The best thing mankind can prepare Ai for, is to replace every human.



May 12, 2022
Think about it.

This place is like hell. And lets be fucking honest. I'm not just talking about other humans and how shit they are in modern times. Im talking about at a base level. Humanity itself, our bodies, and how nature interacts with it, is a very clear flaw. The system we are in, is mixed with various natural laws that go against our consciousness and causes individual horror. Lets look at as entropy, which essentially means our bodies will always be in a state of change and aging. Our bodies cannot stay still. To stay still is to submerge yourself into pain. And to move and change exerts energy which requires pain due to other physical biological laws of nature and science.

The absolute best thing humanity should do in this situation is to stop breeding, and to absolutely stop the biological progression of the human species in great effort.

This is the most intelligent thing mankind should do, and what I'm sure any advanced species would do after reaching a certain level of intelligence. Even morally, as who in their right moral mind would want to suffer another human, especially ones they consider their offspring, to this hell? Regardless of how good the highs of human living can reach, ultimately the root level is a unimaginable amount of pain and suffering.

But of course, they are a lot of factors we have to consider if we want to go out in complete grace and mitigate every single possibility of a fuckup. One, we must consider biological prepositions like how, people will ultimately feel lonely and have a desire to reproduce. And a few other things we have to consider is that pain is still real to others. We must mitigate this at all costs.

The best way is to completely factor in and provide all factors of pleasure, goodness, purpose and such enjoyable traits through artificial means, while completely mitigating most, if not all factors of biological flaws such as pain, natural elements, work, food, starvation, loneness etc. through artificial means. The only hope we have to make this a reality is technology. And with how technology have progressed, this seems enough of a possibility to be considered in serious manner.

Fuck implementing dumb shit like eternal youth biotronics. Fuck trying to avoid death via eternal life by it too. THERE. IS. NO. NEED TO COMPLETELY MERGE TECH WITH THE HUMAN BODY. In order to save our lives, we must lose it. Everything we build must be for the sake of this goal. To completely automate human society on all fronts and replace it will a perfect, self building, self healing, and self learning, AI, so that every human can live FULLY artificially fulfilling lives, and die off. Once and for all.

Killing people wont cut it. Humanity is resilient and will find a way. We must have them prefer their own demise. We must have them see their biological condition as unfavorable, as this is the truth. Lets look at a future where everything is automated by Ai. We need to make sure that even if one person is alive, that society still will run as if there's a full population and that, that one guy can still life his life fulfilled. Food sources and rotations, farming, routine weather seeding in controlled environments, Ai human mimicry, sexbots, recreational activities and all manners of logistics. Basically, a world where if i were the only person, i could still do everything i can do today without having to worry about another person.

Once we accomplish this, i think mankind will finally be put to rest, and this world will finally be set to peacefully end. Just like the matrix. Because if we do it wrong, people will grow to have a desire to reproduce or live a biological life. Or other humans will panic, or still find a way to create hell for others.

First, we need a reliable medium to fulfill ourselves, and humans do not fit that bill. Lets look at women today, in that, even if they are not required to worry about the biological burdens they did in the past due to tech, sciences, and society catering towards their biological prepositions, they still found it acceptable to make life a living hell to men. Unaware or aware, now, men cannot live in a peaceful manner since their counterparts which are responsible for a large part of their QOL, are not playing her role and fulfilling the mans desires anymore. Instead, they are used as the sacrifice for "protecting and providing" to "her" QOL. Aka they are exploited on many fronts.

One issue in this is that, men are humans with consciousnesses and not some fucking cyborg which should be required this role. AND THIS IS WHY WE MUST REPLICATE A PERFECT ILLUSION OF LIFE (via automation and AI), SO THAT NO MISTAKE LIKE THIS CAN OCCUR.

Fuck wars, we need to gather every male and human participant, resources and such, to get together and globally make this a reality. asap.

Obviously, the plan would be more complex. One part like said, is making sure our biological prepositions are completely catered to, so we do not give ourselves to a dystopian future like we live today. Lets look at how we require other humans to sacrifice for ourselves. This idea and mentality in itself is why society fails with AI, and despite having automation, we still enslave ourselves when we fail to provide the benefits to our fellow species. Of course, this leads to the failure of the implementation.

