The earth is 6000 years old, like the bible claims



Jun 30, 2019

Bible says the earth is roughly 6000 years old. You may think: No way. But is there any civilization that is actually proven or credibly estimated to be older than that? The homo sapiens, or man, as a species is claimed to be 200 000 years old according to modern science. Yet there is not literally one civilization proven to be older than the roughly 6000 years bible claims is the age of the earth and our species.

But ahh, there were no civilizations because they hadn't learned to farm!
Did the mongols farm? Yet they left a massive footprint on the history of our species.

Stonehenge - less than 6000 years old
Pyramids of Egypt - less than 6000 years old
All the wonders of the world - less than 6000 years old

Yes, there is concrete proof of people living like cave men, using tools made of stone while others clearly had developed advanced metallurgy etc. but such conditions existed among some civilizations mere 1000 years ago. Can you conceive how hard it is to estimate how long ago a stone was chipped to the shape of an arrowhead or knife? Especially as science dates humanity as a species as 200 000 years old, so you have a massive timeline to work with.

How about all of the fossils and dinosaur remains? God talks to Job about a massive land and sea beast, called Behemoth and Leviathan. Also other creatures that clearly are no longer among us are mentioned, and instead of a massive asteroid, why couldn't a massive flooding have caused the same extinction event, such as is mentioned that happened to in the time of Noah? There is actually surprisingly much of archeological proof that such a massive, global flood took place, estimated less than 10 000 years ago.

There is also a weirdly formed shape in the Turkish mountains corresponding with the area bible claims Noah's ark stranded when the flood settled. Noah's ark was ordained by God to be 300 cubits long. Guess how long this shape in the Turkish mountains is? 300 cubits.
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  • JFL
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View attachment 2700846

Bible says the earth is roughly 6000 years old. You may think: No way. But is there any civilization that is actually proven or credibly estimated to be older than that? The homo sapiens, or man, as a species is claimed to be 200 000 years old according to modern science. Yet there is not literally one civilization proven to be older than the roughly 6000 years bible claims is the age of the earth and our species.

But ahh, there were no civilizations because they hadn't learned to farm!
Did the mongols farm? Yet they left a massive footprint on the history of our species.

Stonehenge - less than 6000 years old
Pyramids of Egypt - less than 6000 years old
All the wonders of the world - less than 6000 years old

Yes, there is concrete proof of people living like cave men, using tools made of stone while others clearly had developed advanced metallurgy etc. but such conditions existed among some civilizations mere 1000 years ago. Can you conceive how hard it is to estimate how long ago a stone was chipped to the shape of an arrowhead or knife? Especially as science dates humanity as a species as 200 000 years old, so you have a massive timeline to work with.

How about all of the fossils and dinosaur remains? God talks to Job about a massive land and sea beast, called Behemoth and Leviathan. Also other creatures that clearly are no longer among us are mentioned, and instead of a massive asteroid, why couldn't a massive flooding have caused the same extinction event, such as is mentioned that happened to in the time of Noah? There is actually surprisingly much of archeological proof that such a massive, global flood took place, estimated less than 10 000 years ago.
View attachment 2700901

There is also a weirdly formed shape in the Turkish mountains corresponding with the area bible claims Noah's ark stranded when the flood settled. Noah's ark was ordained by God to be 300 cubits long. Guess how long this shape in the Turkish mountains is? 300 cubits.
View attachment 2700921
Lol it's way more likely that people found the shape first, measured it and said "must've been a boat"

This is kindergarten levels of arguments for theism, 0/10 on Sam Harris rating
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Good goy
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no sweetie, the science has already spoken
Lol it's way more likely that people found the shape first, measured it and said "must've been a boat"

This is kindergarten levels of arguments for theism, 0/10 on Sam Harris rating
Sure buddy. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess, that Jesus Christ is LORD.
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the earth is also flat bro !
  • JFL
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Jesus referenced to the jews who were learned in the ways of judaism, yet refused him as a messiah as synagogue of satan. Men who claimed to know God, yet didn't recognize him standing right in front of them. Talmud also speaks such dirty things about Jesus I don't even want to mention them here, but it is considered a historical FACT even by atheist historians, that Jesus was considered by the people of that time as a worker of miracles. Even muslims recognize that Jesus performed miracles incapable to a mere man.

