The Exposure Of Daddy Discord Ugliest Albanian Albanians Ugliest People in Europe

ITs meant to be young men. I dont doubt albanians are taller for gen z but not fucking 190cm, its probably more like 178 down south
Yeah 178cm is acurate for down south its def not 190cm thats impossible highest it goes is in malesia 185cm+ avg they get memed for being tall
We got cucked hard by comunizum the dark ages only good hting was the army we had a famine from 1995to2003
Do you live in the north of albania because I imagine the south and the north to be much different, you likely have a warped perception because you only went to school in 1 part of the country.
Yeah 178cm is acurate for down south its def not 190cm thats impossible highest it goes is in malesia 185cm+ avg they get memed for being tall
so 178cm for zoomers down south (zoomers not boomers)
Do you live in the north of albania because I imagine the south and the north to be much different, you likely have a warped perception because you only went to school in 1 part of the country.
3-4% diffrent in genes i have beem around a lot

Albanians are the ugliest race in the world, they look like a mixture between Indians and gypsies, even niggers are more attractive then their women

Albanians ugliest people in Europe

Albanians Ugliest “Europeans” Ugliest Gypsies in the balkans

15 Countries with the Ugliest Women in the
World 1, Albania.

Ugly Albanian gyspy Mogged By Australian-Scando-Nordid Aryan

(Everyone choose Albanian has having the ugliest women)

Yeah 178cm is acurate for down south its def not 190cm thats impossible highest it goes is in malesia 185cm+ avg they get memed for being tall

Albanians are the ugliest race in the world, they look like a mixture between Indians and gypsies, even niggers are more attractive then their women

Albanians ugliest people in Europe

Albanians Ugliest “Europeans” Ugliest Gypsies in the balkans

15 Countries with the Ugliest Women in the
World 1, Albania.

Ugly Albanian gyspy Mogged By Australian-Scando-Nordid Aryan

(Everyone choose Albanian has having the ugliest women)



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come on bro. hes not ugly like you say. but true albanians are the niggers of europe
I don’t know who these people are, and I don’t really care tbh. You are a greycel writing pages, and im not reading any of that.
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I’m Swedish lol don’t insult me nigger
no way sweden is getting raped by subhuman arabs :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:
no more brother wars
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dnr all but I agree balkan/ albaniggers are ugly overrated shitmutts. I always think of those ugly fucks that Liam neeson torchered and beat up in the taken movie
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Oh man one post about Albanians being ugly and you changed to the Albanian meme blonde guy,
Crazy how schizophrenic you are you little loser
@Captain Albania

@Captain Albania

Captain Albania is‘t even Albanian.
Stop trolling and go annoy people somewhere else,
Nobody is reading your essays worth of shit here.
@EggKing opinions
Nobody's reading this bro
i fw all of europe
All southeastern Europeans are quite ugly but Albanians look the most inbred, and Greeks look the most brown. I’m saying this as a Greek myself jfl..
  • +1
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Every European has aryan dna, even levantime arabs have it in small amounts. The whole language group thing is not true, all modern slavic people have at least 40% slavic dna on average which is the lowest amount and it can go as high as 80% in some regions usually Belarus and parts of Poland
why argue with this gypsy from albania? hes mom is prolly a prostitute in turkey while his father is a drug dealer male stripper.
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The Exposure Of Cockroach/Islam6565, body dysmorphic, ugly socially awkward social anxiety suffering virgin.

Islam6565, is a generic low-class euromutt/amerimutt Dysgenic Incel Who Spends his free-time screaming down his microphone projecting that he’s ugly, onto attractive, prettyboy TattooMaxxed Anglo-Australian-Swedes.

The guy is a muttoid, freak, with a horrible phenotype, I sent him one photo of myself and he rage-quit vc spent 15 minutes messaging moderators to get me detained/timeout to avoid the embarrassment that he couldn’t prove he’s better looking, he’s not, as you can tell from his voice his ugly voice matches his ugly face.

The female repellent, sexually undesirable, social outcast, who’s had zero opportunities, and no girl has ever called him attractive, hence why he rages down his microphone like a sperg, about how ugly he is.

