weeks and 700 tren 14.

Masteron is a useless drug for looksmaxxers because their is way better alternatives.
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  • +1
Reactions: Zagro and iblamemandible7
I can’t express my happiness for the recent increase in Test + mast supremacy on this platform

It’s the best combo for cutecels in puberty

Increased dick size, clavicle size, voice deepening, bones everywhere

If you aren’t already just LDAR

I can’t recommend it enough.
you need hgh
Lol no it isnt. Mast fks ur hair as bad as anything. If you really want to get the mascunising effects of roids you blast the strong androgens being tren and anadrol. Then you cycle off and cruise test 200mg with dut. This restored all the shedding I got on 50mg tren daily for 6 weeks and 700 tren.

Masteron is a useless drug for looksmaxxers because their is way better alternatives.
Is dut strong enough for test if im already balding at 17 natty? Or should I just not get close to roids at all
how much test? for me its 50 bucks for a 250 cycle +80 shipping with buck
well ur source sucks then I get a 250 vial (accurately dosd) for 20gbp. Also 250 for a cycle sucks u guys really are totaly pussys (no offense) no wonder u are on incel forum ur so low inhib.

Even test up to doses of 600mg and above is well tolerated with just drops in hdl and potential blood pressure increases due to weight which can easily be countered with a beta blocker. Finasteride would also prevent hair loss assuming just test.

I have shrunk my balls from 9 years straight of steroid use but still got bigger balls thn you guys.
  • JFL
Reactions: AverageCurryEnjoyer
Lol no it isnt. Mast fks ur hair as bad as anything. If you really want to get the mascunising effects of roids you blast the strong androgens being tren and anadrol. Then you cycle off and cruise test 200mg with dut. This restored all the shedding I got on 50mg anadrol daily for 6 weeks and 700 tren 14.

Masteron is a useless drug for looksmaxxers because their is way better alternatives.
1. Don’t take mast cause it fucks hair
2. Take tren

Yeah jfl at you
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
Reactions: AverageCurryEnjoyer and TitusA
Is dut strong enough for test if im already balding at 17 natty? Or should I just not get close to roids at all
Yes after I laid off the heavier cycles I run 180mg test now with an increase of 300mg maybe 12 weeks a year. Dutasteride could block it year round at 300mg (probs higher tbh). I wouldnt just straight to dut unless u plan on blast and cruise though.
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  • +1
Reactions: iblamemandible7
Best cycle to ascend
5 iu hgh
500 test
12.5 aromasin ed
0.5 fin
20 mg accutane till skin clears, then 10 mg perma

also benefit with mt 2 and tanning sessions
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Zagro, AverageCurryEnjoyer and sover
1. Don’t take mast cause it fucks hair
2. Take tren

Yeah jfl at you
Yeah they both fuck your hair so actually take the drug that is going to give you massive physique changes and masive masculinisation changes in your face. Or take mast a dht derivative that does fking nothing for muscle gains and virilisation. Its pretty logical if you think about it. Either will nuke your hair so take the one you actually get benefits from besides a short term aesthetic benefit.
This is for puberty cels

Hair isn’t a concern for you because a 16 week cycle of mast isn’t gonna make you lose all your hair.

Jfl at grown men reading this and telling teens to use dht blockers

Enjoy your stunted dick growth.
  • +1
Reactions: AverageCurryEnjoyer
Best cycle to ascend
5 iu hgh
500 test
12.5 aromasin ed
0.5 fin
20 mg accutane till skin clears, then 10 mg perma

also benefit with mt 2 and tanning sessions
Are you a teen? is that why ur running ai straight away. If not I would leave estro on the high end for the lipid benefits and effects on artery/blood vessel function.
Also most users in my experience actually dont get bad acne sides untill pct when they come off plus accutate is very bad for your liver especially long term so I wouldnt add these things unless needed
Have you fucked the mtb you made a thread on yesterday yet?
  • +1
Reactions: shredded4summer
Best cycle to ascend
5 iu hgh
500 test
12.5 aromasin ed
0.5 fin
20 mg accutane till skin clears, then 10 mg perma

