thank god Trump won

how does this relate in any way to what i said? you didnt provide a single example nor argument backing up your claim. all you just did was say an ad hominem

this is the type of people who want to ban what they consider "misinformation", uncapable of logical discussion nor thoughts, you do what is considered to them attack on their bubbly of reality and they completly collapse
hes very low iq, this is how he was raised he probbaly thinks guns are the devil's work too
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defamation = lying about a person (lying about facts that specific person did)
this is literally the example you provided u utter imbecile and i corrected you
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it doesn't exisst in the US too
free speech existing means u can say u hate jews or niggers and still be employed without consequences for the speech you said

there is no free speech under capitalism because the groups of people that control society will feel personnally attacked by their identity getting hated on and will just fuck them niggas up, boycott blablabla
your an idiot, i don't care if someone beats me up or "boycotts" as long as i don't go to jail
You baboons always say the shame 💩 without thinking them through for more than a few seconds.

What “unwanted” jobs are illegal 👽 actually doing? The companies that hire them are simply exploiting them with low wages while also taking jobs away from American citizens.

USAID was one of the ineffective programs that had its funding significantly reduced because it couldn’t verify for where the billions of dollars went
The people running the USAID took the money for themselves. Also u basically restated what I said earlier. Also Americans are very privileged and the majority wont do the jobs they consider lowclass like janitorial or farmwork
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this is literally the example you provided u utter imbecile and i corrected you
what example? holy shit
are you niggas serious?
muh ad hominem

free speech doesn't exist because nobody is free from the consequences of their speech, wether it be in society or by governement
your an idiot, i don't care if someone beats me up or "boycotts" as long as i don't go to jail
yea then you won't have a job, no way to make money, will die homeless and starving

woo hoo!! free speech exists, i said fuck jews but now nobody wants to get me for a job IRL or can't provide for myself
guns are the devil's work
no, i love guns, u really got no political depth, ur like in the level 1 thinking everybody is black and white
Trumpomania is only based for societal and lgbtq reasons

His policy and shit is kind of insane and he's lowering elons taxes n sheid

I didn't expect all this even tho I voted for him

My lib brother has explained how he's done a lot of crime but I just do like the anti gay shit as it's demonic asf how far it's gone

A lot of trump niggas are just tired of the world as it is, the shift thats happened after feminism

And trump is delivering on that front

But he's also delivering tax cuts to billionaires
  • +1
Reactions: Zexiiscarmi
what example? holy shit
are you niggas serious?
muh ad hominem

free speech doesn't exist because nobody is free from the consequences of their speech, wether it be in society or by governement

yea then you won't have a job, no way to make money, will die homeless and starving

woo hoo!! free speech exists, i said fuck jews but now nobody wants to get me for a job IRL or can't provide for myself

no, i love guns, u really got no political depth, ur like in the level 1 thinking everybody is black and white
you might be one of the most low iq people i've ever seen, your job can literally fire you for being a bad worker also, You can't be arrested for it. Not the same at all
your job can literally fire you for being a bad worker also
wtf is this analogy bro, now what if your job fire you for "hate speech" while u were the best at ur job?
what example? holy shit
are you niggas serious?
muh ad hominem
again you are not refering to anything i just said in the former sentence, completly irrelevant rambling
speech doesn't exist because nobody is free from the consequences of their speech, wether it be in society
people can think and say whatever they want when there are laws about freedom of thought and expression, so its logical to everyone above 80iq that not everybody will agree with you

by governement
yes it does you complete idiot, unless you are living in a police state brown hellhole such as uk
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Trumpomania is only based for societal and lgbtq reasons

His policy and shit is kind of insane and he's lowering elons taxes n sheid

I didn't expect all this even tho I voted for him

My lib brother has explained how he's done a lot of crime but I just do like the anti gay shit as it's demonic asf how far it's gone

A lot of trump niggas are just tired of the world as it is, the shift thats happened after feminism

And trump is delivering on that front

But he's also delivering tax cuts to billionaires
Feminism was promoted by the rockerfellers as a way to get more workers for less money
  • +1
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Feminism was promoted by the rockerfellers as a way to get more workers for less money
Also what Abt being gay is wrong without using the bible
again you are not refering to anything i just said in the former sentence, completly irrelevant rambling

people can think and say whatever they want when there are laws about freedom of thought and expression, so its logical to everyone above 80iq that not everybody will agree with you

yes it does you complete idiot, unless you are living in a police state brown hellhole such as uk
its literally clear that misinformation leads to defamation tho? you just wanted to talk, in this case the example i gave was just to make understand anthony what i was refering to as a shit example since he's low iq and probably wouldn't grasp the concept of actual online misinformatoin because the jews
people can think and say whatever they want when there are laws about freedom of thought and expression, so its logical to everyone above 80iq that not everybody will agree with you
"muh but but at least theres laws"
yeah, good laws, you will die on the streets instead of in a prison cell
law-justice cucks
Also both are jewish puppets