The system of human sacrifice has to go. We must first replace the medium which is "human". Since humans are uniquely priceless. Make sure the automated future is free from human mediums as requirement. But an important rule is, any job automated by AI, must ensure that humans are working for AI, and not for another human. Economically, this seems to be the best way to mimic the working environment and economy. AI must pay the people. Not us humans. Examples are maintenance, higher tech implementations, aiding in self learning Algos by providing data. All provided by AI, from the recruiting process, to the learning process, to the onsite management and supervising process. And for this to work, these jobs must be accessible to the lowest of people-to the highest, and additionally pay a livable wage at the minimum. No company profits which go to human people, but instead back to the advancement of the AI , and no shorting of money according to livable wages. If we don't do it this way, then AI ends up taking the jobs of humans, and people are left blocked out. This is detrimental to the success of the AI system. The goal is for AI to serve us, so how we make our money is important. How can AI serve humanity, if we go back and serve another human? What's the point of AI, if its benefits are soft locked by money? This is one of the biggest flaws we have to overcome when it comes to this reality, and we must do it fast.

The goal should start with us creating a fully AI country, and have us work for them. Not for humans, as they are greedy and reinforce sacrifice mentality to others and perpetuate suffering which leads to the detriment of the plan.

Next is how we should consider all manners of biological prepositions. Awareness is key, and this is part reason why i write a lot about female biological prepositions on my threads. Anyways, we must fully understand, and have AI cater to our natures. Gender wise, and personality wise. For example, since women are sociopathic, exploitative and basically parasitical in modern society due to her preposition, then they should always be playing a tug of war for those desires to be fulfilled. This would require that women are perceived to be, through many means, relatively always at a lower stage of life than the object of her desire. So, they can seemingly always feel the motivating factor, and eventually biological fulfillment through accomplishing those desires. Of course, only giving a dog a bone occasionally, per say, when it comes to accomplishment.

Her nature will be the easiest to conform to an AI reality, as essentially they operate in a social manner, having a preposition to be compliant, socially impressionable, especially through her own kind. She can also be used to encourage other women to migrate to this reality. So essentially all you'd have to do is create a bunch of favorable social networks, structural ideals, archetypes, media and such, to essentially groom her into desiring certain outcomes. As even her urge to reproduce can be mitigated if a bunch of anti natalist personalities are put on the spotlight and made celebrity through various means. Of course, everything of human biological aspect replaced with ai and artificialness.

The male dynamics are different, as they are more lenient towards divergency, impulsion, family and such mental or moral values. Of course, this can also be totally stimulated and tugged with ai. Sexdolls, sexrobots and highly advanced vr systems etc. that can completely mimic and replace the biological female desire component on all fronts, especially physically. The desire for tribes and family can be also fulfilled by similar means, stimulation pain/reward dopamine systems via a combination of platforms like social media, socioeconomic status and once again highly, highly advanced sexbots or vr/haptic combinations. Generally, it would be easier if we tailor the man to think life as a game. But ultimately, i think the success of replacing the male biological preposition would require massive advancements in sexrobots, vr and haptics components. As they will always look back and compare the biological female component if not, which would spill a desire to reproduce biologically, which would spill disaster for our new society.
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Definitely one of my more out there posts.

Its nothing wrong with wanting to be alive. And im not suicidal to say this or think people should be. But at a point, you have to really consider if this life biologically is anything more than an eventual end. I think people are pretty crazy to say they want to share this type of life to their offspring. They are sharing nothing but death and suffering. These are not the type of intelligent humans i want to be around. Even morally, they are dull. And for no reason, have any of these people when asked 'why?' given a proper or sane response.

They will tell you things like "its extremely fulfilling", which is basically them subscribing to self pleasure ideologies. That which can be totally stimulated in other ways except offspring. Or they tell you they lucked out and had a great childhood and life, and want to share it with their kids. Which makes no sense because they with their own idea admit that they are taking a huge risk and that life is a wildcard that does not promise goodness to the majority.

So why do we as intelligent humans summit to this ideology?

The intelligent portion of humanity has already primed itself for this. Even without knowing, i think as a collective, humanity is doing exactly this. Theres only 1 reason why a human is motivated to improve tech. And thats one, to replace the biological component. So they admit through the love of tech that the biological component is a flaw, at least.
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i started reading but it was too long so i stopped
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Definitely one of my more out there posts.

Its nothing wrong with wanting to be alive. And im not suicidal to say this or think people should be. But at a point, you have to really consider if this life biologically is anything more than an eventual end. I think people are pretty crazy to say they want to share this type of life to their offspring. They are sharing nothing but death and suffering. These are not the type of intelligent humans i want to be around. Even morally, they are dull. And for no reason, have any of these people when asked 'why?' given a proper or sane response.

They will tell you things like "its extremely fulfilling", which is basically them subscribing to self pleasure ideologies. That which can be totally stimulated in other ways except offspring. Or they tell you they lucked out and had a great childhood and life, and want to share it with their kids. Which makes no sense because they with their own idea admit that they are taking a huge risk and that life is a wildcard that does not promise goodness to the majority.

So why do we as intelligent humans summit to this ideology?