also benefit with mt 2 and tanning sessions
is it really? @Cyrus
Yeah they both fuck your hair so actually take the drug that is going to give you massive physique changes and masive masculinisation changes in your face. Or take mast a dht derivative that does fking nothing for muscle gains and virilisation. It’s pretty logical if you think about it. Either will nuke your hair so take the one you actually get benefits from besides a short term aesthetic benefit.
No one should take tren. Btw the only person actually promoting tren was Clav and even now he completely 180d on that and now tells people to not use it.

This isn’t rocket science I’ll explain it simply

Masteron is the closest thing you can get to pure injectable dht

You inject masteron for increased dht


DHT DOES increase bone growth
DHT DOES increase dick growth

Proof of this is that there is a directly correlation. people that have acne (sign of high dht) have good bones

When I started eating a fuck ton of animal fat fat my dht went up resulting in acne. I still have some till this day

But my bones started growing EXPONENTIALLY.
  • Woah
Reactions: AverageCurryEnjoyer
Are you a teen? is that why ur running ai straight away. If not I would leave estro on the high end for the lipid benefits and effects on artery/blood vessel function.
Also most users in my experience actually dont get bad acne sides untill pct when they come off plus accutate is very bad for your liver especially long term so I wouldnt add these things unless needed
yes i am teen. i would maybe even up the aromasin as to not close plates

probably just turn down the test as to not get e2 sides and then take ai entriely out.
then switch to sum like 250 test and 100 primo
Have you fucked the mtb you made a thread on yesterday yet?
Blocked her cause her bodycount is 10 jfl loose. I have a possible LTR lined up tho
  • +1
Reactions: Wombles
Best cycle to ascend
5 iu hgh
500 test
12.5 aromasin ed
0.5 fin
20 mg accutane till skin clears, then 10 mg perma

also benefit with mt 2 and tanning sessions
Aromasin and fin wont work together btw, aromasin converts to an androgenic metabolite that binds to your hair and absolutely rapes it. Fin only protects you from the testosterone -/> dht pathway but you will get nuked on aromasin. Use another AI like adex
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DHT DOES increase bone growth
According to what? How have you determined that?
You have nothing to back up this claim. I'm not saying it does or doesn't but there is no proof at all, if anything there is more proof that it it does fuck all for bones and that Test and e2 are more active in bones.

"inject mast for increased dht" is also one of the funniest things I have read
JFL at thinking that DHT DERIVATIVES are the same as DHT you fucking moron

Retarded 15 year olds back at it again.
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  • +1
Reactions: iblamemandible7
50 mg anadrol 700 mg tren??

nigger are you insane💔💔
I wouldn't run that now at my age but i don't regret. It was only short term and lipids had gone back baseline 4 weeks later. Also my blood pressure was controlled the entire time with beta blockers. Atherosclerosis is a lifelong condition developed by chronically high blood pressure, ldl/apob and inflammation causing plaque build up. Short periods of bad lipids with managed blood pressure shouldn't do too much damage.

I don't regret it at all my steroid use has massively masculinised my face compared to my twin brother and i have a full head of hair now despite the initial shed for 6 months after that huge blast. I also maintain a lean weight of 14 kg heavier than him even when i starved myself on 130mg test to try and get as light as posssible at one point. I cant drop any lower. It essentially gave me perma gains lol. That big blast plus the 200mg test cruise I did for 2 years.
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According to what? How have you determined that?
You have nothing to back up this claim.

Retarded 15 year olds back at it again.