However it's true that trump wasn't supposed to win

The elites wanted kamala to win, the lgbtq shit reversing is semi proof of that, it'd be crazy double agent shit if not

But also, kamala in her ally year and trump in his enemy year is fucking crazy bruh

Like bruh he was not supposed to win, he won SO much harder than people think he did with this considered

Every 9 years you are in a enemy year, thus the "27 club " of dead rappers

And if you're over 18 you probably noticed some shit happen or a family member die

He shouldn't have won
its literally clear that misinformation leads to defamation tho? you just wanted to talk, in this case the example i gave was just to make understand anthony what i was refering to as a shit example since he's low iq and probably wouldn't grasp the concept of actual online misinformatoin because the jews

"muh but but at least theres laws"
yeah, good laws, you will die on the streets instead of in a prison cell
law-justice cucks
oh no some people will be misinformed by fake stats! time to jail them for 4 years
oh no some people will be misinformed by fake stats! time to jail them for 4 years
good, you get it now, they won't post fake stats or fake information ever again
4 is too low, give them 10 years
next time you post something make sure it's true winky boy
  • JFL
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"muh but but at least theres laws"
yeah, good laws, you will die on the streets instead of in a prison cell
law-justice cucks
you will die on the streets if you are living in an ethnic shithole, u exposed yourself very well as being a low iq violent nigger btw
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deathninja328, Gaygymmaxx and alriodai
Feminism was promoted by the rockerfellers as a way to get more workers for less money
I mean banning trannies in sports and stopping school indoctrination

It's more than just a denial of feminism i don't think he directly denies feminism at all
  • +1
Reactions: Zexiiscarmi
I mean banning trannies in sports and stopping school indoctrination

It's more than just a denial of feminism i don't think he directly denies feminism at all
Ok I can agree with this
  • +1
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you have to be incredibly retarded to like trump if ur working class
You hve to be dumb to genuinely like either parties’ candidates if ur working class
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Also what Abt being gay is wrong without using the bible
I believe in angels and demons, and the Bible analagously

But I can still do this

It is anti nature, and therefore unhealthy

And that's not my opinion, it creates a higher likelihood of STDS
(1 in 3 gaynal experiences should produce an STD without condom)

Now I understand this is the universe punishing you for denying it

But even you can understand it's worse, risky, and would result in the end of humanity if all humans were gay

the reason it has always occurred and is now occurring as well

is because there have always been demonic forces, or something analogous,

and they are rampant in media and culture now, thus stronger footing and can make faster progress

But either way naturalitically it's not sustainable

It's not really a moral evil at all

But, it's clearly, not supposed to happen

So admit as a gay man you are a defect or there is something wrong with you,

It's not unreasonable to say that, it's logical, I bear no hatred

it makes you defective, if you're fully gay, your bloodline is over.
you will die on the streets if you are living in an ethnic shithole, u exposed yourself very well as being a low iq violent nigger btw
Liberals are sinister and fowl like snakes but virtue signal lol
are you really this dumb? you really want stuff that the goverment considers misinfo to be banned?
This is when you lost me

We absolutely need this above all else, all opinions ought to be considered

The government commits war crimes all the fucking time, they are not and cannot ever be the final say in what can be said
Liberals are sinister and fowl like snakes but virtue signal lol

This is when you lost me

We absolutely need this above all else, all opinions ought to be considered

The government commits war crimes all the fucking time, they are not and cannot ever be the final say in what can be said
nigga what u mean don't we agree ur confusing me
  • +1
Reactions: Gaygymmaxx
I believe in angels and demons, and the Bible analagously

But I can still do this

It is anti nature, and therefore unhealthy

And that's not my opinion, it creates a higher likelihood of STDS
(1 in 3 gaynal experiences should produce an STD without condom)

Now I understand this is the universe punishing you for denying it

But even you can understand it's worse, risky, and would result in the end of humanity if all humans were gay

the reason it has always occurred and is now occurring as well

is because there have always been demonic forces, or something analogous,

and they are rampant in media and culture now, thus stronger footing and can make faster progress