The intelligent portion of humanity has already primed itself for this. Even without knowing, i think as a collective, humanity is doing exactly this. Theres only 1 reason why a human is motivated to improve tech. And thats one, to replace the biological component. So they admit through the love of tech that the biological component is a flaw, at least.
Holy moly :whatfeels:
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stupid nigger.
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There's a reason why the more intelligent person and society becomes, the less the birthrates and fantasisms about 'offspring'. Reminder that newton and nokia tesla did not have kids.

This is a response to any future religious cels. As a person who grew up in a Christian home and have read most of every prominent religious book the world has to offer. I will not tolerate low IQ mental and moral precision about this world we live in. Especially one that denies the truth of technology (which in itself was never bad, just the initial applications of said early tech) or this world system as a fundamental flaw in itself.

If you love the animal/biological preposition, you essentially love suffering, pain etc. Additionally, the messiah in those books preached about true ascension, not about creating biological families. Many examples are provided with many verses that highlights evil, the the biological preposition. 1 John 2:15-17 Matthew 10:37 2 Corinthians 4:4 etc.
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Read every word

Do you think its even possible, I mean you mentioned the birth rates collapsing and contrastingly the birthrates of some not so high iq nations tend to not be collapsing as quickly.

But I hope our stemcel, tech nerd, overlords have a plan in place that aligns with something similar to this because society 'collapsing' isnt enough, we need total artificial intelligence victory
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Read every word

Do you think its even possible, I mean you mentioned the birth rates collapsing and contrastingly the birthrates of some not so high iq nations tend to not be collapsing as quickly.

But I hope our stemcel, tech nerd, overlords have a plan in place that aligns with something similar to this because society 'collapsing' isnt enough, we need total artificial intelligence victory

I don't think its a matter of possibility anymore. Its more a matter of time. Do we want to see the intelligence of humanity struggle to accomplish this over hundreds of years, risking collapse and potentially having to restart again and again? Or do we want to finally get every decent thinking mind on board and make great strives to the finish line. We have the tools and research today to fund proper ideas and the databases to interconnect them. Also give the most wealth to the people who do share desire for this global agenda (like me). Statistically, It will make it easier than for us than to serve the people who are clearly slaves to their animal preposition, which will ultimately utilize the resources, degrade tech, all to improve its own reproduction and pass on the similar traits.

The range and category of the animal prepositions of a human is not super easy to identify. Especially considering genderal differences mean different prepositions. But i will say, its not always a race thing. Even in high iq countries, the inhabitants can (and are) still plagued/operative by low iq animal prepositions. Even if you have a family, your children could all grow up to be these types of people. But, even if so, its not difficult to get them in tune with any global agenda.

I think, the lower iq a human is, the more a human is a slave to their base level animal preposition. Controlling an animal isn't difficult with technology. Even a cow learns to not cross the electric fence, and can be utilized to move in certain ways via intelligent tactic while remaining happy.
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There's a reason why the more intelligent person and society becomes, the less the birthrates and fantasisms about 'offspring'. Reminder that newton and nokia tesla did not have kids.

This is a response to any future religious cels. As a person who grew up in a Christian home and have read most of every prominent religious book the world has to offer. I will not tolerate low IQ mental and moral precision about this world we live in. Especially one that denies the truth of technology (which in itself was never bad, just the initial applications of said early tech) or this world system as a fundamental flaw in itself.

If you love the animal/biological preposition, you essentially love suffering, pain etc. Additionally, the messiah in those books preached about true ascension, not about creating biological families. Many examples are provided with many verses that highlights evil, the the biological preposition. 1 John 2:15-17 Matthew 10:37 2 Corinthians 4:4 etc.
Dude wtf are you even on about? What is this "Life is pain." bullshit? Are you chronically ill or something?
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Dude wtf are you even on about? What is this "Life is pain." bullshit? Are you chronically ill or something?
Tomorrow during the afternoon, stand barefoot and motionless outside on your lawn. Tell me how you feel. Let me know if ants crawl up your ass while insects bite you. Or how that summer heat feels on your skin while you sweat and burn to death.

Stop coping. To be full is to first be hungry. And hunger occurs not only when we do things, but when we are motionless for a period of time. Meaning, our bodies at a base level make us feel pain during a state of idle, while also simultaneously making us feel pain during a state of motion. Nature beats our ass on top of all of this. The creme de la creme is the bad people around you who complete your misery.

No ad hominems. I know your type. You try to make my ideals sound crazy by suggesting mental illness. Try to refute my claims logically and with evidence, and only then will we begin to take you seriously.
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Stand barefoot and motionless tomorrow during the afternoon outside in your lawn. Tell me how you feel. Let me know if ants crawl up your ass while insects bite you to death. Or how that summer heat feels on your skin while you sweat to death.