He then proceeded to call Russian women beautiful whilst calling Swedish women ugly LOL, this ugly dysgenic freak just called the best looking ethnic group in the world ugly, conformation he’s ugly.

Hiding your face behind discord, screaming about Susan Boyle when she’s Scottish not Anglo-Saxon LOL YOU UGLY RETARD, a 50 year old woman, talking about Swedish women getting raped, all the behaviour of a incel.

Islam6565/cockroach you will never be attractive, you will never be better looking than me, I am surmountably indefinitely congruently consummately more attractive than you, my girlfriend is out of your league she’s Anglo-danish.

Also this guy is either some Balkan/nigger mutt or he’s American either way, Balkan niggers are so ugly they didn’t even make the top 20 on beautiful

I will forever be more attractive than you, YOU ARE UGLY NOW YOU ARE BLASTED ALL OVER THE INTERNET.

Pass a message onto him, I completely mog him out the looksmaxxing criteria, he has a weak tiny jaw, he’s sucking in his cheeks because he’s autistic, he’s got a tiny nose, and thick balkanite nigger eyebrows.

Balkan niggers are so ugly people don’t even mention them when talking about physical attraction.

Thanks for sending his photo I can see why he hid his photo from me 7 hours.

Show this intellectually disabled Balkan 90 iq UGLY TURKISH RAPE BABY DEFORMED INCEL. that 95% of my dna is Scandinavian. I’m Australian I told the moron 20 times. Anglo-Saxons made Australia hence why I defend them.

I can tell you as an Aussie that Albanians/gayreeks shititalians are all short, balding, ugly swarthy shitskins, they get mogged by every upper class Anglo in Australia.

Like their shithead cousins in Kosovo and Montenegro, Albania has been invaded by everyone at one time or another. Various Greek tribes, then the Romans, then Bulgarian Slavs, then the Serbs came in and destroyed almost everything the others left in 1355. Inevitably the Ottomans showed up and for the next 500 years they tried to assraep all the Xtians. Did a great job too, by 1912 it was an all-Islam state.

While the Turks were trying to conquer the Byzantine Empire and the rest of that shithole called the Balkans, they passed thru the "Caucasus" mountains (which weren't the actual Caucasus but then who can accuse the Turks of intelligence?), and they noticed a gang of hillbillies who enjoyed incest and were sexually attracted to goats: today's Albanians. The sore-dicked Turks needed some women to rape and someone to carry their shit, so they decided that these hicks could be helpful. They enslavedthem and brought them to the Balkans where they became land thieves; and they are still doing it today.

Lmao, you have definitely got some untreated, unmedicated mental illness, I literally didn’t do anything to you, besides be better looking than you, have a higher average iq than you, and date better looking women than you.

I don’t know why you’re making random stories up about me you ugly Albanian schizophrenic Gypsie, Turkish, rape baby ugly monobrow, half Arab, yes I know you’re half Iranian half Albanian what a ugly mix, but I was born in Australia to a Swedish mother and a Norwegian English farther, never been to England would like to one day.

When I found out you were Albanian some retard who’s known a year who sent me your photo told me LOL, embarrassing you have been doing this a year, screaming down the microphone projecting you’re ugly like some insecure Balkan nigger subhuman that you are.

You have never seen me I told you I catfished as some random tiktoker who I presumptively presume was better looking than you so I tested the water, then your photo got leaked and I laughed hysterically, you have zero attractive facial features besides a defined jaw, but it’s weak.

You are even consciously aware that you’re ugly that you flat out denied that’s you, LMAO, how would I know you’re Albanian, because the guy who sent me your photo told me.

Albanians are renowned for being hideous, criminally retarded, inbreds, with monobrows worse phenotype in Europe a hooknose and with ugly women who look like prostitutes.

Also you have been pretending for months now to have a girlfriend, you just exposed yourself because you said you would never fuck, nobody has ever fucked you and will never fuck you, you’re so ugly you lied to a complete stranger on discord that you have a girlfriend, bro you’re screaming down a microphone because I called you ugly, you spend all day on discord, you’re mentally ill, you don’t have a girlfriend (if she did, she would be ugly) so there’s nothing to brag about.

