The black pill is killing me

how tall are you? after looksmaxxing you could probably relocationmaxx to asia and get a girl, while it is far from ideal it sounds like you are suffering alot and that is probably the best solution for you to find happiness
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Don't rope, even if you can't afford surgeries when you're young you will when you're older and you might be a mogger when men your age has neglected the agepill and descended. Just anti-age max and save money.

I know, the nature of the blackpill is brutal but if it's any consolation it's not like we're living in the stone age and natural selection only applies to the dating pool and not life and death scenarios like it would have been 4000 years ago. It's not as black and White as people here might suggest.

You've said that you're a kissless virigin, I was too until recently (i'm 22) and it's like a weight is lifted of your shoulders when you lose it. You won't feel like a total subhuman and you can tell normies that you've done it without them calling you out for lying so it's a confidence boost. Go see a prostitute asap. I don't know if it's the legality you're worried about but you can go to Amsterdam or Denmark. They're great places to blow of some steam other than fucking hookers. You might have the time of your life and get a new perspective of things.
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how tall are you? after looksmaxxing you could probably relocationmaxx to asia and get a girl, while it is far from ideal it sounds like you are suffering alot and that is probably the best solution for you to find happiness
I’m either 6’0 or 6’1 I didn’t measure very well
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I’m either 6’0 or 6’1 I didn’t measure very well
relocationmaxx asap, with leanmaxxing and fillers, even at 2 PSL you could get a loyal noodle
  • JFL
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relocationmaxx asap, with leanmaxxing and fillers, even at 2 PSL you could get a loyal noodle
I guess so. It’s tempting but it’d be a big thing, not for a few years
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I guess so. It’s tempting but it’d be a big thing, not for a few years
yes, if you want to go through with it i would begin to get a grasp on the language of the place youre going to in your preparation time, and try to NTmaxx for social anxiety so you are prepared when you go over there, gl bro
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Fuckkk im glad you didnt rope man
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I’m either 6’0 or 6’1 I didn’t measure very well
ok thats good height. I hope we will stay at contact and that you will do well
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I guess so. It’s tempting but it’d be a big thing, not for a few years
Pay for tinder and switch location to Thailand if you want some lifefuel, have 6'1 in your bio. You'll see that you can slay in one part of the World. People will say that it doesn't count but sex is sex.
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Dont listen to OwlGod, he shouldve kill himself. Anyway make sure to keep contact with me even if you leave this site

Im saying his future, not necessarily to rope (someone encouraging another person to rope would do nothing, If was so easy so 90% of .co userbase would be dead).
Im saying his future, not necessarily to rope (someone encouraging another person to rope would do nothing, If was so easy so 90% of .co userbase would be dead).
vut jm10 is suicidal, on the edge so i its not good to him to read this kind of posts.
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vut jm10 is suicidal, on the edge so i its not good to him to read this kind of posts.
It’s ok, it’s only what I’m thinking anyway

Like I said in my post I don’t have the courage to rope yet
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Reactions: Pietrosiek
swallowing the blackpill + not being GL = recipe for depression, never forget this

the only way to live after realizing the truth is by taking mind-altering drugs such as benzos, nootropics or opioids to achieve temporary happiness which will all go away after a while, making you feel even more empty
this leaves you with only one solution: get surgery to reach your desired look so you can be happy permanently
sadly due to the expensiveness of these procedures its highly possible that you wont ever reach the look you want (depending on how ugly one's base is the amount of surgeries vary) which means you will never be satisfied with yourself, and that unsatisfied soul will never ever go away because the blackpill is already implanted into your brain, and despite everything being alright, you still cant focus on anything other than your facial flaws
the coping comes back, and depression stays permanently
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Reactions: Pietrosiek, fukmylyf and Deleted member 1476
swallowing the blackpill + not being GL = recipe for depression, never forget this