"inject mast for increased dht" is also one of the funniest things I have read
According to research, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) can increase bone mass, acting as a positive regulator of bone formation by stimulating osteoblasts (bone-building cells) and promoting bone growth,

Idk how this is even a discussion

And yes mast is a dht derivative

Either I’m retarded or you’re wrong
Best cycle to ascend
5 iu hgh
500 test
12.5 aromasin ed
0.5 fin
20 mg accutane till skin clears, then 10 mg perma

also benefit with mt 2 and tanning sessions
Its called 6-methylene-boldenone basically super dht but aromasin is the only ai that does that I think so just stay away if you have family history of receding/balding
According to research, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) can increase bone mass, acting as a positive regulator of bone formation by stimulating osteoblasts (bone-building cells) and promoting bone growth,

Idk how this is even a discussion

And yes mast is a dht derivative

Either I’m retarded or you’re wrong
Post source or gtfo nigger

you ignored the study i sent you earlier btw
I wouldn't run that now at my age but i don't regret. It was only short term and lipids had gone back baseline 4 weeks later. Also my blood pressure was controlled the entire time with beta blockers. Atherosclerosis is a lifelong condition developed by chronically high blood pressure, ldd/apob and inflammation causing plaque build up. Short periods of bad lipids with managed blood pressure shouldn't do too much damage.

I don't regret it at all my steroid use has massively masculinised my face compared to my twin brother and i have a full head of hair now despite the initial shed for 6 months after that huge blast. I also maintain a lean weight of 14 kg heavier than him even when i starved myself on 130mg test to try and get as light as posssible at one point. I cant drop any lower. It essentially gave me perma gains lol. That big blast plus the 200mg test cruise I did for 2 years.
Did you do steroids during puberty

Also mirin low inhib
  • +1
Reactions: TitusA
I wouldn't run that now at my age but i don't regret. It was only short term and lipids had gone back baseline 4 weeks later. Also my blood pressure was controlled the entire time with beta blockers. Atherosclerosis is a lifelong condition developed by chronically high blood pressure, ldd/apob and inflammation causing plaque build up. Short periods of bad lipids with managed blood pressure shouldn't do too much damage.

I don't regret it at all my steroid use has massively masculinised my face compared to my twin brother and i have a full head of hair now despite the initial shed for 6 months after that huge blast. I also maintain a lean weight of 14 kg heavier than him even when i starved myself on 130mg test to try and get as light as posssible at one point. I cant drop any lower. It essentially gave me perma gains lol. That big blast plus the 200mg test cruise I did for 2 years.
what was your age when you did it
  • +1
Reactions: TitusA
No one should take tren. Btw the only person actually promoting tren was Clav and even now he completely 180d on that and now tells people to not use it.

This isn’t rocket science I’ll explain it simply

Masteron is the closest thing you can get to pure injectable dht

You inject masteron for increased dht


DHT DOES increase bone growth
DHT DOES increase dick growth

Proof of this is that there is a directly correlation. people that have acne (sign of high dht) have good bones

When I started eating a fuck ton of animal fat fat my dht went up resulting in acne. I still have some till this day

But my bones started growing EXPONENTIALLY.
What would clav know he hasnt ran shit but baby doses and he still looks like a natty. I can not workout for months on my 140 trt and still have more muscle thn him. The body is extremely resilient at a young age and these ages are the time you should be running things like tren. Now guys who are late 20s upwards I dont think should be running strong gear like tren. It wont increase dick growth ive literally read all the literature on dht and dick growth and it doesnt do it. Also taken superdrol a dht derivative no dick growth.

Point is you build a physique with heavy compounds when young then you maintain on low test for ever. I did this I have a full head of hair and maintain permanent musscle tissue plus got huge face gains and I have an identical twin brother who ran nothing for reference. None of you do.