My girlfriend is 22 years old, you’re the ugly pedophile whos Albanian the ugliest Balkan niggers in Europe all your men look like pedophiles LOL

Also that’s beneficial that you won’t fuck a Germanic woman, why in earth would the prettiest women in Europe lower themselves, to a weak jaw, tiny nose, tiny mouth, bulbous forehead, thick 84 iq inbred mooslum, Arab, retard with depression, of course they would never fuck you.

Lmao you literally fantasise about sleeping with women of different nationalities. This retard said his ugly goblin gyspy women are better looking than Swedish women LOL, you obviously don’t have a girlfriend, you ugly mentally ill fuck, imagine being so mentally ill and lonely you tried to convince random discord users that you aren’t actually a giga hideous incel albanian virgin with a fettish for Slavic women well they’re better looking than your ugly women so I can’t blame you.

Albanians are fucking dysgenic hideous, manlets, who are prematurely balding, with monobrows, with receding widows peaks, with the ugliest phenotype in Europe 80% of your subhuman abomination of a race have Dinaric phenotype (a phenotype characterised by having a hook nose) literally if I asked every balkaner who has the ugliest “people” in the region they would all say you.

You didn’t bully anyone you deformed dysgenic ugly gyspy retard. Your ugly face has been put all over the internet

Albanians Ugliest “Europeans” Ugliest Gypsies in the balkans

Ethnic Albanians are known to be ugly af here in Germany so it will be easy for me as a North-Atlantid blue eyed prettyboy.”

“Suregrymaxxed but fucking hot. Albanians have the worst pheno though, ugly as fuck.”

“I'm Albanian irl. It's a major failo.

Most people see Albanians as low class low IQ poor victims. It's a big failo.

After my ascension, I will change my ugly name. My low IQ parents gave my an extremely ugly Albanian (muslim) name. Imagine being an Atheist and having a muslim name.

Based on past studies adiusted for

more maps at

Cage at the IQ of 82. The IQ in Kosovo is higher, but it's still very low compared to the country”

“There are no group of people more stupid and deformed than Albanians. Servile and stupid.

Muslim and stupid.

Worst of all? Albanian men are INCREDIBLY SHORT LOL. Turbo manlets that are all balding. Manlets with no military, whore females, no economy, and no education as they're all dumb manual laborers.

Everyone in Europe hates Albanians Imao”

You haven’t bullied anyone you’re routinely bullied in Europe for being the ugliest, brownest, lowest iq people, who converted to pisslam because your ugly women subjugated themselves to Turkish chad who rape all few Remnants of fair-skin white women. Left you with all the ugly brown women who look like prostitutes in that incel balkan nigger country.

I’ve now seen what you look like I now know you’re ugly, look at you ugly recessed chin, Albanian Balkan nigger faggot you look so unconfident that one look at you in real life and you would have a spastic anxiety attack, imagine being afflicted by mental illness, inceldom, depression, female rejection, that you larp on discord as a chad, when you’re some malnourished, ugly faggot, who you can see the years of depression causing bags under his eyes because you stare at a computer monitor all day screaming down a microphone when you’re actually ugly and your nationality will never be seen as attractive globally or continentally (literally every female from every nationality always puts you last and ugliest) and no American woman will ever fuck you.

Also I’m better looking than you, my Swedish, English, Norwegian ancestors are all better looking than you, and Australians and Anglo Saxons are better looking than you.

Greeks are the only moggers in that shithole region full of ugly women and prostitutes no woman in Europe has ever sat there and contemplated her top 3 nationalities of men she’s attracted to and has every picked Albanian, literally only Albanians think they look good, whilst even Balkan niggers think you’re ugly, hence why only Greeks carry that region (I don’t see Greeks as balkaners) but if it weren’t for Greeks nobody would go for a destination there b you would have no international recognising because nobody will ever define the Analbanian gyspy as attractive 👋🏾
Balkan women are third hottest in the world, cope
The Exposure Of Cockroach/Islam6565, body dysmorphic, ugly socially awkward social anxiety suffering virgin.

Islam6565, is a generic low-class euromutt/amerimutt Dysgenic Incel Who Spends his free-time screaming down his microphone projecting that he’s ugly, onto attractive, prettyboy TattooMaxxed Anglo-Australian-Swedes.