the only way to live after realizing the truth is by taking mind-altering drugs such as benzos, nootropics or opioids to achieve temporary happiness which will all go away after a while, making you feel even more empty
this leaves you with only one solution: get surgery to reach your desired look so you can be happy permanently
sadly due to the expensiveness of these procedures its highly possible that you wont ever reach the look you want (depending on how ugly one's base is the amount of surgeries vary) which means you will never be satisfied with yourself, and that unsatisfied soul will never ever go away because the blackpill is already implanted into your brain, and despite everything being alright, you still cant focus on anything other than your facial flaws
the coping comes back, and depression stays permanently
Pretty much yeah
What’s that
JFL at op literally transition to a female fucking bitch keep crying
  • WTF
  • JFL
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  • WTF
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Reactions: Pietrosiek and Deleted member 2227
  • +1
Reactions: Catawampus and Pietrosiek
keep pining for me and my mental health you demented hound
Kill your self because your are genetic filth fucking I JFL at you niggas I swear
  • Ugh..
  • WTF
Reactions: Krezo and Pietrosiek
OP you are not a female wanting some attention r-right ? :forcedsmile:
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Reactions: Deleted member 1476
What’s that
Trenbolone, tren, basically a steroid.

I was implying that you are low T and you needed to inject but you didnt understand it, jokes aside get your T levels checked.

Good luck, dont rope.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: noped, RAITEIII, Pietrosiek and 2 others
I’m not back for long, I was just posting this thread to get stuff off my chest. It’s still over but thanks for the concern bro
Not over till u tried evrything

@jm10 if you wanna talk or vent abt anything my pm is always open bro u don’t have to end your life

suicide will put you ia shit place In The afterlife I promise that
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Reactions: rydofx, Pietrosiek and Deleted member 1476
:cry: Damn of course we care. Hope to know about u soon.
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Reactions: BigBoy
(inb4 “didn’t read” I’m venting, you don’t have to read it)

I’ve realised that natural selection has brought me to PSL to finish me off, to give me the cold hard truth I need to remove myself from the gene pool. I’ve been kept alive way beyond the natural lifespan of a genetic dead-end because of modern medicine and whatever else. I didn’t even know I was so mentally scarred until PSL revealed to me what I’d missed out on during my formative years and why.

My hope of ascension is gone now. My flaws can’t be corrected with surgery. Once I max out my looks naturally, I’ll have the problem of social isolation to contend with. The only way to meet girls will be online, which is a nonstarter for sub-6 men. Getting a social circle beyond university-age? I have no fucking idea. Again, no idea.

I’m 21 and still waiting for my first kiss which will likely be with an escort, which makes me feel completely worthless. I haven’t seen my grandparents for years now because I’m terrified of the questions. Have you got a girlfriend yet? Why haven’t you got a job? Why aren’t you at university? I love them and they had so much hope for me when I was young and I’ve let them down. I can’t look my dad in the eye because I’m so ashamed of myself.

On top of that, some cool people here seem to like me. I cried reading people concerned about me over the past few days. Why do you like me? Why do you care about me and accept me? How can you read this post and not think I’m a joke and want nothing to do with me?

I’ll can’t listen to music because the lyrics about sex and desire are suifuel. I can’t watch films because the hot actresses and sex scenes are suifuel. I can’t watch TV because people talking about sex and relationships like they’re normal things is suifuel. I can’t use social media because the hot girls talking about their sex lives are suifuel. I can’t go outside, especially in the summer because the hot girls in tiny shorts that I missed the chance to fuck are suifuel. I can’t watch porn because people having fun from sex is suifuel. I can’t quit porn because realising that I can’t have a sexual release in my life without porn or my imagination is suifuel.

I don’t have any copes left and I have nothing except deep pain all day long. I can’t escape a past of bullying, isolation, depression and family problems, and I certainly can’t escape the trauma of not experiencing sex during my formative years. I’m thinking about castration but that would only kill my libido, not my problems so I don’t know.

My only option to make the pain stop is to rope, but I’m too much of a coward to do it and I don’t want to upset my mum. I have no idea what to do. The pain is never going to stop and it’s only going to get worse because I’m not supposed to be alive. I need to die so badly

I’ll come back here when I muster the courage to rope so I can say bye. Meanwhile I’ll take the advice I’ve been given here so I can at least say I tried, and maybe I can make my family proud of me before I go.