Just because these non-messianic talmudic jews reference themselves as Israel and jews, doesn't make it any less true that christians are as much the inheritors of the ancient judaism as they claim to be. They simply don't believe in the messiah, like their forefathers did, and christians do. A christian is no goy.
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View attachment 2700846

Bible says the earth is roughly 6000 years old. You may think: No way. But is there any civilization that is actually proven or credibly estimated to be older than that? The homo sapiens, or man, as a species is claimed to be 200 000 years old according to modern science. Yet there is not literally one civilization proven to be older than the roughly 6000 years bible claims is the age of the earth and our species.

But ahh, there were no civilizations because they hadn't learned to farm!
Did the mongols farm? Yet they left a massive footprint on the history of our species.

Stonehenge - less than 6000 years old
Pyramids of Egypt - less than 6000 years old
All the wonders of the world - less than 6000 years old

Yes, there is concrete proof of people living like cave men, using tools made of stone while others clearly had developed advanced metallurgy etc. but such conditions existed among some civilizations mere 1000 years ago. Can you conceive how hard it is to estimate how long ago a stone was chipped to the shape of an arrowhead or knife? Especially as science dates humanity as a species as 200 000 years old, so you have a massive timeline to work with.

How about all of the fossils and dinosaur remains? God talks to Job about a massive land and sea beast, called Behemoth and Leviathan. Also other creatures that clearly are no longer among us are mentioned, and instead of a massive asteroid, why couldn't a massive flooding have caused the same extinction event, such as is mentioned that happened to in the time of Noah? There is actually surprisingly much of archeological proof that such a massive, global flood took place, estimated less than 10 000 years ago.
View attachment 2700901

There is also a weirdly formed shape in the Turkish mountains corresponding with the area bible claims Noah's ark stranded when the flood settled. Noah's ark was ordained by God to be 300 cubits long. Guess how long this shape in the Turkish mountains is? 300 cubits.
View attachment 2700921
Absolutely. But when faggots like Charles Darwin of wealthy society push their atheism onto children through schools, the generations become dumber. And yes, Charles Darwin was a homosexual who had a slave lover named Rufus. When Rufus climbed a pear tree, showing off his native skill, that's when the idea of evolution evolved in Charlie's disturbed head. He compared his black lover to a monkey. A racist motherfucker!
  • +1
Reactions: LancasteR
the earth is also flat bro !
Oh you believe in the bible? Well you must also believe this ridiculous theory I saw on tiktok!
  • +1
Reactions: AlexBrown84
Cool story bro !!
the earth is also flat bro !
The fuck are you talking about, we're flat. We are two-dimensional beings. We see what we want to see. You, me, and everyone else are like paper dolls. The Earth actually doesn't exist.
Earth is clearly 6 gorillion years old!!!
The fuck are you talking about, we're flat. We are two-dimensional beings. We see what we want to see. You, me, and everyone else are like paper dolls. The Earth actually doesn't exist.
ahaha wtf are you smoking bro ?!
  • +1
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ahaha wtf are you smoking bro ?!
I'm talking nonsense because its all nonsense, the same goes for evolution and big bangs and imaginary sun squirts or whatever they call that wild imagination.
Jesus referenced to the jews who were learned in the ways of judaism, yet refused him as a messiah as synagogue of satan. Men who claimed to know God, yet didn't recognize him standing right in front of them.
I'm talking nonsense because its all nonsense, the same goes for evolution and big bangs and imaginary sun squirts or whatever they call that wild imagination.
I need some of that chit u smokin bro pass it here
Revelation 3 KJV 9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

kys we live on this planet to simply exist and nothing else. i only believe in a reincarnation trap and even thats schitzo
  • Hmm...
Reactions: AlexBrown84
what am i reading here

this would have even sound retarded to ancient greeks, dude
what am i reading here

this would have even sound retarded to ancient greeks, dude
You sure pal? The greatest minds of ancient greece were a guy who lived in a barrel and a guy who got killed for starting too many arguments.
  • JFL
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You sure pal? The greatest minds of ancient greece were a guy who lived in a barrel and a guy who got killed for starting too many arguments.

and you think this "argument" derived from unconfirmed and irrelevant tales favours your position here? you're literally saying the guy got killed for using his brain, ffs

this alone decimated the bible bullshit

but i guess you arent even familiar with the concept of parallax, so i'm fighting windmills here
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View attachment 2700846

Bible says the earth is roughly 6000 years old. You may think: No way. But is there any civilization that is actually proven or credibly estimated to be older than that? The homo sapiens, or man, as a species is claimed to be 200 000 years old according to modern science. Yet there is not literally one civilization proven to be older than the roughly 6000 years bible claims is the age of the earth and our species.