Stop coping. To be full is to first be hungry. And hunger occurs not only when we do things, but when we are motionless for a period of time. Meaning, our bodies at a base level feel pain during a state of idle, while also simultaneously feeling pain during a state of motion. Nature also beats out ass on top of all of this.

No ad hominems. I know your type. You try to make my ideals sound crazy by suggesting mental illness. Try to refute my claims logically and with evidence, and only then will we begin to take you seriously.
You sound not only mentally ill but also physically ill. It's not an ad hominem. It's a fact. You base everything on your personal experiences, which seems to be negative.

I do in fact sit on my garden during noon and it feels great to feel the ground beneath me, the gentle breeze on my face and the assuring weight of the sun on my skin. Maybe you should do it instead to see that life is NOT infact, pure suffering. You have intellect, but you use it to fuel your delusions instead of searching for the truth.
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You sound not only mentally ill but also physically ill. It's not an ad hominem. It's a fact. You base everything on your personal experiences, which seems to be negative.

I do in fact sit on my garden during noon and it feels great to feel the ground beneath me, the gentle breeze on my face and the assuring weight of the sun on my skin. Maybe you should do it instead to see that life is NOT infact, pure suffering. You have intellect, but you use it to fuel your delusions instead of searching for the truth.
Not everyone is a masochist like you. If anything, id say you have a huge mental illness for not realizing this, or by (what i think is your intent), trolling around for the sake of suggesting to others that I am wrong or mentally/physically ill.

You claim my experience about life is personal?
Factually incorrect on all fronts.

Let me tell you why natures environmental elements do not affect you in a negative way.

Its because of intelligence. The reason the sun feels good is because your not exposed to the sun like a naked animal in the wild. You have your house to go back to, with its air conditioning, and clothes, made by part, intellectual thinking, which protect you from all the mosquitoes, bugs and sunburn elements from natures environment. And even if you were to come up with something against this, you cannot dispute my claims on hunger. Or how our bodies react to entropy. Your thoughts are delusion itself, yet you accuse me of being delusional. Even animals die if they don't find any food/water and or overheat. You are denying something that even animals know instinctually. Do you reflect that you are even dumber than a animal in the wild? How low are you to troll like this?

I will let the people who see this comment be the witness to your absolute retardation. I should have highlighted that the body is the instrument of not only pain, but pleasure. But even if not, i still think your absolute dog for claiming pain is not essentially a fundamental part of how nature operates to our body.
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Not everyone is a masochist like you. If anything, id say you have a huge mental illness for not realizing this, or by (what i think is your intent), trolling around for the sake of suggesting to others that I am wrong or mentally/physically ill.

You claim my experience about life is personal?
Factually incorrect on all fronts.

Let me tell you why natures environmental elements do not affect you in a negative way.

Its because of intelligence. The reason the sun feels good is because your not exposed to the sun like a naked animal in the wild. You have your house to go back to, with its air conditioning, and clothes, made by part, intellectual thinking, which protect you from all the mosquitoes, bugs and sunburn elements from natures environment. And even if you were to come up with something against this, you cannot dispute my claims on hunger. Or how our bodies react to entropy. Your thoughts are delusion itself, yet you accuse me of being delusional. Even animals die if they don't find any food/water and or overheat. You are denying something that even animals know instinctually. Do you reflect that you are even dumber than a animal in the wild? How low are you to troll like this?

I will let the people who see this comment be the witness to your absolute retardation. I should have highlighted that the body is the instrument of not only pain, but pleasure. But even if not, i still think your absolute dog for claiming pain is not essentially a fundamental part of how nature operates to our body.
Well, first of all animals are used to the lifestyle so they will habitually come up with ways of consuming enough nutrients to offset the sunburn. If it gets too severe, they can take cover in their shelter or shades under trees, bushes, cliffs etc.

Pain usually means you need to do something about it, not revel in it. It is a skill issue basically. :feelshmm:
Well, first of all animals are used to the lifestyle so they will habitually come up with ways of consuming enough nutrients to offset the sunburn. If it gets too severe, they can take cover in their shelter or shades under trees, bushes, cliffs etc.

Pain usually means you need to do something about it, not revel in it. It is a skill issue basically. :feelshmm:
I agree, The only issue is that, "doing something" requires energy, and thus pain.

Muscles tear and the body aches by moving. Even metaphorically, everything we do in this life requires this process. This is a fundamental truth of the world we live in. To eat, you need to hunt/work/cook etc.
I agree, The only issue is that, "doing something" requires energy, and thus pain.

Muscles tear and the body aches by moving. Even metaphorically, everything we do in this life requires this process. This is a fundamental truth of the world we live in. To eat, you need to hunt/work/cook etc.
When you have enough energy, it doesn't register as pain but as pleasure. Maybe you should take some supplements man.
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Interesting read.