I’m still not sure if it’s genuine but it’s really nice that people here like me so thank you for that

doooonnnnnntttttt ropppppppppeeeeee uuuuuu willl go to helllll forevvvvverrrrr nigggaaaaa
fuckin pm me. dont fucking kill yoself u willl get ripped apart by demons
Fucking be a coper like me. who the fuck cares about sex at the end of the day. I haven't kissed a girl either nigga. I'm 22 gtfih
  • +1
Reactions: BigBoy
You were one of the first people that dm'd me on this forum, I still remember our shitposting fest back in early 2019 (remember user of the week?). I hope everything goes well and I wish you all the best.
Do escorts kiss?
undisputed indeed tormented your soul beyond salvation
Kill your self because your are genetic filth fucking I JFL at you niggas I swear
Glad you're banned you fucking piece of shit cunt. Awful thing to say in a thread like this you fucking waste of oxygen.

Sorry for that cunt above me.

Please don't rope before at least trying to locationmaxx. I think you would do well in other countries. Just look at Mr_Norwood for inspiration, he can get foreign pussy just fine. Look into it, man.
Last edited:
  • +1
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undisputed claims another crushed soul

Let me message you bro :(
Yea once college is over and you're still a subhuman it's 85% chance of life never getting better. Wish you the best.
ur in same position as me

total failure :cry:
(inb4 “didn’t read” I’m venting, you don’t have to read it)

I’ve realised that natural selection has brought me to PSL to finish me off, to give me the cold hard truth I need to remove myself from the gene pool. I’ve been kept alive way beyond the natural lifespan of a genetic dead-end because of modern medicine and whatever else. I didn’t even know I was so mentally scarred until PSL revealed to me what I’d missed out on during my formative years and why.

My hope of ascension is gone now. My flaws can’t be corrected with surgery. Once I max out my looks naturally, I’ll have the problem of social isolation to contend with. The only way to meet girls will be online, which is a nonstarter for sub-6 men. Getting a social circle beyond university-age? I have no fucking idea. Again, no idea.

I’m 21 and still waiting for my first kiss which will likely be with an escort, which makes me feel completely worthless. I haven’t seen my grandparents for years now because I’m terrified of the questions. Have you got a girlfriend yet? Why haven’t you got a job? Why aren’t you at university? I love them and they had so much hope for me when I was young and I’ve let them down. I can’t look my dad in the eye because I’m so ashamed of myself.

On top of that, some cool people here seem to like me. I cried reading people concerned about me over the past few days. Why do you like me? Why do you care about me and accept me? How can you read this post and not think I’m a joke and want nothing to do with me?

I’ll can’t listen to music because the lyrics about sex and desire are suifuel. I can’t watch films because the hot actresses and sex scenes are suifuel. I can’t watch TV because people talking about sex and relationships like they’re normal things is suifuel. I can’t use social media because the hot girls talking about their sex lives are suifuel. I can’t go outside, especially in the summer because the hot girls in tiny shorts that I missed the chance to fuck are suifuel. I can’t watch porn because people having fun from sex is suifuel. I can’t quit porn because realising that I can’t have a sexual release in my life without porn or my imagination is suifuel.

I don’t have any copes left and I have nothing except deep pain all day long. I can’t escape a past of bullying, isolation, depression and family problems, and I certainly can’t escape the trauma of not experiencing sex during my formative years. I’m thinking about castration but that would only kill my libido, not my problems so I don’t know.

My only option to make the pain stop is to rope, but I’m too much of a coward to do it and I don’t want to upset my mum. I have no idea what to do. The pain is never going to stop and it’s only going to get worse because I’m not supposed to be alive. I need to die so badly

I’ll come back here when I muster the courage to rope so I can say bye. Meanwhile I’ll take the advice I’ve been given here so I can at least say I tried, and maybe I can make my family proud of me before I go.

I’m still not sure if it’s genuine but it’s really nice that people here like me so thank you for that
can’t listen to music because the lyrics about sex and desire are suifuel. I can’t watch films because the hot actresses and sex scenes are suifuel. I can’t watch TV because people talking about sex and relationships like they’re normal things is suifuel. I can’t use social media because the hot girls talking about their sex lives are suifuel. I can’t go outside, especially in the summer because the hot girls in tiny shorts that I missed the chance to fuck are suifuel. I can’t watch porn because people having fun from sex is suifuel. I can’t quit porn because realising that I can’t have a sexual release in my life without porn or my imagination is suifuel.

- so fucking relatable

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