@Clavicular should come in here and enlighten us all why he thinks tren at a young age when the body is resilient to sides, when theirs is knowledge of ancillaries to control side effects now means you shouldnt run it.
  • +1
Reactions: EliDKing
well ur source sucks then I get a 250 vial (accurately dosd) for 20gbp. Also 250 for a cycle sucks u guys really are totaly pussys (no offense) no wonder u are on incel forum ur so low inhib.
my source is cheaper than yours nobody said they were running 250 stop making shit up
According to research, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) can increase bone mass, acting as a positive regulator of bone formation by stimulating osteoblasts (bone-building cells) and promoting bone growth,

Idk how this is even a discussion

And yes mast is a dht derivative

Either I’m retarded or you’re wrong
Yes then you are a retard. Show me the research. All research to date shows that people who grow up with 5AR deficiencies grew up bone wise to be the exact same as those who didn't have a 5AR deficiency. 0 DHT doesn't even affect bone density while a lack of T/E2 does. Even with supraphysiological amounts of DHT it won't induce facial bone growth to a comparable extent as testosterone.

So why would you inject masteron then? Fucking idiot. They are derivatives meaning they are chemically similar to DHT but are not the same and do not confer the same effects or androgenicity that DHT does.

So yes, again, you are a fucking moron
  • +1
Reactions: iblamemandible7
Yes then you are a retard. Show me the research. All research to date shows that people who grow up with 5AR deficiencies grew up bone wise to be the exact same as those who didn't have a 5AR deficiency. 0 DHT doesn't even affect bone density while a lack of T/E2 does. Even with supraphysiological amounts of DHT it won't induce facial bone growth to a comparable extent as testosterone.

So why would you inject masteron then? Fucking idiot. They are derivatives meaning they are chemically similar to DHT but are not the same and do not confer the same effects or androgenicity that DHT does.

So yes, again, you are a fucking moron
Tell em bhai dht influencing bone growth gotta be the most retarded myth on here and I genuinely think it started as a psyop to bait people into destroying their hairlines jfl
  • +1
Reactions: chadisbeingmade
my source is cheaper than yours nobody said they were running 250 stop making shit up
You said quote a '250 cycle' lol how do you think most people are going to interpret that.
What is all this chatter in this thread lmao. DHT will looksmin you. Test plus HGH and a 5ar inhibitor for bones, if your a teen well...good luck when you look 3 years older in one cycle.
  • +1
Reactions: iblamemandible7
You said quote a '250 cycle' lol how do you think most people are going to interpret that.
he said 50 for a full cycle I said that's outlandish a 250 cycle alone is 50
What is all this chatter in this thread lmao. DHT will looksmin you. Test plus HGH and a 5ar inhibitor for bones, if your a teen well...good luck when you look 3 years older in one cycle.
high dht grew my bones when I was completely natty
Yes then you are a retard. Show me the research. All research to date shows that people who grow up with 5AR deficiencies grew up bone wise to be the exact same as those who didn't have a 5AR deficiency. 0 DHT doesn't even affect bone density while a lack of T/E2 does. Even with supraphysiological amounts of DHT it won't induce facial bone growth to a comparable extent as testosterone.

So why would you inject masteron then? Fucking idiot. They are derivatives meaning they are chemically similar to DHT but are not the same and do not confer the same effects or androgenicity that DHT does.

So yes, again, you are a fucking moron
Masteron increases dht jfl what are you talking about. Also roids increase facial bone mass even after puberty. Just look at roiders face before and after puberty. This isn’t rocket size. Ofc there are barely any studies on specific steroids at high dosages on teens
Tell em bhai dht influencing bone growth gotta be the most retarded myth on here and I genuinely think it started as a psyop to bait people into destroying their hairlines jfl
These guys literally have TikTok tier knowledge, very funny to see. Literally nothing backs up their claims. Maybe the should go on the only sugar diet also.
  • +1
Reactions: iblamemandible7
Tell em bhai dht influencing bone growth gotta be the most retarded myth on here and I genuinely think it started as a psyop to bait people into destroying their hairlines jfl
Buddy dht increase bone growth isn’t a myth. Why do you think high dht guys always have the same exact traits

Wide clavicles
Facial hair
Big dick

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