The guy is a muttoid, freak, with a horrible phenotype, I sent him one photo of myself and he rage-quit vc spent 15 minutes messaging moderators to get me detained/timeout to avoid the embarrassment that he couldn’t prove he’s better looking, he’s not, as you can tell from his voice his ugly voice matches his ugly face.

The female repellent, sexually undesirable, social outcast, who’s had zero opportunities, and no girl has ever called him attractive, hence why he rages down his microphone like a sperg, about how ugly he is.

He then proceeded to call Russian women beautiful whilst calling Swedish women ugly LOL, this ugly dysgenic freak just called the best looking ethnic group in the world ugly, conformation he’s ugly.

Hiding your face behind discord, screaming about Susan Boyle when she’s Scottish not Anglo-Saxon LOL YOU UGLY RETARD, a 50 year old woman, talking about Swedish women getting raped, all the behaviour of a incel.

Islam6565/cockroach you will never be attractive, you will never be better looking than me, I am surmountably indefinitely congruently consummately more attractive than you, my girlfriend is out of your league she’s Anglo-danish.

Also this guy is either some Balkan/nigger mutt or he’s American either way, Balkan niggers are so ugly they didn’t even make the top 20 on beautiful

I will forever be more attractive than you, YOU ARE UGLY NOW YOU ARE BLASTED ALL OVER THE INTERNET.

Pass a message onto him, I completely mog him out the looksmaxxing criteria, he has a weak tiny jaw, he’s sucking in his cheeks because he’s autistic, he’s got a tiny nose, and thick balkanite nigger eyebrows.

Balkan niggers are so ugly people don’t even mention them when talking about physical attraction.

Thanks for sending his photo I can see why he hid his photo from me 7 hours.

Show this intellectually disabled Balkan 90 iq UGLY TURKISH RAPE BABY DEFORMED INCEL. that 95% of my dna is Scandinavian. I’m Australian I told the moron 20 times. Anglo-Saxons made Australia hence why I defend them.

I can tell you as an Aussie that Albanians/gayreeks shititalians are all short, balding, ugly swarthy shitskins, they get mogged by every upper class Anglo in Australia.

Like their shithead cousins in Kosovo and Montenegro, Albania has been invaded by everyone at one time or another. Various Greek tribes, then the Romans, then Bulgarian Slavs, then the Serbs came in and destroyed almost everything the others left in 1355. Inevitably the Ottomans showed up and for the next 500 years they tried to assraep all the Xtians. Did a great job too, by 1912 it was an all-Islam state.

While the Turks were trying to conquer the Byzantine Empire and the rest of that shithole called the Balkans, they passed thru the "Caucasus" mountains (which weren't the actual Caucasus but then who can accuse the Turks of intelligence?), and they noticed a gang of hillbillies who enjoyed incest and were sexually attracted to goats: today's Albanians. The sore-dicked Turks needed some women to rape and someone to carry their shit, so they decided that these hicks could be helpful. They enslavedthem and brought them to the Balkans where they became land thieves; and they are still doing it today.

Lmao, you have definitely got some untreated, unmedicated mental illness, I literally didn’t do anything to you, besides be better looking than you, have a higher average iq than you, and date better looking women than you.

I don’t know why you’re making random stories up about me you ugly Albanian schizophrenic Gypsie, Turkish, rape baby ugly monobrow, half Arab, yes I know you’re half Iranian half Albanian what a ugly mix, but I was born in Australia to a Swedish mother and a Norwegian English farther, never been to England would like to one day.

When I found out you were Albanian some retard who’s known a year who sent me your photo told me LOL, embarrassing you have been doing this a year, screaming down the microphone projecting you’re ugly like some insecure Balkan nigger subhuman that you are.

You have never seen me I told you I catfished as some random tiktoker who I presumptively presume was better looking than you so I tested the water, then your photo got leaked and I laughed hysterically, you have zero attractive facial features besides a defined jaw, but it’s weak.

You are even consciously aware that you’re ugly that you flat out denied that’s you, LMAO, how would I know you’re Albanian, because the guy who sent me your photo told me.

Albanians are renowned for being hideous, criminally retarded, inbreds, with monobrows worse phenotype in Europe a hooknose and with ugly women who look like prostitutes.