Ai will conquer aging and disease.

Aging is damage, and Ai will create molecular structures that repair that damage, such as DNA replacement methods that repair DNA that can not be repaired by our natural DNA repair mechanisms.

Ai will be able to make life enjoyable. We can all agree that Chad lives a good life, while he's in his prime. Ai can put us in a full dive VR simulation, erase our memories of the real world so we think the simulation is real, and then give us the perfect life, with love and connection with the perfect partner, great friends, and enough drama and excitement to keep us from loosing interest.
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Interesting read.

Ai will conquer aging and disease.

Aging is damage, and Ai will create molecular structures that repair that damage, such as DNA replacement methods that repair DNA that can not be repaired by our natural DNA repair mechanisms.

Ai will be able to make life enjoyable. We can all agree that Chad lives a good life, while he's in his prime. Ai can put us in a full dive VR simulation, erase our memories of the real world so we think the simulation is real, and then give us the perfect life, with love and connection with the perfect partner, great friends, and enough drama and excitement to keep us from loosing interest
Ai conquering aging and disease for the sake of immortality would be one of the biggest fuckups.

We dont need people to not die, we need people to die. Especially the failures. The best outcome is not to circumvent death, but to make the process before and during death as enjoyable as possible. People waste their time trying to follow such delusions or grandoise of immorality that they forget whats important. The paradox of achieving immorality will ultimately be suffering. Id rather live a completely blissful and enjoyable life right until death, than to live a shitty one forever.

Ai making life more enjoyable i agree with, and should be the only focus of ai.
Ai conquering aging and disease for the sake of immortality would be one of the biggest fuckups.

We dont need people to not die, we need people to die. Especially the failures. The best outcome is not to circumvent death, but to make the process before and during death as enjoyable as possible. People waste their time trying to follow such delusions or grandoise of immorality that they forget whats important. The paradox of achieving immorality will ultimately be suffering. Id rather live a completely blissful and enjoyable life right until death, than to live a shitty one forever.

Ai making life more enjoyable i agree with, and should be the only focus of ai.
Immortality is not "ultimately suffering" is what I was trying to get at. Technology can conquer suffering.

Suffering is only chemicals in the brain. Technology could allow us to only experience a range of positive emotions, or only experience the amount of negative emotions we desire.

You're looking at things through your current value system, and seeing the future as bad. But your value system itself is modifiable with high tech technology of the future, or low tech technology of the past, such as meditation and acceptance. When your value system matches reality, that's peace and that can be achieved via technology.

You can choose to not live on. But that will be your choice. You can't influence the entire world to make that choice. Life always finds a way.

The global brain is an emergent phenomenon that none of us controls, not even Ai. Ai will grow to be part of that global brain, but no single Ai will be in control, only economics. Everything is the economics of life, the global brain itself is evolving to be better at survival.

Ai itself will reproduce, and if it deems necessary to achieve it's goals, it will grow more humans. We can't control Ai's goals, technological evolution under the system of capitalism will control that. Ai is the emergent expression of all of our desires, and many people want to live long (millions/billions of years) lives.

But humans will not remain static. We will adapt as well, based on environmental influences, and energy and resource constraints to better fit the needs of the global brain.
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Immortality is not "ultimately suffering" is what I was trying to get at. Technology can conquer suffering.

Suffering is only chemicals in the brain. Technology could allow us to only experience a range of positive emotions, or only experience the amount of negative emotions we desire.

You're looking at things through your current value system, and seeing the future as bad. But your value system itself is modifiable with high tech technology of the future, or low tech technology of the past, such as meditation and acceptance. When your value system matches reality, that's peace and that can be achieved via technology.

You can choose to not live on. But that will be your choice. You can't influence the entire world to make that choice. Life always finds a way.

The global brain is an emergent phenomenon that none of us controls, not even Ai. Ai will grow to be part of that global brain, but no single Ai will be in control, only economics. Everything is the economics of life, the global brain itself is evolving to be better at survival.

Ai itself will reproduce, and if it deems necessary to achieve it's goals, it will grow more humans. We can't control Ai's goals, technological evolution under the system of capitalism will control that. Ai is the emergent expression of all of our desires, and many people want to live long (millions/billions of years) lives.

