The Better Reset



Feb 6, 2021
Our wealthy parasites are causing the migrant explosion. They're withholding fuel for South America. They won't send them the fuel they need to function as a civilized land. We've made them a shithole. Explains why drug cartels, why the drug trafficking. They're desperate! WE CREATED THE IMMIGRATION PROBLEM! WE! China, too. Europe as well. And the following oil-whores are damned: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates. You all will burn in Hell. Every last one of you rich fucks that whores the Nephilim blood to powersites. You do not see Allah. You do not go to Heaven. You burn in Hell. And instead of 72 underaged virgin girls, you sick fucks, you get 144 adult American transgender faggots. Yup! You heard it correctly. The trannies you see today are demons in training. Those are your lovers in Hell tomorrow for ass-pounding and necking eternity.

It's time to end fuel for everyone and become the problem we created. But first things first. We need the military to take control of the USA - politicians are out of control. They're begging for someone to stop them — oblige their request. Transfer power over to the judges. Let them decide on a better America. I'm confident if we shared this rearrangement goal with China and Russia and ask them to stay out of it, and pull our guys (and sadly, girls) away from Russia, we can do this without war and interruption. But as a bonus, without the weak approach which is violence. We can be better than that!

During this "reset," all properties in foreclosure by banks, place homeless people into those homes. Change the locks and write up leases. The current law protects squatters. Make that Grrrrreat!

Collaborate with Europe, Russia, and China and seize the entire Middle East. Destroy their mansions, palaces, and luxury resorts and replace them with affordable housing complexes; slums for the people. Organize rocket trips with the aid of Elon Musk, piloted by AI male sexbots and pack them with the oil whores and send them to the Moon with a couple of bottles of water, a pack of nuts, Elton John's Rocketman song on continuous play, and a tank of oxygen each. Good luck, godspeed.

Let the judges decide on everyone involved in corruption and hopefully, prison won't be on the table. I understand people should be punished for their crimes, but with such a genuine reset, we should begin with a better way of doing things — a good omen start. The judges create a new American government but this time, through trial and error, we reinvent a Constitution where all races are treated equally by law and wealth balanced. We get rid of rich and poverty tiers and make one class only - BALANCED — a capped tier. You can't go over or under certain amounts. For example. $100,000 anally max; $20,000 minimal capped.

HOWEVER! Ugh. All murderers, rapists, violent parasites, and child molesters are hung and sent to be with their people in Hell. Harsh laws are enforced. Thereafter, mandatory death sentences for those offenses listed above. And anyone that protests against it is sent to the Moon with a couple of bottles of water, a Yogurt, a snack pack, a Taylor Swift autographed bon voyage vinyl poster, a rap CD, an MP3 player (batteries not included), and a tank of oxygen. Tell the Arabs we said hello.

Finally, we eliminate all fuel dependency. No more oil! If you work in another city, move to it. If there's no available housing, get a job closer to home. Send everyone a pamphlet titled, Foot Travel. When it's done and over with, we adapt to a society without the need for fuel. We stay the fuck out of Russia and China's foreign power grabs. If they want to invade other nations like the UK, oh fucking well. Sucks to be them. And if the day comes when Russia and China decide to invade us, we launch every fucking nuke we have and end the world. Booyah, reap what you sow.

Conclusion. We can do better if we lose the arrogance and revoke wealthy privilege. Having the military take control sounds like a risky investment, but we can avoid that if we just think better! All of this nonsense with AI and technology is retarded. And we don't need to travel the universe. We don't need to depopulate the planet. We don't need to explore Mars and other Fallen Angels. We stay here. And if the other two great powers insist on space exploration, oh fucking well. But spoiler, they'll never achieve their goal. There is no Star Trek federation where no man has gone before. There is no Star Wars empire and rebels. And there are no space-traveling aliens. However, there are other habited planets but the only way to get to them is explained after death. So NASA and Space X, if you must, there's your solution — godspeed. But I wouldn't go killing yourself so quickly. Suicide is a Hell of a payoff.
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Ugh, great. I did all that writing and brain-farting for nothing.

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REMEMBER! WE did this. All of those migrants in the story above, and the many before are because of what we're doing to South America. Our greedy nature and stubbornness created the border crisis. And now China's sending thousands of CCP members to that land and eventually, their military. They'll help them in exchange for nuclear missile installments and air defense systems. We'll cry and whine like Putin has been doing with Ukraine. We'll label the entire land terrorists. But ugh, the drug cartels are vicious. Blend them with Chinese soldiers, ouchie mouchie.

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