Also you have been pretending for months now to have a girlfriend, you just exposed yourself because you said you would never fuck, nobody has ever fucked you and will never fuck you, you’re so ugly you lied to a complete stranger on discord that you have a girlfriend, bro you’re screaming down a microphone because I called you ugly, you spend all day on discord, you’re mentally ill, you don’t have a girlfriend (if she did, she would be ugly) so there’s nothing to brag about.

My girlfriend is 22 years old, you’re the ugly pedophile whos Albanian the ugliest Balkan niggers in Europe all your men look like pedophiles LOL

Also that’s beneficial that you won’t fuck a Germanic woman, why in earth would the prettiest women in Europe lower themselves, to a weak jaw, tiny nose, tiny mouth, bulbous forehead, thick 84 iq inbred mooslum, Arab, retard with depression, of course they would never fuck you.

Lmao you literally fantasise about sleeping with women of different nationalities. This retard said his ugly goblin gyspy women are better looking than Swedish women LOL, you obviously don’t have a girlfriend, you ugly mentally ill fuck, imagine being so mentally ill and lonely you tried to convince random discord users that you aren’t actually a giga hideous incel albanian virgin with a fettish for Slavic women well they’re better looking than your ugly women so I can’t blame you.

Albanians are fucking dysgenic hideous, manlets, who are prematurely balding, with monobrows, with receding widows peaks, with the ugliest phenotype in Europe 80% of your subhuman abomination of a race have Dinaric phenotype (a phenotype characterised by having a hook nose) literally if I asked every balkaner who has the ugliest “people” in the region they would all say you.

You didn’t bully anyone you deformed dysgenic ugly gyspy retard. Your ugly face has been put all over the internet

Albanians Ugliest “Europeans” Ugliest Gypsies in the balkans

Ethnic Albanians are known to be ugly af here in Germany so it will be easy for me as a North-Atlantid blue eyed prettyboy.”

“Suregrymaxxed but fucking hot. Albanians have the worst pheno though, ugly as fuck.”

“I'm Albanian irl. It's a major failo.

Most people see Albanians as low class low IQ poor victims. It's a big failo.

After my ascension, I will change my ugly name. My low IQ parents gave my an extremely ugly Albanian (muslim) name. Imagine being an Atheist and having a muslim name.

Based on past studies adiusted for

more maps at

Cage at the IQ of 82. The IQ in Kosovo is higher, but it's still very low compared to the country”

“There are no group of people more stupid and deformed than Albanians. Servile and stupid.

Muslim and stupid.

Worst of all? Albanian men are INCREDIBLY SHORT LOL. Turbo manlets that are all balding. Manlets with no military, whore females, no economy, and no education as they're all dumb manual laborers.

Everyone in Europe hates Albanians Imao”

You haven’t bullied anyone you’re routinely bullied in Europe for being the ugliest, brownest, lowest iq people, who converted to pisslam because your ugly women subjugated themselves to Turkish chad who rape all few Remnants of fair-skin white women. Left you with all the ugly brown women who look like prostitutes in that incel balkan nigger country.

I’ve now seen what you look like I now know you’re ugly, look at you ugly recessed chin, Albanian Balkan nigger faggot you look so unconfident that one look at you in real life and you would have a spastic anxiety attack, imagine being afflicted by mental illness, inceldom, depression, female rejection, that you larp on discord as a chad, when you’re some malnourished, ugly faggot, who you can see the years of depression causing bags under his eyes because you stare at a computer monitor all day screaming down a microphone when you’re actually ugly and your nationality will never be seen as attractive globally or continentally (literally every female from every nationality always puts you last and ugliest) and no American woman will ever fuck you.

Also I’m better looking than you, my Swedish, English, Norwegian ancestors are all better looking than you, and Australians and Anglo Saxons are better looking than you.

These were the evisceration posts that I saw on lookism net during the OG glory days. Well down OP.
Balkan women are third hottest in the world, cope
Its the slav and balkan miracle, where the men look mid but the foids look pretty damn hot. Same shit for Brazilian foids. Mid men but top tier foids, brazillian miracle .
  • JFL
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