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You can't be blackpilled and pro-capitalism -- they don't go together.
Imagine thinking you're truly blackpilled but support an oligarchy like the U.S. hypercapitalist, pseudo-socio-capitalist economy with CONTROLLED markets; owned by 600 corporations that cooperate with all major banks, billionaires, CEOs, and Jew backed, enslaved, exploited workforce that get...

The more Capitalist a city, the more likely to be incels there
In general the more Capitalist a place the more likely there will be incels there. Capitalists urge for the carrot & stick game. The wageslave roundabout. The desire to upkeep and always have something to provide. The endless grind and flexibility. The need for keeping up with the Joneses and...

The gym is a capitalist ploy/gateway to instigate human labor exploit by elites
Think about it. What does the gym do? It's pushed as a way to "achieve health." To "build yourself up." "Get stronger." "Self improve." "Work on yourself." Etc. BS. But in reality the "gym" was always a tool to entice humans to go to work. It's a way to "push" people in to the plantation --...
Just going to throw this out there that the average man, by virtue of "muh hard work," likely:
1. Is overweight from high cortisol/serotonin/estrogen from working 70% of his time.
2. Is borderline or full-on depressed; drinks/smokes weed every day likely to cope.
3. Is likely to STILL not make ends meet or ever "advance" in life even working full-time.
4. Is unlikely to feel satisfied despite working constantly & trying to grind/"fix" his life.
5. Likely is married or was formerly married, AKA betabux, and may have some kids.
6. Some of the kids he has likely hate him because of his high cortisol/estrogen ways.
7. Probably has man boobs from high prolactin from all the weed smoking & aging.
8. Likely is insecure; covers it up likely with jokes, trying to seem "cool"/"confident."
9. Likely feels like shit at least 50% of most of his days, if not more.
10. Will never actually "move up" in life -- will be stuck grinding until his health fails.
11. When his health fails he will get disability and then likely divorce, split up.
12. This divorce/split up/separation from his kids/family due to health will depress him.
13. With more depression & isolation he will likely be suffering; his health'll fail more.
14. When his health keeps failing then -- out of pity -- his kids will go see him dying.
15. Out of guilt his kids will have to suffer/endure watching him slowly fade away...
16. He will be lying there on his death bed, thinking back to how miserable life was.
17. He will be thinking of how "great" life was before he started working/reached 'X' age.
18. It'll be a little too late, but at this point his suffering will just grow more a bit.
19. Eventually he'll probably go to hospice or some shit, as his final days are coming.
20. Nurses will not do shit; doctors won't try to help him anymore. One day, he's dead.
And even if all above isn't true for every man, the miserable part will still be for the majority, kids, job or not still.
No legacy left behind; only sad memories and experiences the kids, if he even has any, will endure. Then their lives will follow suit.
This is the life of most men in a Capitalist system -- work hard, suffer more, & have nothing to show for it in any real way.
No house. No men nowadays will ever have their own home unless their parents have one/pass it on. That means never "independence."
If not, they will likely live out most of their life working for shekels & living check by check until death, or the medical system kills them.

Socialism is the way to go. NO MORE JEWPITALISM! 👍
Crapitalism has run its course in U.S.A. 1% of people control 90% of the wealth. The Jewish Party has been the biggest enforcer of capitalism in the West. United States was inherently more socialist until the 1900s (Jews). We can't have fucks like Elon Musk having half a trillion while 80%...

Life Makes You Autistic. The World's Designed To Make You An Autist Slavetard.
What explains autism? Routines. Repeats. Patterns. (Stupidity) How is most of the (Capitalist/Jewpitalist) world designed to operate? On ROUTINES. ORDER. PATTERNS. TIMING. FINE DETAILS. MONITORING. WATCHING. REPEATING. OVERSEEING. COMPETING. OBSERVING. ANALYZING. DEDUCING. PATTERNIZING...

Being "Chad" Is Actually A NICHE -- It's NOT A Universal "Upgrade" In Life Quality
This is perhaps the darkest blackpill for the whitepillers is that.... "CHAD" IS BASICALLY NOTHING MORE THAN A NICHE IN PRACTICE. In theory Chad is seen as this ethereal "God among men" by sub Chads... "Once I become 'Chad' everything in life will sort itself out magically!" In reality...
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