The Damned Mental Corridors of the Black Sheep.

Nah, I got lucky and was homeschooled lol.

By the time I went to HS, I was subconsciousmaxxed so I had no issues.
How do i subconscious max if im 20 and had a rough youth
At this point most of us don't even looksmax for women, we just want to cope with childhood trauma and insecurities by creating a bubble of "perfection" Brutal childhoodpill.

Good thread, should be on BOTB fr
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At this point most of us don't even looksmax for women, we just want to cope with childhood trauma and insecurities by creating a bubble of "perfection" Brutal childhoodpill.

Good thread, should be on BOTB fr
still the best thread on this forum IMO, I have reread this so many times
@BrahminBoss What is dude babbling about for so long
TLDR: 95% of your "Ascension" is mental, and probably too destroyed to recover.

PSYCHOLOGY TIME. I'm going to be talking about 5 Things, and exactly how they effect your ascension.

1. How your subconscious was formed (Yes, it's already done).
2. High School never ends.
3. How this effected your sexuality(OMG??).
4. Why you can't just "Get over it" .
5. Signs you're too damaged.

Already I'm using a persona to add further depth, this thread is going to feel somewhat story like. Here's little Timmy.

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That's Timmy. A nice outgoing kid, as "Bluepilled" as they come. He has no clue about LMS or Blackpill at all.

Timmy was born in an alright home, with a loving mother and a father who wanted the best for him. So, they send Timmy off to 1st grade at 6 years old (Age the Subconscious awakens).

Part 1.

Timmy walked up to a kid a pretty boy god that MOGGED THEE SHIT out of him. Timmy didn't think this was an issue, he walks up to BUSTER.

This is Buster

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Buster is a mogger, but neither does he know about LMS or Blackpill, but you know what does?
The Human Brain.

Kids lack impuls control. Buster pushes down Timmy, then spits on him.

Timmy begins to cry and everyone start laughing this is Timmy's first time being mogged and Busters first time Mogging someone.

This initial reaction formed a secluded subconscious in Timmy, but an Outgoing-Bull Headed subconscious in Buster.

Timmy goes home, he cries to his mother. MOMMY BUSTER BEAT MY ASS AT SCHOOL TODAY.

Timmy's mom (Becky), makes a turn for the worst. Becky sits Timmy down and says.

"Son...I understand you feel bad and I'll always be here for you. TImmy, you can always comeback to your mommy. Don't fight those bullies back, you ARE the bigger person Timmy, you are, a man Timmy."

Timmy does not consult his father, he's at work.

Buster was in the principals office when his mom (Stacey) storms in furious. As she drives him home early on a suspension.

Stacey tells Buster.

"Son. I can't believe you would do that to poor little Timmy!!! He's the nicest kid at school...and he's so much smaller than you. Buster, for being a bully I'M TAKING AWAY YOUR FUCKING XBOX FOR 3 DAYS AND NEVER BUYING YOU ANOTHER FORTNITE SKIN."

Buster goes to his dad(Chad)

Chad says "Hey Buster, wanna get into Karate? Don't trust your mom on what makes a man. She seen me bully a kid Melvin for 4 straight years in HS."

Break time.

In what happend there you may ask?

Timmy was "Bluepilled" He will now subconsciously avoid confrontation, avoid standing up for himself, and wont go for revenge, lacking goal aspirations.

Buster's subconscious now has a new element...Rebellion. When that dumb bitch Stacey took Busters Xbox and said she'd never buy him a skin again, he subconsciously cut his mother out of his life.

Buster now subconsciously believes he's the best thing walking looks at other men as targets, and lastly has a
Strong Relationship with his Father.



Part 2. Highschool Never Ends....ever.

Alright Here's Timmy & Buster at age 14

Here's Timmy your normal kid, but with the subconscious that we spoke of.

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Buster's collagen hasn't aged a day, and he's ripped as FUCK right now.

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You notice something?
Timmy facially mogs the fuck out of Buster now, here's why the subconscious is so important.

Day 1: Buster runs up to Timmy. Buster gives Timmy a purple nurple

"How the fuck you doing Timmy??? Haven't seen you in so long AND YOU'RE STILL UGLY. No girl will EVER LIKE YOU...YOU UGLY FUCK.".

Most people seen this altercation, and Buster made sure to do it infront of women.

#1. They both now know the effects of LMS
#2. Buster is NOT more attractive than Timmy
Timmy goes home and tells Becky.
"Mom, it was Buster!!!! He embarrassed me the first day of school. I SWEAR I WILL BEAT HIS ASS."
(Timmy doesn't know it yet, but his subconscious will never let this happen. He will never fight for himself, he will NEVER see his self-worth, and will never do what he says he will.)

Buster goes home and tells Stacey.
"Hey, BITCH hahahaha I mean mom! Guess what ugly fuck I seen at school. IT WAS TIMMY, and HE'S EVEN UGLIER."

Chad smirks and laughs, Stacey rolls her eyes.

Timmy now looks in the mirror different. He never cared about his looks and now suddenly...they've become his life...his very exsistence is his looks.
Introducing the love interest. A 14 yr old blond hair blue eyed JB.

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Naturally, every boy in school wants in, but... no one apeals to her more than that weird quirky kid Timmy...

Kristina walks up to Timmy and says.

"Umm...hi, My name's Kristina but most people call me GF. What's your name"

Timmy essitially shits his pants to the fully extent and subconsciously pushes her away.

Timmy goes home and tells Becky.

Becky says...