But ahh, there were no civilizations because they hadn't learned to farm!
Did the mongols farm? Yet they left a massive footprint on the history of our species.

Stonehenge - less than 6000 years old
Pyramids of Egypt - less than 6000 years old
All the wonders of the world - less than 6000 years old

Yes, there is concrete proof of people living like cave men, using tools made of stone while others clearly had developed advanced metallurgy etc. but such conditions existed among some civilizations mere 1000 years ago. Can you conceive how hard it is to estimate how long ago a stone was chipped to the shape of an arrowhead or knife? Especially as science dates humanity as a species as 200 000 years old, so you have a massive timeline to work with.

How about all of the fossils and dinosaur remains? God talks to Job about a massive land and sea beast, called Behemoth and Leviathan. Also other creatures that clearly are no longer among us are mentioned, and instead of a massive asteroid, why couldn't a massive flooding have caused the same extinction event, such as is mentioned that happened to in the time of Noah? There is actually surprisingly much of archeological proof that such a massive, global flood took place, estimated less than 10 000 years ago.
View attachment 2700901

There is also a weirdly formed shape in the Turkish mountains corresponding with the area bible claims Noah's ark stranded when the flood settled. Noah's ark was ordained by God to be 300 cubits long. Guess how long this shape in the Turkish mountains is? 300 cubits.
View attachment 2700921
The Bible doesn't claim the age of the Earth.

Some people who counted the begats made that claim
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and you think this "argument" derived from unconfirmed and irrelevant tales favours your position here?

this alone decimated the bible bullshit
Absolutely. Not gonna read those links tho, so summarize them if you want me to give a response. And you know that ancient greeks were some of the earliest adopters of christianity? Greece is a very christian country. Your country, Albania was first conquered by a faith which makes it truly hard to believe and then terrorized by an atheist dictator that made life so hellish, that when Albania finally broke free, your country was among the poorest IN THE WORLD. Literally Africa tier.
The real question is, how can you not believe that there is a goodness to balance out all the evil you must be aware of?
View attachment 2700846

Bible says the earth is roughly 6000 years old. You may think: No way. But is there any civilization that is actually proven or credibly estimated to be older than that? The homo sapiens, or man, as a species is claimed to be 200 000 years old according to modern science. Yet there is not literally one civilization proven to be older than the roughly 6000 years bible claims is the age of the earth and our species.

But ahh, there were no civilizations because they hadn't learned to farm!
Did the mongols farm? Yet they left a massive footprint on the history of our species.

Stonehenge - less than 6000 years old
Pyramids of Egypt - less than 6000 years old
All the wonders of the world - less than 6000 years old

Yes, there is concrete proof of people living like cave men, using tools made of stone while others clearly had developed advanced metallurgy etc. but such conditions existed among some civilizations mere 1000 years ago. Can you conceive how hard it is to estimate how long ago a stone was chipped to the shape of an arrowhead or knife? Especially as science dates humanity as a species as 200 000 years old, so you have a massive timeline to work with.

How about all of the fossils and dinosaur remains? God talks to Job about a massive land and sea beast, called Behemoth and Leviathan. Also other creatures that clearly are no longer among us are mentioned, and instead of a massive asteroid, why couldn't a massive flooding have caused the same extinction event, such as is mentioned that happened to in the time of Noah? There is actually surprisingly much of archeological proof that such a massive, global flood took place, estimated less than 10 000 years ago.
View attachment 2700901

There is also a weirdly formed shape in the Turkish mountains corresponding with the area bible claims Noah's ark stranded when the flood settled. Noah's ark was ordained by God to be 300 cubits long. Guess how long this shape in the Turkish mountains is? 300 cubits.
View attachment 2700921
The pyramids were built 12K years ago.
Absolutely. But when faggots like Charles Darwin of wealthy society push their atheism onto children through schools, the generations become dumber. And yes, Charles Darwin was a homosexual who had a slave lover named Rufus. When Rufus climbed a pear tree, showing off his native skill, that's when the idea of evolution evolved in Charlie's disturbed head. He compared his black lover to a monkey. A racist motherfucker!

Bunch o retards.
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: BigJimsWornOutTires and LancasteR
I need some of that chit u smokin bro pass it here
You need to smoke drugs because I'm making a point? Brutal.

Bunch o retards.
Did you know undercover agents from China's Communist Party love sucking cock in America? They call it, "Deep undercover operation."

But we call it, "Being Chinese."
  • JFL
Reactions: LancasteR
radiocarbon dating rapes your entire argument buddy boyo

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