But either way naturalitically it's not sustainable

It's not really a moral evil at all

But, it's clearly, not supposed to happen

So admit as a gay man you are a defect or there is something wrong with you,

It's not unreasonable to say that, it's logical, I bear no hatred

it makes you defective, if you're fully gay, your bloodline is over.
This was actually understandable. However there is 8 billion people and for every 10 strags there are 1-3 fags. Also humans are intelligent and don't rely on the instincts that animals do. Also there gay animals in nature. PERSONALLY I BELIEVE WE SHOULD JUST LET PEOPLE FUCK. Last point, STDs are more common in butt fuckers bc the anus wasn't evolved for sex and there is no need for it hence it tears and can lead to infections.
cope retard, Kamal's vice preisdent literally send he wanted to jail people for "miinformation and hate speech" fucking retard the democrats care so much about the working class
If kamala won, america will become like germany and the uk

You gonna be arrested for having a opinion against the leftish regime and being racistic online (muhh hate speeh)

You dont know how lucky we are because trump is president
Last edited:
  • +1
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This was actually understandable. However there is 8 billion people and for every 10 strags there are 1-3 fags. Also humans are intelligent and don't rely on the instincts that animals do. Also there gay animals in nature. PERSONALLY I BELIEVE WE SHOULD JUST LET PEOPLE FUCK. Last point, STDs are more common in butt fuckers bc the anus wasn't evolved for sex and there is no need for it hence it tears and can lead to infections.
3-10 is some kind of fantasy dude thats not real 🤣🤣🤣🤣

But exactly my point, the likelihood is off the fucking charts in the new age, it's absurdly high

Because it's being artificially increased by jews to maximize sinning

The high up freemasons do gay black Magic to get demonic assistance, they kill babies, they kill people, they fuck yoj in the ass as an initiation

Diddy was probably corrupting souls on purpose not just as a kink, he had something wicked in him too

Like it's in their books, when you understsnd demons are real all this shit becomes obvious,

Every culture across the world has believed in demons


Thousands of years of dead babies due to pseudoscience? Across cultures? Which don't meet?

No they get something out-of it.

demons are real, and evil forces are behind inclinations

My bisexual brother agrees with me
If kamala won, america will be like germany and the uk

You gonna be arrested for having a opinion against the leftish regime and being racistic online (muhh hate speeh)

You dont know how lucky we are because trump is president

Yeah this is the side of things that all trump voters agree with

But libs demonize us, we had to vote in a tyrant to get it done, we were afraid of what's happening

Libs are gay so they don't get the issue
3-10 is some kind of fantasy dude thats not real 🤣🤣🤣🤣

But exactly my point, the likelihood is off the fucking charts in the new age, it's absurdly high

Because it's being artificially increased by jews to maximize sinning

The high up freemasons do gay black Magic to get demonic assistance, they kill babies, they kill people, they fuck yoj in the ass as an initiation

Diddy was probably corrupting souls on purpose not just as a kink, he had something wicked in him too

Like it's in their books, when you understsnd demons are real all this shit becomes obvious,

Every culture across the world has believed in demons


Thousands of years of dead babies due to pseudoscience? Across cultures? Which don't meet?

No they get something out-of it.

demons are real, and evil forces are behind inclinations

My bisexual brother agrees with me
Not to be offensive but are u potentially schizophrenic
Yeah this is the side of things that all trump voters agree with

But libs demonize us, we had to vote in a tyrant to get it done, we were afraid of what's happening

Libs are gay so they don't get the issue
they are very very dangerous, i rather have trump in office then kamala
  • +1
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Yeah this is the side of things that all trump voters agree with

But libs demonize us, we had to vote in a tyrant to get it done, we were afraid of what's happening

Libs are gay so they don't get the issue

The liberals they are very very dangerous, their propaganda machines are the biggest one in the world, in their peak it took even fully over reddit.

even after trump won they are crying about on how "trump is bad"
This woke cancer need to be destroyed , trump is working on it
the dumbest argument from either side is that trump is hitler. the democrats are actual low iq retards for sincerely believing that, but the right are delusional for thinking he's not just another centrist jew
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the dumbest argument from either side is that trump is hitler. the democrats are actual low iq retards for sincerely believing that, but the right are delusional for thinking he's not just another centrist jew
Oh no we are

Seriously aside, even if trump is gonna side with isreal, kamala is not a better option

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