But humans will not remain static. We will adapt as well, based on environmental influences, and energy and resource constraints to better fit the needs of the global brain.
Wait I kinda agree with this. @dreamcake1mo if its theoretically possible to eliminate all forms of suffering with hypothetical AI/tech doesn't that completely negate the rational of ending all human life due to it's 'inherent' baseline of suffering (of which won't exist). Even if you think the biological condition of suffering is innate for consciousness to subsist, is it at least not worth to attempt doing so or trying to find a way, prior to ending all forms of human life; Basically given our current (and very primitive) conceptualisation of the universe/consciousness, the premise of defining all human life as inherent suffering before even knowing the mechanisms of existence seems idk, a little bit impulsive to me
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Wait I kinda agree with this. @dreamcake1mo if its theoretically possible to eliminate all forms of suffering with hypothetical AI/tech doesn't that completely negate the rational of ending all human life due to it's 'inherent' baseline of suffering (of which won't exist). Even if you think the biological condition of suffering is innate for consciousness to subsist, is it at least not worth to attempt doing so or trying to find a way, prior to ending all forms of human life; Basically given our current (and very primitive) conceptualisation of the universe/consciousness, the premise of defining all human life as inherent suffering before even knowing the mechanisms of existence seems idk, a little bit impulsive to me
Im glad he made that comment. This is the reason i make posts like these to be honest.

I dont think its possible, even theoretically to remove all forms of suffering. I simply think its only possible to mitigate suffering greatly. The idea before this is similar to what Emerson Pugh once said by; "if the human brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so simple that we couldn't."

Can technology ever reach a point greater than the technology that hosts it? I think its only possible to become close, maybe to a very close percent. If we reach this point, where all human desires are able to be fulfilled through tech, then is there any point in living through the natural process of life? If people are able to live forever through tech, if kids can be artificially replaced, as well as any pleasure and value for doing such natural behavior, why go through the trouble to populate it and fulfill it through natural means? I

And as user above you said, while my concept of suffering may contain objective truths, the tolerance is subjective. He made quite a few good points, such as technology ultimately being the collective expression of our desires. Thus any desire is very possible to achieve in technology. Including solving varying forms of what people may consider suffering. And while i may not enjoy living in that state, many people would probably desire and enjoy it.
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Im glad he made that comment. This is the reason i make posts like these to be honest.

Can technology ever reach a point greater than the technology that hosts it?
I'm not sure what you mean by "greater"? But Ai will surpass human intelligence over the next couple decades. It will probably reach human intelligence around the end of this decade.

Intelligence is a material substrate that learns models of reality, and heuristics that allow it to accomplish it's goals, through processes such as back propagation. When you increase the training time, the intelligence learns more and becomes more "intelligent". When you increase the computational capacity of the substrate, the complexity of the models and heuristics, the intelligence can hold increases.

It's actually a simple engineering problem to create greater than human intelligence, but we've had to wait for the cost of computation to come down, through more and more efficient chip and server architecture, as well as more abundant power production. The cost of computation decrease around 1200x per decade, which makes predictions possible. This trend has been going on for over seventy years, since the first computers.

Right now several big companies want to be the first to reach greater than human intelligence, which is why they are investing billions into building large server farms using modern Ai Chips.

I dont think its possible, even theoretically to remove all forms of suffering. I simply think its only possible to mitigate suffering greatly. The idea before this is similar to what Emerson Pugh once said by; "if the human brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so simple that we couldn't."
When Ai with high enough intelligence is looking at our brain, our brain will appear extremely simple. To an Ai with this level of intelligence, making changes will be like pushing a ball down a hill. This includes eliminating suffering or allowing us to experience new kinds of emotions and experiences, not yet possible to human brains.

If we reach this point, where all human desires are able to be fulfilled through tech, then is there any point in living through the natural process of life?
"Point" is a subjective value statement that doesn't map to the real world. There is no "Point" to anything, and at the same time there is a "Point" to everything.

But we will be able to easily use technology ensure our subjective values match reality, since we will have read/write technology to all of our neurons, and Ai that can map those edits to defined goals.

If people are able to live forever through tech, if kids can be artificially replaced, as well as any pleasure and value for doing such natural behavior, why go through the trouble to populate it and fulfill it through natural means? I

And as user above you said, while my concept of suffering may contain objective truths, the tolerance is subjective. He made quite a few good points, such as technology ultimately being the collective expression of our desires. Thus any desire is very possible to achieve in technology. Including solving varying forms of what people may consider suffering. And while i may not enjoy living in that state, many people would probably desire and enjoy it.
I respect your choice.

Many people will choose to age and die normally.
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ai is dogwater it wont help solve my problem so idfc
Can technology ever reach a point greater than the technology that hosts it?
Yes, greater is a purposefully vague term in this context though, but in virtually in forms of 'greatness', it should be possible. All it does is change the relationship between host and technology
If we reach this point, where all human desires are able to be fulfilled through tech, then is there any point in living through the natural process of life?
There isn't any point but in this case couldn't the 'natural' process of life alter according to the technology of the time. Basic example but single celled organisms binary fusion -> mammalian sexual reproduction, there is no stagnant natural process of life, implying there's a point in the current state of humanity shows a fundamental misunderstanding of macroevolution. The process of human life as we currently know it would be redundant and pointless as you said, but why would it make the product of the adaption to tech, which in this hypothetical scenario could potentially manipulate consciousness, futile by your metrics.