"Wow son, just like your father Beta McBetabuxxon what a looker. Son make sure you put that women first, make sure she knows how much she means to you. Make sure you're vunerable to women, we love a nice guy".

Timmy zoned out the second his mom said "What a looker". His guy friends rated him 6.5PSL on .org and now wants to go further into looks (He's now Fully Blackpillled at the age of 16...horrible)

He goes to the mirror and looks he can't "see it". Timmy now has Body Dysmorphia & Trauma from his early years.

Timmy won't seek any form of help thought...his friends on .org told him BDD doesn't exsist JFL and to just measure his ratios. Timmy does just that.

After finding out 99.9% of his ratios are ideal, he's ESTATIC, but then...He realizes his Midface Ratio is off by .3

Timmy will now hyper-focus on a miniscule flaw, for the REST OF HIS LIFE.

By this point Kristina is done IOI'ing Timmy and jestermaxxing for him, she goes home...and suffers the same fate as Timmy.

She goes up to her Mom Terrastacy.

"Mom, why don't the cute boys like me??? They always run away or don't want to talk! And worst yet, my crush, the hottest boy Timmy hides from me IM SO FUCKING UGLY MOM...WHY DID YOU MARRY A UGLY MAN, I'D BE HOT LIKE YOU IF YOU DIDN'T."

Terrastacy legit couldn't give less of a fuck about what she said, IMG Models just called to tell her about a new job she booked.

Part 3: Sexuality

By this time Timmy is 20, his mandible is fully grown and mogger as fuck. Here's Timmy now.

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Buster and Kristina are no longer a part of the story....wanna know why?

They already started a life together, kids and everything the whole 9 yards.

Buster had no fear approaching and getting her pussy dripped with 100% NT Behavior.
Now, people don't understand how truly fucked they're at this stage. You're fully done developing, mentally.

Timmy works a 9 - 5. There's a guy there named Ho'mo Secual.
Here's Ho'mo

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Ho'mo knows how life as a gay male is a hard go lucky approach to dating.

Ho'mo walks up to Timmy.


Timmy gives it too him.

Break Time :
Remember how I said Timmy is a .org 6.5PSL user? Ya'll know how this forum works, If you're good looking you become an icon and get you E-Dick sucked dry with heart reacts...BY MEN.
Timmy sits down and thinks....
"Hmm, I only get approached by guys, only guys give me showered compliments...maybe I'm gay???".

Timmy deep down...isn't gay and will not proceed to have sex with men.

What will happen is Timmy wont have sex at all he's afraid to approach, he's afraid of being "That Kid" again. The kid who was made fun of. The Kid who hasn't done shit he said he would.

Timmy is also still worried about the .3 stopping him from having a 1:1 Midface Ratio, everyone in his life doesn't even know what the fuck a Midface Ratio is, but he does...and it's eaten him alive for 7 years.

Timmy now stays inside making "U cute" jokes with his guy friends on .org

Part 4: Why you can't just "Get over It".

Timmy is now 22 and he's sick of being a "Mentalcel" as his .org friends say. Timmy FINALLY goes to therapy.
(Sadly over a decade too late)

He's been in therapy for 5 months he feels SO MUCH BETTER. He's so motivated to do what he wants to go get "That girl".

This is "That Girl"

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Tabbitha (Why the FUCK did Gandy name his daughter this).

Tabby is 1PSL on her best day.

Why is Timmy even looking at her you ask?

Because that's what he sees as his "looksmatch"

Ever wonder why women like this

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(Couldn't bear seeing him with Lima, Marko gets a solo picture)

Well all of these women and Timmy alike, were made fun of in youth, or exiled.

Taylor Hill:
Megan Fox:
Adriana Lima:

Regardless of "For Fun" jokes or serious insults, being made fun of in youth for any reason, Destroys You.
Part 5: Signs You're too Damaged. (These go for the Ugly & Attractive)

1. You shot right to the bottom of the thread soon as you seen its length.
2. Multiple people here tell you you're attractive, but you think you have a flaw too big for it to be true.
3. You seek validation almost hourly...yall know who I'm about to mention right?
4. You spend all day asking what if this, what is that hapens "Mental Masturbation". Insane wonder my thread about being how you'll look when lean has the most views out of all my threads...
5. You have 0 self perception, thinking you "Mog" when you dont vice versa.
6. You think the above points are a normal part of being "Blackpilled".

7. You've turned Bi or have Homo tendancies, even though you truly desire women.
8. You make fun of people for their looks, only when you know you look better. (This is the Clockwork Cycle that creates the Mentalcel at birth).
9. Obession over the appearance.
10. Having "Below Your League" gf's and being told so, but you don't know why.

I wanted to make this thread after I seen 2 of Hall of Fame worthy MentalCel's

Badg "Over for my piggy genes. What's my body fat in this pic?" 96.
And someone I seen from TRM.

This Guy thinks his forehead is too big.

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Does all he can to hide it he says etc etc.

I'm 100% certain some dumbass child or women made fun of his forehead while he was growing up. It doesn't matter how much people tell him his forehead is fine. His subconscious is scared for life...and will never recover.
Posting this before I sleep, stay tuned for my thread on the Correlation of Racists and Being Ugly. (Hint: If you're racist, I be my soul you're ugly as shit too).
Night Kings.
What a thread, What a user, what insight

We lost a great one folks

@Korea if you're ever reading this one day, drop by man, PSL misses you
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Beta McBetabuxxon,🤯
Its so over for mentally hoprfully geting up to chadlite facially from htn helps and my hieght and fram help to

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