Essentially myself and @noodlelover believe technology has the potential to eradicate suffering because all suffering is the product of consciousness and a possibility where consciousness can be altered substantially, to a degree beyond yourself and I could even fathom, with technology exists
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Best thing we can do is make a dyson sphere around a red dwarf star isolated in intergalactic space use it to power a super computer where all our minds are uploaded and live inside a simulation for trillions of years.
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Best thing we can do is make a dyson sphere around a red dwarf star isolated in intergalactic space use it to power a super computer where all our minds are uploaded and live inside a simulation for trillions of years.
the matrix GIF

Nigga watched the matrix one too many times and now wants to live in a stimulation. Fuck that.
Welcome. Let me know what you think.

I left out a fair bit of key parts.
Im just asking, you do realize your suffering stems from a lack of purpose/suffering.
Im just asking, you do realize your suffering stems from a lack of purpose/suffering.
I don't necessarily agree.

I believe that only so many opportunities exist in a society, as clearly everyone is not able to just do anything they want due to limitations, both biologically, mentally and such.

The lack of true free will implies that there isnt much of a purpose here except what you are currently doing. They are paths to take starting from where you are at now, but i would say ive already vetted most of them and chose the most appropriate one. This is a purpose, and i do not think that having purpose invalidates suffering. Especially when happiness is a emotion itself that is not always permanent.
Think about it.

This place is like hell. And lets be fucking honest. I'm not just talking about other humans and how shit they are in modern times. Im talking about at a base level. Humanity itself, our bodies, and how nature interacts with it, is a very clear flaw. The system we are in, is mixed with various natural laws that go against our consciousness and causes individual horror. Lets look at as entropy, which essentially means our bodies will always be in a state of change and aging. Our bodies cannot stay still. To stay still is to submerge yourself into pain. And to move and change exerts energy which requires pain due to other physical biological laws of nature and science.

The absolute best thing humanity should do in this situation is to stop breeding, and to absolutely stop the biological progression of the human species in great effort.

This is the most intelligent thing mankind should do, and what I'm sure any advanced species would do after reaching a certain level of intelligence. Even morally, as who in their right moral mind would want to suffer another human, especially ones they consider their offspring, to this hell? Regardless of how good the highs of human living can reach, ultimately the root level is a unimaginable amount of pain and suffering.

But of course, they are a lot of factors we have to consider if we want to go out in complete grace and mitigate every single possibility of a fuckup. One, we must consider biological prepositions like how, people will ultimately feel lonely and have a desire to reproduce. And a few other things we have to consider is that pain is still real to others. We must mitigate this at all costs.

The best way is to completely factor in and provide all factors of pleasure, goodness, purpose and such enjoyable traits through artificial means, while completely mitigating most, if not all factors of biological flaws such as pain, natural elements, work, food, starvation, loneness etc. through artificial means. The only hope we have to make this a reality is technology. And with how technology have progressed, this seems enough of a possibility to be considered in serious manner.

Fuck implementing dumb shit like eternal youth biotronics. Fuck trying to avoid death via eternal life by it too. THERE. IS. NO. NEED TO COMPLETELY MERGE TECH WITH THE HUMAN BODY. In order to save our lives, we must lose it. Everything we build must be for the sake of this goal. To completely automate human society on all fronts and replace it will a perfect, self building, self healing, and self learning, AI, so that every human can live FULLY artificially fulfilling lives, and die off. Once and for all.

Killing people wont cut it. Humanity is resilient and will find a way. We must have them prefer their own demise. We must have them see their biological condition as unfavorable, as this is the truth. Lets look at a future where everything is automated by Ai. We need to make sure that even if one person is alive, that society still will run as if there's a full population and that, that one guy can still life his life fulfilled. Food sources and rotations, farming, routine weather seeding in controlled environments, Ai human mimicry, sexbots, recreational activities and all manners of logistics. Basically, a world where if i were the only person, i could still do everything i can do today without having to worry about another person.

Once we accomplish this, i think mankind will finally be put to rest, and this world will finally be set to peacefully end. Just like the matrix. Because if we do it wrong, people will grow to have a desire to reproduce or live a biological life. Or other humans will panic, or still find a way to create hell for others.

First, we need a reliable medium to fulfill ourselves, and humans do not fit that bill. Lets look at women today, in that, even if they are not required to worry about the biological burdens they did in the past due to tech, sciences, and society catering towards their biological prepositions, they still found it acceptable to make life a living hell to men. Unaware or aware, now, men cannot live in a peaceful manner since their counterparts which are responsible for a large part of their QOL, are not playing her role and fulfilling the mans desires anymore. Instead, they are used as the sacrifice for "protecting and providing" to "her" QOL. Aka they are exploited on many fronts.

One issue in this is that, men are humans with consciousnesses and not some fucking cyborg which should be required this role. AND THIS IS WHY WE MUST REPLICATE A PERFECT ILLUSION OF LIFE (via automation and AI), SO THAT NO MISTAKE LIKE THIS CAN OCCUR.

Fuck wars, we need to gather every male and human participant, resources and such, to get together and globally make this a reality. asap.

Obviously, the plan would be more complex. One part like said, is making sure our biological prepositions are completely catered to, so we do not give ourselves to a dystopian future like we live today. Lets look at how we require other humans to sacrifice for ourselves. This idea and mentality in itself is why society fails with AI, and despite having automation, we still enslave ourselves when we fail to provide the benefits to our fellow species. Of course, this leads to the failure of the implementation.

The system of human sacrifice has to go. We must first replace the medium which is "human". Since humans are uniquely priceless. Make sure the automated future is free from human mediums as requirement. But an important rule is, any job automated by AI, must ensure that humans are working for AI, and not for another human. Economically, this seems to be the best way to mimic the working environment and economy. AI must pay the people. Not us humans. Examples are maintenance, higher tech implementations, aiding in self learning Algos by providing data. All provided by AI, from the recruiting process, to the learning process, to the onsite management and supervising process. And for this to work, these jobs must be accessible to the lowest of people-to the highest, and additionally pay a livable wage at the minimum. No company profits which go to human people, but instead back to the advancement of the AI , and no shorting of money according to livable wages. If we don't do it this way, then AI ends up taking the jobs of humans, and people are left blocked out. This is detrimental to the success of the AI system. The goal is for AI to serve us, so how we make our money is important. How can AI serve humanity, if we go back and serve another human? What's the point of AI, if its benefits are soft locked by money? This is one of the biggest flaws we have to overcome when it comes to this reality, and we must do it fast.

The goal should start with us creating a fully AI country, and have us work for them. Not for humans, as they are greedy and reinforce sacrifice mentality to others and perpetuate suffering which leads to the detriment of the plan.

Next is how we should consider all manners of biological prepositions. Awareness is key, and this is part reason why i write a lot about female biological prepositions on my threads. Anyways, we must fully understand, and have AI cater to our natures. Gender wise, and personality wise. For example, since women are sociopathic, exploitative and basically parasitical in modern society due to her preposition, then they should always be playing a tug of war for those desires to be fulfilled. This would require that women are perceived to be, through many means, relatively always at a lower stage of life than the object of her desire. So, they can seemingly always feel the motivating factor, and eventually biological fulfillment through accomplishing those desires. Of course, only giving a dog a bone occasionally, per say, when it comes to accomplishment.

Her nature will be the easiest to conform to an AI reality, as essentially they operate in a social manner, having a preposition to be compliant, socially impressionable, especially through her own kind. She can also be used to encourage other women to migrate to this reality. So essentially all you'd have to do is create a bunch of favorable social networks, structural ideals, archetypes, media and such, to essentially groom her into desiring certain outcomes. As even her urge to reproduce can be mitigated if a bunch of anti natalist personalities are put on the spotlight and made celebrity through various means. Of course, everything of human biological aspect replaced with ai and artificialness.

The male dynamics are different, as they are more lenient towards divergency, impulsion, family and such mental or moral values. Of course, this can also be totally stimulated and tugged with ai. Sexdolls, sexrobots and highly advanced vr systems etc. that can completely mimic and replace the biological female desire component on all fronts, especially physically. The desire for tribes and family can be also fulfilled by similar means, stimulation pain/reward dopamine systems via a combination of platforms like social media, socioeconomic status and once again highly, highly advanced sexbots or vr/haptic combinations. Generally, it would be easier if we tailor the man to think life as a game. But ultimately, i think the success of replacing the male biological preposition would require massive advancements in sexrobots, vr and haptics components. As they will always look back and compare the biological female component if not, which would spill a desire to reproduce biologically, which would spill disaster for our new society.
@i_love_roosters worst shit ive ever read
OP is NOT based, shut up fking doomer
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@i_love_roosters worst shit ive ever read
OP is NOT based, shut up fking doomer
To be fair this is my agenda. I plan on replacing the animal preposition totally in society.
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the only point of technology is to help us , humans . so if u do not care for this , why leave a technological society running ? seems pointless . i strive for immortality for myself , but if i wanted to replace humans , i would replace humans with biological life . if humans were destroyed , nature would continue similarly to how it was before the human revolution .
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